Note: Corrects transcription error in Chapter 62, Laws of 1965. 1965 Assembly
Bill 37 which was adopted as Chapter 62 says "offices" rather than "officers". Prior to this
amendment, the provision read in relevant part "division offices". In Chapter 62 "officers"
was inserted without being shown in italics and "offices" was dropped from the text rather
than being stricken through.
SB436, s. 309 7Section 309. 86.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,124,208 86.04 (1) Order for removal. If any highway right-of-way shall be encroached
9upon, under or over by any fence, stand, building or any other structure or object, and
10including encroachments caused by acquisition by the public of new or increased
11widths of highway right-of-way, the department (, in case of a state trunk highway),
12the county highway committee (, in case of a county trunk highway), or the city
13council, village or town board (, in case of a street or highway maintained by or under
14the authority of any city, village or town), may order the occupant or owner of the land
15through or by which such the highway runs, and to which the encroachment shall
16be appurtenant, to remove the same encroachment beyond the limits of such the
17highway within 30 days. The order shall specify the extent and location of the
18encroachment with reasonable certainty, and shall be served upon such the occupant
19or owner of the land through or by which the highway runs, and to which the
20encroachment shall be appurtenant
Note: Replaces parentheses and text for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 310
1Section 310. 86.25 (3) of the statutes is amended by replacing "under to s.
266.60" with "under s. 66.60".
Note: Deletes language rendered surplusage by the treatment of this provision by
1993 Wis. Act 246.
SB436, s. 311 3Section 311. 88.22 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,125,64 88.22 (2) (a) Extending the time of payment of delinquent and unmatured
5instalments of assessments for cost of construction ( , inclusive of interest accrued
6thereon), for a period of not to exceed 40 years.
Note: Replaces parentheses consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 312 7Section 312. 88.22 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,125,128 88.22 (2) (b) Deferring payment of any portion of the principal of unpaid and
9unmatured assessments of cost of construction (, inclusive of interest already
10accrued thereon), for a period of not to exceed 10 years and provide for the payment
11of such delinquent and unpaid assessments of cost of construction in equal annual
12instalments over a period of years.
Note: Replaces parentheses consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 313 13Section 313. 88.36 (1) of the statutes is amended by replacing "shall fix a time
14and place" with "shall fix the time and place".
Note: Inserts correct word.
SB436, s. 314 15Section 314. 88.42 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,126,216 88.42 (1) The secretary of the drainage board shall, in accordance with s. 88.19,
17keep a separate record of all assessments in each drainage district under the board's
18jurisdiction. On or before December 1 of each year, the secretary shall certify all past
19due assessments for costs (, including past due instalments), to the clerk of the town,
20village or city in which the delinquent lands are located or assessed, specifying the

1amount due from each tract, parcel or easement. The amount certified shall include
2interest at the rate of 6% per year computed through December 31 of the current year.
Note: Replaces parentheses consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 315 3Section 315. 88.89 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,126,114 88.89 (1) Whenever any embankment, grade, culvert or bridge (, including the
5approaches to such the culvert or bridge), built or maintained by any person across
6a natural watercourse or natural draw so obstructs such the watercourse or draw so
7that waters therein are set back or diverted upon any lands in a drainage district,
8such the person who built the embankment, grade, culvert or bridge shall so enlarge
9the waterway through such the embankment, grade, culvert or bridge and the
10approaches thereto so that it will not set back or divert such waters upon lands in
11the district.
Note: Replaces parentheses and language for greater readability and consistency
with current style.
SB436, s. 316 12Section 316. 90.02 (1m) (d), (e) and (g) of the statutes, as affected by 1995
13Wisconsin Act 41
, are amended to read:
SB436,126,1414 90.02 (1m) (d) A fence of strong woven wire not less than fifty 50 inches wide.
SB436,126,1715 (e) A fence of boards firmly fastened to posts well set, not more than eight 8 feet
16apart, the space between the boards to the height of thirty 30 inches to be not more
17than six 6 inches and at no point to be more than ten 10 inches.
SB436,126,2018 (g) A fence of three 3 or more wires not less than No. 12, with pickets not less
19than four 4 feet long properly woven in or fastened thereto, and set not more than
20six 6 inches apart.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 317 21Section 317. 90.02 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 41,
22is amended to read:
190.02 (2) The strands of woven wire shall not be smaller than No. 12 wire and
2the cross wires shall not be smaller than No. 16 wire; the strands shall not be more
3than eight 8 inches apart, and the cross wires not more than twelve 12 inches apart.
4All wires must be tightly stretched and securely fastened to sufficient posts firmly
5set not more than sixteen 16 feet apart, except as provided in sub. (1m) (f) or (i) and
6except that the posts may be set not more than 20 feet apart if the wire is high tensile
7wire. The space between barbed wires or high tensile wires shall not exceed eight
88 inches; and the space between the top board or upper edge of woven wire and the
9bottom barbed wire or high tensile wire shall not exceed six 6 inches.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits for greater conformity with
current style.
SB436, s. 318 10Section 318. 90.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,127,1311 90.02 (3) Fences shall not be less than fifty 50 inches high, and the bottom of
12the fence shall be not more than four 4 inches from the ground, measurements to be
13made at the posts.
Note: Inserts digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 319 14Section 319. 92.08 (1) of the statutes is amended by replacing "71.09 (11)" with
15"subch. IX of ch. 71".
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. The repeal and recreation of ss. 92.08 and
92.14 by 1987 Wis. Act 27 inserted references to the farmland preservation credit which
was numbered s. 71.09 (11) in the 1985 stats. 1987 Wis. Act 312 subsequently repealed
and recreated all of ch. 71, effectively renumbering the farmland preservation credit
provisions to be subch. IX of ch. 71, but did not take cognizance of the cross-references
to s. 79.01 (11) inserted by 1987 Wis. Act 27.
SB436, s. 320 16Section 320. 92.14 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended by replacing "71.09 (11)"
17with "subch. IX of ch. 71".
Note: See Note to the treatment of s. 92.08 (1) by this bill.
SB436, s. 321 18Section 321. 92.14 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended by replacing "71.09 (11)"
19with "subch. IX of ch. 71".

Note: See Note to the treatment of s. 92.08 (1) by this bill.
SB436, s. 322 1Section 322. 92.14 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended by replacing "71.09 (11)"
2with "subch. IX of ch. 71".
Note: See Note to the treatment of s. 92.08 (1) by this bill.
SB436, s. 323 3Section 323. 92.14 (6) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended by replacing "71.09 (11)"
4with "subch. IX of ch. 71".
Note: See Note to the treatment of s. 92.08 (1) by this bill.
SB436, s. 324 5Section 324. 95.11 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended by replacing
6"re-recording" with "rerecording".
Note: Corrects spelling.
SB436, s. 325 7Section 325. The amendment of 95.11 (4) of the statutes by 1993 Wisconsin
8Act 490
is not repealed by 1993 Wisconsin Act 492. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
SB436, s. 326 9Section 326. 95.25 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,128,1710 95.25 (2) Upon reasonable notice the department, its authorized agents and all
11inspectors and persons appointed or authorized to assist in the work of applying the
12tuberculin test, may enter any buildings or inclosures enclosures where cattle are,
13for the purpose of making inspection and applying the tuberculin test, and any
14person who interferes therewith or obstructs them in their work or attempts to
15obstruct or prevent by force the inspection and the testing ( shall, in addition to the
16penalty prescribed therefor) shall, be liable for all damages caused thereby to the
17state or to any person lawfully engaged in the work of inspection and testing.
Note: Replaces language and parentheses consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 327 18Section 327. 95.36 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,128,2119 95.36 (9) Where the owner has received indemnity as a result of a former
20inspection or test, and has thereafter introduced into his or her herd any bovine
21contrary to law or the regulations of the department.

Note: Renders provision gender neutral.
SB436, s. 328 1Section 328. 95.39 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,129,42 95.39 (1) It is unlawful for any person to sell, furnish, give away or supply any
3tuberculin or any biological product containing Brucella organisms for use in this
4state unless all of the following conditions are met:
SB436,129,65 (a) the The label on the container thereof states the name and address of the
6manufacturer and the date of expiration;.
SB436,129,87 (b) the The vendor, within 15 days, reports to the department the name of the
8recipient, the date and amount delivered; and.
SB436,129,109 (c) such The products are sold or delivered only to veterinarians licensed to
10practice in this state.
Note: Subdivides text consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 329 11Section 329. 97.01 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,129,1412 97.01 (9) "Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed or graphic
13matter 1) upon an article or any of its containers or wrappers, or 2) accompanying
14such the article.
Note: Deletes subdivision designations not in conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 330 15Section 330. 97.03 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 97.03 (1) (d) (intro.) and
16amended to read:
SB436,129,1817 97.03 (1) (d) (intro.) If in package form, unless it bears a label containing a) the
18all of the following:
SB436,129,20 191. The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer or distributor;
20and b) an
SB436,129,22 212. An accurate statement of the quantity of the contents in terms of weight,
22measure or numerical count.

Note: Subdivides provision for greater readability and conformity with current
SB436, s. 331 1Section 331. 97.17 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,130,82 97.17 (2) No person shall engage as a buttermaker or cheesemaker unless he
3the person has a license from the department. Such The license shall be issued by
4the department under such regulations as that the department shall prescribe
5relating to the qualifications of applicants for licenses. Such The qualifications shall
6include among other things: Previous the applicant's record in operating and keeping
7in sanitary condition the butter or cheese factory in which he the applicant has been
Note: Renders provision gender neutral and replaces language not in conformity
with current drafting style.
SB436, s. 332 9Section 332. 97.17 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,130,1910 97.17 (3) Application for a buttermaker's or cheesemaker's license shall be
11made upon a blank form furnished by the department. Upon receipt of such the
12application the department shall issue a permit to such the applicant to carry on the
13work of a buttermaker or cheesemaker. Such The permit shall have the force and
14effect of a license to a buttermaker or cheesemaker until a license shall have been
15issued to the applicant or until such the applicant shall have been notified of the
16denial of such the application. At the time such that the permit is issued, the
17department shall furnish him the applicant with the regulations incident to securing
18a license and also suggestions relating to the proper method of operating butter or
19cheese factories.
Note: Renders provision gender neutral and replaces language not in conformity
with current drafting style.
SB436, s. 333 20Section 333. 97.18 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
197.18 (3) (c) There appears on the label of the package 1) the word
2"oleomargarine" or " margarine" in type or lettering at least as large as any other type
3or lettering on such the label in a color of print which clearly contrasts with its
4background, and 2) a full accurate statement of the ingredients contained in such the
5oleomargarine or margarine; and
Note: Deletes subdivision designations not in conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 334 6Section 334. 97.25 (3) of the statutes is amended by replacing "s. 50.51" with
7"s. 254.64".
Note: Corrects cross-reference. Section 50.51 was renumbered s. 254.64 by 1993
Wis. Act 27
SB436, s. 335 8Section 335. 97.42 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,131,239 97.42 (3) (b) Examination after slaughter. For the same purpose stated in par.
the department shall cause to be made, by inspectors (who may be veterinarians
11on either a full or part-time basis)
under supervision of the department, who may
12be veterinarians on either a full-time or part-time basis,
an examination and
13inspection of the carcasses and parts thereof of all animals and poultry slaughtered
14at any establishment, except as provided in pars. (d) and (em). The carcasses and
15parts thereof of all such animals and poultry found to be wholesome and fit for human
16food shall be marked, stamped, tagged or labeled by inspectors as "Wis. inspected and
17passed". Inspectors shall mark, stamp, tag or label as "Wis. inspected and
18condemned" all carcasses and parts thereof of such animals and poultry found to be
19unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human food, and all carcasses and parts thereof
20so inspected and condemned shall be destroyed, in accordance with rules issued by
21the department. Inspection marks, stamps, tags and labels shall be prescribed by
22the department and shall include thereon the identification number of the
23establishment assigned by the department.

Note: Replaces nonspecific reference and parentheses and deletes language for
greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 336 1Section 336. 98.22 of the statutes is renumbered 98.22 (1) (intro.) and
2amended to read:
SB436,132,63 98.22 (1) (intro.) When a commodity in bulk is delivered by vehicle to an
4individual purchaser and the commodity is sold in terms of weight units, the delivery
5shall be accompanied by a duplicate delivery ticket with the following information
6clearly stated in ink or by means of other indelible marking equipment: 1) the
SB436,132,7 7(a) The name and address of the vendor; 2) the.
SB436,132,8 8(b) The name and address of the purchaser; and 3) the.
SB436,132,10 9(c) The net weight of the delivery expressed in pounds, but where milk is picked
10up at farms, only the identity of the vendor and the net weight need be stated. If
SB436,132,13 11(d) The gross and tare weights of the delivery if the net weight of the delivery
12is derived from determination of gross and tare weights, such gross and tare weights
13also shall be stated in terms of pounds on the ticket
SB436,132,22 14(3) One of these the duplicate delivery tickets required under sub. (1) shall be
15retained by the vendor, and the other shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time
16of delivery of the commodity, or shall be surrendered, on demand to the inspector or
17sealer, who may retain it as evidence and issue a weight slip in lieu thereof for
18delivery to the purchaser. If the purchaser carries away the purchase, the vendor
19shall be required only to give to the purchaser at the time of sale a delivery ticket
20stating the number of pounds of commodity delivered to the purchaser. If the
21commodity is to be weighed by the purchaser, the purchaser shall furnish the vendor
22the duplicate delivery ticket provided for herein in this section.
Note: Subdivides provision and replaces language for greater readability and
conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 337
1Section 337. 98.22 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB436,133,32 98.22 (2) Where milk is picked up at farms, only the identity of the vendor and
3the net weight need be stated.