1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
June 20, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Seratti, Goetsch, Musser, Porter,
Duff, Green, Kelso, Owens, F. Lasee, Olsen, Handrick, Hahn, Freese,
Kreibich, Ainsworth, Albers, Zukowski, Skindrud, Vrakas, Silbaugh,
Schneiders, Gard, Ott, Ryba, Hasenohrl, Kreuser, Ziegelbauer
and Wirch,
cosponsored by Senators Petak, Huelsman, Darling, A. Lasee, Farrow, Zien,
and Breske. Referred to Committee on Criminal Justice and
AB444,1,4 1An Act to amend 301.37 (1), 302.38 (4), 302.381, 302.425 (1), 302.425 (3), 351.08,
2973.03 (3) (d) and 973.09 (4); and to create 161.01 (12m) (f), 302.372, 303.08
3(5m) and 303.10 of the statutes; relating to: county prisoners and county work
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Prisoner reimbursement to county
Under current law, there are various specific provisions authorizing counties
to collect certain costs of maintaining prisoners in county jails, houses of correction
or Huber (work release) facilities. For example, counties may recover certain
medical and hospital costs incurred by jail prisoners. This bill creates a general
provision authorizing a county to seek reimbursement for the expenses incurred by
the county for persons who have been sentenced, or confined pursuant to probation,
and are in a county jail, house of correction, Huber facility or work camp (see next
section of analysis about work camps).
Under the bill, the county may obtain information on the financial status of
each prisoner. The sheriff may obtain reimbursement by charging the prisoner while
he or she is a prisoner, the district attorney or corporation counsel may bring a civil
action to recover the expenses or the county may use a combination of these 2
County work camps
Under current law, a county board may maintain a Huber facility for county
prisoners with work release privileges. The sheriff collects the earnings of these
prisoners or the prisoners turn over their earnings to the sheriff. The sheriff then
disburses the earnings according to the following priority order: first, board
payments; 2nd, travel and other expenses; 3rd, support payments; 4th, payment of
obligations; and 5th, payment to the prisoner upon discharge.

This bill authorizes a county, or 2 or more counties acting jointly, to establish
a work camp. The sheriff assigns prisoners at a work camp to perform work, on a
voluntary basis, at paid employment, work on a public works project or work for a
public interest or a charitable purpose. The sheriff collects the earnings of these
prisoners or the prisoners turn their earnings over to the sheriff. The sheriff
disburses the earnings according to the following priority order: first,
reimbursement to the county for food, clothing and travel expenses; 2nd, support for
dependents who are receiving public assistance; 3rd, support for other dependents;
and 4th, payment to the prisoner's institutional account. Counties, employers and
organizations involved in a work camp option, and their officers, employes and
agents are immune from civil liability for their good faith acts or omissions related
to provision of a work camp option.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB444, s. 1 1Section 1. 161.01 (12m) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB444,2,22 161.01 (12m) (f) A work camp under s. 303.10.
AB444, s. 2 3Section 2. 301.37 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB444,2,114 301.37 (1) The department shall fix reasonable standards and regulations for
5the design, construction, repair and maintenance of houses of correction,
6reforestation camps maintained under s. 303.07, jails as defined in s. 302.30,
7extensions of jails under s. 59.68 (7), rehabilitation facilities under s. 59.07 (76),
8lockup facilities as defined in s. 302.30, work camps under s. 303.10, Huber facilities
9under s. 303.09 and, after consulting with the department of health and social
10services, secure detention facilities, with respect to their adequacy and fitness for the
11needs which they are to serve.
AB444, s. 3 12Section 3. 302.372 of the statutes is created to read:
AB444,2,14 13302.372 Prisoner reimbursement to a county. (1) Definitions. In this
1(a) "Jail" includes a house of correction, Huber facility under s. 303.09 or a work
2camp under s. 303.10.
AB444,3,33 (b) "Sheriff" includes a superintendent or other keeper of a jail.
AB444,3,7 4(2) Reimbursement of expenses; county option. (a) Except as provided in pars.
5(c) and (d), a county may seek reimbursement for any expenses incurred by the
6county in relation to the crime for which a person was sentenced to a county jail, or
7for which the person was placed on probation and confined in jail, as follows:
AB444,3,128 1. From each person who is or was a prisoner, not more than $30 per day for
9the expenses of maintaining that prisoner or the actual per-day cost of maintaining
10that prisoner, whichever is less, as set by the county board by ordinance, for the
11entire period of time that the person is or was confined in the jail, including any
12period of pretrial detention.
AB444,3,1313 2. To investigate the financial status of the person.
AB444,3,1514 3. Any other expenses incurred by the county in order to collect payments under
15this section.
AB444,3,2416 (b) Before seeking any reimbursement under this section, the county shall
17provide a form to be used for determining the financial status of prisoners. The form
18shall provide for obtaining the age and marital status of a prisoner, the number and
19ages of children of a prisoner, the number and ages of other dependents of a prisoner,
20type and value of real estate owned by a prisoner, type and value of personal property
21owned by a prisoner, the prisoner's cash and financial institution accounts, type and
22value of the prisoner's investments, pensions and annuities and any other
23personality of significant cash value owned by a prisoner. The county shall use the
24form whenever investigating the financial status of prisoners.
1(c) This section applies to expenses incurred on or after the effective date of this
2paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
AB444,4,83 (d) The sheriff shall choose, for each prisoner, whether to seek reimbursement
4under this section or as otherwise provided in chs. 301 to 303, but may not collect for
5the same expenses twice. The sheriff may choose to seek reimbursement for the
6expenses under sub. (2) (a) using the method under sub. (5), the method under sub.
7(6) or a combination of both methods, but may not seek reimbursement for the same
8expenses twice.
AB444,4,15 9(3) List of prisoners; information; reports. At the request of the county board,
10the sheriff shall provide the board with a list containing the name of each sentenced
11prisoner or prisoner confined as a condition of probation, the term of sentence or
12confinement, and the date of admission, together with information regarding the
13financial status of each prisoner. The county board may investigate any information
14provided under this subsection to enable the county to obtain reimbursement under
15this section.
AB444,4,21 16(4) Prisoner cooperation. A prisoner in a jail shall cooperate with the county
17in seeking reimbursement under this section for expenses incurred by the county for
18that prisoner. A prisoner who intentionally refuses to cooperate under this
19subsection may not earn good time credit under s. 302.43 or diminution of sentence
20under s. 303.19 (3). If the prisoner is confined as a condition of probation, refusal to
21cooperate is a ground for revocation of probation.
AB444,5,2 22(5) Charge to obtain reimbursement. The sheriff may charge a prisoner for the
23expenses under sub. (2) (a) while he or she is a prisoner. If the sheriff maintains an
24institutional account for a prisoner's use for payment for items from canteen,
25vending or similar services, the sheriff may make deductions from the account to pay

1for the expenses under sub. (2) (a). Any money collected under this subsection shall
2be deposited in the county treasury.
AB444,5,8 3(6) Action to obtain reimbursement. (a) Within 6 months after the release of
4a prisoner from jail, the district attorney or corporation counsel for the county where
5the jail is located shall commence a civil action in circuit court to obtain a judgment
6for the expenses under sub. (2) (a) or be barred. The sheriff shall provide any
7assistance that the district attorney or corporation counsel requests related to an
8action under this subsection.
AB444,5,109 (b) An action commenced under this subsection shall be commenced in the
10county where the jail is located or in the county where the defendant resides.
AB444,5,1411 (c) The complaint in an action commenced under this subsection shall include
12the date and place of the sentence, the length of time of the sentence, the length of
13time actually served in the jail and the amount of expenses incurred by the county
14under sub. (2) (a).
AB444,5,1815 (d) Before entering a judgment for the county, the court shall consider any legal
16obligations of the defendant for support or maintenance under ch. 767 and any moral
17obligation of the defendant to support dependants and may reduce the amount of the
18judgment entered for the county based on those obligations.
AB444,5,2019 (e) Any money obtained as the result of an action commenced under this
20subsection shall be deposited in the county treasury.
AB444, s. 4 21Section 4. 302.38 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB444,6,222 302.38 (4) The governmental unit paying the costs of medical or hospital care
23under this section may collect the value of the same from the prisoner or the
24prisoner's estate as provided for in s. 49.08. If applicable, the governmental unit may

1proceed to collect under this section or may seek reimbursement under s. 302.372,
2but may not collect for the same expenses twice.
AB444, s. 5 3Section 5. 302.381 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB444,6,10 4302.381 Emergency services for crisis intervention for prisoners. The
5costs of providing emergency services for crisis intervention for prisoners of a jail or
6house of correction with medical illnesses or disabilities, mental illnesses,
7developmental disabilities or alcohol or other drug abuse problems are payable
8according to the criteria under s. 302.38 (2). If applicable, a county may seek
9payment under this section or seek reimbursement under s. 302.372, but may not
10collect for the same expenses twice.
AB444, s. 6 11Section 6. 302.425 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB444,6,1312 302.425 (1) Definition. In this section, "jail" includes a house of correction, a
13work camp under s. 303.10
and a Huber facility under s. 303.09.
AB444, s. 7 14Section 7. 302.425 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB444,6,2515 302.425 (3) Placement in the program. If a prisoner described under sub. (2)
16and the department agree, the sheriff may place the prisoner in the home detention
17program and provide that the prisoner be detained at the prisoner's place of
18residence or other place designated by the sheriff and be monitored by an active
19electronic monitoring system. The sheriff shall establish reasonable terms of
20detention and ensure that the prisoner is provided a written statement of those
21terms, including a description of the detention monitoring procedures and
22requirements and of any applicable liability issues. The terms may include a
23requirement that the prisoner pay the county a daily fee to cover the county costs
24associated with monitoring him or her. The county may obtain payment under this
25subsection or s. 302.372, but may not collect for the same expenses twice.
AB444, s. 8
1Section 8. 303.08 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB444,7,32 303.08 (5m) A county may receive payments under sub. (5) (a) and (b) or seek
3reimbursement under s. 302.372, but may not collect for the same expenses twice.
AB444, s. 9 4Section 9. 303.10 of the statutes is created to read:
AB444,7,7 5303.10 County work camp. (1) The county board of any county may provide
6a work camp for the reformation and employment of persons sentenced to the county
7jail. Any 2 or more counties may jointly provide one work camp.
AB444,7,8 8(2) The sheriff may transfer persons between a county jail and a work camp.
AB444,7,10 9(3) The sheriff may provide prisoners assigned to a work camp the opportunity,
10on a volunteer basis, to do any of the following:
AB444,7,1111 (a) Perform meaningful work at paid employment in the community.
AB444,7,1212 (b) Provide labor on a public works project.
AB444,7,1713 (c) Perform meaningful work on a project that serves the public interest or a
14charitable purpose and is operated by an organization that is exempt from federal
15income taxation under section 501 (c) (3) of the internal revenue code, but only if the
16work performed does not result in a competitive disadvantage to a for-profit
AB444,7,23 18(4) The sheriff shall not assign prisoners to work under sub. (3) on projects in
19a manner that results in the displacement of employed persons in the community or
20the replacement of workers on strike or locked out of work. If a collective bargaining
21agreement is in effect at a place of employment that is the site of a proposed work
22project under sub. (3) (c), that bargaining unit must agree to the assignment of
23prisoners at the place of employment before the assignment is made.
AB444,7,25 24(5) Any intentional failure of a prisoner to report to or return from a work
25assignment is considered an escape under s. 946.42 (3) (a).
1(6) Any prisoner employed under sub. (3) (a) shall reimburse the county for
2food, clothing and daily travel expenses to and from work for days worked. The
3county may collect moneys under sub. (8) (a) or may seek reimbursement under s.
4302.372, but may not collect for the same expenses twice.
AB444,8,11 5(7) The sheriff shall collect the wages or salary of each prisoner employed under
6sub. (3) or require the prisoner to turn over the wages, salary or benefits in full when
7received. The sheriff shall deposit the wages, salary or benefits in a trust checking
8account and shall keep a ledger showing the status of the account of each prisoner.
9The wages or salary are not subject to garnishment in the hands of either the
10employer or the sheriff during the prisoner's term, and shall be disbursed only as
11provided in this section; but for tax purposes they are income of the prisoner.
AB444,8,13 12(8) Except as provided in sub. (9), the sheriff shall disburse wages, salary or
13benefits collected under sub. (7) in the following priority order:
AB444,8,1414 (a) Reimbursement to the county under sub. (6).
AB444,8,1715 (b) Support of the prisoner's dependents who are receiving public assistance,
16as defined in s. 101.38 (1) (g), up to the maximum of the public assistance benefit but
17not exceeding 50% of the prisoner's net earnings.
AB444,8,2118 (c) For prisoners without dependents receiving public assistance, placement,
19at the prisoner's option, of 50% of the prisoner's net earnings in either the prisoner's
20personal savings account in a financial institution or in escrow by the department
21for use by the prisoner upon release.
AB444,8,2222 (d) The balance, if any, to the prisoner's institutional account.
AB444,8,25 23(9) The county board may enact an ordinance to require the sheriff to disburse
24wages, salary or benefits collected under sub. (7) using the priority order under s.
25303.08 (5) instead of the priority order under sub. (8).
1(10) An employer that employs a prisoner for work under this section shall pay
2the prisoner at a rate agreed upon with the sheriff.
AB444,9,8 3(11) (a) Any officer, employe or agent of a county, employer or organization
4involved in the provision of any of the work camp options listed under sub. (3), and
5the county, employer and organization, are immune from civil liability for the death
6or injury of a prisoner caused by the good faith act or omission of the officer, employe
7or agent of the county, employer or organization related to carrying out any
8responsibilities under a work camp option.
AB444,9,119 (b) The immunity under this subsection includes any good faith act or omission
10that occurs during the transportation of a prisoner to or from a work camp option
11listed under sub. (3).
AB444,9,1312 (c) The immunity under this subsection does not apply to any person whose act
13or omission involves reckless, wanton or intentional misconduct.
AB444, s. 10 14Section 10. 351.08 of the statutes is amended to read: