Absent or not voting - Representatives Morris-Tatum, Riley, Williams and R. Young - 4.
Motion carried.
Representative Williams asked unanimous consent to be recorded as voting "No" on the previous question. Granted.
Assembly Bill 146
Relating to: causing harm or death to an unborn child and providing penalties.
Representative Freese asked unanimous consent that Assembly Bill 146 be placed after Senate Bill 64 on today's calendar. Granted.
Assembly Bill 96
Relating to: the operation and local regulation of bicycles and the operation and use of other vehicles.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 96 be adopted?
Motion carried.
Assembly amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 96 offered by Representatives Dobyns and Harsdorf.
Representative Dobyns asked unanimous consent that Assembly amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 96 be withdrawn and returned to the author. Granted.
Assembly amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 96 offered by Representatives Dobyns, Harsdorf and Handrick.
Representative Robson moved rejection of Assembly amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 96.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 96 be rejected?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Albers, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Carpenter, Cullen, Dueholm, Foti, Gard, Grobschmidt, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Jensen, Kaufert, Kunicki, Lazich, Linton, Lorge, Meyer, Notestein, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Plache, Plombon, Porter, R. Potter, Reynolds, Robson, Rutkowski, Ryba, Schneider, Travis, Turner, Vrakas, Ward, Wasserman, Wilder, Williams, L. Young, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Prosser - 47.
A456 Noes - Representatives Ainsworth, Baldus, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Coggs, Coleman, Dobyns, Duff, Freese, Goetsch, Green, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Handrick, Hanson, Harsdorf, Hutchison, Johnsrud, Kelso, Klusman, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krusick, La Fave, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lehman, Murat, Musser, Nass, Olsen, Owens, Powers, Seratti, Silbaugh, Skindrud, Springer, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Walker, Wirch, Wood and Zukowski - 47.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Krug, Morris-Tatum, Riley, Schneiders and R. Young - 5.
Motion failed.
Representative Robson moved that Assembly amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 96 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 96 be laid on the table?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Baldus, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Carpenter, Coggs, Cullen, Dueholm, Foti, Gard, Grobschmidt, Gronemus, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hutchison, Kreuser, Krug, Kunicki, La Fave, Linton, Lorge, Meyer, Notestein, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Plache, Plombon, R. Potter, Reynolds, Robson, Rutkowski, Schneider, Springer, Travis, Turner, Vrakas, Ward, Wilder, Williams, Wirch, L. Young and Ziegelbauer - 48.
Noes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Coleman, Dobyns, Duff, Freese, Goetsch, Green, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Handrick, Hanson, Harsdorf, Jensen, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kelso, Klusman, Kreibich, Krusick, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lazich, Lehman, Murat, Musser, Nass, Olsen, Owens, Porter, Powers, Ryba, Schneiders, Seratti, Silbaugh, Skindrud, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Walker, Wasserman, Wood, Zukowski and Speaker Prosser - 48.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Morris-Tatum, Riley and R. Young - 3.
Motion failed.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 96 be adopted?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Coleman, Dobyns, Duff, Freese, Goetsch, Green, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Handrick, Hanson, Harsdorf, Jensen, Johnsrud, Kelso, Klusman, Kreibich, La Fave, Ladwig, Lazich, Murat, Musser, Nass, Owens, Porter, Powers, Ryba, Schneiders, Seratti, Silbaugh, Skindrud, Springer, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Walker and Wood - 41.
Noes - Representatives Albers, Baldus, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Carpenter, Coggs, Cullen, Dueholm, Foti, Gard, Grobschmidt, Gronemus, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hutchison, Kaufert, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, Kunicki, F. Lasee, Lehman, Linton, Lorge, Meyer, Notestein, Olsen, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Plache, Plombon, R. Potter, Reynolds, Robson, Rutkowski, Schneider, Travis, Turner, Vrakas, Ward, Wasserman, Wilder, Williams, Wirch, L. Young, Ziegelbauer, Zukowski and Speaker Prosser - 55.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Morris-Tatum, Riley and R. Young - 3.
Motion failed.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 96 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative Freese asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 96 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 96 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Baldus, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Carpenter, Coggs, Coleman, Cullen, Duff, Foti, Freese, Gard, Green, Grobschmidt, Hahn, Hanson, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Huebsch, Hutchison, Jensen, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kelso, Klusman, Kreuser, Krusick, Kunicki, La Fave, F. Lasee, Lazich, Lehman, Lorge, Meyer, Murat, Notestein, Olsen, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Plache, Plombon, Porter, R. Potter, Robson, Rutkowski, Ryba, Schneider, Schneiders, Seratti, Silbaugh, Springer, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Vrakas, Ward, Wasserman, Wilder, Williams, Wirch, L. Young, Ziegelbauer, Zukowski and Speaker Prosser - 75.
Noes - Representatives Dobyns, Dueholm, Goetsch, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Harsdorf, Hubler, Kreibich, Krug, Ladwig, Linton, Musser, Nass, Owens, Powers, Reynolds, Skindrud, Walker and Wood - 20.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Handrick, Morris-Tatum, Riley and R. Young - 4.
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 96 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 138
Relating to: mechanic's liens.
The question was: Shall Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 138 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 138 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 138 be given a third reading. Granted.
A457 The question was: Assembly Bill 138 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Baldus, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Carpenter, Coggs, Coleman, Cullen, Dobyns, Dueholm, Duff, Foti, Freese, Gard, Goetsch, Green, Grobschmidt, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Handrick, Hanson, Harsdorf, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hutchison, Jensen, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kelso, Klusman, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, Kunicki, La Fave, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lazich, Lehman, Linton, Lorge, Meyer, Murat, Musser, Nass, Notestein, Olsen, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Owens, Plache, Plombon, Porter, R. Potter, Powers, Reynolds, Robson, Rutkowski, Ryba, Schneiders, Seratti, Silbaugh, Skindrud, Springer, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wasserman, Wilder, Williams, Wirch, Wood, L. Young, Ziegelbauer, Zukowski and Speaker Prosser - 95.
Noes - Representative Schneider - 1.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Morris-Tatum, Riley and R. Young - 3.
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 138 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 186
Relating to: eligibility for special registration plates and identification cards for parking privileges for physically disabled persons.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 186 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 186 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 186 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Baldus, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Carpenter, Coggs, Coleman, Cullen, Dobyns, Dueholm, Duff, Foti, Freese, Gard, Goetsch, Green, Grobschmidt, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Handrick, Hanson, Harsdorf, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hutchison, Jensen, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kelso, Klusman, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, Kunicki, La Fave, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lazich, Lehman, Linton, Lorge, Meyer, Murat, Musser, Nass, Notestein, Olsen, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Owens, Plache, Plombon, Porter, R. Potter, Powers, Reynolds, Robson, Rutkowski, Ryba, Schneider, Schneiders, Seratti, Silbaugh, Skindrud, Springer, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wasserman, Wilder, Williams, Wirch, Wood, L. Young, Ziegelbauer, Zukowski and Speaker Prosser - 96.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Morris-Tatum, Riley and R. Young - 3.
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 186 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 234
Relating to: the possession and removal of deer killed on highways.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 234 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 234 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 234 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Ainsworth, Albers, Baldus, Baldwin, Baumgart, Bell, Black, Bock, Boyle, Brancel, Brandemuehl, Carpenter, Coggs, Coleman, Cullen, Dobyns, Dueholm, Duff, Foti, Freese, Gard, Goetsch, Green, Grobschmidt, Gronemus, Grothman, Gunderson, Hahn, Handrick, Hanson, Harsdorf, Hasenohrl, Hoven, Huber, Hubler, Huebsch, Hutchison, Jensen, Johnsrud, Kaufert, Kelso, Klusman, Kreibich, Kreuser, Krug, Krusick, Kunicki, La Fave, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Lazich, Lehman, Linton, Lorge, Meyer, Murat, Musser, Nass, Notestein, Olsen, Ott, Otte, Ourada, Owens, Plache, Plombon, Porter, R. Potter, Powers, Reynolds, Robson, Rutkowski, Ryba, Schneider, Schneiders, Seratti, Silbaugh, Skindrud, Springer, Travis, Turner, Underheim, Urban, Vander Loop, Vrakas, Walker, Ward, Wasserman, Wilder, Williams, Wirch, Wood, L. Young, Ziegelbauer, Zukowski and Speaker Prosser - 96.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Morris-Tatum, Riley and R. Young - 3.
Motion carried.
Representative Jensen asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 234 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 252