1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
March 11, 1996 - Printed by direction of Senate Chief Clerk.
AB438-engrossed,1,5 1An Act to amend 346.95 (1); and to create 66.948, 346.94 (16) (b) 7., 346.945,
2346.95 (5e), 346.95 (5g) and 349.135 of the statutes; relating to: the improper
3use of radios, electric sound amplification devices and other sound-producing
4devices, the imposition of vehicle owner liability for improper use of a radio or
5other electric sound amplification device and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Engrossment information:
The text of Engrossed 1995 Assembly Bill 438 consists of the following
documents adopted in the assembly on January 18, 1996: Assembly Substitute
Amendment 2 as affected by Assembly Amendments 1, 2, 3 and Assembly
Amendment 4 (as affected by Assembly Amendment 1 thereto).
Content of Engrossed 1995 Assembly Bill 438:
Current law prohibits motor vehicle operators from using a radio or other
electric sound amplification device (sound-producing device) that is audible 75 or
more feet from the vehicle unless the device is being used to request assistance or
warn of an unsafe condition. Exceptions apply for warning horns, authorized
emergency vehicles, public utility vehicles, antitheft alarms and vehicles used in
advertising, special events, processions or assemblages. Improper use of a
sound-producing device may result in a forfeiture of not less than $20 nor more than
$40 or, for a 2nd or subsequent conviction within a year, a forfeiture of not less than
$50 nor more than $100.
This bill doubles the minimum and maximum forfeiture amounts that may be
imposed for the improper use of a sound-producing device. The bill also permits any
city, village, town or county to enact an ordinance providing that improper use of a
sound-producing device occurs if the sound-producing device is clearly audible 50
or more feet from the vehicle.

This bill imposes upon the owner of a vehicle liability for improper use of a
sound-producing device of the vehicle, regardless of whether the owner was
personally using the sound-producing device. Any member of the public who
observes the improper use of a sound-producing device may prepare a written report
and deliver the report to a traffic officer. The traffic officer is required to investigate
the violation and may prepare a traffic citation for the violation. Any traffic officer
employed by the issuing authority may serve it upon the owner of the vehicle.
The owner of the vehicle has a defense to liability for the violation if the vehicle
had been stolen at the time of the violation or if the owner provides the traffic officer
with the name and address of the person who was operating the vehicle or who had
the vehicle under his or her control at the time of the violation and sufficient
information for the officer to determine that probable cause does not exist to believe
that the owner committed the violation. Lessors and dealers of vehicles have similar
A vehicle owner found liable for a violation is subject to the same forfeiture that
applies to a vehicle operator who improperly uses a sound-producing device. The
operating privilege of a person convicted of a violation may not be suspended or
revoked, and no demerit points may be recorded against the person's driving record.
The bill also allows any city, village, town or county, by ordinance, to authorize
a law enforcement officer to impound any sound-producing device used in the
commission of a violation. The bill also allows a vehicle to be impounded for up to
5 days to remove the offending sound-producing device, if the device can not easily
be removed from the vehicle. Impoundment of a vehicle or device only applies if the
violator is the owner of the sound-producing device and has 2 prior convictions in a
3-year period of the prohibition against the improper use of a sound-producing
device by a motor vehicle operator or of any local ordinance prohibiting excessive
The violator is responsible for the costs of impounding the vehicle or
sound-producing device, which must be claimed by its rightful owner after
disposition of the matter, including the payment of any forfeiture imposed. If the
sound-producing device or vehicle is not claimed within 90 days, the city, village,
town or county may dispose of it.
If the violator has 3 prior convictions in the 3-year period, the city, village, town
or county may, by ordinance, authorize the law enforcement officer to seize any
sound-producing device used in the commission of the violation. The
sound-producing device is subject to forfeiture in the same manner as provided
under state law for property realized through the commission of a crime.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB438-engrossed, s. 1 1Section 1. 66.948 of the statutes is created to read:
166.948 Sound-producing devices; impoundment; seizure and
2forfeiture. (1)
In this section, "sound-producing device" does not include a piece
3of equipment or machinery that is designed for agricultural purposes and that is
4being used in the conduct of agricultural operations.
AB438-engrossed,3,20 5(1m) (a) Any city, village, town or county may, by ordinance, authorize a law
6enforcement officer, at the time of issuing a citation for a violation of s. 346.94 (16)
7or a local ordinance in strict conformity with s. 346.94 (16) or any other local
8ordinance prohibiting excessive noise, to impound any radio, electric sound
9amplification device or other sound-producing device used in the commission of the
10violation if the person charged with such violation is the owner of the radio, electric
11sound amplification device or other sound-producing device and has 2 or more prior
12convictions within a 3-year period of s. 346.94 (16) or a local ordinance in strict
13conformity with s. 346.94 (16) or any other local ordinance prohibiting excessive
14noise. The ordinance may provide for impoundment of a vehicle for not more than
155 working days to permit the city, village, town or county or its authorized agent to
16remove the radio, electric sound amplification device or other sound-producing
17device if the vehicle is owned by the person charged with the violation and the
18sound-producing device may not be easily removed from the vehicle. Upon removal
19of the sound-producing device, an impounded vehicle shall be returned to its rightful
AB438-engrossed,4,321 (b) The ordinance under par. (a) may provide for recovery by the city, village,
22town or county of the cost of impounding the sound-producing device and, if a vehicle
23is impounded, the cost of impounding the vehicle and removing the sound-producing
24device. The ordinance under par. (a) shall provide that, upon disposition of the
25forfeiture action for the violation of s. 346.94 (16) or a local ordinance in strict

1conformity with s. 346.94 (16) or any other local ordinance prohibiting excessive
2noise and payment of any forfeiture imposed, the sound-producing device shall be
3returned to its rightful owner.
AB438-engrossed,4,74 (c) The city, village, town or county may dispose of any impounded
5sound-producing device or, following the procedure for an abandoned vehicle under
6s. 342.40, any impounded vehicle which has remained unclaimed for a period of 90
7days after disposition of the forfeiture action.
AB438-engrossed,4,98 (d) This subsection does not apply to a radio, electric sound amplification device
9or other sound-producing device on a motorcycle.
AB438-engrossed,4,19 10(2) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (1m), any city, village, town or county may, by
11ordinance, authorize a law enforcement officer, at the time of issuing a citation for
12a violation of s. 346.94 (16) or a local ordinance in strict conformity with s. 346.94 (16)
13or any other local ordinance prohibiting excessive noise, to seize any radio, electric
14sound amplification device or other sound-producing device used in the commission
15of the violation if the person charged with such violation is the owner of the radio,
16electric sound amplification device or other sound-producing device and has 3 or
17more prior convictions within a 3-year period of s. 346.94 (16) or a local ordinance
18in strict conformity with s. 346.94 (16) or any other local ordinance prohibiting
19excessive noise.
AB438-engrossed,5,220 (b) The ordinance under par. (a) may provide for impoundment of a vehicle for
21not more than 5 working days to permit the city, village, town or county or its
22authorized agent to remove the radio, electric sound amplification device or other
23sound-producing device if the vehicle is owned by the person charged with the
24violation and the sound-producing device may not be easily removed from the
25vehicle. Upon removal of the sound-producing device, an impounded vehicle shall

1be returned to its rightful owner upon payment of the reasonable costs of impounding
2the vehicle and removing the sound-producing device.
AB438-engrossed,5,103 (c) The ordinance under par. (a) shall include provisions that treat any seized
4sound-producing device in substantially the manner provided in ss. 973.075 (3),
5973.076 and 973.077 for property realized through the commission of any crime,
6except that the sound-producing device shall remain in the custody of the applicable
7law enforcement agency; a district attorney or city, village or town attorney,
8whichever is applicable, shall institute the forfeiture proceedings; and, if the
9sound-producing device is sold by the law enforcement agency, all proceeds of the
10sale shall be retained by the applicable city, village, town or county.
AB438-engrossed,5,1311 (d) The city, village, town or county may, following the procedure for an
12abandoned vehicle under s. 342.40, dispose of any impounded vehicle which has
13remained unclaimed for a period of 90 days after disposition of the forfeiture action.
AB438-engrossed,5,1514 (e) This subsection does not apply to a radio, electric sound amplification device
15or other sound-producing device on a motorcycle.
AB438-engrossed, s. 2m 16Section 2m. 346.94 (16) (b) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
AB438-engrossed,5,1817 346.94 (16) (b) 7. A local authority that has enacted an ordinance in conformity
18with s. 349.135.
AB438-engrossed, s. 3 19Section 3. 346.945 of the statutes is created to read:
AB438-engrossed,5,22 20346.945 Vehicle owner's liability for radios or other electric sound
21amplification devices. (1)
(a) The owner of a vehicle involved in a violation of s.
22346.94 (16) shall be presumed liable for the violation as provided in this section.
AB438-engrossed,6,223 (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), no owner of a vehicle involved in a violation of s.
24346.94 (16) may be convicted under this section if the person operating the vehicle

1or having the vehicle under his or her control at the time of the violation has been
2convicted for the violation under this section or under s. 346.94 (16).
AB438-engrossed,6,5 3(2) Any member of the public who observes a violation of s. 346.94 (16) may
4prepare a written report indicating that a violation has occurred. If possible, the
5report shall contain the following information:
AB438-engrossed,6,66 (a) The time and the approximate location at which the violation occurred.
AB438-engrossed,6,77 (b) The license number and color of the motor vehicle involved in the violation.
AB438-engrossed,6,98 (c) Identification of the motor vehicle as an automobile, station wagon, motor
9truck, motor bus, motorcycle or other type of vehicle.
AB438-engrossed,6,14 10(3) (a) 1. Within 24 hours after observing the violation, a member of the public
11may deliver a report containing all of the information in sub. (2) to a traffic officer
12of the county or municipality in which the violation occurred. A report which does
13not contain all of the information in sub. (2) shall nevertheless be delivered and shall
14be maintained by the county or municipality for statistical purposes.
AB438-engrossed,6,1915 2. Within 48 hours after receiving a report containing all of the information in
16sub. (2), the traffic officer shall investigate the violation and may prepare a uniform
17traffic citation under s. 345.11 and, within 72 hours after receiving such report, any
18traffic officer employed by the authority issuing the citation may personally serve it
19upon the owner of the vehicle.
AB438-engrossed,7,220 (b) If with reasonable diligence the owner cannot be served under par. (a),
21service may be made by leaving a copy of the citation at the owner's usual place of
22abode within this state in the presence of a competent member of the family who is
23at least 14 years of age and who shall be informed of the contents thereof. Service
24under this paragraph may be made by any traffic officer employed by the authority

1issuing the citation and shall be performed within 72 hours after a report containing
2all of the information in sub. (2) was delivered to a traffic officer under par. (a) 1.
AB438-engrossed,7,103 (c) If with reasonable diligence the owner cannot be served under par. (a) or (b)
4or if the owner lives outside of the jurisdiction of the issuing authority, service may
5be made by certified mail addressed to the owner's last-known address. Service
6under this paragraph shall be performed by posting the certified mail within 72
7hours after a report containing all of the information in sub. (2) was delivered to a
8traffic officer under par. (a) 1. Except for owners who live outside of the jurisdiction
9of the issuing authority, service under this paragraph may not be performed unless
10service under pars. (a) and (b) has been attempted.
AB438-engrossed,7,11 11(4) Defenses to the imposition of liability under this section include:
AB438-engrossed,7,1312 (a) That a report that the vehicle was stolen was given to a traffic officer before
13the violation occurred or within a reasonable time after the violation occurred.
AB438-engrossed,7,2014 (b) If the owner of the vehicle provides a traffic officer employed by the
15authority issuing the citation with the name and address of the person operating the
16vehicle or having the vehicle under his or her control at the time of the violation and
17sufficient information for the officer to determine that probable cause does not exist
18to believe that the owner of the vehicle was operating the vehicle or having the
19vehicle under his or her control at the time of the violation, then the owner of the
20vehicle shall not be liable under this section or under s. 346.94 (16).
AB438-engrossed,7,2521 (c) If the vehicle is owned by a lessor of vehicles and at the time of the violation
22the vehicle was in the possession of a lessee, and the lessor provides a traffic officer
23employed by the authority issuing the citation with the information required under
24s. 343.46 (3), then the lessee and not the lessor shall be liable under this section or
25under s. 346.94 (16).
1(d) If the vehicle is owned by a dealer, as defined in s. 340.01 (11) (intro.) but
2including the persons specified in s. 340.01 (11) (a) to (d), and at the time of the
3violation the vehicle was being operated by or was under the control of any person
4on a trial run, and if the dealer provides a traffic officer employed by the authority
5issuing the citation with the name, address and operator's license number of the
6person operating the vehicle or having the vehicle under his or her control on a trial
7run, then that person, and not the dealer, shall be liable under this section or under
8the applicable provision of s. 346.94 (16).
AB438-engrossed,8,10 9(5) Notwithstanding s. 346.94 (16) (b) 6., this section does not apply to the
10operation of a motorcycle.
AB438-engrossed, s. 4 11Section 4. 346.95 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438-engrossed,8,1512 346.95 (1) Any person violating s. 346.87, 346.88, 346.89 (2), 346.90 to 346.92
13or 346.94 (1), (9), (10), (11), (12), or (15) or (16) may be required to forfeit not less than
14$20 nor more than $40 for the first offense and not less than $50 nor more than $100
15for the 2nd or subsequent conviction within a year.
AB438-engrossed, s. 5 16Section 5. 346.95 (5e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438-engrossed,8,1917 346.95 (5e) Any person violating s. 346.94 (16) may be required to forfeit not
18less than $40 nor more than $80 for the first offense and not less than $100 nor more
19than $200 for the 2nd or subsequent conviction within a year.
AB438-engrossed, s. 6 20Section 6. 346.95 (5g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438-engrossed,9,221 346.95 (5g) A vehicle owner or other person found liable under s. 346.945 may
22be required to forfeit not less than $40 nor more than $80 for the first offense and not
23less than $100 nor more than $200 for the 2nd or subsequent conviction within a year.
24Imposition of liability under s. 346.945 shall not result in suspension or revocation

1of a person's operating license under s. 343.30, nor shall it result in demerit points
2being recorded on a person's driving record under s. 343.32 (2) (a).
AB438-engrossed, s. 6m 3Section 6m. 349.135 of the statutes is created to read:
AB438-engrossed,9,14 4349.135 Authority to regulate radios or other electric sound
5amplification devices.
(1) Notwithstanding s. 346.94 (16), the governing body of
6any town, city, village or county may, by ordinance, provide that, except as provided
7in s. 347.38 (1), no person may operate or park, stop or leave standing a motor vehicle
8while using a radio or other electric sound amplification devise emitting sound from
9the vehicle that is clearly audible under normal conditions from a distance of 50 or
10more feet, unless the electric sound amplification device is being used to request
11assistance or warn against an unsafe condition. The ordinance may provide that any
12person violating the ordinance may be required to forfeit not less than $40 nor more
13than $80 for the first violation and not less than $100 nor more than $200 for the 2nd
14or subsequent violation within a year.
AB438-engrossed,9,15 15(2) Any ordinance enacted under sub. (1) may not apply to any of the following:
AB438-engrossed,9,1816 (a) The operator of an authorized emergency vehicle, when responding to an
17emergency call or when in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law
18or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm.
AB438-engrossed,9,1919 (b) The operator of a vehicle of a public utility, as defined in s. 11.40 (1) (a).
AB438-engrossed,9,2020 (c) The operator of a vehicle that is being used for advertising purposes.
AB438-engrossed,9,2221 (d) The operator of a vehicle that is being used in a community event or
22celebration, procession or assemblage.
AB438-engrossed,9,2323 (e) The activation of a theft alarm signal device.