To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Pursuant to s. 30.2035 Wis. Stats. I am transmitting a copy of the Department's two year study on shore protection and the agencies findings and recommendations from that study. If you would like additional copies please contact Ken Johnson of my staff at 266-8036.
George E. Meyer
Secretary, DNR
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
Employment Relations Commission
June 5, 1995
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Pursuant to Section 111.71(4), Wis. Stats., we respectfully submit the Annual Study of the Arbitration law under Sections 111.70(4)(cm), 111.77 and 111.70(4)(jm), Wis. Stats., for fiscal year 1993-94.
James E. Meier
A. Henry Hempe
Referred to committee on Labor.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Employment Relations
October 19, 1995
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Attached is a copy of the FY95 AFDC Hiring Report which is prepared and distributed to the Legislature pursuant to s. 230.04 (13)(e), Stats.
The report shows that the percentage of AFDC hires was 6% of the 2,495 new original appointments in FY95. One hundred forty-nine (149) AFDC hires were made in FY95. Agencies estimate a total of 216 AFDC hires in FY 96, which is 8.7% of a projected, 2,495 total hires.
A1178 The Department of Employment Relations is available to assist agencies in implementing this program.
Please contact Kathryn A. Moore at (608) 267-1005 if you have questions or need technical assistance.
Gregory C. Jones
Division of Affirmative Action
State of Wisconsin
Department of Corrections
April 30, 1996
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Section 303.019, Wisconsin Statutes, directs that "the Department of Corrections and administration shall report on a quarterly basis, except for the last quarter in a fiscal year, to the Joint committee on Finance providing a cash balance summary for each prison industry and a projected fiscal year-end profit and loss statement for the prison industry program...".
Attached are the "Projected Accrual Profit and Loss Statement" and "Year to Date Cash Balance Summary by Industry" for the period ending March 31, 1996.
Prison Industries had a cash deficit of $1.07 million through the third quarter ending March 31, 1996. Actual year-to-date expenditures were $10,955,600. These expenditures reflect approximately $685,000 in expenditures related to the previous fiscal year (FY 95) as directed by Joint Finance in an October 26, 1995 s.13.10 meeting.
Revenues for the same time period were $9,882,900. Prison Industries has adequate fixed assets, inventories and receivables to cover the overdraft.
The projected profit on the accrual basis for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1996 is $100,000.
Michael J. SulLivan
Secretary, DOC
James R. Klauser
Secretary, DOA
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
April 30, 1996
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
This report is transmitted as required by sec. 20.002(11)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under sec. 13.172(3) Stats.), and confirms that the Department o Administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative balances during the month of March, 1996.
On March 14, 1996 the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund balance was -$3 thousand. This shortfall continued through the end of the month. The shortfall was due to the timing of revenues.
On March 19, 1996 the Petroleum Inspection Fund balance was -$875 thousand. This shortfall continued until March 20, 1996 when the balance reached +$7.9 million. The shortfall was due to the timing of revenues.
On March 25, 1996 the Wisconsin Lottery Fund balance was -$8.3 million. This shortfall continued through the end of the month. The shortfall was due to the timing of revenues.
The Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund, Petroleum Inspection Fund, and Lottery Fund shortfalls were not in excess of the $400 million ceiling and did not exceed the balances of the Funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority.
james R. klauser
Secretary, DOA
State of Wisconsin
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Services Board
May 1, 1996
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
It is a pleasure to send you a copy of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Services Board's report of its activities under Wisconsin Statutes 46.935. This report covers both the projects that the Board funded under this legislation and recommendations for improving coordination and collaboration among the state's teen pregnancy prevention programs.
If you should have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to call.
Eileen D. Mershart
Dana Alder
A1179 State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
May 6, 1996
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
Under the requirements of s. 16.705(8) Wis. Stat., the Department of Administration must report to the Governor, the Joint Committee on Finance, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, and the Chief Clerk of each house for distribution to the appropriate standing committee under s.13.172.(3), Wis. Stat., a report concerning the number, value and nature of contractual service procurements authorized for each agency during the preceding fiscal year. Enclosed is the report for fiscal year 1994-95.
This report follows, with few modifications, the format of the previous years' reports. The modifications are 1). The total number of contractual services purchase orders are specified for each state agency; and 2). Contractual Services are listed in alphabetical order rather than in numerical order. Both changes make the report easier for the reader to use.
The staff of the Department of Administration's State Bureau of Procurement are available to provide any further explanation or assistance.
james r. klauser
Secretary, DOA
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
May 7, 1996
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
This report is transmitted as required by sec. 20.002(11)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committee under sec. 13.172(3) Stats.) and confirms that the Department of administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative balances during the month of April, 1996.
On April 1, 1996 the Wisconsin Lottery Fund balance was -$9.6 million. This shortfall continued until April 25, 1996 when the balance reached $1.3 million. On April 29, 1996 the Wisconsin Lottery Fund balance was -$1.8 million. This shortfall continued through the end of the month. These shortfalls were due to the timing of revenues.
On April 30, 1996 the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund balance was -$3 thousand. This shortfall continued until April 30, 1996 when the balance reached $15 thousand. The shortfall was due to the timing of revenues.
The Wisconsin Lottery Fund and Health Education Loan Repayment Fund shortfalls were not in excess of the $400 million ceiling and did not exceed the balances of the Funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority.
James R. Klauser