raymond g. boland
State of Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources
February 1, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required in Section 9142 of Act 269 that Governor Thompson signed into law on April 29, 1992, the Department of Natural Resources is submitting two reports to the Legislature. Please find attached a copy of the Eurasian Water Milfoil and Zebra Mussel reports. These reports were prepared by the Department in consultation with the Governor's appointed Aquatic Nuisance Control Council.
Both reports address the following key issues as required in the Act:
- The current and potential economic and environmental impacts;
- The potential control strategies;
- The geographical areas, public facilities or activities which need technical or financial assistance to reduce the environmental, public health or safety risk caused by these species; and
- The adequacy of existing state resources and staffing to address the problems posed by Eurasian water milfoil and zebra mussels.
Both reports have been endorsed by the Natural Resources Board and the Aquatic Nuisance Control Council. If you need additional copies or have any questions regarding these reports, please contact Ron Martin at 266-9270 or Jeff Bode at 266-0502 from the Bureau of Water Resources Management.
George e. meyer
State of Wisconsin
Department of Corrections
January 30, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required under Section 301.03 (6r) of the Wisconsin Statutes, I am submitting information relative to the number of prisoners the Department of Corrections considers violent and the total number of prisoners.
On December 31, 1994 the Department had 10,429 adult inmates assigned to Type "1" prisons. Out of the 10,429 inmates, 7,863 or 75.4% had assaultive offenses.
michael j. sullivan
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
January 31, 1995
To the Honorable the Senate:
At the direction of s. 13.685(7), Wisconsin Statutes, I am furnishing you with the names of organizations recently registered with the Ethics Board that employ one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules, and notifying you of changes in the Ethics Board's records of licensed lobbyists and their employers. For each recently registered organization I have included the organization's description of the general area of legislative or administrative action that it attempts to influence and the name of each licensed lobbyist that the organization has authorized to act on its behalf.
Organizations recently registered:
Below are the names of organizations recently registered with the Ethics Board as employing one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules.
AFSCME Council 11
Subjects: Almost all the above items and any others relating to the status and conditions of public and non-profit sector employees. We are involved in virtually every segment of infrastructure services and act to protect employee interests within these services.
Boyer, Dennis
Business, National Federation of Independent
Subjects: All legislative or administrative action relating to small and/or independent business including taxation, industry, environment, trade and commerce, health, insurance, state government, labor, education, tort reform.
Smith, Billy G.
Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Assn, Inc
Subjects: Household pesticide regulation, fees and licensing requirements.
Bablitch, Stephen
Jentz, Robert
Klauser, David
Chiefs of Police Assn, Wisconsin
Subjects: Areas affecting law enforcement.
Vaughan, Michael
CMC Heartland Partners
Subjects: CMC Heartland Partners may attempt to influence state legislation or administrative rules in areas relating to the acquisition, sale, ownership or development of real estate.
Peterson, Craig
Rice, Joseph
Community Advocates
Subjects: Right from the Start Prevention strategies; Community Aids for Families and Children.
Wagner, Ramon
Dairy Products Assn, Inc, Wisconsin
Subjects: BST; Dairy plant rules; cheese grading; biennial budget.
Legreid, Brad
Dane County
Subjects: Our lobbying efforts are directed at ensuring adequate levels of state funding for mandated programs, reasonable programming and fair treatment for county taxpayers.
Eleson, Charity
Wisniewski, Daniel
Environmental Decade, Inc, Wisconsin
Subjects: We intend to work on state legislation and administrative rule-making in the areas checked above [section IIA].
Porter, Pamela
Reopelle, Keith
Fiore Companies, Inc, The
Subjects: ILHR 47
Bablitch, Steve
Subjects: Development of a convention center.
Broydrick, Bill
Katzman, Bill
Mueller, Carl
Remsik, Jeffrey
Healthcare Purchasing, Inc, Wisconsin
Subjects: Cost containment regs and laws affecting health care organizations including CER requirements and licensing criteria. Collection, storage and disposal of medical and hazardous waste including recycling requirements upon health care providers and all areas of financing health care.
Czerwinski, Joseph
Driessen, Anthony
Homes & Services for the Aging Inc, Wisconsin Assn of
Subjects: 1995/97 GovernorÕs Budget Bill; Proposed legislation regarding nursing facilities, CBRFS, Independent Living facilities and other health care related issues; administrative rules and regulations in DHSS, DOR, OCI, and Reg. & Licensing.
Ramsey, Thomas
Sauer, John
Schoeneck, Brian
Kwik Trip, Inc
Subjects: Lottery rules, environmental rules, employment laws, highways, general business concerns.
Brozek, Michael
Gerrard, William
Laborers' District Council, Wisconsin
Subjects: Any areas affecting workers as well as issues of mutual benefit and concern to union members and signatory contractors.
Oswald, Joseph
Ryan, Michael
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Inc
Subjects: Human service legislation is of particular interest and concern for LSS. This legislation deals with all age groups and populations. In addition, we have interest in legislation and administrative rules relative to not-for-profits and health related issues.
Buchen, Elizabeth
Duea, Robert
Kelly, Erin
Manufacturers & Commerce, Wisconsin
Subjects: WMC lobbies all issues pertaining to business with an emphasis on the following issue areas: taxation; labor relations; environment; business regulation; health care; civil justice.
Blankenburg, Pat
Buchen, James
Earl, Anthony
Fassbender, Robert
George, Nick
Handzel, Henry Jr.
Haney, James
Hansen, Joan
Kent, Paul
McElligott, Thomas
Metcalf, John
Morgan, James
Skibicki, Lou
Stevens, Patrick
Theo, Peter
Thimke, Mark
Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club
Subjects: Operation of a major league baseball club.
Cook, Sharon
Mitchell, Brian
Milwaukee Police Assn, Local #21 IUPA, AFL-CIO
Subjects: Any and all matters that may affect the Milwaukee Police Association and its members.
DeBraska, Bradley
Doyle, Patrick
Ward, William
Milwaukee Public Schools
Subjects: All areas of legislation that affect public education, students, residents or taxpayers of Milwaukee.
Beil, Mary Ann
Edwards, Myra
Haselow, Douglas
Natural Gas Co, Wisconsin
Subjects: Any and all legislation and administrative rules affecting operation or governance of public utility industry.
McNulty, Barry
Nutrition Project, Inc., Wisconsin
Subjects: Maternal and child health, Welfare/Economic Assistance, Nutrition Programs.
Bader, Jonathan
Huber, Carol
Oscar J. Boldt Construction Co
Subjects: Boldt would attempt to influence the decision-making process with regard to major state capital spending projects. Subject areas include commerce and business and state corrections facilities.
Brozek, Michael
Paralegal Assn of Wisconsin
Subjects: Any legislation or administrative rule that would affect the paralegal profession.
Swandby, Janet
Pfizer, Inc
Subjects: Matters affecting the pharmaceutical and health care industries.
Coryell, Kristine
Marion, Ed
Philip Morris U.S.A.
Subjects: Sales and marketing.
Czerwinski, Joseph
Gerrard, Bill
Pressl, Lance
Subjects: All matters pertaining to higher education and university faculty.
McClain, Mary Lou
Rehabilitation Agencies, Wisconsin Assn of
Subjects: Health care.
Broydrick, Bill
Richard, JoAnna
Sexual Assault, Wisconsin Coalition Against
Subjects: Expanding DNA testing, more comprehensive sexual harassment laws, including intentional emission of seminal fluid as a sex crime, refining the laws allowing the possession of pepper spray, expanding privileged communication to sexual assault counselors, expanding the rights of victims to have advocates present in criminal proceedings, increasing the penalties for 2nd degree sexual assault, and sexual assault trainings for judges.
Obinna, Jennifer
S64 Soo Line Railroad Co
Subjects: All areas of regulation and taxation, relating specifically to transportation by rail. Additionally, there is interest in economic development, international trade, public safety and general business issues.