Jon e. litscher
State of Wisconsin
Investment Board
March 15, 1996
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to s.1.11(2)(j) of the Statutes, the State of Wisconsin Investment Board is pleased to report that during fiscal year 1995 it did not consider any proposals for major action in Wisconsin that could significantly affect the quality of the human environment. Accordingly, the agency was not required to prepare any environmental assessments or impact statements under s.1.11.
Please contact Ken Johnson, Executive Assistant, at 267-0221 if you have any questions concerning this report.
Patricia lipton
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
March 26, 1996
The Honorable, The Senate:
We have completed financial audits of the Mendota and Winnebago Mental Health Institutes for fiscal year 1994-95. We were able to provide unqualified opinions on the institutes' financial statements.
Copies of the audit reports have been distributed to members of the Joint Legislative Audit committee and those required by law to receive them. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the audit reports, please contact our office and request report numbers 96-3 and 96-4.
Dale Cattanach
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
March 26, 1996
To the Honorable the Senate:
At the direction of s. 13.685(7), Wisconsin Statutes, I am furnishing you with the names of organizations recently registered with the Ethics Board that employ one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules, and notifying you of changes in the Ethics Board's records of licensed lobbyists and their employers. For each recently registered organization I have included the organization's description of the general area of legislative or administrative action that it attempts to influence and the name of each licensed lobbyist that the organization has authorized to act on its behalf.
Organization recently registered:
Below is the name of an organization recently registered with the Ethics Board as employing one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules.
College of the Menominee Nation
Any matter affecting the college in any way by any state agency or the legislature.
Klauser, David
Organization's authorization of additional lobbyists:
The following organizations previously registered with the Ethics Board as employers of lobbyists have authorized to act on their behalf these additional licensed lobbyists:
Credit Union League, Wisconsin
Cumblad, Amy
Engineers, Wisconsin Society of Professional
Mitchell, Mary (Mel)
Termination of lobbying authorizations:
The following individuals are no longer authorized to lobby on behalf of the organizations listed below, as of the dates indicated.
Health and Hospital Assn, Wisconsin (formerly Wisconsin Hospital Assn)
Wimmer, James 3/21/96
Towns Assn, Wisconsin
Hephner, Gervase 3/21/96
Organization's cessation of lobbying activity:
The following organization previously registered with the Ethics Board as an employer of lobbyists has indicated a cessation of all lobbying activity effective on the dates shown.
Alden Group, Inc. 3/21/96
Keegan, J. Richard 8/18/95
Remsik, Jeffrey J. 8/18/95
Organization's modification or amendment of records:
The registered organization listed below has indicated the following modification to its records:
Wisconsin Hospital Assn (old name)
changed its name to:
Health and Hospital Assn, Wisconsin (new name)
S728 Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by the organizations that employ lobbyists.
R. Roth Judd
Executive Director
executive communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
March 22, 1996
The Honorable, The Senate:
This is to inform you that I am withdrawing the nomination of John F. Butz, for appointment to the Fox River Management Commission.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
March 16, 1996
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to transmit my 1996 Oil Overcharge Plan for consideration by the Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) at the next s.13.10 meeting. As required by the Wisconsin Statute 14.065, I am also forwarding a copy to the Chief Clerk of the Assembly.
This plan allocates $1.6 million of new Stripper monies plus interest, and modifies three previously approved Stripper oil overcharge programs. Oil overcharge monies must be used on energy programs that provide restitution to Wisconsin citizens.
In addition to JCF's action, the U.S. Department of Energy must also conduct a review to determine if Wisconsin's Plan conforms with federal requirements. I urge your support of this plan as it is sufficiently diverse to provide restitution to the broadest sector of Wisconsin citizens.
The Department of Administration staff will be available to provide additional information that may be required.
Tommy g. thompson
Referred to the joint committee on Environment and Energy.
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to payment after order.
Submitted by Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations.
Report received from Agency, March 26, 1996.
Referred to committee on Human Resources, Labor, Tourism, Veterans and Military Affairs, March 27, 1996 .
messageS from the assembly