SB436,181,217 409.312 (3) (b) The purchase money secured party gives notification in writing
18to the holder of the conflicting security interest if the holder had filed a financing
19statement covering the same types of inventory 1) before the date of the filing made
20by the purchase money secured party, or 2) before the beginning of the 21-day period

1where the purchase money security interest is temporarily perfected without filing
2or possession (s. 409.304 (5)); and
Note: Deletes subdivision designations not in conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 456 3Section 456. 409.402 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 409.402 (6) (a) (intro.)
4and amended to read:
SB436,181,75 409.402 (6) (a) (intro.) A mortgage is effective as a financing statement filed
6as a fixture filing from the date of its recording if a) the all of the following conditions
7are met:
SB436,181,8 81. The goods are described in the mortgage by item or type, b) the.
SB436,181,10 92. The goods are or are to become fixtures related to the real estate described
10in the mortgage, c) the.
SB436,181,13 113. The mortgage complies with the requirements for a financing statement in
12this section other than a recital that it is to be filed in the real estate records, and d)
SB436,181,14 144. The mortgage is duly recorded.
SB436,181,16 15(b) No fee with reference to the financing statement is required other than the
16regular recording and satisfaction fees with respect to the mortgage.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 457 17Section 457. 409.402 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,182,618 409.402 (7) A financing statement sufficiently shows the name of the debtor if
19it gives the individual, partnership, limited liability company or corporate name of
20the debtor, whether or not it adds other trade names or the names of partners. Where
21the debtor so changes the debtor's name or in the case of an organization its name,
22identity or corporate structure that a filed financing statement becomes seriously
23misleading, the filing is not effective to perfect a security interest in collateral

1acquired by the debtor more than 4 months after the change, unless a new
2appropriate financing statement is filed before the expiration of that time. A filed
3financing statement remains effective with respect to collateral transferred by the
4debtor even though the secured party knows of or consents to the transfer. A filed
5financing statement remains effective with respect to collateral transferred by the
6debtor even though the secured party knows of or consents to the transfer.
Note: The last sentence was inadvertently repeated.
SB436, s. 458 7Section 458. 422.402 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 422.402 (1) (intro.) and
8amended to read:
SB436,182,149 422.402 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (1m), no merchant shall enter
10into an agreement which requires a schedule of payments under which any one
11payment is not equal or substantially equal to all other payments, or under which
12the intervals between any consecutive payments differ substantially except as
13permitted in sub. (2) or (3)
with respect to a consumer credit transaction other than
14a transaction which is one of the following:
SB436,182,15 15(a) pursuant Pursuant to an open-end credit plan,.
SB436,182,20 16(b) not Not precomputed and on which the annual percentage rate disclosed
17under subch. III is less than 16.5% for a consumer credit sale in which the seller
18retains a security interest in real estate which is the subject of the sale or any
19consumer loan, either of which is entered into on or after April 6, 1980, and prior to
20November 1, 1981, or 12% for any other consumer credit transaction or.
SB436,183,2 21(c) a transaction primarily Primarily for an agricultural purpose, no merchant
22shall enter into an agreement which requires a schedule of payments under which
23any one payment is not equal or substantially equal to all other payments, or under

1which the intervals between any consecutive payments differ substantially except
2as permitted in sub. (2) or (3)
Note: Subdivides provision and reorders text for greater conformity with current
SB436, s. 459 3Section 459. 422.402 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 422.402 (1m) (intro.)
4and amended to read:
SB436,183,105 422.402 (1m) (intro.) With No merchant shall enter into an agreement which
6requires a schedule of payments under which any one payment is not equal or
7substantially equal to all other payments, or under which the intervals between any
8consecutive payments differ substantially except as permitted in sub. (2) or (3) with

9respect to a consumer credit transaction other than a transaction which is one of the
SB436,183,11 11(a) pursuant Pursuant to an open-end credit plan,.
SB436,183,16 12(b) not Not precomputed and on which the annual percentage rate disclosed
13under subch. III is not more than 18% for a consumer credit sale in which the seller
14retains a security interest in real estate which is the subject of the sale or any
15consumer loan, either of which is entered into on or after November 1, 1981. and
16before November 1, 1984, or.
SB436,183,21 17(c) a A transaction primarily for an agricultural purpose, no merchant shall
18enter into an agreement which requires a schedule of payments under which any one
19payment is not equal or substantially equal to all other payments, or under which
20the intervals between any consecutive payments differ substantially except as
21permitted in sub. (2) or (3)
Note: Subdivides provision and reorders text for greater conformity with current
SB436, s. 460 22Section 460. 425.103 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1425.103 (2) (a) With respect to a transaction other than one pursuant to an
2open-end plan, 1): if the interval between scheduled payments is 2 months or less,
3to have outstanding an amount exceeding one full payment which has remained
4unpaid for more than 10 days after the scheduled or deferred due dates, or the failure
5to pay the first payment or the last payment, within 40 days of its scheduled or
6deferred due date, 2); if the interval between scheduled payments is more than 2
7months, to have all or any part of one scheduled payment unpaid for more than 60
8days after its scheduled or deferred due date, 3); if the transaction is scheduled to be
9repaid in a single payment, to have all or any part of the payment unpaid for more
10than 40 days after its scheduled or deferred due date, ; or 4) in the case of a
11transaction for an agricultural purpose, the failure to pay the first or the only
12instalment when due or to pay any other instalment within 40 days of its original or
13deferred due date. For purposes of this paragraph the amount outstanding shall not
14include any delinquency or deferral charges and shall be computed by applying each
15payment first to the instalment most delinquent and then to subsequent instalments
16in the order they come due;
Note: Eliminates improper subdivision designations.
SB436, s. 461 17Section 461. 425.206 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 425.206 (2) (intro.) and
18amended to read:
SB436,184,2019 425.206 (2) (intro.) In taking possession of collateral or leased goods, no
20merchant may do any of the following:
SB436,184,21 21(a) commit Commit a breach of the peace, or.
SB436,184,23 22(b) enter Enter a dwelling used by the customer as a residence except at the
23voluntary request of a customer.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 462
1Section 462. 426.110 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,185,52 426.110 (10) When appropriate, a) an action may be brought or maintained as
3a class action with respect to particular issues, or b) a class may be divided into
4subclasses and each subclass treated as a class, and this section shall then be
5construed and applied accordingly.
Note: Deletes improper subdivision designations for greater conformity with
current style.
SB436, s. 463 6Section 463. 426.110 (12) of the statutes is renumbered 426.110 (12) (intro.)
7and amended to read:
SB436,185,108 426.110 (12) (intro.) In the conduct of actions to which this section applies, the
9court may make appropriate orders, which may be altered or amended as may be
10desirable from time to time, for any of the following purposes
SB436,185,13 11(a) determining Determining the course of proceedings or prescribing
12measures to prevent undue repetition or complication in the presentation of evidence
13or argument;.
SB436,185,19 14(b) requiring Requiring, for the protection of the members of the class or
15otherwise for the fair conduct of the action, that notice be given in such manner as
16the court may direct to some or all of the members of any step in the action, or of the
17proposed extent of the judgment, or of the opportunity of members to signify whether
18they consider the representation fair and adequate, to intervene and present claims
19or defenses, or otherwise to come into the action;.
SB436,185,21 20(c) imposing Imposing conditions on the representative parties or on
1(d) requiring Requiring that the pleadings be amended to eliminate therefrom
2allegations as to representation of absent persons, and that the action proceed
SB436,186,6 4(e) dealing Dealing with similar procedural matters. The orders may be altered
5or amended as may be desirable from time to time
similar to those under pars. (a)
6to (d)
Note: Subdivides provision for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 464 7Section 464. 448.08 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 448.08 (1m).
Note: See the next section of this bill.
SB436, s. 465 8Section 465. 448.08 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 448.08 (1).
Note: Repositions definitions to beginning of provision consistent with current
SB436, s. 466 9Section 466. 455.02 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,186,1810 455.02 (3) (a) (intro.) Nothing in this chapter restricts or prevents activities
11of a psychological nature and the use of the official title of the position for which they
12were employed on the part of the following persons, if such persons are performing
13those activities as part of the duties for which they were employed, are performing
14such activities solely with within the confines of or under the jurisdictions of the
15organization in which they are employed and do not offer to render psychological
16services to the public for a fee, monetary or otherwise, over and above the salary they
17receive for the performance of the official duties with the organization with which
18they are employed:
Note: Inserts proper term.
SB436, s. 467 19Section 467. 480.08 (2m) of the statutes is amended by replacing "29.134,
2095.70, 402.328" with "29.134, 402.328".
Note: Section 95.70 was repealed effective July 1, 1994, by 1993 Wis. Act 16.
SB436, s. 468
1Section 468. 565.30 (5m) of the statutes is amended by replacing ", 767.65 (24)
2or 948.22 (7)" with "or 948.22 (7) or ch. 769".
Note: 1993 Wis. Act 326 repealed s. 767.65 and replaced it with ch. 769.
SB436, s. 469 3Section 469. 600.03 (24) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,187,124 600.03 (24) (b) For any other insurer, that it is unable to pay its debts or meet
5its obligations as they mature or that its assets do not exceed its liabilities plus the
6greater of: 1) any capital and surplus required by law to be constantly maintained;
7or 2) its authorized and issued capital stock. For purposes of this paragraph "assets"
8includes one-half of the maximum total assessment liability of the policyholders of
9the insurer, and "liabilities" includes reserves required by law. For policies issued
10on the basis of unlimited assessment liability, the maximum total liability, for
11purposes of determining solvency only, is the amount that could be obtained if there
12were 100% collection of an assessment at the rate of 10 mills.
Note: Deletes improper subdivision designations for greater conformity with
current style.
SB436, s. 470 13Section 470. 632.43 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 632.43 (4) (a) (intro.) and
14amended to read:
SB436,187,2015 632.43 (4) (a) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (5) (b), the adjusted premiums
16for any policy shall be calculated on an annual basis and shall be such uniform
17percentage of the respective premiums specified in the policy for each policy year,
18excluding any extra premiums charged because of impairments or special hazards,
19that the present value, at the date of issue of the policy, of all adjusted premiums shall
20be equal to the sum of (a) the all of the following:
SB436,187,22 211. The then present value of the future guaranteed benefits provided for by the
22policy; (b)2 per cent.
12. Two percent of the amount of insurance, if the insurance is uniform in
2amount, or of the equivalent uniform amount, as defined in sub. (5), if the amount
3of insurance varies with duration of the policy; (c) 40 per cent.
SB436,188,5 43. Forty percent of the adjusted premium for the first policy year; (d) 25 per
SB436,188,9 64. Twenty-five percent of either the adjusted premium for the first policy year
7or the adjusted premium for a whole life policy of the same uniform or equivalent
8uniform amount with uniform premiums for the whole of life issued at the same age
9for the same amount of insurance, whichever is less; provided, that in.
SB436,188,14 10(b) In applying the percentages specified in (c) par. (a) 3. and (d) 4., no adjusted
11premium shall be deemed considered to exceed 4 per cent % of the amount of
12insurance or uniform amount equivalent thereto. The date of issue of a policy for the
13purpose of this subsection and sub. (5) shall be the date as of which the rated age of
14the insured is determined.
Note: Subdivides provision and inserts the per cent symbol consistent with current
SB436, s. 471 15Section 471. 632.43 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,189,316 632.43 (5) (b) The adjusted premiums for any policy providing term insurance
17benefits by rider or supplemental policy provision shall be equal to: A) the adjusted
18premiums for an otherwise similar policy issued at the same age without such term
19insurance benefits, increased, during the period for which premiums for such term
20insurance benefits are payable, by B) the adjusted premiums for such term
21insurance, the foregoing items A) and B) being calculated separately and as specified
22in par. (a) and sub. (4) except that, for the purposes of (b), (c) and (d) in sub. (4) (a)
232., 3. and 4.
, the amount of insurance or equivalent uniform amount of insurance

1used in the calculation of the adjusted premiums referred to in B) shall be equal to
2the excess of the corresponding amount determined for the entire policy over the
3amount used in the calculation of the adjusted premiums in A).
Note: Amends cross-references consistent with the previous section of this bill.
SB436, s. 472 4Section 472. 632.895 (1) (b) 5. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,189,55 632.895 (1) (b) 5. a. A registered dietician dietitian.
Note: Corrects spelling.
SB436, s. 473 6Section 473. 645.22 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 645.22 (1) (intro.) and
7amended to read:
SB436,189,148 645.22 (1) (intro.) Upon the filing by the commissioner in any circuit court in
9this state of a verified petition alleging any ground that would justify a court order
10for a formal delinquency proceeding against an insurer under this chapter and that
11the interests of policyholders, creditors or the public will be endangered by delay, and
12setting out the order deemed considered necessary by the commissioner, the court
13shall issue forthwith, ex parte and without a hearing, the requested order, which may
14do any of the following:
SB436,189,17 15(a) direct Direct the commissioner to take possession and control of all or a part
16of the property, books, accounts, documents and other records of an insurer and of
17the premises occupied by it for the transaction of its business, and .
SB436,189,20 18(b) until Until further order of the court, enjoin the insurer and its officers,
19managers, agents, and employes from disposition of its property and from
20transaction of its business except with the written consent of the commissioner.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 474 21Section 474. 645.47 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 645.47 (1) (b) (intro.)
22and amended to read:
1645.47 (1) (b) (intro.) Notice to agents shall inform them of their duties under
2s. 645.48 and inform them of what information they must communicate to insureds.
3Notice to policyholders shall include notice of impairment and termination of
4coverage under s. 645.43. When it is applicable, notice to policyholders shall include
5all of the following:
SB436,190,76 1) notice. Notice of withdrawal of the insurer from the defense of any case in
7which the insured is interested,.
SB436,190,88 2) notice. Notice of the right to file a claim under s. 645.64 (2), and.
SB436,190,109 3) information. Information about the existence of a security fund under ch.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater readability and consistency with current
SB436, s. 475 11Section 475. 645.54 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 645.54 (1) (b) 1.
12(intro.) and amended to read:
SB436,190,1413 645.54 (1) (b) 1. (intro.) Any preference may be avoided by the liquidator, if 1)
14any of the following conditions is met:
SB436,190,15 15a. The insurer was insolvent at the time of the transfer, or 2) the.
SB436,190,17 16b. The transfer was made within 4 months before the filing of the petition, or
173) the
SB436,190,21 18c. The creditor receiving it the preference or to be benefited thereby or his or
19her agent acting with reference thereto had reasonable cause to believe at the time
20when the transfer was made that the insurer was insolvent or was about to become
21insolvent, or 4) the.
SB436,191,4 22d. The creditor receiving it the preference was an officer, employe, attorney or
23other person who was in fact in a position of comparable influence in the insurer to

1an officer whether or not he or she held such position, or any shareholder holding
2directly or indirectly more than 5% of any class of any equity security issued by the
3insurer, or any other person with whom the insurer did not deal at arm's length.
4Where the