1. Initiation of reorganization
The reorganization may be initiated by either of the following:
a. The filing of a petition to create the new school district by owners of more
than 25% of the territory proposed to be included in the new school district, as
measured by its assessed valuation divided by the assessment ratio of the taxation
district, or more than 25% of the electors residing in that territory; or
b. The adoption of resolutions to create the new school district by the school
boards of all of the school districts containing territory within the proposed district.

2. Information
Following the filing of the petition or the adoption of the resolutions to initiate
the reorganization process, the department of public instruction (DPI) must provide
the person petitioning for the reorganization, if applicable, and each affected school
board, with information relating to each affected school district's enrollment, school
locations, valuation, operating costs, debt, shared costs, state aid, federal aid, tax
levy, recent construction and recent referenda on the issuance of bonds or promissory
notes that failed to win approval. Some of this information must be provided
separately for the territory from each affected school district that is proposed to be
transferred to the school district created by the reorganization. The department
must update this information prior to the referendum on the reorganization if a
referendum is required.
3. Opportunity for referendum if reorganization initiated by school boards
If the reorganization is initiated by the adoption of resolutions by the affected
school boards, owners of more than 10% of the territory proposed to be included in
the new school district, as measured by its assessed valuation divided by the
assessment ratio of the taxation district, or more than 10% of the electors residing
in that territory, may petition for a referendum on the creation of the proposed new
school district. Alternatively, the school board of any school district that will lose 7%
or more of its equalized valuation or enrollment may direct that a referendum be
held. If no petition for a referendum is filed and no school board directs that a
referendum be held, the new school district is created as proposed by the school
4. Referendum if reorganization is initiated by petition
If the reorganization is initiated by the filing of a petition by property owners
or electors, a referendum must be held on the creation of the proposed new school
5. Referendum vote counting
If a referendum is held, the new school district must be approved by a majority
of the persons voting who reside in each affected school district.
6. Allocation of assets and liabilities
If the reorganization is approved, the school district boundary appeal board
must issue an order assigning the existing school districts' assets and liabilities
among the existing school districts and the school district created by the
reorganization. The affected school boards may establish an alternative method to
govern the apportionment of assets and liabilities, but the resulting apportionment
is subject to approval by the school district boundary appeal board.
7. Treatment of employes
Any employe of a school district from which territory is detached to create the
new school district who is laid off as a result of the reorganization has priority over
other persons, for 3 years after the effective date of the reorganization, for new
positions and vacant positions for which the employe is qualified in the new school
district. Any employe who wishes to exercise this priority must notify the new school
district in writing.

8. Timetable
The following timetable applies to these reorganizations:
a. Before June 1: A petition to initiate the process must be filed or the school
boards must vote to initiate the process.
b. Before July 15: DPI must provide information.
c. Before August 1: School boards must act if they initiated the process.
d. Before the 2nd Tuesday in September: If the school boards initiated the
process, an elector petition for a referendum may be filed.
e. Before October 15: DPI must update the previously provided information.
f. Tuesday following first Monday in November: A referendum must be held,
if required.
g. Generally, before or at the spring election: The election for school board
members for the new school district must be held (assuming there is no court appeal).
h. July 1 or the following July 1: Effective date of reorganization.
No specific date is established for the order of the school district boundary
appeal board apportioning assets and liabilities.
9. Other
The bill provides that a person filing a petition for a referendum on the transfer
of large territory must be given a written description of reorganization procedures
prepared by DPI. Currently, this information must be given to a person filing a
petition to initiate a reorganization procedure that may be initiated by petition (i.e.,
transfers of large or small territory) or a person filing a petition for a referendum on
any other reorganization that may be decided by referendum (i.e., consolidations).
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB291, s. 1 1Section 1. 117.03 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB291,3,22 117.03 (4m) "Membership" has the meaning given in s. 121.004 (5).
SB291, s. 2 3Section 2. 117.05 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB291,3,64 117.05 (1m) Board and appeal panel meetings. The state superintendent shall
5set the time and place for meetings of the board under ss. 117.10, 117.105 (6), 17.12
6(5) and 117.132 and for meetings of appeal panels under ss. 117.12 (4) and 117.13.
SB291, s. 3 7Section 3. 117.05 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1117.05 (2) (a) Board. The state superintendent shall appoint 7 members of the
2board to perform any review under ss. 117.10, 117.105 (6), 117.12 (5) and 117.132.
3The 7 members shall include the state superintendent or his or her designee on the
4board, 2 board members from school districts with small enrollments, 2 board
5members from school districts with medium enrollments and 2 board members from
6school districts with large enrollments. Any action of the board under this chapter
7requires the affirmative vote of at least 4 of the 7 members appointed under this
SB291, s. 4 9Section 4. 117.05 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB291,4,1410 117.05 (4) (a) Pending proceedings. (intro.) A reorganization proceeding is
11pending from the date that a petition is filed under s. 117.105 (1) (a), 117.11 (2) or
12117.12 (2) or a resolution is adopted under s. 117.08 (1), 117.09 (1), 117.10 (1), 117.105
13(1) (b),
117.13 (2) or 117.132 (2) until the date on which the latest of any of the
14following occurs:
SB291, s. 5 15Section 5. 117.05 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB291,4,2116 117.05 (4) (d) One-year limitation on consideration of creation of a school
1. Except as provided in subd. 2., no petition for the detachment of territory
18from one school district and its inclusion in a school district proposed to be created
19under s. 117.105 (1) (a) may be filed under s. 117.105 (1) (a) before the 2nd June 1
20following the filing of a petition under s. 117.105 (1) (a) for any reorganization that
21includes any of the same territory.
SB291,4,2522 2. The limitation under subd. 1. does not apply if the school board of each
23affected school district adopts a resolution waiving the limitation. If a school board
24denies a request for a waiver under this subdivision, the denial may not be appealed
25under this chapter.
SB291, s. 6
1Section 6. 117.05 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB291,5,92 117.05 (5) (a) Territory in district. All territory within this state shall be
3included in a school district operating elementary school grades and a school district
4operating high school grades or in a school district operating both elementary and
5high school grades. No territory may be detached from a school district unless by the
6same order it is attached to another school district or included in a new school district
7created by the order
. No territory may be detached from a school district that
8operates high school grades unless by the same order it is attached to or included in
9another school district that operates high school grades.
SB291, s. 7 10Section 7. 117.05 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB291,5,1711 117.05 (8) Information on reorganization procedures. The department shall
12prepare a written description of the procedures for school district reorganizations
13under ss. 117.08 to 117.132 and distribute copies to school district clerks. A school
14district clerk shall give a copy of the description to any person, upon request, and to
15any person filing a petition with the clerk under s. 117.08 (3) (a) 2., 117.09 (3) (a) 2.,
16117.105 (1) (a) or (3) (b) 2., 117.11 (2) or (4) (a) 2. or 117.12 (2), at the time the petition
17is filed.
SB291, s. 8 18Section 8. 117.05 (9) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB291,5,2119 117.05 (9) (a) (intro.) The state superintendent may charge the following
20persons a fee sufficient to reimburse the department for the costs of the board under
21ss. 117.10, 117.105 and 117.132:
SB291, s. 9 22Section 9. 117.05 (9) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB291,5,2423 117.05 (9) (a) 2. Each school board that issues an order to create a school district
24under s. 117.105 (2) or (4).
SB291, s. 10 25Section 10. 117.05 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1117.05 (9) (b) The clerk of the school district ordering the dissolution or
2requesting review shall pay the fee under par. (a) 3. or 4. to the state superintendent.
3The clerk of each school district issuing an order to create a school district shall pay
4the fee under par. (a) 2. to the state superintendent. The state superintendent shall
5allocate the fee under par. (a) 2. among the school districts from which territory is
6being detached to create a new school district if there is more than one such school
The secretary of the board shall forward the fee collected under par. (a) 5.
8to the state superintendent.
SB291, s. 11 9Section 11. 117.05 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB291,6,1410 117.05 (10) State superintendent to advise. The state superintendent shall
11advise and consult with school boards regarding school district organization and
12reorganization. If, in the state superintendent's opinion, one or more school districts
13should be created, altered, consolidated or dissolved, he or she may make
14recommendations to the school boards of the affected school districts.
SB291, s. 12 15Section 12. 117.105 of the statutes is created to read:
SB291,6,18 16117.105 Creation of a school district. (1) Initiation of procedures.
17Procedures to create a school district from the territory of one or more existing school
18districts may be initiated by any of the following methods:
SB291,7,219 (a) Before June 1 of any year, 25% or more of the electors residing in the
20territory of the proposed school district, or owners of 25% or more of that territory,
21as measured by its assessed valuation divided by the assessment ratio of the taxation
22district, may file a written petition requesting the creation of a school district with
23the clerk of the school district that has the highest equalized valuation of the affected
24school districts. The school district clerk with whom the petition is filed shall
25immediately send a certified notice of the petition to the school board of each affected

1school district and to the secretary of the board. The petition shall include all of the
SB291,7,63 1. A description of the territory of the proposed school district that is
4sufficiently accurate to determine its location in the school districts from which it is
5proposed to be detached, as certified by the clerk of each city, town or village within
6which all or part of the territory is located.
SB291,7,107 2. The number of pupils residing in the territory of the proposed school district
8who, on the most recent of the preceding 3rd Friday of September or 2nd Friday of
9January, were enrolled in the school districts from which the territory is proposed to
10be detached, as certified by the clerks of those school districts.
SB291,7,1111 3. The name of the school district proposed to be created by the reorganization.
SB291,7,1312 4. The type of school district to be created and the grades to be taught by the
13proposed school district pursuant to s. 115.01 (2), (3) and (5).
SB291,7,1614 5. The number of school board members for the proposed school district under
15s. 120.01 or 120.41, the terms of initial members of the school board under s. 120.02
16(3) (a), and the method of election of school board members under s. 120.06 or 120.42.
SB291,7,1817 6. The date of the first election of school board members of the proposed school
18district, as provided under s. 117.22 (2) (b).
SB291,7,2019 7. The time and place for the first annual meeting of the proposed school
20district, if one is to be held.
SB291,8,821 (b) Before June 1, the school board of each school district from which territory
22will be detached to create the proposed school district may adopt a resolution stating
23that the school board will consider the creation of the school district. The resolution
24shall include a description of the territory sufficiently accurate to determine its
25location in the school districts from which it is proposed to be detached, as certified

1by the clerk of each city, town or village within which all or part of the territory is
2located, and the number of pupils residing in that territory who, on the most recent
3of the preceding 3rd Friday of September or 2nd Friday of January, were enrolled in
4the school districts from which the territory is proposed to be detached, as certified
5by the clerks of those school districts. The school district clerk of each school board
6adopting a resolution under this paragraph shall send a certified copy of the
7resolution to the school boards of each of the other affected school districts and to the
8secretary of the board.
SB291,8,23 9(2) School board action. Before the August 1 following the adoption of
10resolutions under sub. (1) (b), the school boards of the affected school districts may
11order the creation of the proposed school district by the adoption, by each of those
12school boards, of a resolution ordering the creation of the school district. Failure of
13a school board to adopt a resolution either ordering or denying the reorganization
14before August 1 constitutes a denial of the reorganization by that school board. The
15school district clerk of each school board adopting a resolution under this subsection,
16either ordering or denying the reorganization, shall, within 5 days after the adoption
17of the resolution, send a certified copy of the resolution to the school boards of each
18of the other affected school districts and file a certified copy of the resolution as
19provided in s. 117.17 (2). If the school board of each affected school district adopts
20a resolution ordering the creation of a proposed school district, the reorganization
21shall take effect on the following July 1, unless the school board of each affected
22school district orders that the reorganization shall take effect on the 2nd July 1
23following the order of reorganization or a referendum is required under sub. (3) (b).
SB291,8,25 24(3) Referendum. (a) A referendum shall be held under par. (c) on each
25reorganization petition filed under sub. (1) (a) before June 1 of that year.
1(b) A referendum shall be held under par. (c) on any reorganization ordered by
2the school boards of all of the affected school districts under sub. (2) if any of the
3following occurs:
SB291,9,114 1. At the time of adopting the resolution under sub. (2), the school board of any
5affected school district directs the holding of a referendum under this subdivision.
6A school board may direct the holding of a referendum under this subdivision if 7%
7or more of the enrollment of the school district resides in the territory proposed to be
8detached from that school district by the reorganization or the assessed value of the
9territory of that school district that is proposed to be detached from the school district
10by the reorganization, divided by the assessment ratio of the taxation district, is 7%
11or more of the equalized valuation of the school district.
SB291,9,1712 2. Before the 2nd Tuesday of September following the adoption of the
13resolutions under sub. (2), a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40
14requesting a referendum, signed by at least 10% of the electors who reside in any
15affected school district, is filed with the clerk of the school district that has the
16highest equalized valuation of the affected school districts. The validity of the
17petition shall be governed by the rules promulgated under s. 8.40 (3).
SB291,9,2418 (c) If a referendum is required under par. (a) or (b), the school district clerk of
19the school board adopting the resolution or the school district clerk receiving the
20petition shall immediately notify the school boards of each of the other affected school
21districts, the secretary of the board and the clerk of each city, village or town, any part
22of which is contained within an affected school district. The referendum shall be held
23in the affected school districts as provided in s. 117.20. Votes shall be counted
24separately for each affected school district.
1(4) Referendum results. If a majority of the votes cast in each affected school
2district is in favor of the creation of the proposed school district, at the time of
3canvassing the returns the school boards of the affected school districts shall make
4and file an order of school district reorganization under s. 117.17 (2). The
5reorganization shall take effect on the following July 1 unless, within 30 days after
6canvassing the returns, the school board of each affected school district adopts and
7files a resolution, as provided in s. 117.17 (2), stating that the reorganization shall
8take effect on the 2nd July 1 following the order of reorganization.
SB291,10,21 9(5) Information. Before the July 15 following the filing of a petition under sub.
10(1) (a) or the adoption of a resolution by the school board of each affected school
11district under sub. (1) (b), the department shall provide the information described in
12pars. (a) to (g) to the person who filed the petition under sub. (1) (a), if applicable, and
13to each affected school board, based on the most recent available information that
14will provide consistent information to the affected school boards and the public, as
15determined by the department. If a referendum is required under sub. (3), the
16department shall provide updated information to the person who filed the petition
17under sub. (1) (a), if applicable, and to each affected school board not later than
18October 15 of that year. Each affected school board shall provide information
19requested by the department to assist the department in complying with this
20subsection. The department shall provide the following information under this
SB291,10,2422 (a) Grade structure. The grade level structure of each affected school district,
23as described in s. 115.01 (2), including which grades are included in the school
24district's elementary grades, middle schools, junior high schools and high schools.
1(b) Enrollment. 1. The enrollment of each affected school district, the
2enrollment of each affected school district in each of the preceding 5 years and the
3projected enrollment of each affected school district in each of the succeeding 5 years.
SB291,11,94 2. The enrollment of each affected school district attributable to pupils residing
5in territory of the school district that is proposed to be included in the school district
6created by the reorganization, the enrollment of each affected school district
7attributable to that territory in each of the preceding 5 years, and the projected
8enrollment of each affected school district attributable to that territory in each of the
9succeeding 5 years.
SB291,11,1310 3. Separate totals shall be given for the information described in subds. 1. and
112. for each grade, for all of the elementary grades, for all of the middle school grades,
12for all of the junior high school grades, for all of the high school grades and for all
SB291,11,1814 (c) Schools. The name, location, number of classrooms, grades taught,
15enrollment by grade, number of teachers by grade and area of certification and
16number of administrators for each school in each affected school district and whether
17that school is located in the territory proposed to be included in the school district
18created by the reorganization.
SB291,11,2019 (d) Valuation. 1. The equalized valuation and equalized valuation per member
20of each affected school district.
SB291,11,2421 2. For each affected school district, the assessed value of the property of the
22school district that is proposed to be included in the school district to be created by
23the reorganization, divided by the assessment ratio of the appropriate taxation
13. For each affected school district, the amount determined under subd. 2. for
2that school district divided by the school district's membership residing on the
3property of the school district that is proposed to be included in the school district to
4be created by the reorganization.
SB291,12,75 4. The assessed value of the property of the school district proposed to be
6created by the reorganization, divided by the assessment ratio of the appropriate
7taxation district.
SB291,12,108 5. The amount determined under subd. 4. divided by the estimated
9membership of the school district that is proposed to be included in the school district
10to be created by the reorganization residing on that property.
SB291,12,1411 (e) Operating costs and debt. 1. For each affected school district, the net and
12gross costs of the general fund and debt service fund, as defined in s. 121.004 (3), (4)
13and (6), including the net cost of the debt service fund, as described in s. 121.07 (6)
SB291,12,1915 2. The total outstanding debt of each affected school district; the type of debt
16outstanding, such as whether the debt is in the form of bonds, trust fund loans under
17s. 24.61 or promissory notes to private lenders; a description of any capital projects
18funded by the debt; the amount and type of the debt attributable to each such project;
19and the annualized debt service attributable to each such project.
SB291,12,2320 (f) Shared costs; state and federal aid; tax levy. For each affected school district,
21the school district's shared cost, state aid under ss. 121.08, 121.10 and 121.105 and
22total state aid; the school district's federal aid; the school district's property tax levy
23rate and total property tax levy; and the school district's revenue from other sources.
SB291,13,224 (g) Recent construction and referenda. 1. A description, including location and
25costs, of any school district building constructed during the preceding 5 years in any

1affected school district and whether the building is located in territory proposed to
2be included in the school district created by the reorganization.
SB291,13,43 2. A description, including location and costs, of any planned school district
4building construction.