SB351,59,1919 1. Conducts its business contrary to law.
SB351,59,2020 2. Violates its charter, or any law.
SB351,59,2121 3. Conducts its business in an unauthorized or unsafe manner.
SB351,59,2222 4. Has an impairment of its capital.
SB351,59,2323 5. Suspends payment of its obligations.
SB351,59,2524 6. Neglects or refuses to comply with the terms of an order of the office of credit
17. Refuses to submit its books, papers, records, accounts or affairs for inspection
2to a credit union examiner.
SB351,60,33 8. Refuses to be examined upon oath regarding its affairs.
SB351,60,44 9. Receives notice of intent to terminate insured status by the national board.
SB351,60,115 (b) Suspension. 1. The office of credit unions may suspend, for a period of up
6to 120 days, an officer, director, committee member or employe of a credit union from
7engaging in credit union business if the office of credit unions finds the existence of
8any condition under par. (a) 1. to 9. The office of credit unions may renew a
9suspension under this subdivision any number of times and for periods of up to 120
10days if the office of credit unions finds that the condition or conditions continue to
SB351,60,1412 2. The office of credit unions shall suspend the business of a credit union, other
13than a corporate central credit union, if the credit union does not comply with s.
SB351,60,1715 (c) Possession by office of credit unions. 1. The office of credit unions may take
16possession of the business and property of a credit union if the office finds the
17existence of any condition under par. (a) 1. to 9.
SB351,60,2018 2. The office of credit unions shall take possession of the business and property
19of a credit union that violates s. 186.34, unless the office approves a merger under
20s. 186.31.
SB351,60,2221 (d) Procedure on taking possession. Upon taking possession of the business and
22property of a credit union, the office of credit unions shall:
SB351,61,323 1. Serve a notice in writing upon the president and secretary of the credit union
24stating that the office of credit unions has taken possession and control of the
25business and property of the credit union. The notice shall be executed in duplicate,

1and immediately after service, one of the notices shall be filed with the clerk of the
2circuit court of the county in which the credit union is located together with proof of
SB351,61,64 2. Give notice to all individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability
5companies and associations known to the office of credit unions to be holding or in
6possession of any assets of the credit union.
SB351,61,227 (dg) Special deputies. The office of credit unions may appoint one or more
8special deputies as agent to assist in the duty of liquidation and distribution of the
9assets of one or more credit unions whose business and property the office of credit
10unions holds. A certificate of appointment shall be filed in the office of credit unions
11and a certified copy in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which
12the credit union is located. The office of credit unions may employ counsel and
13procure expert assistance and advice as necessary in the liquidation and distribution
14of the assets of the credit union, and may retain any officers or employes of the credit
15union that the office of credit unions considers to be necessary. The special deputies
16and assistants shall furnish security for the faithful discharge of their duties in an
17amount that the office of credit unions considers to be necessary. The special
18deputies may execute, acknowledge and deliver any deeds, assignments, releases or
19other instruments necessary to effect any sale and transfer or incumbrance of real
20estate or personal property and may borrow money for use in the liquidation after
21the liquidation has been approved by the office of credit unions and an order obtained
22from the circuit court of the county in which the credit union is located.
SB351,62,723 (dr) Special deputy duties. Upon taking possession of the property and
24business of the credit union, a special deputy is authorized to collect all moneys due
25to the credit union, and to do other acts necessary to conserve its assets and business,

1and shall proceed to liquidate the affairs of the credit union. The special deputy shall
2collect all debts due and claims belonging to the credit union, and upon a petition
3approved by the office of credit unions and upon order of the circuit court of the county
4in which the credit union is located, may sell or compound all bad or doubtful debts,
5or do any act or execute any other necessary instruments and upon petition and order
6may sell all the real and personal property of the credit union on such terms as the
7court shall approve.
SB351,62,218 (e) Notice, allowance and payment of claims. The special deputy shall publish
9a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, calling on all persons who may have a claim against
10the credit union to present the claim to the special deputy and make legal proof of
11the claim at a place and within a time, not earlier than the last day of publication,
12to be specified in the notice. The special deputy shall mail a similar notice to all
13persons, at their last-known address, whose names appear as creditors upon the
14books of the credit union. Proof of service of the notice shall be filed with the clerk
15of court. The special deputy may reject any claim. Any party interested may also
16file written objections to any claim with the special deputy and, after notice by
17registered mail of the rejection, the claimant shall be barred unless the claimant
18commences an action on the claim within 3 months. Claims presented after the
19expiration of the time fixed in the notice shall be entitled to an equitable share from
20the distribution of any assets remaining in the hands of the special deputy after
21properly filed claims have been paid.
SB351,63,622 (f) Inventory of assets and statement of liabilities. Upon taking possession of
23the property and assets of the credit union, the special deputy shall make an
24inventory of the assets of the credit union, in duplicate, one to be filed in the office
25of credit unions and one in the office of the clerk of circuit court for the county in which

1the credit union is located. Upon the expiration of the time fixed for the presentation
2of claims, the special deputy shall make in duplicate a full and complete list of the
3claims presented, including and specifying the claims rejected by the special deputy,
4one to be filed in the office of credit unions, and one in the office of the clerk of circuit
5court for the county in which the credit union is located. The inventory and list of
6claims shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection.
SB351,63,177 (g) Adjustment of loans and withdrawal value of shares. The value of shares
8pledged upon a loan to the credit union shall be applied and credited to the loan and
9the borrower shall be liable only for the balance. The rate of interest charged upon
10the balance shall be the legal rate. Upon the approval of the value by the office of
11credit unions and the circuit court of the county in which the credit union is located,
12the book value of each member may be reduced proportionately. At least 5 days'
13written notice of the determination of value shall be given to all shareholders of the
14time and place the value shall be submitted to the circuit court for approval.
15Approval of the circuit court shall be by an order entered under s. 807.11 (2). Any
16stockholder or creditor of the credit union aggrieved by the determination of value
17may appeal to the court of appeals.
SB351,64,418 (h) Compensation and expenses in connection with liquidation. The
19compensation of the special deputies, counsel and other employes and assistants,
20and all expenses of supervision and liquidation shall be fixed by the office of credit
21unions, subject to the approval of the circuit court for the county in which the credit
22union is located, and shall upon the certificate of the office of credit unions be paid
23out of the funds of the credit union. Expenses of supervision and liquidation include
24the cost of the services rendered by the office of credit unions to the credit union being
25liquidated. The cost of these services shall be determined by the office of credit

1unions and paid to the office from the assets of the credit union as other expenses
2of liquidation are paid. The moneys collected by the special deputy shall be deposited
3in a corporate central credit union, and, in case of the suspension or insolvency of a
4depository, such deposits shall be preferred before all other deposits.
SB351,64,115 (i) Liquidating dividends. At any time after the expiration of the date fixed for
6the presentation of claims, the special deputy in charge of the liquidation of the credit
7union may, upon a petition approved by the office of credit unions and an order of the
8circuit court of the county in which the credit union is located, out of the funds
9remaining, after the payment of expenses and debts, declare one or more dividends,
10and may declare a final dividend to be paid to such persons, and in such amounts as
11may be directed by the circuit court.
SB351,64,1912 (j) Title passes to office of credit unions. Immediately upon filing the notice
13under par. (d), the possession of all assets and property of the credit union shall be
14considered to be transferred from the credit union to and assumed by the office of
15credit unions. The filing of the notice shall of itself, and without the execution or
16delivery of any instruments of conveyance, assignment, transfer or endorsement,
17vest the title to all such assets and property in the office of credit unions. The filing
18shall also operate as a bar to any attachment, garnishment, execution or other legal
19proceedings against the credit union, or its assets and property, or its liabilities.
SB351,64,2320 (k) Effect of possession. No credit union shall have a lien, or charge for any
21payment, advance or clearance made, or liability thereafter incurred, against any of
22the assets of the credit union of whose property and business the office of credit
23unions shall have taken possession.
SB351,65,1024 (L) Appeal. If a credit union whose property and business the office of credit
25unions has taken possession of considers itself aggrieved by the office's action, it may,

1at any time within 30 days after the date of the taking, appeal to the credit union
2review board for relief from the possession by the office of credit unions. If the credit
3union review board sustains the office of credit unions, the credit union may, at any
4time within 30 days after the decision of the credit union review board, apply to the
5circuit court of the county in which the credit union is located to enjoin further
6proceedings. The court, after citing the office of credit unions to show cause why
7further proceedings should not be enjoined and after hearing all allegations and
8proofs of the parties and determining the facts, may upon the merits dismiss the
9application or enjoin the office of credit unions from further proceedings, and may
10direct the office to surrender the business and property to the credit union.
SB351,65,1311 (m) Reinstatement. After the office of credit unions takes over the possession
12and control of the business and property of a credit union, the credit union may
13resume business if all of the following apply:
SB351,65,1614 1. The owners of at least two-thirds of the credit union dollar value of
15outstanding shares execute a petition to resume business, the form of which petition
16shall be prescribed by the office of credit unions.
SB351,65,1917 2. There is submitted to the office of credit unions by the shareholders, or a
18committee selected by them, a plan for the reorganization and reinstatement of the
19credit union.
SB351,65,2120 3. A request for continuation of federal share insurance has been submitted and
SB351,65,2322 4. The office of credit unions recommends that control of the business and
23property of the credit union be returned to the shareholders.
SB351,66,224 5. The court in which the liquidation is pending, upon application of the office
25of credit unions, makes an order approving the office's recommendations, which

1order shall contain a finding that the credit union will be in a safe and sound
2condition when control is resumed by the shareholders.
SB351,66,123 (n) Reinstatement upon restricted basis. In addition to the procedure under par.
4(m), a credit union may resume business upon a restricted basis, and upon such
5limitations and conditions as may be prescribed by the office of credit unions when
6approved by the circuit court for the county in which the credit union is located, upon
7application of the office of credit unions. The restrictions and conditions may include
8a prohibition against the selling of new shares, reasonable restrictions upon
9withdrawals and the payment of other liabilities. On approval, the credit union shall
10be relieved from the control and supervision of the office of credit unions, but the
11approval does not prohibit the office from again proceeding against the credit union
12if conditions warrant the office's action.
SB351,66,2313 (p) Liquidating dividends and unclaimed funds. 1. The special deputy shall
14deposit unclaimed liquidating dividends and unclaimed funds remaining unpaid in
15the hands of the special deputy for 6 months after the order for final distribution in
16a corporate central credit union in the name of the office of credit unions in trust for
17the shareholders and creditors of the liquidated credit union. The office of credit
18unions shall annually report to the governor and the chief clerk of each house of
19legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) the names of credit
20unions of which the office of credit unions has taken possession and liquidated, and
21the sums of unclaimed and unpaid liquidating dividends and unclaimed funds with
22respect to each of the credit unions and include a statement of interest earned upon
23those funds.
SB351,67,624 2. The office of credit unions may pay over the funds held by the office of credit
25unions under subd. 1. to the persons entitled to the funds, upon being furnished

1satisfactory evidence of their right to the funds. In case of doubt or conflicting claims,
2the office of credit unions may require an order of the circuit court authorizing
3payment. The office of credit unions may apply the interest earned by the funds
4toward defraying the expenses in the payment and distribution of unclaimed
5liquidating dividends and unclaimed funds to the stockholders and creditors entitled
6to receive the dividends and funds.
SB351,67,147 3. One year after the date of the order for final distribution, the office of credit
8unions shall report and deliver to the state treasurer all unclaimed funds as provided
9in ch. 177. All claims subsequently arising shall be presented to the office of credit
10unions. If the office of credit unions determines that any claim should be allowed,
11the office shall certify to the department of administration the name and address of
12the person entitled to payment and the amount of the payment and shall attach the
13claim to the certificate. The department of administration shall certify the claim to
14the state treasurer for payment.
SB351, s. 226 15Section 226. 186.235 (11) (m) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
SB351,67,1716 186.235 (11) (m) 3. A request for continuation of federal share insurance has
17been submitted and accepted.
SB351, s. 227 18Section 227. 186.235 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
SB351,67,2219 186.235 (12) Annual report. (a) The commissioner shall submit to the
20governor, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), an annual report on the general
21conduct and condition of credit unions doing business in this state. The report shall
22be based upon the individual annual reports filed with the commissioner.
SB351,67,2423 (b) The commissioner shall designate the number of copies of the report to be
24made available for general distribution. Each credit union is entitled to one copy.
SB351, s. 228
1Section 228. 186.235 (12) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
2(this act), is amended to read:
SB351,68,73 186.235 (12) Annual report. (a) The commissioner office of credit unions shall
4submit to the governor, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), an annual report
5on the general conduct and condition of credit unions doing business in this state.
6The report shall be based upon the individual annual reports filed with the
7commissioner office of credit unions.
SB351,68,108 (b) The commissioner office of credit unions shall designate the number of
9copies of the report to be made available for general distribution. Each credit union
10is entitled to one copy.
SB351, s. 229 11Section 229. 186.235 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
SB351,68,1512 186.235 (13) Fees for office publications. (a) Whenever copies of reprints of
13this chapter, the annual report of credit unions or any other publication published
14by the office of the commissioner are requested, copies shall be furnished upon
15payment of any fee established by the commissioner.
SB351,68,1916 (b) Upon request, the commissioner may distribute copies of materials
17described under par. (a) free to agencies or legislators of this state or any other state,
18county clerks, the courts of this state, trade organizations and any agencies of the
19United States.
SB351, s. 230 20Section 230. 186.235 (13) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
21(this act), is amended to read:
SB351,69,222 186.235 (13) Fees for office publications. (a) Whenever copies of reprints of
23this chapter, the annual report of credit unions or any other publication published
24by the office of the commissioner credit unions are requested, copies shall be

1furnished upon payment of any fee established by the commissioner office of credit
SB351,69,63 (b) Upon request, the commissioner office of credit unions may distribute copies
4of materials described under par. (a) free to agencies or legislators of this state or any
5other state, county clerks, the courts of this state, trade organizations and any
6agencies of the United States.
SB351, s. 231 7Section 231. 186.235 (14) (a), (b) and (e) of the statutes, as affected by 1995
8Wisconsin Act .... (this act), are amended to read:
SB351,69,129 186.235 (14) (a) The commissioner office of credit unions, with the approval
10of the credit union review board, shall fix the amounts to be assessed against credit
11unions for their supervision and examinations under this chapter. Amounts shall be
12determined and paid as provided in this subsection.
SB351,69,1613 (b) On or before July 15 of each year, each credit union shall pay to the office
14of the commissioner credit unions an annual assessment, which shall represent as
15nearly as practicable its fair share of the maintenance of the office of the
credit unions.
SB351,69,2017 (e) If the amounts collected under this subsection exceed the actual amounts
18necessary for the supervision and examination of credit unions in a year, the excess
19shall be retained by the commissioner office of credit unions and applied in reducing
20the amounts chargeable for ensuing years.
SB351, s. 232 21Section 232. 186.235 (15) of the statutes is created to read:
SB351,69,2322 186.235 (15) Testimonial powers. (a) The office of the commissioner may issue
23subpoenas and take testimony.
SB351,70,524 (b) Witness fees shall be the same as fees under s. 814.67 (1) (b) and (c). The
25fees of witnesses who are called by the office in the interests of the state shall be paid

1by the state upon presentation of proper vouchers approved by the commissioner and
2charged to the appropriation under s. 20.141 (1) (g). A witness subpoenaed by the
3office at the instance of a party other than the office shall not be entitled to payment
4of fees by the state unless the office certifies that the testimony was material to the
5purpose for which the subpoena was issued.
SB351, s. 233 6Section 233. 186.235 (15) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
7.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB351,70,98 186.235 (15) (a) The office of the commissioner credit unions may issue
9subpoenas and take testimony.
SB351, s. 234 10Section 234. 186.235 (16) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
11.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB351,70,1712 186.235 (16) Annual examination. (a) At least once each year, the
13commissioner office of credit unions shall examine the records and accounts of each
14credit union. For that purpose the commissioner or the examiners appointed by the
office of credit unions shall have full access to, and may compel the
16production of, each credit union's records and accounts. They may administer oaths
17to and examine each credit union's officers and agents.
SB351,70,2318 (b) Instead of an annual examination of a credit union under par. (a), the
19commissioner office of credit unions may accept an audit report of the condition of
20the credit union made by a certified public accountant not an employe of the credit
21union in accordance with rules promulgated by the commissioner office of credit
or may accept an examination or audit made or approved by the national
SB351, s. 235 24Section 235. 186.235 (17) of the statutes is created to read:
1186.235 (17) Refusal to submit to examination. The commissioner shall report
2to the department of justice any credit union that refuses to submit to an
3examination. The department of justice shall institute proceedings to revoke the
4charter of the credit union.
SB351, s. 236 5Section 236. 186.235 (17) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
6(this act), is amended to read:
SB351,71,107 186.235 (17) Refusal to submit to examination. The commissioner office of
8credit unions
shall report to the department of justice any credit union that refuses
9to submit to an examination. The department of justice shall institute proceedings
10to revoke the charter of the credit union.
SB351, s. 237 11Section 237. 186.235 (18) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
12.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB351,71,1913 186.235 (18) Record-keeping and accounting procedure. (a) A credit union
14shall keep records and accounts in a manner consistent with generally accepted
15accounting principles or with standards prescribed by the commissioner office of
16credit unions
. If a credit union does not keep its records and accounts in a manner
17consistent with generally accepted accounting principles, the commissioner office of
18credit unions
may require the credit union to keep records and accounts under
19standards prescribed by the commissioner office.
SB351,71,2420 (b) The commissioner office of credit unions may require a credit union that
21fails to open records or maintain prescribed records or accounts to forfeit not more
22than $100 for each day it is in violation. If the credit union fails to pay the forfeiture,
23the commissioner office of credit unions may institute proceedings to recover the
SB351, s. 238
1Section 238. 186.235 (19) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
2.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB351,72,53 186.235 (19) Financial reports. (a) A credit union shall file with the
4commissioner office of credit unions a report of its activities for the previous
5reporting period, on a form furnished by the commissioner office of credit unions.
SB351,72,86 (b) The report shall include a true and verified copy of a condition statement
7of the credit union as of the close of the previous reporting period and shall include
8any other information that the commissioner office of credit unions requires.
SB351,72,139 (c) If a credit union fails or refuses to furnish a required report, it shall be
10subject, at the discretion of the commissioner office of credit unions, to a forfeiture
11of $10 per day for each day of default, and the commissioner office of credit unions
12may maintain an action in the name of the state to recover the forfeiture, which shall
13be paid into the general fund.
SB351,72,2114 (d) Annually, a credit union shall publish a report as a class 1 notice, under ch.
15985, in the municipality, as defined in s. 985.01 (3), where the credit union is located
16if the credit union has assets of $10,000,000 or more or has a membership as
17described in s. 186.02 (2) (b) 2. The published report shall describe the condition of
18the credit union on December 31 of the previous year and shall be in a form that the
19commissioner office of credit unions prescribes. Proof of publication shall be
20furnished to the commissioner office of credit unions within 45 days after the date
21of the report.
SB351, s. 239 22Section 239. 186.235 (20) of the statutes is created to read:
SB351,73,423 186.235 (20) Approval of acts. Whenever any credit union requests approval
24of the commissioner for any act, which by statute requires approval, the
25commissioner shall have 90 days in which to grant, deny or defer the approval. A

1deferral may be for not more than 60 days. If the commissioner fails to act, approval
2shall be considered to have been granted. In matters which require the holding of
3public hearings, the 90-day period shall not commence until the conclusion of the
4hearing and the date set by the commissioner for receipt of briefs.
SB351, s. 240 5Section 240. 186.235 (20) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
6(this act), is amended to read:
SB351,73,147 186.235 (20) Approval of acts. Whenever any credit union requests approval
8of the commissioner office of credit unions for any act, which by statute requires
9approval, the commissioner office of credit unions shall have 90 days in which to
10grant, deny or defer the approval. A deferral may be for not more than 60 days. If
11the commissioner office of credit unions fails to act, approval shall be considered to
12have been granted. In matters which require the holding of public hearings, the
1390-day period shall not commence until the conclusion of the hearing and the date
14set by the commissioner office of credit unions for receipt of briefs.
SB351, s. 241 15Section 241. 186.235 (21) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB351,73,1616 186.235 (21) (title) Parity.
SB351, s. 242 17Section 242. 186.24 of the statutes is repealed.
SB351, s. 243 18Section 243. 186.25 of the statutes is renumbered 186.235 (19) and amended
19to read:
SB351,74,220 186.235 (19) (title) Supervision; Financial reports. All credit unions formed
21under this or other similar law, or authorized to transact in this state a business
22similar to that authorized to be done by this chapter, shall be under the control and
23supervision of the commissioner. Every such corporation
(a) A credit union shall
24make a full and detailed file with the commissioner a report of its business as of
25December 31 for that year, and of its condition on such date, in such form and

1containing such information as
activities for the previous reporting period, on a form
2furnished by
the commissioner may prescribe, and shall file with the commissioner.
SB351,74,7 3(b) The report shall include a true and verified copy thereof on or before
4February 1 thereafter. Accompanying the same shall be attached a copy
of the a
statement of the credit union at as of the close of its last fiscal year the
6previous reporting period and shall include any other information that the
7commissioner requires
SB351,74,12 8(c) If any such a credit union fails or refuses to furnish the a required report
9herein required, it shall be subject, at the discretion of the commissioner, to a
10forfeiture of $1 to $10 per day for each day of default, and the commissioner may
11maintain an action in the name of the state to recover such penalty, and the same the
12forfeiture, which
shall be paid into the state treasury. A general fund.
SB351,74,19 13(d) Annually, a credit union shall publish the a report as a class 1 notice, under
14ch. 985, in the municipality, as defined in s. 985.01 (3), where the credit union is
15located if the credit union has assets of $10,000,000 or more or has a membership as
16described in s. 186.02 (2) (b) 2. The published report shall be in the condensed form
describe the condition of the credit union on December 31 of the previous year and
18shall be in a form that
the commissioner prescribes. Proof of publication shall be
19furnished to the commissioner within 45 days after the date of the report.
SB351, s. 244 20Section 244. 186.26 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
SB351, s. 245 21Section 245. 186.26 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 186.235 (16) and
22amended to read:
SB351,75,1023 186.235 (16) (title) Annual examination. (a) At least once each year, the
24commissioner shall make or cause to be made an examination of examine the cash,
25bills, collaterals, securities, assets, books of account, condition and affairs

1and accounts
of each credit union and for . For that purpose the commissioner or the
2examiners appointed by the commissioner shall have full access to, and may compel
3the production of, each credit union's books, papers, securities and moneys, records
4and accounts. They may
administer oaths to and examine each credit union's officers
5and agents as to their respective affairs. Special examination shall be made upon
6written request of 5 or more members, if those members guarantee the expense of
7the special examination. The refusal of any credit union to submit to an examination
8ordered or requested shall be reported to the department of justice for the purpose
9of instituting proceedings to have the charter of the credit union revoked because of
10the refusal