6. Finance (8)
7. Health, Human Services and Aging (7)
8. Human Resources, Labor, Tourism, Veterans and Military Affairs (5)
9. Insurance (7)
10. State Government Operations and Corrections (5)
11. Transportation, Agriculture and Local Affairs (5)
Senator michael ellis
Petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
department of administration
December 28, 1994
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required by 1993 Wisconsin ACT 351, I am submitting to you for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172. (3) of Wisconsin law the first semiannual Wisconsin Gasohol and Alternative Fuel Use Report. If you or any committee members have questions, please contact Nathaniel E. Robinson, Administrator, Division of Energy and Intergovernmental Relations at 608/266-7257.
James R. Klauser
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy.
State of Wisconsin
department of administration
December 15, 1994
The Honorable, The Legislature:
In accordance with sec. 16.531 (1), Stats., we are submitting a report for the next quarter on the use of the authorities conferred in sections 16.53 (10)(a), sec. 20.002(11)(a), Stats. and Subch. III of Chapter 18, Stats. related to cash flow management and the issuance of operating notes.
The cash positions projections of the General Fund are $209. 1 million higher than reported to you in the October 24, 1994 report. This is due to higher than expected General Fund receipts and lower than expected General Fund Disbursements.
The forecasts below are based on the Budget Adjustment Bill, 1993 ACT 437. They also include the receipt of $350 million from the issuance of the fiscal year 1995 Operating Notes.
General Fund Cash Forecast
January - March, 1995
($ in Millions)
S2 During the next fiscal quarter, the General Fund cash balance is projected to remain positive. Therefore, for the General Fund, it will not be necessary to exercise the authority granted under sec. 20.002(11)(a), Stats. pertaining to the temporary reallocation of certain eligible surplus moneys or the authority granted under sec. 16.53(10)(a) Stats., pertaining to the delay of payments.
James r. klauser
State of Wisconsin
Department of Development
December 30, 1994
To The Honorable, The Legislature:
Pursuant to s. 560.75 (3) Wisconsin Statutes, the Department of Development is required to report on its international business development fee-for-service program. The report covers the range of fees which could be charged under the current program and a general consideration of the types of services for which it would be appropriate to assess a fee.
I am respectfully submitting the attached "Fees for International Business Development Services Offered by The Wisconsin Department of Development" report to the Legislature in the manner provided in Section 13.172 (3), Wisconsin Statutes. If you have any questions concerning the report, please contact Juli Aulik at 608/266-6748. To request a copy of the report, contact Bev Haberman at 608/266-5381.
William J. McCoshen
State of Wisconsin
Department of Employment Relations
December 19, 1994
The Honorable, The Senate:
In accordance with s. 230.12 (3), Stats., I am submitting for your approval amendments and modifications to the 1993-95 Compensation Plan for Classified and Certain Unclassified Positions in state civil service. These amendments are required to provide parity to nonrepresented employes related to the Professional Patient Care (PPC) bargaining unit. I am also submitting several modifications relating to the parity amendments previously approved by the Committee for nonrepresented employes related to the Fiscal and Staff Services (FSS), Security and Public Safety (SPS), and Education bargaining units. The text of the proposed amendments and changes are provided as attachments to this letter.
The parity recommendations for nonrepresented PPC-related employes are similar in approach and content to parity amendments previously approved by the Committee and achieve the same objectives outlined in my April 13, 1994, letter to the Committee. The provisions include comparable levels of pay adjustments over the biennium and comparable changes to transaction pay provisions for these employes. Included are pay schedule adjustments in both years of the biennium, as well as implementation of a grid pay structure and movement through the pay range. Also included are lump sum payment provisions covering the period from June 26, 1994, to the effective date of the adjustments. (Attachments 1, 2, and 3)
I am also recommending approval of the following modifications to previously approved Compensation Plan provisions:
1. Addition of the Management Information Supervisor 3 and Management Information Supervisor 4 classifications to the Market Stratification Parity Adjustment for nonrepresented FSS-related supervisory employes. This adjustment is comparable to the Market Stratification Adjustment received by the Management Information Specialist 3 and Management Information Specialist 4 (MIS) classification. (Attachment 4) The initial decision to include these classifications from this adjustment was based on the opinion that these classifications supervised mainly technical classifications and where not actually performing the MIS duties. Further investigations showed that the majority of these positions actually do perform the MIS functions, therefore, they should be eligible for the Market Stratification Adjustment.
The modification also includes lump sum payment provisions covering the period from June 26, 1994, to the effective date of this amendment.
The effective date of these provisions will be January 8, 1995, and not the November 27, 1994, date specified in the attachment.
2. Addition of selection positions to the parity provisions for Security and Public Safety-related (SPS) supervisory employes at the Department of Transportation and the Department of Veterans Affairs. This adjustment is necessary to correct an administrative error. These positions were identified to DER in October, 1993, as being allocated to mixed usage classifications which were predominantly related to the FSS bargaining unit. Several new classifications had to be created, but this could not be accomplished prior to the May 1, 1994 SPS-related supervisory parity adjustment. This modification allows the employes' pay to be set at the rate the employe would have attained had the classification decision been made in a timely manner. (Attachment 5)
The modification also includes lump sum payment provisions coverings the period from August 22, 1993, to the effective date of this amendment.
The effective date of these provisions will be January 8, 1995, and not the November 27, 1994, date specified in the attachment.
3. Addition of a position at the Department of Veterans Affairs to the parity provisions for Professional Education-related supervisory employes. This adjustment is also necessary to correct an administrative error. The position was identified to DER as being inappropriately classed in a Fiscal & Staff Services-related supervisory classification. A new classification had to be created, but this could not be accomplished prior to the June 26, 1994, Education-related supervisory parity adjustments. This modification allows the employe's pay to be set at the rate the employe would have attained had the classification decision been made in a timely manner. (Attachment 6)
The modification also includes lump sum payment provisions covering the period from June 26, 1994, to the effective date of this amedment.
The estimated total cost of the proposed parity amendments for the remainder of the biennium is $660,422 all funds with fringe. The GPR portion of this is estimated at $265,437 with fringe. Detailed costing information is attached for your information. (Attachment 7)
S3 In summary, I am recommending the Committee approve the amendments and modifications to the 1993-95 Compensation Plan and the effective dates provided therein. I will be happy to answer any questions the Committee or its staff may have about these recommendations.
jon e. litscher
State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
December 28, 1994
The Honorable, The Senate:
1993 Wisconsin Act 15 included the following provisions:
Section 9158. Nonstatutory provisions; vocational, technical and adult education.
(1d) REPORT ON TECHNICAL PREPARATION PROGRAMS. By January 1, 1995, the state board of vocational, technical and adult education and the state superintendent of public instruction shall submit a joint report to the governor, and to the Legislature in the manner provided under sec. 13.172(2) of the statutes on the costs incurred by each vocational, technical, and adult education district and the costs incurred by the school districts within each vocational, technical and adult education district in the development and implementation of technical preparation programs, including information regarding one-time and ongoing costs, costs that are reimbursed by federal and state funds and costs funded locally.
Enclosed is a copy of this report for distribution. If you have any questions, please contact Vicki Poole, Department of Public Instruction, at 267-9166 or Edward Chin, Wisconsin Technical College System Board, at 266-7983.
John T. Benson dwight A. york
State Superintendent State Director
State of Wisconsin
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
December 23, 1994
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection was instructed by 1991 Wisconsin ACT 309, Section 9104 (1x), to conduct a study of the average costs of animal waste management facilities and systems. Attached is a copy of the study.
The Department completed this study in March of 1994 and used the results in promulgating rules for maximum grants under s. 92.14 (6) (h) 1.d., Wis. Stats. The Department attached a copy of this study to the rule package for ATCP 50.80 (2) (d), Wis Adm. Code. The proposed rule along with the study were sent to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the Assembly on June 3, 1994.
The 1991 Wisconsin ACT 309 states that the study should be sent to the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (2), Stats. by January 1, 1995. This submittal to the clerks of each house of the legislature is in compliance with this statute.
Please contact Keith Foye (224-4603) of my staff if you have any questions.
Alan T. Tracy
Senator Rude, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn until 10:00 A.M. Thursday, January 5.
3:56 P.M.
