State of Wisconsin
Senator Michael Ellis
February 9, 1995
To the Honorable the Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20, I have made the following appointment to a Senate Committee:
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules; Senator Brian Burke, to replace Senator Andrea;
With regards to members of the minority party, the appointments reflect recommendations of that caucus.
Michael Ellis, Chair
Committee on Senate Organization
State of Wisconsin
Senator Bob Jauch
February 9, 1995
To the Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to section 9145, 1993 Wisconsin Act 437, I have made the following appointment:
School Funding Commission, Senator Joseph Wineke.
Bob Jauch
State Senator
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Social Services
January 31, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
1993 Wisconsin Act 290, Section 10, directs the Department of Health and Social Services to carry out a study of nursing home design and construction and their relationship to the formula for determining approvable proposed bed costs under the Resource Allocation Program. Attached is the Department's study for distribution to the appropriate standing committees of the Legislature as provided under s. 13.172(3) of the statutes.
Richard Lorang
Acting Secretary
Referred to committee on Health, Human Services and Aging.
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to certification requirements for waterworks, wastewater treatment plant and septage servicing operators.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, February 10, 1995.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, February 14, 1995.
Relating to the education, experience and examination requirements for registration as a landscape architect and as a professional geologist.
Submitted by Department of Regulation and Licensing.
Report received from Agency, February 08, 1995.
Referred to committee on Business, Economic Development and Urban Affairs, February 14, 1995.
Relating to notification of victims of an opportunity to provide direct input into the parole decision.
Submitted by Parole Commission.
Report received from Agency, February 09, 1995.
Referred to committee on Judiciary, February 14, 1995.
The Chair, with unanimous consent, appointed Senators Ellis, Jauch and Leean to escort the Governor to the joint assemblage of the Senate and the Assembly to give his Budget Address.
Senator Ellis, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate recess for the purpose of proceeding to the Assembly Chambers to hear the Governor's Budget Message and upon the rising of the joint convention adjourn until Wednesday, February 15 at 10:00 A.M..
The senate stood recessed.
11:38 A.M.
The Senate proceeded in a body to the Assembly Chamber to meet in Joint Convention to receive the Budget Message.
In assembly chamber
in joint convention
The President of the Senate in the Chair.
The committee to await upon the Governor appeared with his excellency the Governor, who delivered his budget message as follows:
S74 Members of the Supreme court, Constitutional officers, Cabinet members, President Rude, Speaker Prosser ...
Ladies and gentlemen ...
Well, we did it.
This budget provides a $1 billion tax cut for the taxpayers of Wisconsin ...
The largest tax cut in state history ...
And we did it without raising the sales tax ... And without raising the income tax.
In fact, I am proposing that we cut the income tax rate for most working people in this state to 6.87% ... The lowest that rate has been since 1931.
Happy Valentine's day!
This document is my Valentine to the taxpayers of Wisconsin.
It is the culmination of eight years of hard work and innovation ...
It is the final step in a long-fought battle for property tax relief.
Everybody said we couldn't do it.
Everybody said we couldn't take $1 billion off the property tax without raising the sales tax ... And without raising the income tax.
And I am here today to tell you that we did it.
When I traveled around this state last fall, I told the people of Wisconsin that the state would assume two-thirds of school costs.
We did.
I told them we would do this without a general tax increase.
We did.
I told them we were going to completely reorganize state government ... Create a new government for a new century.
We did ... With 3,000 fewer state employees as a result.
I told them technology would be our partner in making this new government more accountable and more accessible.
And it is.
And I told them we were going to put forward major initiatives in education, welfare, juvenile justice and corrections.
And we did.
A lot of you supported me on all of these issues last fall.
The people spoke loud and clear on November 8 ... And this budget is the result of their mandate.
This budget is a defining document ... One that will define each and every one of us in this room.
This budget will define whether you are an agent of change ... Or an ally of the status quo.
It will define whether you are looking to the future ... Or looking over your shoulder.
This budget will separate those who -- when they are faced with a challenge -- see a problem ... And those who see an opportunity.
This budget does nothing less than position Wisconsin to lead the way into the next century.
It does this by turning a challenge into an opportunity.