AB352, s. 30 11Section 30. 972.03 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,8,24 12972.03 Peremptory challenges. Each side is entitled to only 4 peremptory
13challenges except as otherwise provided in this section. When the crime charged is
14punishable by death or life imprisonment the state is entitled to 6 peremptory
15challenges and the defendant is entitled to 6 peremptory challenges. If there is more
16than one defendant, the court shall divide the challenges as equally as practicable
17among them; and if their defenses are adverse and the court is satisfied that the
18protection of their rights so requires, the court may allow the defendants additional
19challenges. If the crime is punishable by death or life imprisonment, the total
20peremptory challenges allowed the defense shall not exceed 12 if there are only 2
21defendants and 18 if there are more than 2 defendants; in other cases 6 challenges
22if there are only 2 defendants and 9 challenges if there are more than 2. Each side
23shall be allowed one additional peremptory challenge if additional jurors are to be
24impaneled under s. 972.04 (1).
AB352, s. 31 25Section 31. 972.13 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1972.13 (6) The following forms may be used for judgments:
AB352,9,33 .... County
AB352,9,44 In.... Court
AB352,9,55 The State of Wisconsin
AB352,9,66 vs.
AB352,9,77 ....(Name of defendant)
AB352,9,149 IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant has been convicted upon the defendant's
10plea of guilty (not guilty and a verdict of guilty) (not guilty and a finding of guilty)
11(no contest) on the .... day of ...., 19.., of the crime of .... in violation of s. ....; and the
12court having asked the defendant whether the defendant has anything to state why
13sentence should not be pronounced, and no sufficient grounds to the contrary being
14shown or appearing to the court.
AB352,9,1515 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is guilty as convicted.
AB352,9,16 16*IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant shall be executed by lethal injection.
AB352,9,1817 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is hereby committed to the Wisconsin
18state prisons (county jail of .... county) for an indeterminate term of not more than.....
AB352,9,2119 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is placed in the intensive sanctions
20program subject to the limitations of section 973.032 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes
21and the following conditions:....
AB352,9,2422 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is hereby committed to detention in
23(the defendant's place of residence or place designated by judge) for a term of not
24more than....
1*IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is ordered to pay a fine of $.... (and the
2costs of this action).
AB352,10,33 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant pay restitution to....
AB352,10,54 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is restricted in his or her use of
5computers as follows:....
AB352,10,76 *The .... at .... is designated as the Reception Center to which the defendant
7shall be delivered by the sheriff.
AB352,10,98 *IT IS ORDERED That the clerk deliver a duplicate original of this judgment
9to the sheriff who shall forthwith execute the same and deliver it to the warden.
AB352,10,1010 Dated this .... day of ...., 19...
AB352,10,1111 BY THE COURT ....
AB352,10,1212 Date of Offense ....,
AB352,10,1313 District Attorney ....,
AB352,10,1414 Defense Attorney ....
AB352,10,1515 *Strike inapplicable paragraphs
AB352,10,1717 .... County
AB352,10,1818 In.... Court
AB352,10,1919 The State of Wisconsin
AB352,10,2121 ....(Name of defendant)
AB352,10,2322 On the .... day of ...., 19.., the district attorney appeared for the state and the
23defendant appeared in person and by .... the defendant's attorney.
1IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant has been found not guilty by the verdict
2of the jury (by the court) and is therefore ordered discharged forthwith.
AB352,11,33 Dated this .... day of ...., 19...
AB352,11,44 BY THE COURT ....
AB352, s. 32 5Section 32. 973.013 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,11,136 973.013 (1) (b) The sentence shall have the effect of a sentence at hard labor
7for the maximum term fixed by the court, subject to the power of actual release from
8confinement by parole by the department or by pardon as provided by law. If a person
9is sentenced for a definite time for an offense for which the person may be sentenced
10under this section, the person is in legal effect sentenced as required by this section,
11said definite time being the maximum period. A Except as provided in s. 973.015,
defendant convicted of a crime for which the minimum penalty is life shall be
13sentenced for life.
AB352,11,14 14Section 33 973.0135 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,11,1615 973.0135 (3) A person is not subject to this section if the current serious felony
16is punishable by death or life imprisonment.
AB352, s. 34 17Section 34. 973.014 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,11,2118 973.014 (1) (intro.)  Except as provided in sub. (2) and s. 973.015, when a court
19sentences a person to life imprisonment for a crime committed on or after July 1,
201988, the court shall make a parole eligibility determination regarding the person
21and choose one of the following options:
AB352, s. 35 22Section 35. 973.015 of the statutes is renumbered 973.019.
AB352, s. 36 23Section 36. 973.015 of the statutes is created to read:
AB352,12,8 24973.015 Sentence of death or life imprisonment for Class AA felony. (1)
25(a) Upon conviction of a defendant of a Class AA felony, the court shall conduct a

1separate sentencing proceeding to determine whether the defendant should be
2sentenced to death or life imprisonment. The trial judge shall conduct the proceeding
3before the trial jury, if there was a jury trial, as soon as practicable. If the trial jury
4is unable to reconvene for a hearing on the issue of the penalty, the trial judge may
5summon a new jury to determine the issue of the imposition of the penalty. If the trial
6jury has been waived, or if the defendant pleaded guilty, the court shall conduct the
7sentencing proceeding before a jury summoned for that purpose, unless waived by
8the defendant.
AB352,12,199 (b) In the proceeding, the court shall admit any evidence that may be relevant
10to the sentence regarding any mitigating circumstance. The court shall admit any
11other evidence according to the rules of evidence applicable at a criminal trial. The
12court shall provide the defendant with a fair opportunity to rebut any hearsay
13statements. This subsection does not authorize the introduction of any evidence
14secured in violation of the state or federal constitution. The state has the burden of
15proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, regarding the existence of aggravating
16circumstances. The defendant has the burden of proof, by a preponderance of the
17evidence, regarding mitigating circumstances. The court shall permit the state and
18the defendant or his or her counsel to present arguments for or against a sentence
19of death.
AB352,12,23 20(2) (a) Unless the defendant waives the right to a jury, the jury shall deliberate
21after hearing all the evidence and, by a majority vote, shall render an advisory
22sentence to the court of life imprisonment or death, based upon the following
AB352,12,2424 1. The existence of aggravating circumstances under sub. (5).
AB352,12,2525 2. The existence of mitigating circumstances under sub. (6).
1(b) If the jury recommends life imprisonment, it may further recommend
2restrictions on the defendant's eligibility for parole or recommend that the defendant
3not be eligible for parole.
AB352,13,64 (c) Upon the request of the defendant or the state, the court shall explain to the
5jury the court's options under sub. (3) (c) to sentence the defendant to life without the
6possibility of parole or with delayed parole eligibility.
AB352,13,11 7(3) (a) Notwithstanding the recommendation of a majority of the jury, the court,
8after weighing the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, shall enter a sentence
9of life imprisonment or death, but if the court imposes a sentence of death, it shall
10set forth in writing its findings upon which the sentence of death is based as to the
AB352,13,1212 1. That sufficient aggravating circumstances exist under sub. (5); and
AB352,13,1413 2. That there are insufficient mitigating circumstances under sub. (6) to
14outweigh the aggravating circumstances.
AB352,13,2115 (b) In each case in which the court imposes the death sentence, the court must
16support its determination by specific written findings of fact based upon the
17circumstances in subs. (5) and (6) and upon the records of the trial and the sentencing
18proceedings. If the court does not make the findings requiring the death sentence,
19the court shall impose sentence of life imprisonment. If the court imposes life
20imprisonment, it may provide that the sentence is without the possibility of parole
21or choose any option under s. 973.014 (1).
AB352,14,2 22(4) If a death sentence is imposed, the judgment of conviction and sentence of
23death is subject to automatic review by the supreme court within 60 days after
24certification by the sentencing court of the entire record, unless the supreme court,
25for good cause shown, extends the time for an additional period not to exceed 30 days.

1The review by the supreme court has priority over all other cases and shall be heard
2in accordance with rules promulgated by the supreme court.
AB352,14,4 3(5) The court and jury shall consider one or more of the following as
4aggravating circumstances:
AB352,14,65 (a) The Class AA felony was committed by a person under a sentence of
AB352,14,77 (b) The defendant knowingly created a great risk of death to many persons.
AB352,14,98 (c) The Class AA felony was committed for the purpose of avoiding or
9preventing a lawful arrest or effecting an escape from custody.
AB352,14,1110 (d) The Class AA felony was committed to disrupt or hinder the lawful exercise
11of any governmental function or the enforcement of laws.
AB352,14,1312 (e) The defendant intentionally caused bodily harm or mental anguish to the
13victim or another before the victim died.
AB352,14,1514 (f) During the commission of the offense, the defendant enjoyed or was utterly
15indifferent to the suffering of another.
AB352,14,19 16(6) The court and jury shall consider as a mitigating factor any aspect of the
17defendant's character, background or record or any of the circumstances of the
18offense that the defendant offers as a basis for a sentence other than death.
19Mitigating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
AB352,14,2020 (a) The defendant has no significant history of prior criminal activity.
AB352,14,2221 (b) The Class AA felony was committed while the defendant was under the
22influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance.
AB352,14,2423 (c) The victim was a participant in the defendant's conduct or consented to the
1(d) The defendant was an accomplice in the Class AA felony committed by
2another person and the defendant's participation was relatively minor.
AB352,15,43 (e) The defendant acted under extreme duress or under the substantial
4domination of another person.
AB352,15,75 (f) The capacity of the defendant to appreciate the criminality of his or her
6conduct or to conform his or her conduct to the requirements of law was substantially
AB352,15,88 (g) The age of the defendant at the time of the crime.
AB352,15,11 9(7) The court that imposes a sentence of death shall set the date for execution.
10The defendant shall be committed to the Wisconsin state prisons pending the
11execution of the death sentence.
AB352,15,12 12(8) The execution of a death sentence shall be by lethal injection.
AB352, s. 37 13Section 37. 973.016 of the statutes is created to read:
AB352,15,15 14973.016 Stay of execution of death sentence. The execution of a death
15sentence may be stayed only by the governor or incident to an appeal.
AB352, s. 38 16Section 38. 973.017 of the statutes is created to read:
AB352,16,3 17973.017 Execution of death sentence. The secretary of corrections shall
18designate the executioner who shall provide a person subject to a death sentence with
19an intravenous injection of one or more substances in a lethal quantity. The
20executioner must be a physician or acting under the direction of a physician. A
21person is immune from civil or criminal liability for his or her acts or omissions, in
22good faith, in regard to a lawful execution under this section. The secretary shall
23designate 12 citizens to witness the execution. The secretary shall direct a physician
24to be present and to announce when death has occurred. The convicted person may
25request that certain additional people be allowed to witness the execution. The

1secretary shall grant any such reasonable request. The secretary may allow
2representatives of the news media to witness the execution under rules of the
3department. No other persons may be allowed to witness the execution.
AB352, s. 39 4Section 39. 973.032 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,16,75 973.032 (2) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), the court may not sentence a person
6under sub. (1) if he or she is convicted of a felony punishable by death or life
AB352, s. 40 8Section 40. 973.09 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,16,109 973.09 (1) (c) When a person is convicted of any crime which that is punishable
10by death or life imprisonment, the court shall not place the person on probation.
AB352, s. 41 11Section 41. 978.07 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB352,16,1612 978.07 (1) (c) 1. Any case record of a felony punishable by death or life
13imprisonment or a related case, after the defendant's parole eligibility date under s.
14304.06 (1) or 973.014 or 50 years after the commencement of the action, whichever
15occurs later. If there is no parole eligibility date, the district attorney may destroy
16the case record after the defendant's death.
AB352, s. 42 17Section 42. Initial applicability.
AB352,16,19 18(1)  This act first applies to offenses committed on the effective date of this
AB352,16,2020 (End)