Section 5 of AB 739, provides $91,500 GPR and 2.0 GPR FTE for the Board on Aging and Long-Term Care (BOALTC) for new ombudsmen positions. I am partial vetoing Section 5 to eliminate the increase of 2.00 FTE GPR positions for BOALTC. I object to this increase in the staffing level for the Board because there are no new duties and responsibilities assigned to the Board in AB 739. I am retaining the $91,500 GPR contained in the bill to give the Board flexibility to contract for ombudsman services over the next three years, if caseloads increase to the extent that the Board's current staff cannot handle the work load.
Tommy G. Thompson
Governor's Veto Message
June 27, 1996
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
I am vetoing Assembly Bill 289 in its entirety. This bill requires that any question on a state referendum ballot be written in commonly understood language and in a clear and coherent manner, be accurate and disclose the major points of the proposal. The bill also establishes new procedures for the review of each state referendum ballot question, requiring the Attorney General to review each ballot question for a state referendum to determine if the question is written in commonly understood language, is clear, coherent and accurate, discloses the major points of the proposal and is worded to require a negative vote to disapprove or an affirmative vote to approve. If the referendum question is for a constitutional amendment, the Attorney General must determine whether the question complies with the constitutional provisions for amending the constitution. The Attorney General must then submit the determination and any rewording of a question which better meets these requirements to a new committee consisting of the members of the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization and the minority caucus chairpersons of each house. If this committee agrees that the rewording better meets these requirements, it may recommend to the Legislature a joint resolution submitting the reworded question to the voters.
I am vetoing Assembly Bill 289 because I believe that the bill does not significantly improve upon current law. Under current law, every proposal for legislation which is submitted to the voters must include a complete statement of the referendum question. The question may not be worded so as to require a negative vote to approve a proposition or an affirmative vote to disapprove a proposition. Further, the notice of a referendum must include an explanatory statement of the effect of either a "yes" or a "no" vote. While I agree that some referenda questions may be written in a confusing manner, creating a new and bureaucratic process for a non-binding review of state referenda questions does not achieve the intent of this legislation, which is to improve the clarity of state referenda questions for the voters.
Tommy G. Thompson
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Joint Res. Number Enrolled Number Pub. Date
Assembly Jt. Res. 53 27June 25, 1996
Assembly Jt. Res. 16 28June 25, 1996
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Revisor of Statutes Bureau
July 1, 1996
Charles R. Sanders
Assembly Chief Clerk

Donna Doyle
Senate Chief Clerk's Office
The following rules have been published:
Clearinghouse Rule 95-12 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-63 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-113 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-149 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-163 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-173 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-188 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-192 effective 7-1-96 (part)
Clearinghouse Rule 95-193 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-198 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-199 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-209 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-218 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-231 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 96-4 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 96-10 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 96-11 effective 7-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 96-12 effective 7-1-96
Gary L. Poulson
Deputy Revisor of Statutes
June 25, 1996
Speaker David Prosser
211 West Wing
State Capitol
Madison, Wisconsin 53702
Dear Speaker Prosser:
As Chair of the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee, I have formed a Subcommittee on UW-Centers and Higher Education. The members would include myself as chair, Rep. Sheryl Albers and Rep. Bill Murat.
This subcommittee will travel to various UW-Centers to explore the different educational options that these two-year institutions provide. On July 10, 1996, the subcommittee will hold a hearing at the UWC-Richland to discuss the tuition surcharge and expanding course offerings for high school students during the summer terms.
If you have any questions regarding this action, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best Wishes,
Rob G. Kreibich
State Representative
93rd Assembly District
TO: Jody Nussbaum
Assembly Chief Clerk's Office

FROM: State Representative Bonnie Ladwig

DATE: June 25, 1996

RE: Sub-committee
The following members of the Assembly Children and Families committee have been appointed to the Shared Custody sub-committee on June 1, 1996.
John Dobyns (Chair)
Bonnie Ladwig
Scott Gunderson
Bob Goetsch
Rebecca Young
Bill Murat
If you have any questions or need information, don't hesitate to contact me.