1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
April 4, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Travis, Notestein, Urban,
Harsdorf, Baldwin, Ryba, Kaufert, Owens, Krug, Plache, F. Lasee, Black, R.
Young, Robson, Bell, Riley, Bock, Plombon
and Murat, cosponsored by
Senators Rosenzweig, Wineke, Burke and Chvala. Referred to Committee on
Criminal Justice and Corrections.
AB294,1,7 1An Act to repeal 175.35 (1) (bg); to amend 48.396 (8), 175.35 (2) (c), 175.35 (2)
2(d), 175.35 (2f), 175.35 (2g) (b), 175.35 (2g) (c) (intro.), 175.35 (2g) (c) 3., 175.35
3(2g) (c) 4., 175.35 (2i), 175.35 (2j), 175.35 (2k) (a) 2., 175.35 (2k) (b) 2. a., 175.35
4(2L) and 813.12 (9) (a) 3.; and to create 175.35 (1) (at), 813.12 (4m), 813.12 (6)
5(am), 813.122 (5m), 813.122 (9) (am), 813.125 (4m), 813.125 (5r) and 941.293 of
6the statutes; relating to: the sale of handguns to persons who are subject to
7certain restraining orders or injunctions and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a person may not possess a firearm if he or she has been
convicted of a felony, found not guilty of or not responsible for a felony by reason of
mental disease or defect or has been adjudicated delinquent as a juvenile for an act
that would have been a felony if it had been committed by an adult. A person who
is involuntarily committed for treatment in a civil commitment proceeding may also
be prohibited from possessing a firearm. In addition, under current law the
department of justice (DOJ) is responsible for conducting a criminal history record
search to determine whether a prospective purchaser of a handgun is prohibited from
possessing a firearm. Current law also authorizes a circuit court to issue a
temporary restraining order or injunction against a person who engages in domestic
abuse (abuse of an adult member of the family or household), abuse of a child or
harassment of another person.
This bill prohibits a person who is the subject of a domestic abuse, child abuse
or harassment temporary restraining order or injunction from purchasing a
handgun while such temporary restraining order or injunction is in effect. The bill
requires the clerk of the circuit court that issues the temporary restraining order or

injunction to notify DOJ of the temporary restraining order or injunction. The clerk
of court must also provide DOJ with information concerning the time period during
which the temporary restraining order or injunction is in effect, as well as with
information concerning the person against whom the temporary restraining order
or injunction is issued so that DOJ may conduct a record search to determine
whether a prospective purchaser of a handgun is the subject of a temporary
restraining order or injunction.
A person who violates the bill's prohibition on purchasing a handgun may be
fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB294, s. 1 1Section 1. 48.396 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,2,82 48.396 (8) Notwithstanding sub. (2), if a child is adjudged delinquent for an act
3that would be a felony if committed by an adult, the court clerk shall notify the
4department of justice of that fact. No other information from the child's court records
5may be disclosed to the department of justice except by order of the court. The
6department of justice may disclose any information provided under this subsection
7only as part of a criminal history firearms restrictions record search under s. 175.35
8(2g) (c).
AB294, s. 2 9Section 2. 175.35 (1) (at) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,3,210 175.35 (1) (at) "Firearms restrictions record search" means a search of
11department of justice records to determine whether a person seeking to purchase a
12handgun is prohibited from possessing a firearm under s. 941.29 or prohibited from
13purchasing a handgun under s. 941.293. "Firearms restriction record search"
14includes a criminal history record search, a search to determine whether a person is
15prohibited from possessing a firearm under s. 51.20 (13) (cv) and a search to
16determine whether the person is subject to a temporary restraining order or

1injunction under s. 813.12, 813.122 or 813.125 or a tribal order or injunction filed
2with the circuit court under s. 813.12 (9) (a).
AB294, s. 3 3Section 3. 175.35 (1) (bg) of the statutes is repealed.
AB294, s. 4 4Section 4. 175.35 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,3,85 175.35 (2) (c) The firearms dealer has conveyed the information from the
6completed notification form to the department of justice as required by rule under
7sub. (2g) (b) and requested a criminal history record search and involuntary
firearms restrictions record search.
AB294, s. 5 9Section 5. 175.35 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,3,1510 175.35 (2) (d) Forty-eight hours, subject to extension under sub. (2g) (c) 4. c.,
11have elapsed from the time that the firearms dealer has received a confirmation
12number regarding the criminal history record search and involuntary commitment
13firearms restrictions record search under sub. (2g) (c) from the department of justice
14and the firearms dealer has not been notified that the transfer would be in violation
15of s. 941.29 or 941.293.
AB294, s. 6 16Section 6. 175.35 (2f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,3,2417 175.35 (2f) When a firearms dealer requests that the department of justice
18provide a criminal history record search and involuntary commitment firearms
record search under sub. (2g), he or she shall provide truthful
20information about his or her status as a firearms dealer and shall provide an accurate
21firearms dealer identification number obtained under sub. (2h). A person may
22request that the department provide a criminal history record search and
23involuntary commitment
firearms restrictions record search under sub. (2g) only if
24he or she is a firearms dealer.
AB294, s. 7 25Section 7. 175.35 (2g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1175.35 (2g) (b) The department of justice shall promulgate rules prescribing
2a notification form for use under sub. (2) requiring the transferee to provide his or
3her name, date of birth, gender, race and social security number and other
4identification necessary to permit an accurate criminal history record search and
5involuntary commitment
firearms restrictions record search under par. (c) 3. and the
6required notification under par. (c) 4. The department of justice shall make the forms
7available at locations throughout the state.
AB294, s. 8 8Section 8. 175.35 (2g) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,4,129 175.35 (2g) (c) (intro.) The department of justice shall promulgate rules for
10criminal history record searches and involuntary commitment firearms restrictions
11record searches regarding transferees under sub. (2), including procedures for all of
12the following:
AB294, s. 9 13Section 9. 175.35 (2g) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,4,1814 175.35 (2g) (c) 3. The department to conduct the criminal history record search
15and involuntary commitment
firearms restrictions record search regarding the
16transferee. The rules shall include, but not be limited to, a requirement that the
17department use the transaction information for management of enforcement system
18and the national crime information center system.
AB294, s. 10 19Section 10. 175.35 (2g) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,4,2320 175.35 (2g) (c) 4. The department to notify the dealer, either during the initial
21telephone call or as soon thereafter as practicable, of the results of the criminal
22history record search and involuntary commitment
firearms restrictions record
23search as follows:
AB294,5,424 a. If the searches indicate search indicates that the transferee is prohibited
25from possessing a firearm under s. 941.29 or prohibited from purchasing a handgun

1under s. 941.293
, the department shall provide the firearms dealer with a unique
2nonapproval number. The department may not disclose to the firearms dealer the
3reason the transferee is prohibited from possessing a firearm under s. 941.29 or
4prohibited from purchasing a handgun under s. 941.293
AB294,5,85 b. If the searches indicate search indicates that the transferee is not prohibited
6from possessing a firearm under s. 941.29 and not prohibited from purchasing a
7handgun under s. 941.293
, the department shall provide the firearms dealer with a
8unique approval number.
AB294,5,159 c. If the criminal history record search indicates a felony charge without a
10recorded disposition, the deadline under sub. (2) (d) is extended to the end of the 3rd
11complete working day commencing after the day on which the finding is made. The
12department shall notify the firearms dealer of the extension as soon as practicable.
13 During the extended period, the department shall make every reasonable effort to
14determine the disposition of the charge and notify the firearms dealer of the results
15as soon as practicable.
AB294, s. 11 16Section 11. 175.35 (2i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,5,2317 175.35 (2i) The department shall charge a firearms dealer an $8 fee for each
18combined criminal history record search and involuntary commitment firearms
record search that the firearms dealer requests under sub. (2) (c). The
20firearms dealer may collect the fee from the transferee. The department may refuse
21to conduct criminal history record searches and involuntary commitment firearms
record searches for any firearms dealer who fails to pay any fee under
23this subsection within 30 days after billing by the department.
AB294, s. 12 24Section 12. 175.35 (2j) of the statutes is amended to read:
1175.35 (2j) A firearms dealer shall maintain the original record of all completed
2notification forms and a record of all confirmation numbers and corresponding
3approval or nonapproval numbers that he or she receives regarding criminal history
4record searches and involuntary commitment
firearms restrictions record searches
5under sub. (2g). The firearms dealer shall mail the duplicate copy of each completed
6notification form to the department of justice.
AB294, s. 13 7Section 13. 175.35 (2k) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,6,178 175.35 (2k) (a) 2. Check each duplicate notification form received under sub.
9(2j) against the information recorded by the department regarding the corresponding
10request for a criminal history record search and involuntary commitment firearms
record search under sub. (2g). If the department previously provided a
12unique approval number regarding the request and nothing in the duplicate
13completed notification form indicates that the transferee is prohibited from
14possessing a firearm under s. 941.29 or prohibited from purchasing a handgun under
15s. 941.293
, the department shall destroy all records regarding that criminal history
16record search and involuntary commitment
firearms restrictions record search
17within 30 days after receiving the duplicate form.
AB294, s. 14 18Section 14. 175.35 (2k) (b) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,6,2319 175.35 (2k) (b) 2. a. Except as provided in subd. 2. b., a log of dates of requests
20for criminal history record searches and involuntary commitment firearms
record searches under sub. (2g) together with confirmation numbers,
22unique approval and nonapproval numbers and firearms dealer identification
23numbers corresponding to those dates.
AB294, s. 15 24Section 15. 175.35 (2L) of the statutes is amended to read:
1175.35 (2L) The department of justice shall promulgate rules providing for the
2review of nonapprovals under sub. (2g) (c) 4. a. Any person who is denied the right
3to purchase a handgun because the firearms dealer received a nonapproval number
4under sub. (2g) (c) 4. a. may request a criminal history record search and involuntary
firearms restrictions record search review under those rules. If the
6person disagrees with the results of that review, the person may file an appeal under
7rules promulgated by the department.
AB294, s. 16 8Section 16. 813.12 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,7,129 813.12 (4m) Notice of restriction on handgun purchase. A temporary
10restraining order issued under sub. (3) and an injunction issued under sub. (4) shall
11inform the respondent named in the petition of the requirements and penalties
12under s. 941.293.
AB294, s. 17 13Section 17. 813.12 (6) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,7,2014 813.12 (6) (am) If a temporary restraining order is issued under sub. (3), if an
15injunction is issued or extended under sub. (4) or if a tribal order or injunction is filed
16under sub. (9) (a), the clerk of the circuit court shall notify the department of justice
17of the order or injunction and shall provide the department of justice with
18information concerning the period during which the order or injunction is in effect
19and information necessary to identify the respondent for purposes of a restraining
20order and injunction record search under s. 175.35 (2g) (c).
AB294, s. 18 21Section 18. 813.12 (9) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB294,8,222 813.12 (9) (a) 3. The tribal order or injunction includes notice to the respondent
23that the tribal order or injunction is being filed in the circuit court and, that a
24violation of the tribal order or injunction may result in arrest and imposition of

1criminal penalties under sub. (8) (a) and that the respondent is subject to the
2requirements and penalties under s. 941.293
AB294, s. 19 3Section 19. 813.122 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,8,74 813.122 (5m) Notice of restriction on handgun purchase. A temporary
5restraining order issued under sub. (4) and an injunction issued under sub. (5) shall
6inform the respondent named in the petition of the requirements and penalties
7under s. 941.293.
AB294, s. 20 8Section 20. 813.122 (9) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,8,149 813.122 (9) (am) If a temporary restraining order is issued under sub. (4) or an
10injunction is issued or extended under sub. (5), the clerk of the circuit court shall
11notify the department of justice of the order or injunction and shall provide the
12department of justice with information concerning the period during which the order
13or injunction is in effect and information necessary to identify the respondent for
14purposes of a restraining order and injunction record search under s. 175.35 (2g) (c).
AB294, s. 21 15Section 21. 813.125 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,8,1916 813.125 (4m) Notice of restriction on handgun purchase. A temporary
17restraining order issued under sub. (3) and an injunction issued under sub. (4) shall
18inform the respondent named in the petition of the requirements and penalties
19under s. 941.293.
AB294, s. 22 20Section 22. 813.125 (5r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB294,9,221 813.125 (5r) Notice to department of justice. If a temporary restraining
22order is issued under sub. (3) or if an injunction is issued under sub. (4), the clerk of
23the circuit court shall notify the department of justice of the order or injunction and
24shall provide the department of justice with information concerning the period
25during which the order or injunction is in effect and information necessary to identify

1the respondent for purposes of a restraining order and injunction record search
2under s. 175.35 (2g) (c).