AB939,13,22 19460.12 Locksmith agency employe requirements. (1) A locksmith agency
20licensed under this chapter may not employ an individual to engage in the practice
21of locksmithing unless the individual is a registered apprentice, a locksmith or a pro
22fessional locksmith.
AB939,14,2 23(2) Upon employing an individual, a locksmith agency shall submit to the ex
24amining board the name, address and date of birth of the individual and other infor

1mation, as specified by the examining board by rule, sufficient to identify the indi
AB939,14,6 3(3) (a) A locksmith agency shall maintain a list of all employes hired and a list
4of all employes terminated during the previous month and, except as provided in par.
5(c), submit the lists to the examining board by the 10th day of the month immediately
6following the month for which the list was compiled.
AB939,14,87 (b) The locksmith agency shall retain copies of the lists required under par. (a)
8covering the immediately preceding 24-month period.
AB939,14,119 (c) A locksmith agency is not required to submit the applicable list under par.
10(a) if the locksmith agency did not hire or terminate an employe during the month
11covered by the list.
AB939,14,13 12(4) A locksmith agency shall maintain a record of each employe that contains
13all of the following information:
AB939,14,1614 (a) A photograph of the employe that was taken within 10 days of the date that
15the employe began employment with the locksmith agency. The photograph shall be
16replaced with a current photograph every 3 years.
AB939,14,1717 (b) An employe statement that contains all of the following:
AB939,14,1818 1. The employe's full name, date of birth and residence address.
AB939,14,2119 2. The name of the country of which the employe is a citizen and, if the employe
20is not a citizen of the United States, proof that the employe is an alien lawfully ad
21mitted for permanent residence.
AB939,14,2522 3. The business or occupation in which the employe was engaged for the 5-year
23period immediately preceding the date on which the employe executes the statement,
24the place in which the employe engaged in the business or occupation and, if applica
25ble, the names of the employe's employers during that period.
14. A statement that the employe has not had a license or employe registration
2under this chapter denied, revoked or suspended.
AB939,15,33 5. A list of the employe's criminal convictions, if any.
AB939,15,54 6. A statement as to whether the employe has ever been found incompetent un
5der ch. 880 and whether the employe has subsequently been found competent.
AB939,15,76 7. Any other information that the examining board may require by rule that
7bears on the employe's competency as an employe of a locksmith agency.
AB939,15,9 8460.13 Identification card. (1) The examining board shall issue an identifi
9cation card to every individual licensed or registered under this chapter.
AB939,15,10 10(2) An identification card issued under sub. (1) shall contain all of the following:
AB939,15,1111 (a) The individual's name.
AB939,15,1312 (b) Identification information of the individual, including height, weight and
13hair and eye color.
AB939,15,1414 (c) A recent photograph of the individual.
AB939,15,1515 (d) The signature of the individual.
AB939,15,1716 (e) The name and license number of the locksmith agency employing the indi
17vidual, if applicable.
AB939,15,1918 (f) The signature of the locksmith responsible for the operation of the agency
19under par. (e).
AB939,15,2020 (g) The date the identification card was issued.
AB939,15,2121 (h) The number of the identification card.
AB939,15,24 22(3) An individual who terminates his or her employment with a locksmith
23agency shall notify the examining board and return his or her identification card to
24the examining board for updating and reissuance.
1(4) The examining board may charge a fee for issuing an identification card un
2der this section.
AB939,16,8 3460.14 License and registration renewal; inactive status. (1) Renewal
4applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the depart
5ment on or before the applicable renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a) and
6shall include the applicable renewal fee specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a) and proof of
7completion of continuing education required by the rules promulgated under s.
8460.06 (4) (c).
AB939,16,11 9(2) (a) A locksmith, professional locksmith or locksmith agency may apply to
10the examining board for registration as an inactive licensee on or before the license
11renewal date.
AB939,16,1512 (b) Unless the person's license has been revoked or suspended under s. 460.22,
13the examining board may register a locksmith, professional locksmith or locksmith
14agency as an inactive licensee upon application for inactive status and payment of
15a fee set by the examining board.
AB939,16,1616 (c) An inactive licensee may not engage in the practice of locksmithing.
AB939,16,2317 (d) A person may be registered as an inactive licensee under this subsection for
18not more than 6 years from the date that his or her inactive license status becomes
19effective. Upon application during the 6-year period and payment of the applicable
20renewal fee under s. 440.08 (2) (a), the examining board shall reinstate an inactive
21licensee's original license. After the 6-year period, the examining board may rein
22state the inactive licensee's original license in accordance with the requirements for
23late renewal under s. 440.08 (3) (b).
AB939,17,8 24(3) Notwithstanding s. 440.08 (3), if a locksmith license, professional locksmith
25license or locksmith agency license issued under this chapter expires while the indi

1vidual who was granted the license is serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces
2or was engaged in training or education preliminary to serving in the U.S. armed
3forces, the examining board may renew the individual's license without requiring the
4individual to pay a late renewal fee if, within 2 years after termination of his or her
5active duty, training or education the individual submits evidence satisfactory to the
6examining board that he or she was serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces
7or was engaged in training or education preliminary to serving in the U.S. armed
8forces and that the active duty or training or education has been terminated.
AB939,17,12 9460.15 Liability insurance. Every professional locksmith and locksmith
10agency shall annually submit to the examining board evidence satisfactory to the ex
11amining board that he or she has in effect liability insurance of the type and in the
12amounts required by the rules promulgated under s. 460.06 (4) (a) and (b).
AB939,17,17 13460.16 Customer identification. (1) An apprentice locksmith, locksmith or
14professional locksmith who opens for another person a residence or commercial es
15tablishment or safe, vault, safe deposit box, automatic teller machine or other device
16for safeguarding an area where access is intended to be limited shall document the
17work performed by recording on a work order form all of the following information:
AB939,17,1818 (a) The name of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,17,1919 (b) The address of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,17,2020 (c) The telephone number of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,17,2221 (e) The driver's license number or other identification of the person for whom
22the work was performed.
AB939,17,2323 (f) The signature of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,17,2424 (g) The location, including street address, where the work was performed.
1(h) The name and license or registration number of the apprentice locksmith,
2locksmith or professional locksmith who performed the work.
AB939,18,7 3(2) An apprentice locksmith, locksmith, professional locksmith or person act
4ing under s. 460.04 (1) (e) who opens a motor vehicle for another shall document the
5work performed by fully completing a work order form that contains space for the ap
6prentice locksmith, locksmith, professional locksmith or person acting under s.
7460.04 (1) (e) to record all or as much as is practicable of the following information:
AB939,18,88 (a) The name of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,18,99 (b) The address of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,18,1010 (c) The telephone number of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,18,1111 (d) The date of birth of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,18,1212 (e) The driver's license number of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,18,1413 (f) The vehicle identification number or registration number of the vehicle on
14which the work was performed.
AB939,18,1515 (g) The signature of the person for whom the work was performed.
AB939,18,1716 (h) The name and license or registration number of the apprentice locksmith,
17locksmith or professional locksmith who performed the work.
AB939,18,19 18(2m) A work order form used under sub. (1) or (2) shall include all of the follow
AB939,18,2120 (a) A statement that the customer has the authority to request the work being
AB939,18,2422 (b) A statement that the customer authorizes the apprentice locksmith, lock
23smith, professional locksmith or person acting under s. 460.04 (1) (e) to perform the
1(c) A statement that, by signing the work order form, the customer acknowl
2edges that he or she has read and understands the statements specified in pars. (a)
3and (b).
AB939,19,6 4(3) A professional locksmith, locksmith agency or person acting under s. 460.04
5(1) (e) shall keep a copy of a work order completed under sub. (1) or (2) for a period
6of 2 years after the date on which the work was performed.
AB939,19,10 7460.18 Locksmith tools and equipment. (1) No person may own or possess,
8or attempt to own or possess, locksmithing tools specifically designed to compromise
9or bypass locks, safe-opening tools or code books unless he or she is a registered ap
10prentice, a locksmith, a professional locksmith or a locksmith agency.
AB939,19,15 11(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to tools designed exclusively to open motor
12vehicle locks and that are owned or possessed by a towing service, a motor club or a
13person authorized to repossess motor vehicles or, if he or she is acting within the
14scope of his or her employment, by an employe of a towing service, motor club or per
15son authorized to repossess motor vehicles.
AB939,19,23 16460.20 Advertising. A person licensed as a professional locksmith or a lock
17smith agency under this chapter may advertise his or her locksmithing services in
18the public media or on the premises where the locksmithing services are rendered
19as permitted by law and by rules promulgated by the examining board. All advertise
20ments published in any medium shall include, in the case of an advertisement for a
21professional locksmith, the license number of the professional locksmith, or, in the
22case of an advertisement for a locksmith agency, the license number of the locksmith
AB939,20,2 24460.22 Disciplinary proceedings and actions. (1) Subject to the rules pro
25mulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the examining board may make investigations and con

1duct hearings to determine whether a violation of this chapter or any rule promul
2gated under this chapter has occurred.
AB939,20,8 3(2) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the examining board
4may reprimand a registered apprentice, locksmith, professional locksmith or lock
5smith agency or may deny, limit, suspend or revoke a registration or license granted
6under this chapter if it finds that the applicant for a registration or license or a regis
7tered apprentice, locksmith, professional locksmith or locksmith agency has done
8any of the following:
AB939,20,109 (a) Made a material misstatement in an application for a registration or license
10or for renewal of a registration or a license.
AB939,20,1211 (b) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.34, engaged in the practice of lock
12smithing while his or her ability to practice was impaired by alcohol or other drugs.
AB939,20,1313 (c) Advertised in a manner that is false, deceptive or misleading.
AB939,20,1414 (d) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, been convicted of a crime.
AB939,20,1515 (e) Advertised, practiced or attempted to practice under another's name.
AB939,20,1716 (f) Engaged in conduct while practicing locksmithing that evidences a lack of
17knowledge or ability to apply locksmithing principles or skills.
AB939,20,1818 (g) Engaged in unprofessional conduct.
AB939,20,2019 (h) Knowingly permitted a person under his or her supervision to violate this
20chapter or any rule promulgated under this chapter.
AB939,20,2221 (i) Employed, induced or assisted a person who is not registered or licensed un
22der this chapter in the unauthorized practice of locksmithing.
AB939,21,223 (j) Been connected or associated with, or lent his or her name to, another person
24who engaged in the practice of locksmithing in violation of this chapter or who made

1representations about his or her authorization to practice locksmithing that are in
2violation of this chapter.
AB939,21,43 (k) Made or filed false records or reports in connection with his or her practice
4of locksmithing.
AB939,21,65 (L) Engaged in irregularities in billing for services rendered to another person.
6In this paragraph, "irregularities in billing" includes:
AB939,21,87 1. Reporting charges for the purpose of obtaining a total payment in excess of
8that usually received for the services rendered.
AB939,21,99 2. Reporting charges for services not rendered.
AB939,21,1110 3. Incorrectly reporting services rendered for the purpose of obtaining pay
AB939,21,1212 (m) Violated this chapter or any rule promulgated under this chapter.
AB939,21,21 13460.24 Injunction. If it appears upon complaint to the examining board by
14any person, or if it is known to the examining board, that a person who is not a regis
15tered apprentice, a locksmith, a professional locksmith or a locksmith agency and
16who is not exempt under this chapter is practicing or offering to practice, or is about
17to practice or offer to practice, locksmithing in this state, the examining board or the
18attorney general or the district attorney of the proper county may investigate and
19may, in addition to any other remedies, bring an action in the name and on behalf
20of this state against any such person to enjoin the person from practicing or offering
21to practice locksmithing.
AB939,22,2 22460.26 Penalties. (1) Any person who violates this chapter or any rule pro
23mulgated under this chapter may be required to forfeit not more than $500 for the
24first offense and may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000 for the 2nd or any
25subsequent offense within a year. Each day of continued violation constitutes a sepa

1rate offense. The period shall be measured by using the dates of the offenses that
2resulted in convictions.
AB939,22,5 3(2) Any person who wilfully violates this chapter or any rule promulgated un
4der this chapter may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than
59 months or both.
AB939, s. 7 6Section 7 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB939,22,7 7(1)  Initial appointments.
AB939,22,12 8(a)  Notwithstanding section 15.405 (18) of the statutes, as created by this act,
9the initial professional locksmith members of the locksmith examining board need
10not be licensed under chapter 460 of the statutes, as created by this act, to be ap
11pointed to and serve as members of the examining board until the first day of the 13th
12month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph.
AB939,22,16 13(b)  Notwithstanding section 15.405 (18) of the statutes, as created by this act,
14the initial members of the locksmith examining board shall be appointed by the first
15day of the 4th month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph for the fol
16lowing terms:
AB939,22,17 171.  One professional locksmith member, for a term expiring on July 1, 1997.
AB939,22,18 182.  One public member, for a term expiring on July 1, 1998.
AB939,22,19 193.  One professional locksmith member, for a term expiring on July 1, 1999.
AB939,22,21 204.  One professional locksmith member and one public member, for terms ex
21piring on July 1, 2000.
AB939,22,22 22(2)   Waiver of certain licensing requirements.