1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
December 19, 1995 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to
Committee on Judiciary.
AB742,1,7 1An Act to repeal 758.19 (5) (e) 4. and 891.39 (1) (b); to renumber 891.39 (1) (a);
2to amend 48.27 (8), 48.275 (2) (a), 48.275 (2) (c), 48.275 (2) (d), 55.06 (9) (b),
3758.19 (6) (b), 880.33 (2) (a) 3. and 891.39 (2) (a); to repeal and recreate 48.235
4(8); and to create 48.275 (3) (c) and 758.19 (6) (cm) of the statutes; relating to:
5state payments to counties for guardian ad litem costs and the responsibility
6of parents and guardians for guardian ad litem compensation in children's code
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the joint legislative council in
the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Prefatory note: This bill was developed by the joint legislative council's special
committee on use and compensation of guardians ad litem.
State payments to counties for guardian ad litem costs
The state program to reimburse counties for costs incurred in compensating
guardians ad litem (GALs) was revised by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27 from a reimbursement
program to a straight payment program. Under the revised program, the director of state
courts distributes, once annually, the total annual amount appropriated for the program.
Each county's share of the annual payment is determined by the following formula:

1. One-third of the appropriation is distributed based on the proportionate number
of circuit court branches in the county;
2. One-third of the appropriation is distributed based on the proportionate judicial
need in the county under the weighted case load formula for cases that are likely to
involve a GAL; and
3. One-third of the appropriation is distributed based on the proportionate amount
of the court support services fee generated by the county.
Payments under the program are intended to defray counties' GAL costs, but the
director of state courts may not require a county to account for the county's GAL costs or
the manner in which or the purposes for which the county expends the payment. Each
county is required annually to report to the director of state courts: 1) the total cost of
GAL compensation incurred by the county in the previous calendar year; and 2) the total
GAL compensation that the county initially paid but that was recovered in the previous
calendar year from another responsible person.
This bill:
1. Provides that if a county's share of the state payment program exceeds the
county's GAL costs, the county is to utilize the excess payment to provide or pay for
training for GALs and for GAL support services, such as social, family and mental health
2. Expressly encourages counties to consider contracting for GAL services,
including GAL support services, in order to enhance the efficient use and compensation
of qualified and competent GALs. The director of state court's office is directed in the bill,
upon request, to furnish a county with information on the practices of other counties, in
connection with contracting for GALs and GAL support services.
Parental responsibility for guardian ad litem compensation in children's code
Currently, the county of venue is generally required to pay the compensation of
GALs appointed in children's code proceedings [s. 48.235 (8)]. The bill, subject to
exceptions, makes parents of children who have a court-appointed GAL in certain
proceedings under the children's code (ch. 48) liable for the compensation of the GAL if
the parent is able to pay the compensation. This treatment parallels the current
obligation imposed on parents of children to pay the cost of advocacy counsel in such
Current law requires the parents of a child who has been provided advocacy
counsel by the state or a county in a child in need of protection or services (CHIPS)
proceeding or delinquency proceeding under ch. 48 to reimburse the state or county for
the costs of the counsel unless: 1) the parent is the complaining or petitioning party in
the proceeding; 2) the court finds that the interests of the parent and the interests of the
child are "substantially and directly adverse and that reimbursement would be unfair to
the parent" [s. 48.275 (2) (a)]; or 3) the court or county social or human services
department determines that the parent is indigent [s. 48.275 (2) (a) and (c)].
Under the current procedure, in the case of county-provided legal counsel, the
court either makes a determination of indigency itself or appoints the county department
of social services or human services to make the indigency determination. If the court or
county department finds that the parent is not indigent or is partially indigent, the court
is required to establish the amount of reimbursement and order the parent to pay it.
Section 48.275 has been held not to apply to parental reimbursement of counties
for GAL compensation, based on the current statutory language. Specifically, the
Wisconsin court of appeals in In Interest of G. and L.P., 119 Wis. 2d 349 N.W. 2d 743 (Ct.
App. 1984) construed the term "legal counsel", as used in s. 48.275, to mean advocacy
counsel but not a GAL. There is no apparent public policy rationale to distinguish
parental liability for GAL compensation from parental liability for advocacy counsel
compensation under s. 48.275.

The bill also adds an additional exemption from liability for advocacy counsel or
GAL compensation. Under this exemption, a court is precluded from ordering
reimbursement for either advocacy counsel or a GAL if the child's guardian is not
guardian of the child's estate and the court finds that reimbursement would be unfair to
the child's guardian. The intent of this exemption is to avoid discouraging persons, such
as foster parents, from agreeing to serve as guardians of the person due to the potential
liability for attorney fees.
The bill clarifies some miscellaneous GAL-related statutes by: 1) making
language consistent with other GAL-related statutes; and 2) removing an unclear
cross-reference and deleting redundant material.
See the Notes to individual provisions of the bill for additional information.
AB742, s. 1 1Section 1 . 48.235 (8) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
2repealed and recreated to read:
AB742,3,8 348.235 (8) Compensation. (a) A guardian ad litem appointed under this
4chapter shall be allowed reasonable compensation, and, except as provided in par.
5(b) or in s. 48.275 (2) (a), or unless the court orders otherwise, the county of venue
6shall pay that compensation. If the court orders a county to pay the compensation
7of a guardian ad litem, the amount ordered may not exceed the compensation paid
8to private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b).
AB742,3,18 9(b) The compensation of a guardian ad litem appointed under this chapter shall
10be paid by the proposed adoptive parents in uncontested termination proceedings
11and uncontested adoption cases under ss. 48.835 and 48.837 and by the agency in
12uncontested termination proceedings and uncontested adoptions under s. 48.833. If
13the proposed adoptive parents are unable to pay, the court may direct that the county
14of venue pay the compensation, in whole or in part, and may direct that the proposed
15adoptive parents reimburse the county, in whole or in part, for the payment. At any
16time before the final order for adoption, the court may order that payments be placed
17in an escrow account in an amount estimated to be sufficient to pay the compensation
18of the guardian ad litem.
Note: Repealed and recreated to:

1. Make express reference to s. 48.275 (2) (a) which, under the bill, makes a
parent responsible for GAL compensation under certain circumstances in ch. 48
2. Provide for improved organization and readability; and
3. Provide, in par. (a), reference to "unless the court orders otherwise", to make
the text of the statute consistent with the 1990 Judicial council note
explaining the provision.
AB742, s. 2 1Section 2 . 48.27 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB742,4,5 248.27 (8) When a petition is filed under s. 48.12 or 48.13, the court shall notify,
3in writing, the child's parents or guardian that they may be ordered to reimburse this
4state or the county for the costs of legal counsel
or guardian ad litem provided for the
5child, as provided under s. 48.275 (2).
AB742, s. 3 6Section 3 . 48.275 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
7is amended to read:
AB742,4,19 848.275 (2) (a) If this state or a county provides legal counsel to or a guardian
9ad litem for
a child subject to a proceeding under s. 48.12 or 48.13, the court shall
10order the child's parent to reimburse the state or county in accordance with par. (b)
11or (c). The court may not order reimbursement if a parent is the complaining or
12petitioning party or if the court finds that the interests of the parent and the interests
13of the child in the proceeding are substantially and directly adverse and that
14reimbursement would be unfair to the parent.
The court may not order a child's
15guardian to reimburse the state or county if the child's guardian is not guardian of
16the child's estate and the court finds that reimbursement would be unfair to the
17child's guardian.
The court may not order reimbursement until the completion of the
18proceeding or until the state or county is no longer providing the child with legal
or a guardian ad litem in the proceeding.
AB742, s. 4 20Section 4. 48.275 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
148.275 (2) (c) If the county provides the child with legal counsel or with a
2guardian ad litem
and the court orders reimbursement under par. (a), the court shall
3either make a determination of indigency or shall appoint the county department to
4make the determination. If the court or the county department finds that the parent
5is not indigent or is indigent in part, the court shall establish the amount of
6reimbursement and shall order the parent to pay it.
AB742, s. 5 7Section 5 . 48.275 (2) (d) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
8is amended to read:
AB742,5,16 948.275 (2) (d) Reimbursement payments shall be made to the clerk of courts
10of the county where the proceedings took place. Each payment shall be transmitted
11to the county treasurer, who shall deposit 25% of the amount paid for state-provided
12counsel in the county treasury and transmit the remainder to the state treasurer.
13Payments transmitted to the state treasurer shall be deposited in the general fund
14and credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.550 (1) (L). The county
15treasurer shall deposit 100% of the amount paid for county-provided counsel
16county-provided guardian ad litem
in the county treasury.
Note: Revisions in Sections 2 to 5 extend the provisions of s. 48.275 that provide
for parental reimbursement for county-provided legal counsel in a ch. 48 proceeding to
provide for parental reimbursement for GAL services in such proceedings. See the
Prefatory note.
AB742, s. 6 17Section 6. 48.275 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB742,5,18 1848.275 (3) (c) Any proceeding covered under s. 48.235 (8) (b).
Note: Clarifies that s. 48.275 does not apply to GAL compensation in proceedings
covered under s. 48.235 (8) (b). See the treatment of the latter section by Section 1 of this
AB742, s. 7 19Section 7. 55.06 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB742,6,16 2055.06 (9) (b) Transfer may be made between placement units or from a
21placement unit to a medical facility other than those specified in pars. (c) to (e) by a

1guardian or placement facility without approval by a court. When transfer is made
2by a placement facility, 24 hours' prior written notice of the transfer shall be provided
3to the guardian, when feasible. If it is not feasible to notify the guardian in advance,
4written notice shall be provided immediately upon transfer, and notice shall also be
5provided to the court and to the board designated under s. 55.02 or an agency
6designated by it within a reasonable time, not to exceed 48 hours from the time of the
7transfer. Upon petition to a court by a guardian, ward, or attorney, or other
8interested person specifying objections to a transfer, the court shall order a hearing,
9within 96 hours after filing of the petition, to determine whether there is probable
10cause to believe that the transfer is consistent with the requirements specified in par.
11(a) and is necessary for the best interests of the ward. The court shall notify the ward,
12guardian and petitioner of the time and place of the hearing, and a guardian ad litem
13shall be appointed to represent the ward. If the person is indigent, the county of legal
14settlement shall be liable for guardian ad litem
fees compensation. The petitioner,
15ward and guardian shall have the right to attend, and to present and cross-examine
Note: Substitutes "compensation" for "fees" to make reference to GAL
compensation consistent with other statutes.
AB742, s. 8 17Section 8. 758.19 (5) (e) 4. of the statutes is repealed.
AB742, s. 9 18Section 9. 758.19 (6) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
19is amended to read:
AB742,7,6 20758.19 (6) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.625 (1) (e), the director of
21state courts, beginning on July 1, 1995, shall annually on July 1 pay to each county
22the county's share, as determined under par. (c), of the total appropriation under s.
2320.625 (1) (e). The payment is designed to defray a county's guardian ad litem costs

1but, except as provided in par. (d), the director of state courts may not require a
2county to account for the county's guardian ad litem costs or the manner in which or
3the purposes for which the county expends the payment.
If a payment under this
4subsection exceeds the county's guardian ad litem costs, the county is to utilize that
5portion of the payment to provide or pay for training for guardians ad litem and for
6guardian ad litem support services, such as social, family and mental health services.
Note: Encourages counties, when their share of the state program to reimburse
counties for GAL compensation exceeds the county's costs, to utilize the excess payment
for the specified GAL-related purposes. Use of GAL support services has the potential
to result in significant savings in county GAL compensation.
AB742, s. 10 7Section 10. 758.19 (6) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB742,7,13 8758.19 (6) (cm) In order to enhance the efficient use and compensation of
9qualified and competent guardians ad litem, counties are urged to consider
10contracting for guardian ad litem services, including support services for guardians
11ad litem. The director of state courts, upon request, shall furnish a county with
12information on the practices of other counties in this state in connection with
13contracting for guardians ad litem and for support services for guardians ad litem.
Note: Reflects the joint legislative council special committee's determination that
contracting for GAL services can be a cost-effective method for counties to provide
qualified and competent GALs.
AB742, s. 11 14Section 11. 880.33 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB742,7,18 15880.33 (2) (a) 3. If the person is indigent, the county of legal settlement shall
16be the county liable for any
fees compensation due the guardian ad litem and, if
17counsel was not appointed under s. 977.08, for any legal fees due the person's legal
Note: Substitutes "compensation" for "fees" to make reference to guardian ad litem
compensation consistent with other statutes.
AB742, s. 12 19Section 12. 891.39 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 891.39 (1).
AB742, s. 13
1Section 13 . 891.39 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
2is repealed.
Note: Repeals the following language:
"891.39 (1) (b) In actions affecting the family, in which the question of paternity
is raised, and in paternity proceedings, the court, upon being satisfied that the parties
to the action are unable to adequately compensate any such guardian ad litem for the
guardian ad litem's services and expenses, shall then make an order specifying the
guardian's compensation and expenses, which compensation and expenses shall be paid
as provided in s. 967.06. If the court orders a county to pay the compensation of the
guardian ad litem, the amount ordered may not exceed the compensation paid to private
attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b)."
The language is repealed because:
1. The appointment and compensation of GAL's in actions affecting the family,
including paternity proceedings, is generally handled in s. 767.45.
2. The reference to s. 967.06, relating to right to counsel in criminal
proceedings, is unclear and has created confusion.
AB742, s. 14 3Section 14. 891.39 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB742,8,10 4891.39 (2) (a) The mother of the child shall not be excused or privileged from
5testifying fully in any action or proceeding mentioned in sub. (1)
or in any action
6affecting the family
in which the determination of whether the child is a marital or
7nonmarital child is involved or in issue, when ordered to testify by a court of record
8or any judge thereof; but she shall not be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or
9forfeiture for or on account of testifying or producing evidence, except for perjury
10committed in giving the testimony.
Note: Amended to reflect the repeal of s. 891.39 (1) (b) by Section 13 .