1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
January 16, 1996 - Introduced by Senators Burke, Andrea, Grobschmidt, Moen
and Wineke, cosponsored by Representatives Black, Robson, Notestein,
Baldwin, Bock, Boyle, Kreuser, Krug, La Fave, Plache, Urban
and R. Young.
Referred to Committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Local Affairs.
SB487,1,3 1An Act to create 13.505, 85.05 and 85.055 of the statutes; relating to: a state
2passenger rail plan, the creation of a passenger rail projects commission and
3passenger rail project selection.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the department of transportation (DOT) administers a rail
passenger service assistance and promotion program. Under the program, DOT may
contract for marketing studies or promotional activities to increase rail passenger
service ridership, and may contract with Amtrak to provide rail passenger service.
DOT also administers a rail passenger route development program to fund
capital costs relating to the extension of Amtrak service routes to both Green Bay and
Madison from Milwaukee. Current law provides $50,000,000 in general obligation
bonding authority for such capital costs, but bond proceeds may not be used unless
DOT submits evidence to the joint committee on finance (JCF) that Amtrak has
agreed to provide rail passenger service on the extension route, and JCF approves
the use of the bond proceeds.
This bill directs DOT to establish and maintain a state passenger rail plan that
is designed to maximize the use of passenger rail transportation within this state and
to link areas of this state to the national and international commercial travel
network. The initial state plan is required to include the identification of passenger
rail routes and services, an evaluation of existing passenger rail services, and
recommendations on service extensions, including implementation of the extension
of Amtrak service routes to both Green Bay and Madison from Milwaukee. The bill
also requires DOT to make biennial budget proposals regarding passenger rail
projects in the state.
The bill creates a passenger rail projects commission having the authority to
recommend to the governor or governor-elect, the legislature and the joint
committee on finance approval, approval with recommendations or disapproval of

any passenger rail project included in the biennial budget proposals of DOT. The bill
requires DOT to submit its state passenger rail plan to the passenger rail projects
commission for its approval, disapproval or approval with modifications. Finally, the
passenger rail projects commission is required to make biennial recommendations
to the governor or governor-elect, the legislature and JCF regarding all of the
1. The creation of a quasi-public authority or public corporation to operate, or
to contract for the operation of, passenger rail service.
2. The appropriate type and level of intercity or commuter passenger rail
service that should be made available to the citizens of this state.
3. Infrastructure projects and funding requirements necessary to support
passenger rail service in this state.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB487, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.505 of the statutes is created to read:
SB487,2,12 213.505 Passenger rail projects commission. (1) Creation. There is
3created a passenger rail projects commission consisting of the governor, 5 members
4who are not public officers or employes, appointed by the governor to serve at his or
5her pleasure, and 2 senators and 2 representatives to the assembly appointed as are
6the members of standing committees in their respective houses. Of the members
7from each house, one shall be chosen from the majority party and one shall be chosen
8from the minority party. The secretary of transportation and the commissioner of
9railroads shall serve as nonvoting members. The governor shall serve as
10chairperson. Members of the commission who are not public officers or employes
11shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred as members of
12the commission from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (4) (aq).
SB487,3,5 13(2) Department to report proposed projects. On or before September 15,
141996, the department of transportation shall report to the commission concerning its

1proposal for the passenger rail projects program under s. 85.055. Not later than
2September 15 of each even-numbered year thereafter, the department of
3transportation shall report to the commission concerning its recommendations for
4adjustments in the passenger rail projects program under s. 85.055. The report shall
5include the state passenger rail plan under s. 85.05.
SB487,3,11 6(3) Assistance to commission. (a) The department of transportation shall
7assist the commission in the performance of its duties. The department of
8transportation shall, when requested by the commission, make or cause to be made
9such studies and cost estimates with respect to any proposed passenger rail project
10as are necessary to permit the commission to consider the project. The costs of the
11studies shall be charged to the appropriate program appropriation under s. 20.395.
SB487,3,1312 (b) The commissioner of railroads shall assist the passenger rail projects
13commission in the performance of its duties.
SB487,3,19 14(4) Review of projects and plans. (a) The commission shall review all reports
15submitted under sub. (2). The commission shall report its recommendations
16concerning passenger rail projects, as defined in s. 85.055 (1), to the governor or
17governor-elect, the legislature and the joint committee on finance no later than
18December 15 of each even-numbered year. The commission may recommend
19approval, approval with modifications or disapproval of any project.
SB487,3,2220 (b) The commission shall review all state passenger rail plans submitted under
21s. 85.05 (3). The commission may approve, disapprove or approve with modifications
22any state passenger rail plan.
SB487,4,2 23(5) Additional recommendations. No later than December 15 of each
24even-numbered year, the commission shall make recommendations to the governor

1or governor-elect, the legislature and the joint committee on finance regarding all
2of the following subjects:
SB487,4,43 (a) The need to create a quasi-public authority or public corporation to operate,
4or to contract for the operation of, intercity or commuter passenger rail service.
SB487,4,65 (b) The appropriate type and level of intercity or commuter passenger rail
6service that should be made available to the citizens of this state.
SB487,4,87 (c) Infrastructure projects and funding requirements necessary to support
8intercity or commuter passenger rail service.
SB487, s. 2 9Section 2. 85.05 of the statutes is created to read:
SB487,4,19 1085.05 State passenger rail plan. (1) Findings. The legislature finds that
11passenger rail transportation serves a variety of public purposes, including the
12efficient movement of people and goods, the enhancement of tourism, the reduction
13of highway congestion and maintenance costs, the reduction of emission pollutants
14and the provision of energy efficient, safe and reliable transportation alternatives to
15the citizens of this state. The legislature further finds that passenger rail
16transportation serves the intercity travel needs of persons who are unable to use this
17state's highways or who prefer rail transportation to other means of transportation
18and represents the best all-weather means of transportation appropriate to the
19maintenance of transportation during inclement weather in this state's climate.
SB487,4,21 20(2) Definition. In this section, "Amtrak" has the meaning given in s. 85.06 (1)
SB487,5,6 22(3) State passenger rail plan. On or before September 15, 1996, the
23department shall establish and thereafter maintain a state passenger rail plan that
24is designed to maximize the use of passenger rail transportation to serve the variety
25of public purposes that such transportation benefits and to link areas of this state

1to the national and international commercial travel network. The state passenger
2rail plan shall be updated not later than September 15 of each even-numbered year
3for inclusion in the department's report to the passenger rail projects commission
4under s. 13.505 (2). The plan shall be coordinated with and complementary to other
5planning efforts of the department, including any freight rail plans and any plans
6required under any applicable federal acts or programs.
SB487,5,7 7(4) Plan elements. The passenger rail plan shall consist of all of the following:
SB487,5,118 (a) Identification of existing intercity and commuter passenger rail routes and
9services, proposed intercity and commuter passenger rail routes and services and
10intercity and commuter passenger rail routes and services that are the subject of
11feasibility studies.
SB487,5,1412 (b) Evaluation of passenger rail services currently in operation in this state,
13including performance trends, potential for efficiency and effectiveness, possible
14improvements and strategies to achieve enhanced performance.
SB487,5,1915 (c) A plan for development of rail corridors, including recommendations on
16grade crossing elimination and upgrading, curve reductions at specific locations,
17right-of-way widening for speeds up to 186 miles per hour and overhead clearances
18adequate for 50,000 volt alternating current electrification. The plan shall establish
19priorities for such improvements at various traffic levels.
SB487,5,2120 (d) A plan for a level of and program for passenger rail services, including all
21of the following:
SB487,5,2222 1. Service enhancements on existing and additional routes.
SB487,6,223 2. A station development plan including provisions for adequately paved
24automobile parking, secure bicycle storage, taxi stands, direct access for local and

1regional bus lines and, in larger stations, provision for shops directly serving the
2needs of rail travelers.
SB487,6,33 3. Development of a network using conventional railway technology.
SB487,6,44 4. Preservation of rights-of-way for future use for passenger railways.
SB487,6,65 5. Standards for ensuring high-quality passenger rail service, including all of
6the following:
SB487,6,77 a. Convenient schedules.
SB487,6,88 b. Adherence to arrival and departure schedules.
SB487,6,99 c. Checked baggage service.
SB487,6,1010 d. Food service.
SB487,6,1111 e. Attractive station facilities.
SB487,6,1212 f. Mobile office facilities.
SB487,6,1313 g. Sleeping car service for overnight trains.
SB487,6,1414 6. Identification of ongoing costs and funding and priority recommendations.
SB487,6,1615 7. Development of passenger rail service connections between and among
16airports located within this state and within neighboring states and provinces.
SB487,6,1817 (e) Recommendations for legislation necessary to enhance passenger rail
18service in this state.
SB487,6,22 19(5) Implementation of certain service expansion. The initial plan established
20under this section shall include recommendations necessary to implement the
21extension of Amtrak service between the cities of Milwaukee and Green Bay and
22between the cities of Milwaukee and Madison.
SB487,6,24 23(6) Initial service expansion recommendations. The initial plan established
24under this section shall include recommendations on all of the following:
1(a) Additional service for the route between the cities of Chicago, Milwaukee,
2La Crosse and St. Paul.
SB487,7,43 (b) Establishment of a south suburban passenger station in the vicinity of the
4Milwaukee International Airport with shuttle transportation to the airport.
SB487,7,65 (c) Extension of current Chicago-Kenosha commuter rail service between the
6cities of Kenosha and Chicago.
SB487,7,87 (d) Reinstatement of commuter rail service between the cities of Milwaukee
8and Watertown.