1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
March 21, 1996 - Introduced by Representatives F. Lasee, Powers, Underheim,
Ourada, Ainsworth, Duff, Green, Klusman, Handrick, Coleman, Lazich,
Harsdorf, Brandemuehl, Lehman, Kaufert, Nass, Vrakas, Ward, Porter,
Urban, Goetsch, Otte, Owens, Hahn, Silbaugh, Johnsrud, Skindrud, Ott,
Huebsch, Freese, Dobyns, Ladwig, Gunderson, Zukowski, Musser, Walker,
Ryba, Vander Loop, Hasenohrl, Hanson
and Schneider, cosponsored by
Senators Panzer, Adelman, C. Potter and Jauch, by request of Attorney
General James Doyle. Referred to Committee on Criminal Justice and
AB1055,1,5 1An Act to renumber and amend 945.06; to amend 939.641 (intro.), 943.70 (4),
2945.03 (7) and 945.06 (title); and to create 161.55 (1) (h), 945.01 (4m), 945.06
3(2), 948.15, 973.075 (1) (d) and 973.111 of the statutes; relating to: the use of
4computers to commit certain crimes, allowing the forfeiture of computers used
5to commit a crime and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill relates to the use of computers in the commission of crime. Specifically,
the bill does the following:
Penalty enhancement for concealing identity using computer
Under current law, if a person commits a crime while his or her usual
appearance has been concealed, disguised or altered with the intent to make it less
likely that he or she will be identified with the crime, the penalties for the crime may
be increased. If the crime is a misdemeanor, the maximum fine may be increased by
not more than $10,000 and the maximum imprisonment may be increased so that the
revised maximum term is one year in jail. If the crime is a felony, the maximum fine
may be increased by not more than $10,000 and the maximum imprisonment may
be increased by not more than 5 years.
This bill provides that if a person commits a crime while his or her identity is
concealed or disguised by use of a computer or other electronic communication device
with the intent to make it less likely that he or she will be identified with the crime,
the penalties for the crime may be increased in the same manner as that provided
under current law for a person who commits a crime with his or her usual appearance
concealed, disguised or altered.

Computer use restrictions for persons convicted of committing a crime
Under current law, if a person commits a computer offense (generally the
unauthorized copying, modification, destruction or gaining of access to a computer,
computer program or computer system or to computer data or supplies), a judge may
place restrictions on the person's use of computers. A judge may impose computer
use restrictions in addition to the penalties of forfeitures (civil monetary penalties),
fines, imprisonment or probation provided by law. A computer use restriction may
not last longer than the maximum period of time for which the person could have
been imprisoned, except that if the offense provides only for a forfeiture (a civil
monetary penalty) the restrictions may not last longer than 90 days.
This bill provides that if a person is convicted of any crime and a court finds that
the person used a computer to commit the crime or to aid the commission of the crime,
the court may impose restrictions on the person's computer use in addition to
imposing any other penalties provided for the crime. As under current law, the
duration of any computer use restrictions placed on a person may not exceed the
maximum period for which the person could have been imprisoned, except that if the
only penalty provided for a crime is a fine, and not imprisonment, the restriction may
not exceed the period for which the person could be placed on probation.
Seizure of computer used in committing a crime
Current law authorizes the seizure of any property directly or indirectly
derived from the commission of a crime. Current law also authorizes the seizure of
certain property used in the commission of certain crimes, including the following:
1) vehicles used to transport stolen property; 2) controlled substances, materials or
equipment used in the commission of crime relating to controlled substances; and 3)
vehicles, equipment and devices used in the commission of a crime relating to a
submerged cultural resource (an archaeological site or historic property that is
located beneath the surface of a lake or stream). Current law provides a specific civil
procedure that applies to the seizure of property derived from or used in a crime.
This bill provides for the seizure of any computer that is used in the commission
of any crime. Seizure of computers used in the commission of a crime is governed by
the same civil procedure that applies to seizure of property used in or derived from
a crime under current law.
Using computers to engage in gambling or to transmit or receive child
pornography or material harmful to children
Current law prohibits commercial gambling, which includes using a wire
communication facility to: 1) transmit or receive information that assists in the
placing of a bet or an offer to bet on any sporting event or contest; or 2) transmit a
wire communication which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a
result of a bet or offer to bet. A person convicted of commercial gambling may be fined
not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 2 years or both. This bill
provides that commercial gambling also includes the use of an interactive computer
service to: 1) transmit or receive information that assists in the placing of a bet or
an offer to bet on any sporting event or contest; or 2) transmit an electronic
communication which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of
a bet or offer to bet.

Also, under current law, if a public utility, common or contract carrier or
railroad is notified in writing by a law enforcement agency that any facility furnished
by the public utility, common or contract carrier or railroad is being used or will be
used by a person for the purpose of transmitting or receiving gambling information
in violation of state law, the public utility, common or contract carrier or railroad
must, after reasonable notice to the person, discontinue or refuse to furnish the
facility to the person. A person may seek a determination from a court or agency as
to whether the facility should not be discontinued or should be restored or furnished.
The bill expands the coverage of current law relating to facilities used to
transmit or receive gambling information by providing that an interactive computer
service that provides access to a certain site or area must block access to that site or
area if it is notified by a law enforcement agency that the site or area is being used
or will be used to transmit or receive gambling information in violation of state law.
The interactive computer service must give reasonable notice to persons who
subscribe to its service that access to the site or area is to be blocked. As under
current law, a person may seek a determination from a court or agency as to whether
access to the site or area should not be blocked or should be restored.
In addition, the bill provides for the restriction of access to an interactive
computer service in certain situations involving child pornography or other unlawful
material that is harmful to children (certain material depicting nudity, sexually
explicit conduct, sadomasochistic abuse, physical torture or brutality). Under the
bill, if an interactive computer service is notified in writing by a law enforcement
agency that any site or area provided by the interactive computer service is being
used or will be used by a person for the purpose of transmitting or receiving child
pornography or other unlawful material that is harmful to children, the interactive
computer service must, after reasonable notice to persons who subscribe to the
service, block the access to the site or area through it service. In addition, if a law
enforcement officer notifies an interactive computer service that a particular person
is using the service to gain access to a site or area for the purpose of transmitting or
receiving child pornography or other unlawful material that is harmful to children,
the interactive computer service must discontinue its service to that person. A
person may seek a determination from a court as to whether access to a site or area
should not be blocked or should be restored or whether the person's access to the
interactive computer service should not be discontinued or should be restored.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB1055, s. 1 1Section 1. 161.55 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1055,3,32 161.55 (1) (h) Any computer, as defined in s. 943.70 (1) (a), that is used in the
3commission of any crime under this chapter.
AB1055, s. 2
1Section 2. 939.641 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1055,4,7 2939.641Penalty; concealing identity. (intro.) If a person commits a crime
3while his or her usual appearance has been concealed, disguised or altered, or while
4his or her identity is concealed or disguised by use of a computer or other electronic
5communication device
, with intent to make it less likely that he or she will be
6identified with the crime, the penalties for the underlying crime may be increased
7as follows:
AB1055, s. 3 8Section 3. 943.70 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1055,4,159 943.70 (4) Computer use restriction. In addition to the other penalties
10provided for violation of this section, a
A judge may place restrictions on the
11offender's use of computers. The duration of any such restrictions may not exceed
12the maximum period for which the offender could have been imprisoned;
by a person
13who violates this section as provided under s. 973.111,
except that if the offense
14violation is punishable by forfeiture, the duration of the restrictions may not exceed
1590 days.
AB1055, s. 4 16Section 4. 945.01 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1055,4,2217 945.01 (4m) Interactive computer service. An interactive computer service
18is an information service, system or access software provider that provides or enables
19computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including an information
20service, system or access software provider that provides access to the Internet and
21an information service, system or access software provider that is operated or offered
22by a library or educational institution.
AB1055, s. 5 23Section 5. 945.03 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1055,5,324 945.03 (7) For gain, uses a wire communication facility or interactive computer
for the transmission or receipt of information assisting in the placing of a bet

1or offer to bet on any sporting event or contest, or for the transmission of a wire
2communication or electronic communication which entitles the recipient to receive
3money or credit as a result of a bet or offer to bet.
AB1055, s. 6 4Section 6. 945.06 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1055,5,5 5945.06 (title) Public utilities and computer services to cease service.
AB1055, s. 7 6Section 7. 945.06 of the statutes is renumbered 945.06 (1) and amended to
AB1055,5,178 945.06 (1) When any public utility, common carrier, contract carrier, or
9railroad, subject to the jurisdiction of the public service commission, office of the
10commissioner of railroads or department of transportation of this state, is notified
11in writing by a federal, state or local law enforcement agency, acting within its
12jurisdiction, that any facility furnished by it the public utility, common carrier,
13contract carrier or railroad
is being used or will be used for the purpose of
14transmitting or receiving gambling information in violation of the laws of this state
15it, the public utility, common carrier, contract carrier or railroad shall discontinue or
16refuse the leasing, furnishing or maintaining of such facility, after reasonable notice
17to the subscriber, but no.
AB1055,5,21 18(3) No damages, penalty or forfeiture, civil or criminal, shall be found against
19any such public utility, common carrier, contract carrier or, railroad, or interactive
20computer service
for any act done in compliance with any a notice received from a law
21enforcement agency under this section sub. (1) or (2).
AB1055,6,2 22(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prejudice the right of any person
23affected thereby by an action taken under sub. (1) or (2) to secure an appropriate
24determination, as otherwise provided by law in any court or tribunal or agency, that

as to whether a facility or access to a site or area should not be discontinued,
or removed, or should be restored.
AB1055, s. 8 3Section 8. 945.06 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1055,6,104 945.06 (2) When any interactive computer service is notified in writing by a
5federal, state or local law enforcement agency acting within its jurisdiction that any
6site or area to which the interactive computer service provides access is being used
7or will be used for the purpose of transmitting or receiving gambling information in
8violation of the laws of this state, the interactive computer service shall, after giving
9reasonable notice to the subscribers to its service, use all technological means
10possible to block access to the site or area through its service.
AB1055, s. 9 11Section 9. 948.15 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1055,6,13 12948.15 Interactive computer services to cease service. (1) In this
AB1055,6,1614 (a) "Child pornography" means any undeveloped film, photographic negative,
15photograph, motion picture, videotape or other pictorial reproduction or audio
16recording of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
AB1055,6,1717 (b) "Computer" has the meaning given in s. 943.70 (1) (a).
AB1055,6,1818 (c) "Harmful material" has the meaning given in s. 948.11 (1) (a).
AB1055,6,1919 (d) "Interactive computer service" has the meaning given in s. 945.01 (4m).
AB1055,7,2 20(2) When any interactive computer service is notified in writing by a federal,
21state or local law enforcement agency acting within its jurisdiction that a site or area
22to which the interactive computer service provides access is being used or will be used
23for the purpose of transmitting or receiving harmful material in violation of s. 948.11
24or child pornography in violation of s. 948.05 (1) or 948.12, the interactive computer

1service shall, after reasonable notice to the persons who subscribe to its service, use
2all technological means possible to block access to the site or area through its service.
AB1055,7,9 3(3) When any interactive computer service is notified in writing by a federal,
4state or local law enforcement agency acting within its jurisdiction that a site or area
5to which the interactive computer service provides access is being used or will be used
6by a person for the purpose of transmitting or receiving harmful material in violation
7of s. 948.11 or child pornography in violation of s. 948.05 (1) or 948.12, the interactive
8computer service shall, after reasonable notice to the person, discontinue or refuse
9to provide its service to that person.
AB1055,7,12 10(4) No interactive computer service may be subject to any civil damages or to
11any civil or criminal penalty or forfeiture for any act done in compliance with a notice
12received from a law enforcement agency acting under sub. (2) or (3).
AB1055,7,17 13(5) This section does not restrict the right of a person affected by an action
14taken under this section to secure an appropriate determination, as otherwise
15provided by law, from a court as to whether access to a site or area should not be
16blocked or should be restored, or as to whether an interactive computer service
17should not discontinue service to a person or should restore service to a person.
AB1055, s. 10 18Section 10. 973.075 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1055,7,2019 973.075 (1) (d) Any computer, as defined in s. 943.70 (1) (a), that is used in the
20commission of a crime.
AB1055, s. 11 21Section 11. 973.111 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1055,7,23 22973.111 Restriction on computer use. (1) In this section, "computer" has
23the meaning given in s. 943.70 (1) (a).
AB1055,8,2 24(2) If a person is convicted of a crime and the court finds that the person used
25a computer to commit the crime or to aid the commission of the crime, the court may,

1in addition to the other penalties provided for the crime, place restrictions on the
2person's use of computers.
AB1055,8,5 3(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) and s. 943.70 (4), the duration of any
4computer use restrictions imposed on a person under sub. (2) may not exceed the
5maximum period for which the person could have been imprisoned for the crime.
AB1055,8,86 (b) If the crime for which a person is convicted is punishable only by a fine, the
7duration of the restrictions may not exceed the maximum period for which the person
8could be placed on probation under s. 973.09 (2).
AB1055, s. 12 9Section 12. Initial applicability.