State of Wisconsin
Department of Development
October 25, 1995
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Section 560.07(9), Wisconsin Statutes, requires the Department of Development to provide a report stating the net jobs gain due to the funds provided forward Wisconsin, Inc., under s. 20.143(1)(bm).
I am respectfully submitting the attached 1995 Annual Report forward momentum. Be advised that copies have been sent directly to legislators by Forward Wisconsin. If you have any questions concerning the report distribution, please contact Bev Haberman in our Division of Policy and Information at 608/266-5381.
william J. Mccoshen
Secretary, DOD
Referred to committee on Small Business and Economic Development.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Development
October 25, 1995
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Pursuant to s. 560.55(2), Wisconsin Statutes, the Department of Development is required to submit an evaluation of the effectiveness of entrepreneurial programs and intermediary assistance programs administered in Wisconsin.
I am respectfully submitting the attached Evaluation of Wisconsin's Entrepreneurial Assistance Network 1995 Report to the Legislature in the manner provided in s. 13.172(3), Wisconsin Statutes. If you have any question concerning the report, please contact Hampton Rothwell at 608/267-0313. To request additional copies of the report, contact Hampton Rothwell or Pat Spies at 608/264-6141.
william J. Mccoshen
Secretary, DOD
Referred to committee on Small Business and Economic Development.
State of Wisconsin
Recycling Marketing Development Board
October 26, 1995
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
The Recycling Market Development Board submits this strategic plan to the Wisconsin Legislature in fulfillment of ss.159.41 of the Wisconsin Statutes. This plan is delivered to the Chief Clerk in each House of the Legislature per the requirements in ss. 13.172(3), Wisconsin Statutes.
Landfill and incineration bans on certain recoverable items in the municipal solid waste stream were enacted by 1989 Wisconsin Act 335, also known as the "recycling law". 1993 Wisconsin Act 75 created the Recycling Market Development Board (RMDB) to coordinate market development activities for these recovered materials. The legislated purpose of the RMDB is to promote the development of sustainable, high-value markets for recovered materials on behalf of, and in cooperation with waste generators, and to promote the orderly and efficient marketing of these materials.
The 1995-97 Biennial Budget directed the RMDB to prepare a strategic plan to "guide the development and implementation of the board's activities" (ss.159.41 Wisconsin Statutes). The Board has fulfilled the statutory requirement in preparing its strategic plan. This plan sets forth measurable goals, a priority list of materials for funding, project funding criteria, as well as action plans for the high ranking materials on the priority list. Additionally, the plan denotes the relationships between the RMDB, business, industry, and government.
The planning process was very thorough. Over one hundred representatives from recycling businesses, the recycling industry, and state and local government all participated in the strategic planning process, offering information through interviews, feedback sessions, and public comment. Market and material studies were also conducted to obtain the most reliable data available.
The Recycling Market Development Board respectfully submits its strategic plan for dispersal to the appropriate standing committees of the Wisconsin Senate.
gail miller wray
Executive Director
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Development
October 31, 1995
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Section 560.905(2), Wisconsin Statutes, requires the Department of Development to provide a report on the Department's activities involving science and technology issues relating to economic development.
Pursuant to the process outlined in s. 13.172(3), stats., I am respectfully submitting the attached annual report Technology-Based Economic Development Activities for the period July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1995. If you have any questions concerning the report please contact Louie Rech at 267-9382, or to obtain copies, please contact Bev Haberman in our Division of Policy and Information at 608/266-5381.
william J. Mccoshen
Secretary, DOD
Referred to committee on Small Business and Economic Development.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Claims Board
October 26, 1995
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Enclosed is the report of the State Claims Board covering the claims heard on October 19, 1995.
The amounts recommended for payment under $5,000 on claims included in this report have, under the provisions of s. 16.007, Stats., been paid directly by the Board.
The Board is preparing the bill(s) on the recommended award(s) over $5,000, if any, and will submit such to the Joint Finance Committee for legislative introduction.
This report is for the information of the Legislature. The Board would appreciate your acceptance and spreading of it upon the Journal to inform the members of the Legislature.
Edward D. Main
Secretary, Claims Board