1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
May 16, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Duff, Lazich, Urban, Hoven,
Schneiders, Grothman
and Freese, cosponsored by Senators Farrow and
Panzer. Referred to Committee on Environment and Utilities.
AB374,1,9 1An Act to repeal 66.898 (4) (c), 66.899 and 144.241 (8) (L) 2.; to amend 66.076
2(5), 66.076 (8), 66.886 (2) (a) 1., 66.898 (4) (b), 66.91 (5) (a), 66.91 (5) (c) 2., 66.912
3(5), 144.241 (8) (L) (intro.) and 144.241 (8) (L) 1.; to repeal and recreate 66.91
4(5) (b); and to create 66.894 (1m) and 144.241 (8) (L) 3. of the statutes; relating
the authority of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District to charge
6for capital costs and to undertake certain projects, the methods by which the
7district may assess capital costs, capital cost loans under the clean water fund
8program and an evaluation of wastewater treatment services provided by the
9Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
provides sewerage services within its district boundaries, which include Milwaukee
County and small portions of Waukesha and Ozaukee counties. The district also
provides sewerage services on a contract basis to several nearby cities and villages
(contract communities) that are outside its boundaries.
Current law authorizes MMSD to establish, assess and collect from any user
of the system sewerage service charges. These service charges may be used to collect
capital costs from all users of the system, and the schedule of sewerage service
charges for capital costs that are imposed on users within the district and on the
contract communities must be uniform.
Under this bill, MMSD and other entities that provide sewerage services are
required to calculate their charges based on a method that reasonably recovers

capital costs in the proportion to which the user's discharge contributes to capital
Current law provides 2 methods by which MMSD may recover capital costs
from both users within the district and the contract communities that are based on
taxable property value.
This bill changes current law, as it relates to one of these 2 methods, and
overturns a decision of the Court of Appeals by abolishing MMSD's authority to
recover capital costs from contract communities, or from any other user of the
system, by levying property taxes on property within a contract community or by
basing charges upon the property value of property within a contract community.
This bill also changes current law, as it relates to the other method by which MMSD
may recover capital costs, by abolishing MMSD's authority to recover capital costs
from both contract communities and from any other user of the system by levying
property taxes on any users' property or by basing charges upon the property value
of the users' property, subject to one exception. The exception allows a property tax
levy or the imposition of charges based on property value only if there is a substantial
and unexpected shortfall in revenue such that without such a financing system,
MMSD's general obligation bonds would not be paid.
Current law also authorizes MMSD, as a complete or partial alternative to any
other allowable method of recovering capital costs, to recover capital costs from any
user by computing a schedule of charges based on the capital costs and by considering
any improvements or additions to the sewerage system. The bill repeals this method
of recovering capital costs. Under this bill, MMSD may recover capital costs for
certain specified projects, such as river and stream alterations, water diversion
projects and storm water management projects, by individually assessing the
municipality in which the project is located. Under the bill, capital costs for such
projects may not be assessed to all MMSD users.
Under current law, MMSD is required to project, plan, design, construct,
maintain and operate a sewerage system for the collection, transmission and
disposal of all sewerage and drainage in its service area and to abate combined sewer
overflows. To carry out these duties, current law authorizes MMSD to conduct
certain activities, including projecting, planning, designing, adopting, constructing,
operating and maintaining things such as sewers, conduits, drains, facilities for the
treatment and disposal of sewage, pumping stations and buildings and other
facilities appurtenant to other authorized structures.
This bill prohibits MMSD from projecting, planning, designing, adopting,
constructing, operating, maintaining or acquiring real property for certain purposes,
such as for park land, harbor improvements or fire protection services.
Under the clean water fund program, this state provides financial assistance
for purposes related to the control of water pollution. One type of financial assistance
that may be provided under the clean water fund program is called a capital cost loan.
The total amount of capital cost loans may not exceed $120,000,000. Under current
law, a capital cost loan may be made only if the cities of Brookfield, Mequon, Muskego
and New Berlin and the villages of Butler, Elm Grove, Germantown, Menomonee
Falls and Thiensville have entered into an agreement with MMSD under which each

municipality agrees to pay a portion of the $120,000,000 in capital cost loans to
MMSD for MMSD's capital costs and the total amount that the municipalities agree
to pay equals at least $120,000,000.
This bill changes the clean water fund program capital cost loan provisions.
The bill deletes Muskego from the capital cost loan provisions. Under the bill, a
capital cost loan may be made only if one of the following has occurred:
1. Each of the remaining municipalities has agreed to make a payment to
MMSD for MMSD's capital costs and MMSD agrees to accept the payments.
2. Each of the remaining municipalities have been required by court order or
judgment to pay a portion of the capital costs of MMSD.
This bill requires the department of natural resources to evaluate whether the
provision of wastewater treatment services in the southeastern area of this state by
MMSD would be improved by increasing the number of entities providing
wastewater treatment services in that area.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB374, s. 1 1Section 1. 66.076 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB374,4,22 66.076 (5) For the purpose of making equitable charges for all services
3rendered by the sewerage system to the municipality or to citizens, corporations and
4other users, the property benefited thereby may be classified, taking into
charges for sewerage services shall, to the extent practicable, be
6proportionate to the costs of the sewerage system that the municipality may
7reasonably attribute to the user. In establishing sewerage service charges, the
8municipality may consider any reasonable factor, including
the volume of water,
9including surface or drain waters, the character of the sewage or waste and the
10nature of the use made of the sewerage system, including the sewage disposal plant
11except that a metropolitan sewerage district created under ss. 66.88 to 66.918 may
12not recover capital costs under this section from any party by levying property taxes
13against property or by basing charges upon the value of property of any user
. The

1charges may also include standby charges to property not connected but for which
2such facilities have been made available.
AB374, s. 2 3Section 2. 66.076 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB374,4,114 66.076 (8) The governing body of any municipality, and the officials in charge
5of the management of the sewerage system as well as other officers of the
6municipality, shall be governed in the discharge of their powers and duties under this
7section by s. 66.069 or 66.071 (1) (e), or, in the case of a metropolitan sewerage district
8created under ss. 66.88 to 66.918, by ss. 66.91 and 66.912
which are hereby made a
9part of this section so far as applicable and not inconsistent herewith or, in the case
10of a metropolitan sewerage district created under ss. 66.88 to 66.918, by ss. 66.91 and
AB374, s. 3 12Section 3. 66.886 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB374,4,1713 66.886 (2) (a) 1. No resolution adopted by the commission under s. 66.91 (1),
14(3) (c) or (6), 67.05 (1) or 67.12 (12), no schedule of charges under s. 66.076, or 66.898
15(4), 66.899 or 66.91 (5) (b) 3., no decision to borrow against taxes under s. 67.12 (1)
16and no decision to borrow under s. 24.61 (3) (a) 7. is valid unless adopted by an
17affirmative vote of at least a two-thirds majority of all commissioners.
AB374, s. 4 18Section 4. 66.894 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB374,4,2119 66.894 (1m) Restrictions on the commission. The commission may not project,
20plan, design, adopt, construct, operate and maintain, or acquire real property for, any
21of the following:
AB374,4,2222 (a) Park lands, conservancy districts or other open space uses of land.
AB374,4,2323 (b) Water supply sources for any residential, industrial or commercial user.
AB374,4,2424 (c) Fire protection services along waterways.
AB374,4,2525 (d) Harbor improvements.
AB374, s. 5
1Section 5. 66.898 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB374,5,132 66.898 (4) (b) Except as provided in par. (c), the charges Charges assessed
3under this subsection shall be established in accordance with s. 66.076 or 66.91 (5).
4In computing the schedule of charges under this subsection, the commission may
5consider the factors specified in s. 66.076 (5) or 66.91 (5), or any other reasonable
6factor, except that the commission may not recover capital costs from any contracting
7party by levying property taxes against property located within the territorial limits
8of the contracting party or basing charges upon the property value of property within
9the territorial limits of the contracting party
. In computing the schedule of charges
10under this subsection, the commission may also consider the fact that sewerage
11service may not be available to or may be available to but not utilized by a part of the
12property located within the territorial limits of a contracting party at the time of
13computing the schedule.
AB374, s. 6 14Section 6. 66.898 (4) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB374, s. 7 15Section 7. 66.899 of the statutes is repealed.
AB374, s. 8 16Section 8. 66.91 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB374,5,2517 66.91 (5) (a) For Except as provided in par. (b), for sewerage service provided
18to any user, the commission may establish, assess and collect service charges under
19s. 66.076 or under this subsection. For service to any user outside the district and
20not located in a municipality which has contracted with the district under s. 66.898,
21the commission may establish, assess and collect service charges under s. 66.899.
22Except as provided under s. 66.899 (2), any
Any charge made by the district under
23this subsection is reviewable under s. 66.912 (5). The sewerage service charges
24established under s. 66.076 or under this subsection with respect to capital costs for
25service to any user shall be uniform.
AB374, s. 9
1Section 9. 66.91 (5) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB374,6,42 66.91 (5) (b) The commission may recover, and bill for, capital costs for the
3following projects only by individually assessing the municipality in which the
4project is located:
AB374,6,55 1. River and stream alterations under s. 66.894 (8).
AB374,6,66 2. Water diversion projects under s. 66.894 (9).
AB374,6,77 3. Shoreline protection projects under s. 66.894 (14).
AB374,6,98 4. Storm water management projects authorized or required by state or federal
AB374,6,1010 5. Combined sewer system repairs.
AB374,6,1111 6. Separating combined sewers under s. 66.892 (2).
AB374, s. 10 12Section 10. 66.91 (5) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB374,7,213 66.91 (5) (c) 2. The commission may classify users on the basis of uses and may
14establish separate charges for separate classes. In computing charges, the
15commission may consider any reasonable factor, including wastewater flow or
16drainage, the character of the sewage or waste, delivery flow characteristics, water
17consumption, type and number of sewerage connections or plumbing fixtures,
18population served, lot size, and portion of lot improved and assessed value of property
, and the municipality shall use a method of establishing charges that
20reasonably recovers capital costs in the proportion to which the user's discharge
21contributes to capital costs and in an amount sufficient to cover the district's capital
22budget. The commission may not recover capital costs from any user by levying
23property taxes on the users' property or by basing charges upon the property value
24of the users' property unless there is a substantial and unexpected shortfall in
25revenue such that general obligation bonds would not be paid
. The commission may

1also compute its fee schedules as needed to meet the requirements of s. 66.076 or of
2title II of the water pollution control act, 33 USC 1251 et seq.
AB374, s. 11 3Section 11. 66.912 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: