wednesDay, January 11, 1995
Senate Journal
The chief clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
INTRODUCTION, first reading and reference of bills
Read first time and referred:
report of committees
State of Wisconsin
Senator Michael G. Ellis
January 11, 1995
To the Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20, I have made the following change in Senate committee assignments:
Joint Audit, Senator Weeden to replace Senator Cowles.
Senator michael ellis, chair
Committee on Senate Organization
petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Social Services
January 3, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
1993 Wisconsin Act 251, Section 19(2)(a)(1), requires the Department of Health and Social Services to submit to the chief clerk of each house of the Legislature a report that describes how emergency medical services can be organized on a regional basis. Attached is the Department's report.
Departmental staff are available if you have any questions or desire any additional information.
Richard W. Lorang
Acting Secretary
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Social Services
January 1, 1995
The Honorable, The Senate:
Attached, pursuant to 1993 Wisconsin Act 98, is the final report of the Task Force on Improving Services to Children and Families. This report was developed by the Task Force in consultation with a local advisory group. The report:
1) describes barriers to collaboration between schools and social services agencies;
2) provides an analysis of state law revisions and federal waivers of law revisions needed to enhance collaboration; and
3) provides an inventory of state and federal programs and funding sources that serve children and families.
Although this report, along with the recommendations submitted to Governor Thompson on October 1, 1994, fulfill the mandate to the Task Force, the Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Public Instruction will continue to work together to improve collaboration and to enhance the delivery of services to children and families in Wisconsin.
richard w. lorang
Acting Secretary
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Social Services
January 5, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 46.03(26) of the statutes requires the Department of Health and Social Services to report annually on information system projects under development. The attached report is a summary of the departmental systems currently under development.
Richard w. lorang
Acting Secretary
State of Wisconsin
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
January 4, 1995
The Honorable, The Senate:
In compliance with Section 38.12(11)(c), I am submitting this report and a copy of the brochure that we use in informing our students about sexual assault and sexual harassment. This brochure is given out at the orientation sessions and is available for students throughout the year.
robert j. hansen
Dean of Student Services
Referred to committee on Education, and Financial Institutions.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
January 6, 1995
The Honorable, The Senate:
S13 As required by s.119.23, Wis. Stats. enclosed for distribution to the appropriate standing committees is the fourth-year report on the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. Authored by John Witte, professor with The Robert M. LaFollette Institute of Public Affairs and the Department of Political Science of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the report is comprehensive and balanced in its independent review of the program.
Among the findings of the report are the following:
* The vast majority of evidence presented in the report is consistent with and confirms the evidence contained in the three previous reports.