AB150-engrossed, s. 5024 25Section 5024. 186.41 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1186.41 (5) Standards for disapproval. (intro.) The commissioner office of
2credit unions
may disapprove of any action under sub. (3) if the commissioner office
3finds any of the following:
AB150-engrossed, s. 5025 4Section 5025. 186.41 (5) (ct) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1717,85 186.41 (5) (ct) The applicant has failed to enter into an agreement prepared by
6the commissioner office of credit unions to comply with laws and rules of this state
7regulating consumer credit finance charges and other charges and related disclosure
8requirements, except to the extent preempted by federal law or regulation.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5026 9Section 5026. 186.41 (5) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1717,1110 186.41 (5) (e) The applicant fails to meet any other standards established by
11rule of the commissioner office of credit unions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5027 12Section 5027. 186.41 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1717,1513 186.41 (6) (a) Subsections (1) to (5) do not apply prior to January 1, 1987, except
14that the commissioner office of credit unions may promulgate rules under sub. (5) (e)
15to be applicable no earlier than the date that subs. (1) to (5) apply.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5028 16Section 5028. 186.41 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1718,217 186.41 (8) Divestiture. Any credit union that has acquired assets of or merged
18with an in-state credit union under sub. (2) or (3) and that ceases to be an in-state
19credit union or regional credit union shall immediately notify the commissioner
20office of credit unions of the change in its status and shall, as soon as practical and,
21in any case, within 2 years after the event causing it to no longer be one of these
22entities, divest itself of control of any interest in the assets or operations of any
23in-state credit union. A credit union that fails to immediately notify the
24commissioner office of credit unions is liable for a forfeiture of $500 for each day

1beginning with the day its status changes and ending with the day notification is
2received by the commissioner office of credit unions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5029b 3Section 5029b. 187.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1718,254 187.05 (1) Trustees; terms; purposes. Any diocesan council or convention,
5conference, synod or other body of authorized representatives of any church or
6religious denomination or association or congregation thereof may elect any number
7of trustees, not less than three, to be incorporated; and when a certificate shall have
8been made and signed by the presiding officer and countersigned by the secretary of
9the body by which they were elected, stating that such persons, naming them, were
10elected trustees, the name of the body by whom elected, the corporate name by which
11such trustees are to be known, the term for which they are to hold their offices, and
12the purposes for which it is desired to incorporate them, and filed in the office of the
13secretary of state
with the department of financial institutions, the persons named
14in such certificate as trustees and their successors in office shall be a body corporate
15for the purposes mentioned in such certificate and for such purposes, and no other,
16shall have the usual powers of a corporation; and the members of such corporation
17shall hold their positions for such term as the body electing them shall determine and
18until their successors are duly elected. Upon the receipt of such certificate, the
19secretary of state department of financial institutions shall issue a certificate of
20incorporation. But any diocesan council or convention, conference, synod or other
21body composed of or divided into district synods or other units may provide in its
22constitution for the election of one or more of its trustees by one or more of such
23district synods or other units or that one or more of its trustees shall be elected by
24said diocesan council or convention, conference, synod or other body from one or more
25of such district synods or other units.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5030b
1Section 5030b. 187.05 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1719,72 187.05 (3) (a) (intro.) Any denominational body mentioned in sub. (1) having
3a constitution (or other instrument of organization), in writing, at any stated
4meeting may vote to become a corporation and designate any of its members of adult
5age, not less than 10 in number, to make, acknowledge and file with the secretary of
department of financial institutions a certificate substantially in the following
AB150-engrossed, s. 5031b 8Section 5031b. 187.05 (3) (a) (form) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1719,119 187.05 (3) (a) (form) 4. The corporation may amend its constitution (or other
10written instrument of organization) as therein provided, and file with the secretary
11of state
department of financial institutions a certificate thereof duly acknowledged.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5032b 12Section 5032b. 187.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1720,413 187.16 (1) Incorporation. Any corps of the Salvation Army in the state of
14Wisconsin may become incorporated as a charitable, educational, missionary,
15philanthropic, beneficial and religious organization, by the commander in chief of
16the Salvation Army in the United States of America and the territorial commander
17of the central territory of the Salvation Army in the United States of America,
18together with three other officers or laypersons, members of the said local Salvation
19Army corps, executing, acknowledging and filing a certificate of incorporation in the
20office of the secretary of state
with the department of financial institutions, giving
21its corporate name, the location of the headquarters of said corps in Wisconsin, the
22names of the incorporators, its general objects and purposes. Said certificate shall
23be recorded in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial
and a verified copy thereof in the office of the register of deeds in the
25county wherein the main office of said corps of the Salvation Army is located. When

1such record is made the corporation shall come into existence and possess the powers
2and privileges granted to corporations by ch. 181 so far as the same are applicable
3or necessary to accomplish its purpose, and also such powers as are conferred by this
AB150-engrossed, s. 5033b 5Section 5033b. 187.16 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1720,126 187.16 (5) Amendment of articles. The articles of incorporation of such
7corporation may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the trustees of such
8corporation. When adopted, a copy of such amendment accompanied by certificates
9signed by the president and secretary of the corporation shall be filed with the
10secretary of state department of financial institutions and the original documents
11shall be recorded with the register of deeds of the county where such corporation
12shall have its principal office.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5034b 13Section 5034b. 187.19 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1720,2114 187.19 (7) Articles to be recorded in office of register of deeds. Whenever
15any of said congregations have complied with the foregoing provisions, the articles
16of incorporation thereof shall be made out accordingly, be signed by the president and
17secretary in the presence of two witnesses, who shall sign their names thereto, and
18acknowledged before some notary public or other person authorized by law thereto
19and filed in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial
, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds in the county or
21counties where such corporation may own real estate.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5035b 22Section 5035b. 187.19 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1721,923 187.19 (9) Amendment of articles. The articles of incorporation of any such
24congregations may be altered or amended by the unanimous vote of the directors of
25such corporation. When adopted, duplicate copies of such amendment, each with a

1certificate thereto affixed, signed by the president and secretary and the other
2directors, and sealed with the corporate seal, if there be any, stating the fact and date
3of the adoption of such amendment and that the same was adopted by unanimous
4vote of the directors of the corporation and that such copy is a true copy of the original,
5shall be made, and one of such duplicate copies shall be filed in the office of the
6secretary of state
with the department of financial institutions and the other shall
7be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county where such corporation
8is located and in the office of the register of deeds of any other county or counties
9where the corporation may own real estate.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5036b 10Section 5036b. 187.19 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1721,2211 187.19 (10) Dissolution of corporation. Any corporation organized under this
12section may dissolve by adopting a resolution to that effect by unanimous vote of the
13directors of such corporation. When adopted, duplicate copies of such resolution of
14dissolution, each with a certificate thereto affixed, signed by the president and
15secretary and the other directors, and sealed with the corporate seal, if there be any,
16stating the fact and date of adoption of such resolution and that the same was
17adopted by unanimous vote of the directors of the corporation and that such copy is
18a true copy of the original, shall be made, and one of such duplicate copies shall be
19filed in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial
and the other shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the
21county where such corporation is located and in the office of the register of deeds of
22any other county or counties where the corporation may own real estate.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5037b 23Section 5037b. 188.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1722,7 24188.06 Powers of trustees. The powers conferred by this chapter upon the
25trustees of a subordinate grange or council of granges of the Patrons of Husbandry

1shall not be exercised until the chief officers of such grange or council of granges shall
2make and sign a certificate setting forth the name, number and date of organization
3of such grange or council and the number and names of its trustees first elected, and
4record the same in the office of the register of deeds in the county in which such
5grange or council is located; nor, in case of the state grange, until the like officers
6thereof shall have made, signed and filed a like certificate in the office of the
7secretary of state
with the department of financial institutions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5038b 8Section 5038b. 188.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1722,189 188.08 (1) Any post, county or district council or department of the American
10Legion organized in this state pursuant to the acts of congress passed September 16,
111919, and the acts amendatory thereto, and any unit, county or district council, or
12department of the auxiliary of the American Legion organized in this state, shall
13have full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets
14and liabilities of the existing posts, units, county or district councils, or departments
15upon filing with the secretary of state department of financial institutions a
16statement of its intent so to do and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers,
17and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the
18secretary of state department of financial institutions for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5039b 19Section 5039b. 188.085 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1723,18 20188.085 Changing names and dissolving units of the American Legion.
21Any post, county, district council, department or other unit of the American Legion
22or of the auxiliary of the American Legion which has become a body corporate under
23the provisions of s. 188.08 may change its name or dissolve by the adoption of a
24written resolution to that effect, by a vote of a majority of its members present at a
25meeting called for that purpose and by filing the same as herein provided. Such

1resolution, with a certificate thereto affixed, signed by the commander and adjutant,
2or like or similar officers, stating the facts, including the date of the adoption of such
3resolution, the number of members present at such meeting, and the number of
4members who voted for the adoption of the resolution, shall be forwarded to and filed
5with the secretary of state department of financial institutions, and thereupon the
6name of such corporation shall be changed or the corporation shall cease to exist, as
7the case may be. In lieu of the foregoing method of dissolution, any corporation
8formed under s. 188.08 may be dissolved by the filing of a certificate in the office of
9the secretary of state
with the department of financial institutions reciting that such
10corporation has ceased to be a unit of the American Legion or its auxiliary. Such
11certificate shall be signed by the national commander and national adjutant of the
12American Legion or by the state commander and state adjutant of the American
13Legion, department of Wisconsin. In the case of units of the auxiliary the certificates
14shall be signed by the national president and national secretary or the department
15president and department secretary. Corporations dissolved under this section shall
16continue to have corporate existence for the time and purposes specified in s. 181.65.
17No fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions
18for such filing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5040b 19Section 5040b. 188.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1724,820 188.09 (1) Any chapter, county or district council, or department of the
21Disabled American Veterans, organized in this state pursuant to an act of congress
22of the United States, known as Public No. 186, seventy-second congress (H.R. 4738),
23and the acts amendatory thereto, any unit or department of the auxiliary of the
24Disabled American Veterans in this state and any dugout or state department of the
25National Order of Trench Rats, their auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any

1department thereof, organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to
2transact business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the
3existing chapters, county or district councils, department of Wisconsin, their
4auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any department thereof, upon filing with
5the secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of its intent
6so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing
7become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state
8department of financial institutions for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5041b 9Section 5041b. 188.095 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1725,2 10188.095 Changing names and dissolving units of the Disabled
11American Veterans.
Any chapter, county or district council, or department of the
12Disabled American Veterans, or other unit of the Disabled American Veterans, or of
13the auxiliaries of the Disabled American Veterans, which has become a body
14corporate under s. 188.09, may, whenever its articles do not provide the manner in
15which its name shall be changed or of its dissolution, change its name or dissolve by
16the adoption of a written resolution to that effect, by a vote of the majority of its
17members present at a meeting called for that purpose, and by filing the same as
18herein provided. A certificate thereto affixed, signed by the commander and
19adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the facts, including the date of adoption
20of such resolution, the number of members present at such meeting, and the number
21of members who voted for the adoption of the resolution, shall be forwarded to and
22filed with the secretary of state department of financial institutions, and thereupon,
23the name of such corporation shall be changed or the corporation shall cease to exist
24as the case may be, except that in case of dissolution, it shall continue to exist for the

1purpose of winding up its affairs. No fee shall be charged by the secretary of state
2department of financial institutions for such filing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5042b 3Section 5042b. 188.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1725,11 4188.10 Corporate powers of the Wisconsin Veterans Council. The
5Wisconsin Veterans Council shall have full corporate power to transact business in
6this state upon filing with the secretary of state department of financial institutions
7a full and complete list of its duly elected officers. The Wisconsin Veterans Council
8shall during each succeeding year of its existence file with the secretary of state
9department of financial institutions on or before the first day of January of each
10succeeding year thereafter a like list of its duly elected officers. No filing fees shall
11be charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5043b 12Section 5043b. 188.11 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1726,1213 188.11 (1) Any post, county or district council, or department of the Veterans
14of Foreign Wars of the United States, organized in this state pursuant to an act of
15the seventy-fourth Congress of the United States, and the acts amendatory thereto,
16any unit or department of the Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United
17States in this state and any Pup-Tent or Grand Pup-Tent of the Military Order of
18the Cooties, their auxiliaries and affiliated organizations, or any department
19thereof, organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact business
20in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts, county
21or district councils, department of Wisconsin, their auxiliaries and affiliated
22organizations, or any department thereof, upon filing with the secretary of state
23department of financial institutions a statement of its intent, signed by commander
24and adjutant so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall
25by so doing become a body corporate. Provided, a duplicate of such statement and

1certificate of the secretary of state department of financial institutions, showing the
2date when such statement was filed by him the department of financial institutions,
3shall within 30 days of such filing be recorded by the register of deeds of the county
4in which such organization or its principal office is located, and until such recording
5no such organization shall have legal corporate existence. Notwithstanding such
6recording requirement any organization having acquired corporate existence prior
7to July 4, 1945, shall continue to have such corporate existence if it shall within 90
8days after said date cause a duplicate or certified copy of its statement of intent and
9such certificate of the secretary of state department of financial institutions to be
10recorded with the register of deeds of the county where it or its principal office is
11located. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department of
12financial institutions
for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5044b 13Section 5044b. 188.115 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1727,7 14188.115 Changing names and dissolving units of the Veterans of
15Foreign Wars of the United States and affiliates.
Any post, county or district
16council, department or other unit of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United
17States, or of the auxiliaries of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, or
18any Pup-Tent or Grand Pup-Tent of the Military Order of the Cooties or of the
19auxiliaries of the Military Order of the Cooties, which has become a body corporate
20under s. 188.11, may, whenever its articles do not provide the manner in which its
21name shall be changed or of its dissolution, change its name or dissolve by the
22adoption of a written resolution to that effect, by a vote of the majority of its members
23present at a meeting called for that purpose and by filing the same as herein
24provided. Such resolution, with a certificate thereto affixed, signed by the
25commander and adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the facts, including the

1date of adoption of such resolution, the number of members present at such meeting,
2and the number of members who voted for the adoption of the resolution, shall be
3forwarded to and filed with the secretary of state department of financial
, and thereupon, the name of such corporation shall be changed or the
5corporation shall cease to exist as the case may be, except that in case of dissolution,
6it shall continue to exist for the purpose of winding up its affairs. No fee shall be
7charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for such filing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5045b 8Section 5045b. 188.12 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1727,169 188.12 (1) Any Grand Voiture or Voiture Locale of the La Societe des 40
10Hommes et 8 Chevaux organized in this state pursuant to authority granted by La
11Societe Nationale des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux shall have full corporate power to
12transact business in this state and take over the assets and liabilities of the existing
13Voitures Locale and Grand Voiture of the state of Wisconsin, upon filing with the
14secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to
15do and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers. No filing fees shall be
16charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5046b 17Section 5046b. 188.13 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1728,418 188.13 (1) Any Red Arrow Club, composed exclusively of persons who were
19members of the 32nd Division at any time during World War I, members who served
20in the 32nd Division of the United States Army at any time in the period from October
2110, 1940, to the termination of World War II as proclaimed by the President or the
22Congress, or members who served in the 32nd Division in Federal Service at any time
23in the period from October 15, 1961, to August 10, 1962, during the Berlin Crisis,
24organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact business in this
25state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing clubs in this state, upon

1filing with the secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of
2its intent so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall
3by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary
4of state
department of financial institutions for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5047b 5Section 5047b. 188.14 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1728,11 6188.14 Corporate powers of the Military Order of the World Wars. Any
7chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars in this state shall have full corporate
8power to transact business in this state upon filing with the secretary of state
9department of financial institutions a full and complete list of its duly elected
10officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fees shall be charged
11by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5048b 12Section 5048b. 188.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1728,2213 188.15 (1) Any detachment or state department of the Marine Corps League,
14organized and existing in this state pursuant to the acts of congress passed August
154, 1937, and the acts amendatory thereto, and any unit of the auxiliary of the Marine
16Corps League organized in this state and recognized by the local detachment, shall
17have full corporate power to transact business in this state, to take over the assets
18and liabilities of the existing detachments, units or departments, upon filing with the
19secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to
20do and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become
21a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department
22of financial institutions
for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5049b 23Section 5049b. 188.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1729,1024 188.16 (1) Any chapter, county or district council or department composed
25exclusively of persons who were awarded the medal known as the Purple Heart

1organized in this state pursuant to the constitution and bylaws of the national
2organization of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and any unit, county or
3district council or department of the auxiliary of the Military Order of the Purple
4Heart organized in this state shall have full corporate power to transact business in
5this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing chapters, units,
6county or district councils, or departments upon filing with the secretary of state
7department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do and a full and
8complete list of its duly elected officers and thereupon it shall become a body
9corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department of
10financial institutions
for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5050b 11Section 5050b. 188.16 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1730,212 188.16 (4) Any chapter, county, district council, department or other unit of the
13Military Order of the Purple Heart or of the auxiliary of the Military Order of the
14Purple Heart which has become a body corporate under the provisions of this section
15may change its name or dissolve by the adoption of a written resolution to that effect,
16by a vote of a majority of its members present at a meeting called for that purpose
17and by filing the same as herein provided. Such resolution, with a certificate thereto
18affixed, signed by the commander and adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the
19facts, including the date of the adoption of such resolution, the number of members
20present at such meeting, and the number of members who voted for the adoption of
21the resolution, shall be forwarded to and filed with the secretary of state department
22of financial institutions
, and thereupon the name of such corporation shall be
23changed or the corporation shall cease to exist, as the case may be, except that in case
24of dissolution it shall continue to exist for the purpose of winding up its affairs. No

1fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for
2such filing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5051b 3Section 5051b. 188.17 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1730,114 188.17 (1) Any unit, department or auxiliary of the Navy Club of the United
5States of America organized in this state under 36 USC 140 to 140c shall have full
6corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and
7liabilities of existing navy clubs and navy club auxiliaries upon filing with the
8secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to
9do and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers and shall by so doing become
10a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department
11of financial institutions
for so doing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5052b 12Section 5052b. 188.18 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1730,2213 188.18 (1) The department of Wisconsin and any chapter or unit of the Reserve
14Officers Association of the United States, organized in this state pursuant to the
15constitution, bylaws and rules and regulations of such association or such
16department, shall have full corporate power to transact business in this state and to
17take over the assets and liabilities of the existing department, chapters or other units
18upon filing with the secretary of state department of financial institutions, a
19statement of its intention so to do, its name, location and a full and complete list of
20its duly elected officers, and by so doing shall become a body corporate. No filing fees
21shall be charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for so
AB150-engrossed, s. 5053b 23Section 5053b. 188.18 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1731,724 188.18 (3) Any department, chapter or other unit which has become a body
25corporate under the provisions of this section, whenever its constitution or bylaws

1do not provide the manner in which its name shall be changed or the dissolution
2effected, may change its name or dissolve by a majority vote of its members at a
3meeting called for that purpose. A certificate signed by the president and secretary
4stating the facts shall be filed with the secretary of state department of financial
, and thereupon the name shall be changed or the corporation shall cease
6to exist except for the purpose of winding up its affairs. No filing fee shall be charged
7for such filing.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5054b 8Section 5054b. 188.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1731,199 188.19 (1) Any post, county, district council, and department of the American
10Veterans of World War II (AMVETS) organized in this state pursuant to the acts of
11congress passed July 23, 1947 and the acts amendatory thereto, and any unit, county
12or district council, and department of the auxiliary of the American Veterans of World
13War II (AMVETS) organized in this state, shall have full corporate power to transact
14business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts,
15units, county or district councils, or departments upon filing with the secretary of
department of financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do, and a full
17and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body
18corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department of
19financial institutions
AB150-engrossed, s. 5055b 20Section 5055b. 188.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1732,20 21188.20 Changing names and dissolving units. Any post, county, district
22council, department or other unit of the American Veterans of World War II
23(AMVETS) or of the auxiliary of the American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS)
24which has become a body corporate under the provisions of s. 188.19 may change its
25name or dissolve by the adoption of a written resolution to that effect by a vote of a

1majority of its members present at a meeting called for that purpose and by filing the
2same as herein provided. Such resolution, with a certificate thereto affixed, signed
3by the commander and adjutant, or like or similar officers, stating the fact, including
4the date of the adoption of such resolution, the number of members present at such
5meeting, and the number of members who voted for the adoption of the resolution,
6shall be forwarded to and filed with the secretary of state department of financial
, and thereupon the name of such corporation shall be changed or the
8corporation shall cease to exist, as the case may be. Or any corporation formed under
9s. 188.19 may be dissolved by the filing of a certificate in the office of the secretary
10of state
department of financial institutions reciting that such corporation has
11ceased to be a unit of the American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS) auxiliary.
12Such certificate shall be signed by the national commander and national adjutant
13of the American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS) or by the state commander and
14state adjutant of the American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS) department of
15Wisconsin. In the case of units of the auxiliary the certificates shall be signed by the
16national president and national secretary or the department president and
17department secretary. Corporations dissolved under this section shall continue to
18have corporate existence for the time and purposes specified in s. 181.65. No fee shall
19be charged by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for such
AB150-engrossed, s. 5056b 21Section 5056b. 188.21 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1733,722 188.21 (1) The department of Wisconsin and any post, unit, barracks,
23department or auxiliary of the American Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., Inc.
24organized in this state pursuant to the acts of congress passed July 18, 1958 (P.L.
2585-530) (72 Stats. at Large pp. 370-375) and the acts amendatory thereto, shall have

1full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and
2liabilities of the existing department of Wisconsin, posts, barracks, units,
3departments or auxiliaries of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., Inc. upon
4filing with the secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of
5its intent so to do, and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers, and shall
6by so doing become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary
7of state
department of financial institutions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5057b 8Section 5057b. 188.22 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1733,179 188.22 (1) Any post, county or district council or department of the Jewish War
10Veterans organized in this state pursuant to the constitution, bylaws and rules and
11regulations of said organization shall have full corporate powers to transact business
12in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts, units,
13county or district councils or departments upon filing with the secretary of state
14department of financial institutions a statement of its intent to do so and a full and
15complete list of its duly elected officers. By so doing such organization shall become
16a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department
17of financial institutions
AB150-engrossed, s. 5058b 18Section 5058b. 188.23 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1734,419 188.23 (1) Any post, county or district council or department of the Polish
20Legion of American Veterans (P.L.A.V.) organized in this state pursuant to the
21constitution, bylaws and rules and regulations of said organization, and any unit,
22county or district council or department of the auxiliary of the Polish Legion of
23American Veterans, shall have full corporate powers to transact business in this
24state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts, units, county or
25district councils or departments upon filing with the secretary of state department

1of financial institutions
a statement of its intent to do so and a full and complete list
2of its duly elected officers. By so doing such organization shall become a body
3corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state department of
4financial institutions
AB150-engrossed, s. 5059b 5Section 5059b. 188.235 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1734,146 188.235 (1) Any post, county or district council or department of the Army and
7Navy Union of the U.S.A. organized in this state pursuant to the constitution, bylaws
8and rules and regulations of said organization shall have full corporate powers to
9transact business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the
10existing posts, units, county or district councils or departments upon filing with the
11secretary of state department of financial institutions a statement of its intent to do
12so and a full and complete list of its duly elected officers. By so doing such
13organization shall become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the
14secretary of state department of financial institutions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5060b 15Section 5060b. 188.24 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1734,2416 188.24 (1) Any post, county or district council or department of the Catholic
17War Veterans organized in this state pursuant to the constitution, bylaws and rules
18and regulations of said organization shall have full corporate powers to transact
19business in this state and to take over the assets and liabilities of the existing posts,
20units, county or district councils or departments upon filing with the secretary of
department of financial institutions a statement of its intent to do so and a full
22and complete list of its duly elected officers. By so doing such organization shall
23become a body corporate. No filing fee shall be charged by the secretary of state
24department of financial institutions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5061b 25Section 5061b. 188.25 of the statutes is amended to read:
1188.25 Annual reports of veterans' organizations. The state organization
2of any veterans' society or society affiliate which has a unit incorporated under this
3chapter shall file with the secretary of state department of financial institutions on
4or before January 1 an annual report showing the elected officers of the state
5organization. No filing fee shall be charged. The secretary of any such state
6organization shall on request furnish the secretary of state department of financial
information about subordinate units. If any veterans' society or society
8affiliate has no state organization each unit incorporated under this chapter shall file
9an annual report of the elected officers with the secretary of state department of
10financial institutions
on or before January 1.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5062b 11Section 5062b. 188.26 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1735,22 12188.26 Veterans; corporations. Whenever any corporation is formed under
13ch. 180 or 181 or this chapter for the purpose of assisting any veteran, as defined in
14s. 45.37 (1a), or operating social clubs in which the name "veteran" appears, the
15secretary of state department of financial institutions shall investigate the same to
16ascertain the character thereof, and whether or not the same has been procured by
17fraudulent representation or concealment of any material fact relating to such
18veteran's name, purpose, membership, organization, management or control or
19other material fact. If the secretary of state department of financial institutions so
20finds, such findings, misrepresentation or concealment shall be reported to the
21attorney general, and the attorney general thereupon shall as provided in s. 776.35
22bring an action to vacate or annul the corporate charter.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5066 23Section 5066. 190.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1736,1024 190.01 (2) The articles of incorporation and amendments thereto shall be filed
25with the secretary of state department of revenue; in the case of articles, the

1secretary of state department of revenue shall thereupon issue a certificate of
2incorporation and the corporation then has legal existence. The articles of
3incorporation or special charter of any railroad company may be amended by a
4majority vote of all the stock in the respects and for the purposes provided in s.
5180.1001. The fees for filing articles and amendments thereto are as provided in s.
6180.0122 (1) (a) and (m) except that the fees for filing an amendment which
7authorizes the issuance of redeemable preference shares for sale to the U.S.
8secretary of transportation under sections 505 and 506 of P.L. 94-210 is $15 for the
9amendment and an additional sum equal to $1 for each $100,000 or fraction thereof
10of par value redeemable preference shares authorized by the amendment.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5067b 11Section 5067b. 190.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1736,1612 190.01 (4) A railroad that is incorporated in another state is not required to
13form a corporation in this state, but any railroad first transacting business in this
14state after January 1, 1994, is required to obtain a certificate of authority from the
15secretary of state department of financial institutions in the manner required of
16foreign corporations before the railroad transacts business in this state.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5069b 17Section 5069b. 190.02 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1737,2118 190.02 (9) (c) Any railroad corporation organized to and which shall acquire,
19directly or by mesne conveyances, the property of another railroad corporation sold
20in judicial proceedings, or any railroad corporation reorganized under the federal
21bankruptcy act which corporation under a plan of reorganization as confirmed by the
22act, shall have been authorized to put into effect and carry out said plan, or any new
23railroad corporation which shall be organized for the like purpose, shall have all
24powers by law conferred upon railroad corporations, and may, at such times, in such
25amounts, for such considerations and upon such terms and conditions as the board

1of directors of said corporation shall determine, and as shall be authorized by the
2office, or in the case of a railroad corporation organized for the purpose of acquiring
3a railroad engaged in interstate commerce, or any existing railroad corporation
4reorganized under the act and acquiring railroad property used in interstate
5commerce, by the interstate commerce commission, as the case may be, issue, sell,
6pledge or otherwise dispose of its evidences of debt, which may be convertible, at the
7option of the holder, into stock, and shares of stock, which shares may have such
8nominal or par value or if the same be common stock, be without nominal or par
9value, and may be of such classes, with such rights and voting powers as may be
10expressed in its articles or any amendment thereto. In the case of a railroad
11corporation reorganized as aforesaid, the filing with the secretary of state
12department of financial institutions of a certified copy of the plan of reorganization
13as confirmed by the federal bankruptcy act, if it shall so elect, shall accomplish and
14evidence the amendment of its charter or articles of incorporation without the
15necessity for any other or further action, corporate or otherwise, with respect thereto.
16Such reorganized railroad corporation shall thereupon have all powers necessary to
17put into effect and carry out such plan of reorganization in all respects but such filing
18of the plan of reorganization shall not preclude such existing corporation from
19amending its charter or articles in the manner now provided by law. The fees for
20filing such copy of plan of reorganization shall be the same as prescribed in s. 190.01
AB150-engrossed, s. 5071b 22Section 5071b. 190.051 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1738,1023 190.051 (1) Any railroad corporation may extend its road from any point named
24in its charter or articles of organization, or may build branch roads from any point
25on its line or from any point on the line of any other road connected or to be connected

1with its road, the use of which other road between such points and the connection
2with its own road such corporation shall have secured for a term of not less than ten
3years. Before making such extension or building any such branch road such
4corporation shall, by resolution of its directors, to be entered in the record of its
5proceedings, designate the route of such proposed extension or branch, and file, for
6record, a copy of such record, certified by the president and secretary, in the office of
7the secretary of state
with the department of financial institutions. Thereupon such
8corporation shall have all the rights and privileges to make such extension or build
9such branch and receive aid thereto which it would have had if it had been authorized
10in its charter or articles of organization.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5072b 11Section 5072b. 190.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,1738,2512 190.06 (1) Any railroad corporation existing under the laws of this state, or by
13consolidation under said laws and the laws of other states, may consolidate with any
14other railroad corporation, and possess all of the powers, franchises and immunities,
15and be subject to all the liabilities and restrictions of railroad corporations generally,
16and such, in addition, as the combining corporations peculiarly possessed or were
17subject to at the time of consolidation. Articles of consolidation shall be approved by
18each corporation, by a vote of a majority of the stock at an annual meeting or at a
19special meeting called for that purpose or by the consent in writing of the holders of
20a majority of the stock annexed to such articles; and such articles, with a copy of the
21records of such approval or such consent and accompanied by lists of the stockholders
22and the number of shares held by each, duly certified by their respective presidents
23and secretaries, shall be filed for record in the office of the secretary of state with the
24department of financial institutions
before any such consolidation shall have
25validity or effect.
AB150-engrossed, s. 5073b
1Section 5073b. 190.11 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: