38 Lieutenant Governor
39 Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board
40 Medical College of Wisconsin
41 Military Affairs
42 Natural Resources
43 Personnel Commission
44 Public Defender Board
45 Public Instruction
46 Public Service Commission
47 Regulation and Licensing
48 Revenue
49 Savings and Loan
50 Secretary of State
51 Securities
52 State Fair Park Board
53 Supreme Court
54 Technical College System
55 Transportation
56 Treasurer
57 University of Wisconsin System
58 Veterans Affairs
59 Other
— — — — — —  — — — — — —  — — — — — 
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB150-engrossed, s. 3 1Section 3. 7.33 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,3,22 7.33 (1) (a) "Employe" has the meaning given under s. 101.01 (2) (a) (3).
AB150-engrossed, s. 4 3Section 4. 7.33 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,3,44 7.33 (1) (b) "Employer" has the meaning given under s. 101.01 (2) (b) (4).
AB150-engrossed, s. 5 5Section 5. 7.33 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,3,76 7.33 (1) (c) "State agency" has the meaning given under s. 20.001 (1) and
7includes an authority created under ch. 231, 232, 233 or 234.
AB150-engrossed, s. 8 8Section 8. 11.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.36 (1) No person may solicit or receive from any state officer or employe or
2from any officer or employe of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
any contribution or service for any political purpose while the officer or
4employe is on state time or is engaged in his or her official duties, except that an
5elected state official may solicit and receive services not constituting a contribution
6from a state officer or employe or an officer or employe of the University of Wisconsin
7Hospitals and Clinics Authority
with respect to a referendum only. Agreement to
8perform services authorized under this subsection may not be a condition of
9employment for any state such officer or employe.
AB150-engrossed, s. 9 10Section 9. 11.36 (3) and (4) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,4,1511 11.36 (3) Every person who has charge or control in a building, office or room
12occupied for any purpose by this state or, by any political subdivision thereof or by
13the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
shall prohibit the entry
14of any person into that building, office or room for the purpose of making or receiving
15a contribution.
AB150-engrossed,4,19 16(4) No person may enter or remain in any building, office or room occupied for
17any purpose by the state or, by any political subdivision thereof or by the University
18of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
or send or direct a letter or other notice
19thereto for the purpose of requesting or collecting a contribution.
AB150-engrossed, s. 14L 20Section 14L. 13.101 (4a) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,5,321 13.101 (4a) The committee may transfer appropriated moneys from the
22appropriation account of any state agency, as defined in s. 20.001 (1), under which
23document production, reproduction or distribution costs are financed, other than a
24sum sufficient appropriation account, to the appropriation account under s. 20.870
25(1) (r), in an amount not exceeding the savings accruing to the state during the fiscal

1biennium in which the transfer is made resulting from the centralization of
2document production, reproduction or distribution functions in the department of
3administration, as documented by the department.
AB150-engrossed, s. 14g 4Section 14g. 13.101 (4b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,5,115 13.101 (4b) The committee may transfer appropriated moneys from the
6appropriation account of any state agency, as defined in s. 20.001 (1), other than a
7sum sufficient appropriation account, in an amount not greater than the estimated
8savings to the state resulting from the implementation by the agency of an
9information technology project under s. 16.971 (5), to the appropriation account
10under s. 20.870 (1) (r). The committee shall not act under this subsection unless the
11estimated savings to the state are documented by the secretary of administration.
AB150-engrossed, s. 15 12Section 15. 13.101 (4g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,5,1613 13.101 (4g) At the request of the department of agriculture, trade and
14consumer protection under s. 92.14 (4r), the committee may transfer funds from the
15appropriation under s. 20.370 (4) (cq) (6) (aq) to the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7)
16(q) if necessary to provide grants under s. 92.14 (4) (c).
AB150-engrossed, s. 16 17Section 16. 13.101 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,6,1118 13.101 (6) (a) As an emergency measure necessitated by decreased state
19revenues and to prevent the necessity for a state tax on general property, the
20committee may reduce any appropriation made to any board, commission,
21department, the university of Wisconsin system or to any other state agency or
22activity by such amount as it deems feasible, not exceeding 25% of the
23appropriations, except appropriations made by ss. 20.255 (2) (ac), (bc), (bh), (bm), (cg)
24and (cr), 20.395 (1), (2) (cq), (eq) to (ex) and (gq) to (gx), (3), (4) (aq) to (ax) and (6) (aq)
25and (ar), 20.435 (4) (a), (d) and (e) (1) (c), (6) (a) and (7) (da) and 20.445 (3) (a) and

or for forestry purposes under s. 20.370 (1), or any other moneys distributed to
2any county, city, village, town or school district. Appropriations of receipts and of a
3sum sufficient shall for the purposes of this section be regarded as equivalent to the
4amounts expended under such appropriations in the prior fiscal year which ended
5June 30. All functions of said state agencies shall be continued in an efficient
6manner, but because of the uncertainties of the existing situation no public funds
7should be expended or obligations incurred unless there shall be adequate revenues
8to meet the expenditures therefor. For such reason the committee may make
9reductions of such appropriations as in its judgment will secure sound financial
10operations of the administration for said state agencies and at the same time
11interfere least with their services and activities.
AB150-engrossed, s. 16g 12Section 16g. 13.101 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,6,1713 13.101 (10) The committee may approve expenditure of moneys received by
14this state as a part of a block grant, and may approve
a transfer of moneys allocated
15by the federal government to this state as a part of a block grant for use as a part of
16another such grant made for different purposes. In this subsection, "block grant" has
17the meaning given under s. 16.54 (2) (a).
AB150-engrossed, s. 16m 18Section 16m. 13.101 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,6,2219 13.101 (13) (a) Upon the crediting of proceeds from the sale or lease of a state
20building or structure or state land to the appropriation account under s. 20.865 (4)
21(a), the amounts in the schedule for that appropriation are increased by the amount
22credited for the fiscal biennium in which the crediting occurs.
AB150-engrossed,7,523 (b) If the building, structure or land was used by a single agency, as defined in
24s. 13.48 (14) (a), the committee may, upon request of that agency, transfer not more
25than 50% of the moneys so credited to any appropriation account of that agency, other

1than a sum sufficient appropriation account, without finding that an emergency
2exists under sub. (3) (a) 1. Upon such transfer, the amounts in the schedule for any
3sum certain appropriation to the agency from the account to which a transfer is made
4are increased by the amount transferred during the fiscal year or biennium for which
5the appropriation is made.
AB150-engrossed,7,86 (c) The committee may, upon request of the building commission, transfer not
7more than 50% of the moneys so credited to the building trust fund without finding
8that an emergency exists under sub. (3) (a) 1.
AB150-engrossed,7,149 (d) If the building, structure or land was not used by a single agency, as defined
10in s. 13.48 (14) (a), or was under the management of the department of
11administration for use by more than one agency, the committee may, upon request
12of the building commission, transfer an amount not greater than the amount of the
13moneys so credited to the building trust fund without finding that an emergency
14exists under sub. (3) (a) 1.
AB150-engrossed, s. 16q 15Section 16q. 13.123 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-engrossed, s. 16r 16Section 16r. 13.123 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 13.123 (2), and 13.123
17(2) (c), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,7,1918 13.123 (2) (c) Paragraph (b) may not be construed to affect eligibility for any
19allowance authorized under sub. (1) or (2).
AB150-engrossed, s. 17 20Section 17. 13.172 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,7,2521 13.172 (1) In this section, "agency" means an office, department, agency,
22institution of higher education, association, society or other body in state
23government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, which
24is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the
25courts, and any authority created in ch. 231, 233 or 234.
AB150-engrossed, s. 17e
1Section 17e. 13.20 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,8,132 13.20 (2) Pay ranges; duration of employment. All legislative employes shall
3be paid in accordance with the compensation and classification plan for employes in
4the classified civil service within ranges approved by the joint committee on
5legislative organization, but subject to the pay range maximum and compensation
6maximum under s. 230.125
. The secretary of employment relations shall make
7recommendations concerning a compensation and classification schedule for
8legislative employes if requested to do so by the joint committee on legislative
9organization or by the committee on organization of either house. If the joint
10committee does not approve pay ranges for legislative employes, the committee on
11organization of either house may approve pay ranges for its employes. Appointments
12shall be made for the legislative session, unless earlier terminated by the appointing
AB150-engrossed, s. 17f 14Section 17f. 13.45 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,8,1915 13.45 (3) (a) For any day for which the legislator does not file a claim under s.
1613.123 (1), any legislator appointed to serve on a legislative committee or a
17committee to which the legislator was appointed by either house or the officers
18thereof shall be reimbursed from the appropriations under ss. 20.315 and 20.765 (1)
19(a) or (b) for actual and necessary expenses incurred as a member of the committee.
AB150-engrossed, s. 17m 20Section 17m. 13.48 (1m) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,8,2221 13.48 (1m) (e) Notwithstanding par. (b), the building commission may grant
22waivers under s. 44.39 (5).
AB150-engrossed, s. 18m 23Section 18m. 13.48 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 13.48 (5) (a).
AB150-engrossed, s. 18n 24Section 18n. 13.48 (5) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
113.48 (5) (b) Whenever the building commission considers any proposal for the
2construction of a new correctional institution or the expansion of an existing
3correctional institution, the department of administration shall provide the
4commission with information concerning annual operating costs, including staffing
5costs, that will result from such construction or expansion in connection with
6consideration of that proposal.
AB150-engrossed, s. 22 7Section 22. 13.48 (10) of the statutes, as affected by 1993 Wisconsin Act 288,
8is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,9,209 13.48 (10) Approval by building commission. (a) No state board, agency, officer,
10department, commission or body corporate may enter into a contract for the
11construction, reconstruction, remodeling of or addition to any building, structure, or
12facility, which involves a cost in excess of $100,000, without completion of final plans
13and arrangement for supervision of construction and prior approval by the building
14commission. The building commission may not approve a contract for the
15construction, reconstruction, renovation or remodeling of or an addition to a state
16building as defined in s. 44.51 (2) unless it determines that s. 44.57 has been complied
17with or does not apply. This section applies to the department of transportation only
18in respect to buildings, structures and facilities to be used for administrative or
19operating functions, including buildings, land and equipment to be used for the
20motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program under s. 110.20.
AB150-engrossed,9,21 21(b) This subsection does not apply to contracts any of the following:
AB150-engrossed,9,24 221. Contracts by the department of natural resources for construction work
23related to hazardous substance spill response under s. 144.76 or environmental
24repair under s. 144.442. This subsection does not apply to projects
12. Projects approved by the governor in response to emergency situations under
2s. 16.855 (16) (b) or to allocations from the appropriation made under s. 20.867 (2)
3for special category projects when the building commission has released funds under
4sub. (3) and has also approved a plan for the expenditure of those funds. "Special
5category projects" for the purpose of this subsection subdivision include but are not
6limited to
projects such as special maintenance, energy conservation, handicapped
7access and advance property acquisition designated by the building commission.
AB150-engrossed, s. 22m 8Section 22m. 13.48 (10) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1993 Wisconsin Act
and 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB150-engrossed,10,2110 13.48 (10) (a) No state board, agency, officer, department, commission or body
11corporate may enter into a contract for the construction, reconstruction, remodeling
12of or addition to any building, structure, or facility, which involves a cost in excess
13of $100,000, without completion of final plans and arrangement for supervision of
14construction and prior approval by the building commission. The building
15commission may not approve a contract for the construction, reconstruction,
16renovation or remodeling of or an addition to a state building as defined in s. 44.51
17(2) unless it determines that s. 44.57 or 16.846 has been complied with or does not
18apply. This section applies to the department of transportation only in respect to
19buildings, structures and facilities to be used for administrative or operating
20functions, including buildings, land and equipment to be used for the motor vehicle
21emission inspection and maintenance program under s. 110.20.
AB150-engrossed, s. 23 22Section 23. 13.48 (10) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,10,2423 13.48 (10) (b) 3. Construction or improvement projects of the University of
24Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
AB150-engrossed, s. 24 25Section 24. 13.48 (13) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
113.48 (13) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), every building, structure or facility
2that is constructed for the benefit of or use of the state or any state agency, board,
3commission or department or the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
shall be in compliance with all applicable state laws, rules, codes and
5regulations but the construction is not subject to the ordinances or regulations of the
6municipality in which the construction takes place except zoning, including without
7limitation because of enumeration ordinances or regulations relating to materials
8used, permits, supervision of construction or installation, payment of permit fees, or
9other restrictions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 24c 10Section 24c. 13.48 (13) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
11.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,11,2012 13.48 (13) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) or (c), every building, structure or
13facility that is constructed for the benefit of or use of the state or any state agency,
14board, commission or department or the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
15Clinics Authority shall be in compliance with all applicable state laws, rules, codes
16and regulations and zoning ordinances or regulations of the municipality in which
17the construction takes place but is not subject to other ordinances or regulations of
18that municipality, including without limitation because of enumeration ordinances
19or regulations relating to materials used, permits, supervision of construction or
20installation, payment of permit fees, or other restrictions.
AB150-engrossed, s. 24f 21Section 24f. 13.48 (13) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,11,2522 13.48 (13) (b) Every building, structure or facility that is constructed at state
23fair park shall be in compliance with all applicable state laws, rules and codes but
24is not subject to zoning or any other ordinances or regulations of the municipality in
25which the park is located.
AB150-engrossed, s. 24g
1Section 24g. 13.48 (14) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 13.48 (14) (am).
AB150-engrossed, s. 24h 2Section 24h. 13.48 (14) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-engrossed,12,43 13.48 (14) (a) In this subsection, "agency" has the meaning given for "state
4agency" in s. 20.001 (1).
AB150-engrossed, s. 24j 5Section 24j. 13.48 (14) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,12,206 13.48 (14) (c) Net If there is any outstanding public debt used to finance the
7acquisition of a building, structure or land or the construction of a building or
8structure that is sold or leased under par. (b), the building commission shall deposit
9a sufficient amount of the net
proceeds from the sale or lease of the lands or buildings
10under par. (b) shall be deposited
building, structure or land in the bond security and
11redemption fund under s. 18.09 to pay repay the principal and pay the interest on
12any bonds used to finance those lands or buildings the debt, and any premium due
13upon refunding any of those bonds that debt. If there are is no such bonds debt
14outstanding, the net proceeds shall be used to pay the principal and interest on the
15bond which is from any revenue source from which there were appropriations to
16support those lands or buildings and which bears the highest true interest costs in
17comparison to any other bond from such revenue sources
or, if the net proceeds
18exceed the amount required to repay that principal and pay that interest and
19premium, the building commission shall credit the net proceeds or remaining net
20proceeds to the appropriation account under s. 20.865 (4) (a)
AB150-engrossed, s. 24k 21Section 24k. 13.48 (14) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,12,2522 13.48 (14) (d) 1. In this paragraph, "surplus land" means land under the
23jurisdiction of the commission and allocated for use by a state an agency, but unused
24and not needed for the agency's operations or included in the agency's plan for
25construction or development.
AB150-engrossed, s. 24L
1Section 24L. 13.48 (14) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-engrossed,13,52 13.48 (14) (d) 2. Biennially, beginning on January 1, 1984, each state agency
3having surplus land shall submit to the building commission and the joint committee
4on finance an inventory containing the description, location, description and fair
5market value of each parcel of surplus land.