SB533,4,20 18(4) (a) A registered agent of an authorized insurer may resign by signing and
19delivering to the commissioner for filing a statement of resignation that includes all
20of the following information:
SB533,4,2221 1. The name and home office address of the authorized insurer for which the
22registered agent is acting.
SB533,4,2323 2. The name of the registered agent.
SB533,4,2424 3. A statement that the registered agent resigns.
1(b) After filing the statement, the commissioner shall mail a copy to the autho
2rized insurer under par. (a) 1.
SB533,5,33 (c) The resignation is effective on the earlier of the following:
SB533,5,54 1. Sixty days after the commissioner receives the statement of resignation for
SB533,5,76 2. The date on which the appointment of a successor registered agent is effec
SB533,5,14 8(5) If an authorized insurer has no registered agent for service of process in this
9state or if the registered agent cannot with reasonable diligence be served, substi
10tuted service may be made on the commissioner under ss. 601.72 and 601.73. If sub
11stituted service is made on the commissioner, an affidavit attesting that the autho
12rized insurer has no registered agent or that the registered agent could not with
13reasonable diligence be served shall be attached to the process, notice or demand that
14is served.
SB533,5,17 15(6) Except as provided in sub. (5), this section does not limit or affect the right
16to serve summons, notice, orders, pleadings, demands or other process upon an au
17thorized insurer in any other manner provided by law.
SB533, s. 3 18Section 3. 601.72 of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is re
19pealed and recreated to read:
SB533,6,2 20601.72 Service of process through state officer. (1) General. Under pro
21cedures specified in s. 601.73, the commissioner is by law constituted attorney, except
22in cases in which the proceeding is to be brought by the state against an insurer or
23intermediary other than a risk retention group or risk purchasing group, in which
24event the secretary of state is by law constituted attorney, to receive service of sum

1mons, notices, orders, pleadings and all other legal process relating to any court or
2administrative agency in this state for all of the following:
SB533,6,63 (a) Authorized insurers. All insurers authorized to do business in this state,
4while authorized to do business in this state, and thereafter in any proceeding aris
5ing from or related to any transaction having any connection with this state, provided
6the requirements under s. 601.715 (5) are satisfied.
SB533,6,97 (b) Surplus lines insurers. All insurers as to any proceeding arising out of any
8contract that is permitted by s. 618.41, or out of any certificate, cover note or other
9confirmation of such insurance.
SB533,6,1210 (c) Unauthorized insurers. All insurers or other persons doing an unauthorized
11insurance business in this state, including but not limited to risk purchasing groups,
12as to any proceeding arising out of the unauthorized transaction.
SB533,6,1613 (d) Risk purchasing groups and nonresident intermediaries. All risk purchas
14ing groups or nonresident intermediaries as to any proceeding arising out of insur
15ance activities within this state or out of insurance activities related to policies on
16risks within this state.
SB533,6,22 17(2) Appointment of attorney. Except as provided in sub. (2m), every licensed
18insurer by applying for and receiving a certificate of authority, every surplus lines
19insurer by entering into a contract subject to the surplus lines law, and every unau
20thorized insurer by doing an insurance business in this state, is deemed to have irre
21vocably appointed the commissioner and secretary of state as the insurer's attorneys
22in accordance with sub. (1).
SB533,7,5 23(2m) Risk retention groups and risk purchasing groups. A risk retention
24group or risk purchasing group may not do an insurance business or engage in any
25insurance activity in this state until it registers with the commissioner and desig

1nates the commissioner as its agent for the purposes described in sub. (1). The com
2missioner may prescribe the form of registration under this subsection. If a risk
3retention group or risk purchasing group fails to designate the commissioner as re
4quired by this subsection, the commissioner is appointed agent for the risk retention
5group or risk purchasing group as provided in sub. (2).
SB533,7,8 6(3) Others affected. The commissioner and secretary of state shall also be at
7torneys for the executors, administrators or personal representatives, receivers,
8trustees or other successors in interest of the persons specified in sub. (1).
SB533,7,10 9(4) Fees. Litigants serving process on the commissioner under this section
10shall pay the fees specified in s. 601.31 (1) (p).
SB533,7,13 11(5) Ordinary means of service. The right to substituted service under this sec
12tion does not limit the right to serve summons, notice, orders, pleadings, demands
13or other process upon any person in any manner provided by law.
SB533, s. 4 14Section 4. 601.72 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
15.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB533,7,2216 601.72 (1) General. (intro.) Under procedures specified in s. 601.73, the com
17missioner is by law constituted attorney, except in cases in which the proceeding is
18to be brought by the state against an insurer or intermediary other than a risk reten
19tion group or risk purchasing group, in which event the secretary of state department
20of financial institutions
is by law constituted attorney, to receive service of summons,
21notices, orders, pleadings and all other legal process relating to any court or adminis
22trative agency in this state for all of the following:
SB533, s. 5 23Section 5. 601.72 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this
24act), is amended to read:
1601.72 (2) Appointment of attorney. Except as provided in sub. (2m), every
2licensed insurer by applying for and receiving a certificate of authority, every surplus
3lines insurer by entering into a contract subject to the surplus lines law, and every
4unauthorized insurer by doing an insurance business in this state, is deemed to have
5irrevocably appointed the commissioner and secretary of state department of finan
6cial institutions
as the insurer's attorneys in accordance with sub. (1).
SB533, s. 6 7Section 6. 601.72 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this
8act), is amended to read:
SB533,8,129 601.72 (3) Others affected. The commissioner and secretary of state depart
10ment of financial institutions
shall also be attorneys for the executors, administra
11tors or personal representatives, receivers, trustees or other successors in interest
12of the persons specified in sub. (1).
SB533, s. 7 13Section 7. 601.73 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, section 7011, is amended to read:
SB533,8,1615 601.73 (1) Requirements for effective service. (intro.) Service upon the com
16missioner or secretary of state under s. 601.72 (2) is service on the principal, if:
SB533, s. 8 17Section 8. 601.73 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Acts
1827, section 7012b, and .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
SB533,8,2119 601.73 (1) Requirements for effective service. (intro.) Service upon the com
20missioner or department of financial institutions under s. 601.72 is service on the
21principal, if:
SB533, s. 9 22Section 9. 601.73 (2) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
23is amended to read:
SB533,9,224 601.73 (2) (c) Default judgment. No plaintiff or complainant is entitled to a
25judgment by default in any proceeding in which process is served under this section

1and s. 601.72 (2) until the expiration of 20 days from the date of mailing of the process
2under par. (b).
SB533, s. 10 3Section 10. 623.06 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 623.06 (1f).
SB533, s. 11 4Section 11. 623.06 (1c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,9,75 623.06 (1c) In this section, "qualified actuary" means a member in good stand
6ing of the American academy of actuaries who meets any other requirements that the
7commissioner may by rule specify.
SB533, s. 12 8Section 12. 623.06 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,9,149 623.06 (1m) (a) 1. For each year ending on or after December 31, 1996, every
10life insurance company doing business in this state shall submit to the commissioner,
11with its annual statement due by March 1 of the following year, an opinion by a quali
12fied actuary as to whether the reserves and related actuarial items held in support
13of the policies and contracts specified by the commissioner by rule satisfy all of the
SB533,9,1515 a. They are computed appropriately.
SB533,9,1616 b. They are based on assumptions that satisfy contractual provisions.
SB533,9,1717 c. They are consistent with prior reported amounts.
SB533,9,1818 d. They comply with the applicable laws of this state.
SB533,9,2119 2. The commissioner shall by rule specify in detail the nature of the information
20required in the opinion under subd. 1. and may by rule require any additional in
21formation that the commissioner determines is necessary to the scope of the opinion.
SB533,9,2522 (b) 1. Every life insurance company not exempted by rule shall include with the
23opinion required under par. (a) the opinion of the qualified actuary as to whether the
24reserves and related actuarial items held in support of the policies and contracts spe
25cified by the commissioner by rule, when considered in light of the assets held by the

1company with respect to the reserves and related actuarial items, including but not
2limited to the investment earnings on the assets and the considerations anticipated
3to be received and retained under the policies and contracts, make adequate provi
4sion for the company's obligations under the policies and contracts, including but not
5limited to the benefits under and expenses associated with the policies and contracts.
6The commissioner may by rule provide for a transition period for an insurance com
7pany to establish any higher reserves that the qualified actuary determines are nec
8essary to make adequate provision for the company's obligations under the policies
9and contracts.
SB533,10,1710 2. An insurance company that is required to submit an opinion under subd. 1.
11shall have prepared by the qualified actuary who renders the opinion a memoran
12dum in support of the opinion under subd. 1. The commissioner shall specify by rule
13the form and content of the memorandum. The insurance company shall provide the
14memorandum to the commissioner, at the commissioner's request, for his or her ex
15amination. After examination, the commissioner shall return the memorandum to
16the insurance company. The memorandum shall not be considered a record of the
17commissioner's office.
SB533,10,2418 3. If an insurance company fails to provide a supporting memorandum to the
19commissioner upon request within the period specified by rule, or if the commission
20er determines that the supporting memorandum provided by an insurance company
21fails to meet the standards prescribed by rule or is otherwise unacceptable, the com
22missioner may retain a qualified actuary at the expense of the insurance company
23to review the opinion required under subd. 1. and the basis for the opinion and to pre
24pare such supporting memorandum as the commissioner requires.
SB533,10,2525 (c) The following provisions apply to an opinion required under par. (a) or (b):
11. The opinion shall apply to all business in force, including individual and
2group health insurance plans, in form and substance acceptable to the commissioner
3as specified by rule.
SB533,11,64 2. The opinion shall be based on standards adopted from time to time by the
5actuarial standards board established by the American academy of actuaries and on
6such additional standards as the commissioner may by rule prescribe.
SB533,11,117 3. In the case of an opinion required to be submitted by a foreign or alien compa
8ny, the commissioner may accept the opinion filed by that company with the insur
9ance supervisory official of another state if the commissioner determines that the
10opinion reasonably meets the requirements applicable to a company domiciled in
11this state.
SB533,11,1512 (d) Except for fraud or wilful misconduct, a qualified actuary may not be held
13liable for damages to any person other than the insurance company or the commis
14sioner for any act, error, omission, decision or conduct with respect to an opinion re
15quired under this subsection.
SB533,11,1816 (e) The commissioner shall specify by rule any disciplinary action that the com
17missioner may take against an insurance company or a qualified actuary related to
18any of the requirements under this subsection.
SB533,11,2519 (f) 1. The commissioner shall keep confidential any memorandum in support
20of, and any other material provided by an insurance company to the commissioner
21in connection with, an opinion required under this subsection. Any such memoran
22dum or other material may not be made public and may not be subject to subpoena
23except for the purpose of defending an action seeking damages from any person on
24account of an act required under this subsection or required by a rule authorized or
25required under this subsection.
12. The commissioner may release any such memorandum or other material
2with the written consent of the insurance company, or to the American academy of
3actuaries upon its request if the memorandum or other material is required for pro
4fessional disciplinary proceedings and if the request sets forth procedures that are
5satisfactory to the commissioner for preserving the confidentiality of the memoran
6dum or other material.
SB533,12,107 3. A memorandum loses its confidentiality if the insurance company cites any
8portion of the memorandum for marketing purposes or before any governmental
9agency other than a state insurance department or if the insurance company releases
10any portion of the memorandum to the news media.
SB533, s. 13 11Section 13. 623.06 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 623.06 (5) (a) and
12amended to read:
SB533,12,1813 623.06 (5) (a) In no event shall may a company's aggregate reserves for all life
14insurance policies, excluding disability and accidental death benefits, issued on or
15after the effective date of this section, be less than the aggregate reserves calculated
16in accordance with the method set forth in subs. (3) to (4m) and (7) and the mortality
17table or tables and rate or rates of interest used in calculating nonforfeiture benefits
18for such policies.
SB533, s. 14 19Section 14. 623.06 (5) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,12,2320 623.06 (5) (b) In no event may a company's aggregate reserves for all policies,
21contracts and benefits be less than the aggregate reserves determined by a qualified
22actuary in an opinion under sub. (1m) (b) 1. to be necessary to make adequate provi
23sion for the company's obligations under the policies and contracts.
SB533, s. 15 24Section 15. 623.06 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1623.06 (6) Reserves for all policies and contracts issued prior to the effective
2date of this section subsection may be calculated, at the option of the company, ac
3cording to any standards which that produce greater aggregate reserves for all such
4policies and contracts than the minimum reserves required by the laws in effect im
5mediately prior to such date. Reserves for any category of policies, contracts or bene
6fits as established by the commissioner, issued on or after the effective date of this
7section subsection, may be calculated, at the option of the company, according to any
8standards which that produce greater aggregate reserves for such category than
9those calculated according to the minimum standard herein provided, but the rate
10or rates of interest used for policies and contracts, other than annuity and pure en
11dowment contracts, shall not be higher than the corresponding rate or rates of inter
12est used in calculating any nonforfeiture benefits provided for therein. Any such
13company which that at any time has adopted any standard of valuation producing
14greater aggregate reserves than those calculated according to the minimum stan
15dard herein provided may, with the approval of the commissioner, adopt any lower
16standard of valuation, but not lower than the minimum herein provided. For the pur
17poses of this subsection, holding any additional reserves that a qualified actuary, in
18an opinion under sub. (1m) (b) 1., determined to be necessary to make adequate pro
19vision for the company's obligations under the policies and contracts shall not be con
20sidered the adoption of a higher standard of valuation.
SB533, s. 16 21Section 16. 645.08 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB533,14,722 645.08 (2) Immunity. No civil cause of action may arise against and no civil li
23ability may be imposed upon the state, commissioner, special deputy commissioner,
24rehabilitator or liquidator, or their employes or agents, or the insurance security
25fund under ch. 646 or its agents, employes, directors or contributor insurers, for an

1act or omission by any of them in the performance of their powers and duties under
2this chapter or in the performance of their powers and duties relating to regulation
3of the capital or solvency of an insurer under chs. 600 to 646, including the compulso
4ry or security surplus requirements under ch. 623
. This subsection does not apply
5to a civil cause of action arising from an act or omission that is criminal under ch. 943,
6if the
. Such a cause of action is not , however, may be barred or limited by common
7law, sovereign immunity, governmental immunity or otherwise by law.
SB533, s. 17 8Section 17. 646.01 (1) (a) 2. i. of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,14,119 646.01 (1) (a) 2. i. Nondomestic insurers that have not obtained a certificate
10of authority to do business in this state and that are doing business under s. 618.41
11or 618.42.
SB533, s. 18 12Section 18. 646.31 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 646.31 (2) (a) 1. and
13amended to read:
SB533,14,1614 646.31 (2) (a) 1. The claim of a policyholder, including a ceding assessable do
15mestic insurer which is organized under ch. 612 and a domestic insurer which is a
16bona fide policyholder of the insurer in liquidation, or.
SB533,14,20 172. Except for a claim of a beneficiary, assignee or payee under a life or disability
18insurance policy or annuity contract, the claim of
an insured, including a certificate
under a policy or annuity who at the time of the insured event or of the liqui
20dation order was a resident of this state; or.
SB533, s. 19 21Section 19. 646.31 (2) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,14,2522 646.31 (2) (f) Beneficiaries, assignees and payees. Except for a claim of a non
23resident certificate holder under a group policy or contract, a claim made under a life
24or disability insurance policy or annuity contract by a resident or nonresident benefi
25ciary, assignee or payee of a person who fulfills all of the following criteria:
11. The person is a policyholder of, or a certificate holder under, the life or dis
2ability insurance policy or annuity contract.
SB533,15,43 2. The person is a resident of this state or could have made a claim under par.
4(b) 2.
SB533, s. 20 5Section 20. 646.51 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB533,15,96 646.51 (6) Appeal and review. Within 10 30 days after receipt of the board
the statement under sub. (5), an insurer, after paying the assessment under
8protest, may appeal the assessment to the board or a committee thereof. The decision
9of the board on the appeal is subject to judicial review.
SB533, s. 21 10Section 21. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publica
11tion, except as follows:
SB533,15,14 12(1) The amendment of sections 601.72 (1) (intro.), (2) and (3) and 601.73 (2) (c)
13of the statutes and the repeal and recreation of section 601.73 (1) (intro.) of the stat
14utes takes effect on July 1, 1996.
SB533,15,1515 (End)