Bablitch, Stephen E.
Jentz, Robert R.
Methanex, Inc.
Subjects: Any legislature action or rule making, affecting, reformulating gasoline.
Massaro, Tony
Paterson, John A.
Organization's authorization of additional lobbyists:
The following organizations previously registered with the Ethics Board as employers of lobbyists have authorized to act on their behalf these additional licensed lobbyists:
Dental Assn., Wisconsin
Graven, Mara A.
Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin
Gallucci, Anita
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Bablitch, Stephen E.
Superamerica Group, A Subsidiary of Ashland Oil, Inc.
Shepardson, Fran
Trial Lawyers, Wisconsin Academy of
Froehlke, Scott
Organization's termination of lobbyists:
Each of the following organizations previously registered with the Ethics Board as the employer of a lobbyist has withdrawn, on the date indicated, its authorization for the lobbyist identified to act on the organization's behalf.
Dental Assn., Wisconsin
Buchen, Elizabeth 3/10/95
S133 Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by the organizations that employ lobbyists.
R. Roth Judd
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Council on Physical Disabilities
March 20, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required by s. 46.29 (f), I am submitting to you the 1994 annual report of the Council on Physical Disabilities. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the state legislature and Wisconsin's citizens with physical disabilities.
Jackie Stenberg
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
March 16, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As directed in 1993 Wisconsin Act 437, we have completed an audit of contracts funded by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) through its 1991-92 Dividends for Wisconsin plan for technical assistance to areas of the state in need of economic development.
WHEDA entered into six contracts to provide technical assistance in 25 Wisconsin counties and reimbursed contractors for a total of $401,300 during 1992 and 1993. Contractors provided services such as training to local officials and businesses in economic development finance, assistance with business expansion efforts, a study of recycling markets, and promotion of tourism and international trade. Expenditures were primarily for salaries, fringe benefits, and expenses of contract staff.
Overall, we found that most expenditures and services provided were consistent with the broad goals established by WHEDA in its plan. However, to ensure more effective use of State funds in any similar contracts in the future, contracts should be structured to prohibit reimbursement for lobbying expenses, provide for the return of equipment by private consultants after the completion of the contract, and require coordination with other agencies engaged in similar economic development activities. Furthermore, agencies administering such grants should require sufficient documentation to ensure all contracted services are actually provided, that any required matching funds are provided, and that general administrative costs claimed are actually incurred for contract activity.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by WHEDA staff and each of the contractors. WHEDA's response is Appendix II.
Dale cattanach
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
January 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Pursuant to the requirements of section 153.35(1), Wis. Stats., we are pleased to submit to the Governor and to the Legislature the fifth annual Health Care Data Report. This report is based on hospital inpatient discharge data reported to the Office of Health Care Information by all general medical-surgical and specialty hospitals operating in Wisconsin from January through December 1993. It also contains selected outpatient surgery utilizations and charge data from general medical-surgical hospitals and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers in Wisconsin during the same period.
This report fulfills the statutory requirement to report "in a manner that permits comparisons among hospitals... the charges for up to 100 health care services or diagnostic-related groups selected by the office."
josephine musser
Commissioner of Insurance
trudy A. Karlson, Ph.d., director
Office of Health Care Information
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
Department of Natural Resources
March 17, 1995
The Honorable, The Senate:
Attached to this letter is the Clean Water Fund Biennial Finance Plan for the 1995-1997 biennium. The preparation, submission, and review of the Biennial Finance Plan by the Joint Committee on Finance, environmental legislative standing committees and the Building Commission is required under s. 144.2415 (3), Wis. Stats. The statute allows the Joint Committee on Finance and each standing committee to submit to the Building Commission its recommendations and comments regarding the Biennial Finance Plan.
This plan was prepared jointly by the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Administration Capital Finance Office. As financial managers of the program, DOA's Capital Finance Office is responsible for completing the following sections of the Plan:
Balance sheets and other financial information.
The extent to which the CWF will be maintained in perpetuity, retain its purchasing power and achieve wastewater treatment needs.
The impact of the program on guidelines stated in s. 144.2415 (3) (b), Wis. Stats.
If there are questions concerning these sections, you should contact Frank Hoadley, Director of DOA's Capital Finance Office, at 608-266-2305.
This second version of the plan reflects the Governor's proposed biennial budget. A third version of the plan will be submitted later this year reflecting the adopted biennial budget.
If you have any questions regarding the Biennial Finance Plan, please contact Paulette Harder at 266-0836 or Frank Hoadley at 266-2305.
Paulette J. Harder
Director, Office of Governmental Relations
Dept. of Natural Resources
Frank R. Hoadley
Capital Finance Director, Dept. of Administration
Referred to Joint committee on Finance.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations
March 10, 1995
The Honorable, The Senate:
In accordance with Public Law 97-300, Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), the Annual Reports of the 17 JPTA Service Delivery Areas have been submitted. They are hereby transmitted to you for your review.
If you have any questions concerning these reports or need additional information, please feel free to contact me or my staff.
June Suhling
Division Administrator
State of Wisconsin
Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations
March 15, 1995
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations has completed a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a toll-free line for PECFA inquiries. I am pleased to report that process reengineering efforts in our Safety and Buildings Division and the technological capabilities of a voice response unit combine to make such a service workable and cost efficient for Wisconsin taxpayers.
We propose to implement a voice response unit to support the toll-free line. This technology has been successful in our Unemployment Compensation and Equal Rights programs. Simply stated, the caller will be prompted with basic information and then asked to leave their question and a return telephone number. Inquiries could be made throughout the day, including evenings and weekends.
This process will allow Safety and Buildings to :