Wednesday, July 31, 1996
Senate Journal
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
July 16, 1996
The Honorable, The Senate:
As required in Sections 227.485(9) and 814.245(10) of the Wis. Stats., I am submitting the report concerning decisions and resulting payments of Attorney fees and related legal costs. Attorney fees and other legal costs are to be paid whenever the opposing party to an agency's Chapter 227 hearing prevails and it is determined the agency's position was not substantially justified. Payments for SFY 1996 are shown on the attached schedule.
In addition, the Department is required to report any awards granted to the Department regarding frivolous motions brought against this Department. If the hearing examiner determined that the motion of the opposing party in any Chapter 227 contested case is frivolous, the examiner may award the state agency all reasonable costs in responding to the motion. In SFY 1996, no motions of opposing parties were found to be frivolous. Consequently, the Department has no awards to report.
joe Leean
Secretary, Department of
Health and Social Services
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
July 23, 1996
To the Honorable the Senate:
At the direction of s. 13.685(7), Wisconsin Statutes, I am furnishing you with the names of organizations recently registered with the Ethics Board that employ one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules, and notifying you of changes in the Ethics Board's records of licensed lobbyists and their employers. For each recently registered organization I have included the organization's description of the general area of legislative or administrative action that it attempts to influence and the name of each licensed lobbyist that the organization has authorized to act on its behalf.
Organization recently registered:
Below is the name of an organization recently registered with the Ethics Board as employing one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules.
Those areas dealing with Health & Healthcare, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Managed Care or other areas affecting the products and services provided by Schering-Plough or of interest to our industry.
Williams, Gregory
Organization's authorization of additional lobbyists:
The following organizations previously registered with the Ethics Board as employers of lobbyists have authorized to act on their behalf these additional licensed lobbyists:
Assisted Living Assn., Wisconsin
Broydrick, Cynthia
Intrater, Michelle
Utility Tax Assn., Wisconsin
Froehlke, Scott
Termination of lobbying authorizations:
The following individuals are no longer authorized to lobby on behalf of the organizations listed below, as of the dates indicated.
Amusement and Music Operators, Wisconsin
Coenen, Thomas 7/15/96
Swandby, Janet 7/15/96
Aurora Health Care, Inc.
Tarantino, Jeanne 7/16/96
Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by the organizations that employ lobbyists.
R. Roth Judd
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
July 30, 1996, 1996
To the Honorable the Senate:
At the direction of s. 13.685(7), Wisconsin Statutes, I am furnishing you with the names of organizations recently registered with the Ethics Board that employ one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules, and notifying you of changes in the Ethics Board's records of licensed lobbyists and their employers. For each recently registered organization I have included the organization's description of the general area of legislative or administrative action that it attempts to influence and the name of each licensed lobbyist that the organization has authorized to act on its behalf.
S868 Organizations recently registered:
Below are the names of organizations recently registered with the Ethics Board as employing one or more individuals to affect state legislation or administrative rules.
Forethought Group, Inc., The
Rulemaking related to the implementation of Senate Bill 535, which was recently signed into law.
Klauser, David
United Family Life Insurance Company
Rulemaking related to the implementation of Senate Bill 535, which was recently signed into law.
Klauser, David
Organization's authorization of additional lobbyists:
The following organization previously registered with the Ethics Board as an employer of lobbyists has authorized to act on its behalf an additional licensed lobbyist:
Road Builders Assn., Wisconsin
Walker, Thomas
Termination of lobbying authorizations:
The following individuals are no longer authorized to lobby on behalf of the organizations listed below, as of the dates indicated.
Road Builders Assn., Wisconsin
Lindberg, Harry 7/29/96
Steam Fitters Union Local 601
Burns, Kathleen 7/24/96
Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by the organizations that employ lobbyists.
R. Roth Judd
Executive Director
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to whole effluent toxicity testing methods.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 26, 1996.
Referred to committee on Environmental Resources and Urban Affairs, July 31, 1996 .
Relating to electronic submission of WPDES permit applications and monitoring data.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 30, 1996.
Referred to committee on Environmental Resources and Urban Affairs, July 31, 1996 .