1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
February 14, 1996 - Introduced by Senators Buettner, Cowles, Panzer, Darling,
Grobschmidt, Burke, Clausing
and Rosenzweig, cosponsored by
Representatives Kaufert, Dobyns, Bock, Ott, Urban, Gard, Riley, Duff,
Goetsch, Notestein, Wirch, Kelso, Ryba, Boyle, Kreibich, Handrick,
Grothman, Plombon, Plache, Vrakas, Huber, Meyer, Olsen, Lorge
Wasserman. Referred to Committee on State Government Operations and
SB546,2,2 1An Act to repeal 48.983 (1), 48.983 (5), 134.65 (2) (b), 134.66 (1) (k) and (L),
2134.66 (2) (c) 3. and 4., 134.66 (2) (cm) 2. and 3., 134.66 (2) (d) and 134.66 (3);
3to renumber 134.65 (title), 134.66 (1) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), 134.66 (1) (h),
4(hm), (i) and (j) and 134.66 (2) (title); to renumber and amend 48.983 (title),
548.983 (2), 48.983 (3), 48.983 (4), 134.65 (1) and (2) (a), 134.65 (3), (4) and (5),
6134.66 (title), 134.66 (1) (intro.), 134.66 (1) (g), 134.66 (2) (a), 134.66 (2) (b) 1.,
7134.66 (2) (b) 2., 134.66 (2) (c) 1. and 2., 134.66 (2) (cm) 1., 134.66 (2) (e), 134.66
8(4) and 134.66 (5); to amend 20.435 (1) (gm), 47.03 (7), 77.54 (20) (c) 6., 111.35
9(2) (d), 139.08 (3), 139.39 (1), 139.39 (5) (a), 251.04 (1) and 778.25 (1) (a) 4.; and
10to create 139.34 (1) (c) 8., subchapter IX (title) of chapter 254 [precedes
11254.911], 254.911 (5), (11) and (13) to (15), 254.914 (1m) and (2), 254.914 (5),
12254.914 (8), 254.916, 254.92 (2) (c) and (d), 254.92 (3) and 254.922 of the
13statutes; relating to: transferring to the department of health and family
14services authority for licensing cigarette and tobacco products retailers and
15authority to enforce certain prohibitions on the sale, gift, purchase or

1possession of cigarettes or tobacco products, granting rule-making authority,
2making an appropriation and providing penalties.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, yearly licenses for the retail sale of cigarettes and tobacco
products are issued upon submittal of an application and payment of a $5 fee to the
city, village or town in which the retail sale is sought to be conducted. Yearly permits
for the manufacture or sale of cigarettes by a distributor, jobber, vending machine
operator or multiple retailer and yearly permits for the storage of cigarettes by a
warehouse operator are issued by the department of revenue (DOR). Unlicensed sale
or gifting of cigarettes and tobacco products to a person who has neither a license nor
a permit is prohibited and violators are subject to fines; if the violator is found
personally guilty of failure to exercise due care, a court may terminate the license or
permit for 5 years. Current law generally prohibits the purchase or possession of
cigarettes or tobacco products by minors and prohibits the sale or gifting of cigarettes
or tobacco products to minors by retailers, vending machine operators,
manufacturers, distributors, jobbers and subjobbers. (A vending machine operator
is not liable under this prohibition for the purchase of cigarettes or tobacco products
by a minor if the vending machine operator was unaware of the purchase.) Retailers
are restricted as to the places where they may keep a vending machine and are
prohibited from placing a vending machine within 500 feet of a school. Retailers are,
in addition, prohibited from selling cigarettes in a form other than as a package or
container which is stamped, for tax purposes, as required by DOR. Violation of these
prohibitions subject the violator to forfeitures and, for repeated violations within
certain time periods, to suspension of the license of the retailer or the permit of the
manufacturer, distributor, jobber or subjobber. A retailer, manufacturer or
distributor may assert a defense to prosecution for sale of cigarettes or tobacco
products to a minor by proving that the purchaser falsely represented that he or she
had attained age 18, that the purchaser's appearance indicated that he or she had
attained the age of 18 and that the sale was made in good faith, in reasonable reliance
on the identification card and appearance of the purchaser and the belief that he or
she had attained age 18. A county, city, town or village may adopt an ordinance that
regulates the sale or gifting of cigarettes or tobacco products if the ordinance strictly
conforms to current law.
This bill, on July 1, 1996, transfers from cities, villages and towns to the
department of health and family services (DHFS) (formerly the department of health
and social services) the authority to license cigarette and tobacco products retailers
and to regulate the sale or gifting of cigarettes or tobacco products to minors and the
purchase or possession of cigarettes or tobacco products by minors. Under the bill,
fines and misdemeanors for the unlicensed sale of cigarettes and tobacco products
to persons who have neither a license nor a permit are changed to administrative
forfeitures that may be imposed by DHFS. The bill prohibits a licensed retailer or
the retailer's employe or agent from selling, exposing for sale, exchanging, bartering,

disposing of or giving cigarettes or tobacco products to a person who is not licensed
as a retailer or who does not hold a permit as a manufacturer, distributor, jobber,
vending machine operator, multiple retailer or warehouse operator, unless both the
retailer or his or her employe or agent and the receiver of the cigarettes or tobacco
products are physically present on the retailer's licensed premises during the
transaction. The bill specifies that forfeitures that may be imposed by DHFS for
gifting or sale of cigarettes or tobacco products to minors that is done by a retailer,
manufacturer, distributor, jobber, or subjobber or by their agents or employes apply
to the retailer, manufacturer, distributor, jobber or subjobber. DHFS is authorized
to designate local health departments as DHFS agents for issuance of licenses and
inspections and investigations of licensed premises. Local health departments are
authorized, in conducting investigations, to authorize the use of minors aged 14 to
17 to assist in the performance of research to monitor compliance with sale or gifting
restrictions and to conduct undercover operations. Local health departments must
annually conduct at least 2 random, unannounced inspections of licensees whose
premises are not taverns and at least one such inspection of licensees whose premises
are taverns. The amount of the fees for the annual licenses for retailers is changed
to $50, collectible by the local health departments; of this amount, DHFS must
receive $10 for its costs in setting standards, monitoring and evaluating activities of
local health departments and providing education and training to local health
departments. The affirmative defense of a retailer, manufacturer or distributor to
prosecution for sale of cigarettes or tobacco products to a minor is changed to be proof
of requesting from the minor and examining a government-issued identification
card that established the minor's age as at least 18 before the sale was made. The
bill permits a county, city or village to enact ordinances and a local board of health
to adopt regulations for licensing and regulation of the sale or gifting of cigarettes
and tobacco products that are at least as strict as the statutes or DHFS rules. Lastly,
the bill prohibits DOR from granting a permit to a person as a cigarette or tobacco
products manufacturer, distributor, jobber, vending machine operator, multiple
retailer or warehouse operator who (or whose employe or agent) has been found at
least 6 times to be in violation of the prohibitions against unlicensed sale or gifting
of cigarettes or tobacco products to persons who are not licensed as retailers or
permitted by DOR under certain laws.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB546, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.435 (1) (gm) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Acts
227, section 816m, and 98, is amended to read:
120.435 (1) (gm) Licensing, review and certifying activities. The amounts in the
2schedule for the purposes specified in ss. 50.135, 50.49 (2) (b), 50.52 (2) (a), 146.50
3(8), 250.05 (6), 254.176, 254.178, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39, 254.47, 254.61
4to 254.89 254.916 and 255.08 (2), subch. IV of ch. 50 and ch. 150. All moneys received
5under ss. 50.135, 50.49 (2) (b), 50.52 (2) (a), 50.93 (1) (c), 146.50 (8) (d), 150.13, 250.05
6(6), 254.176, 254.178, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39, 254.47, 254.61 to 254.89
7254.916 and 255.08 (2) (b) shall be credited to this appropriation.
SB546, s. 2 8Section 2. 47.03 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
9amended to read:
SB546,4,1910 47.03 (7) If the department decides that a business under sub. (4) would not be
11feasible and profitable in any state building, the department may contract with
12vending machine operators, as defined in s. 254.61 (10), to install vending machines,
13as defined in s. 254.61 (7),
in the building, giving preference to blind operators of
14vending machines. The department may, under the procedures established as
15required under sub. (4) (b), charge the net proceeds of each business operating under
16this subsection. The department shall deposit the moneys from the charges made
17under this subsection in the appropriations under s. 20.445 (5) (h) and (hd) and shall
18disburse the proceeds to provide services to blind persons under sub. (4) in
19accordance with 20 USC 107 to 107f.
SB546, s. 3 20Section 3. 48.983 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (2) (title) and
21amended to read:
SB546,4,2322 254.92 (2) (title) Purchase or possession of cigarettes or tobacco products
23by a minor prohibited.
SB546, s. 4 24Section 4. 48.983 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
SB546, s. 5
1Section 5. 48.983 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (2) (a), and 254.92
2(2) (a) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
SB546,5,43 254.92 (2) (a) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3) pars. (b), (c) and (d), no child
4minor may do any of the following:
SB546, s. 6 5Section 6. 48.983 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (2) (b) and amended
6to read:
SB546,5,97 254.92 (2) (b) A child minor may purchase or possess cigarettes or tobacco
8products for the sole purpose of resale in the course of employment during his or her
9working hours if employed by a retailer licensed under s. 134.65 (1).
SB546, s. 7 10Section 7. 48.983 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (2) (e) and amended
11to read:
SB546,5,1412 254.92 (2) (e) A law enforcement officer or local health officer shall seize any
13cigarette or tobacco product involved in any violation of sub. (2) par. (a) committed
14in his or her presence.
SB546, s. 8 15Section 8. 48.983 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB546, s. 9 16Section 9. 77.54 (20) (c) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB546,5,2317 77.54 (20) (c) 6. For purposes of subd. 1., "premises" shall be construed broadly,
18and, by way of illustration but not limitation, shall include the lobby, aisles and
19auditorium of a theater or the seating, aisles and parking area of an arena, rink or
20stadium or the parking area of a drive-in or outdoor theater. The premises of a
21caterer with respect to catered meals or beverages shall be the place where served.
22Vending machine premises The premises of a vending machine, as defined in s.
23254.61 (7),
shall include the room or area in which located.
SB546, s. 10 24Section 10. 111.35 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB546,5,2525 111.35 (2) (d) Constitutes a violation of s. 48.983 254.92 (2) (a).
SB546, s. 11
1Section 11. 134.65 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 254.914 (title).
SB546, s. 12 2Section 12. 134.65 (1) and (2) (a) of the statutes are renumbered 254.914 (1)
3and (3) and amended to read:
SB546,6,114 254.914 (1) No person shall in any manner, or upon any pretense, or by any
5device, directly or indirectly
Unless a person holds a license issued under this
6section, the person or the person's employe or agent may not
sell, expose for sale,
7possess with intent to sell, exchange, barter, dispose of or give away any cigarettes
8or tobacco products to any person not holding a license as herein provided or anyone
9who is not licensed under this section or who does not hold
a permit under ss. 139.30
10to 139.41 or 139.79 without first obtaining a license from the clerk of the city, village
11or town wherein such privilege is sought to be exercised
SB546,6,16 12(3) Except as provided in par. (b), upon filing Upon receipt of a proper written
13application, the department shall issue a license shall be issued on July 1 of each year
14or when applied for and. The license shall continue in force until the following June
1530 unless the license is sooner revoked. The fee for the license is $5 $50, which shall
16be paid to the city, village or town treasurer department before the license is issued.
SB546, s. 13 17Section 13. 134.65 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB546, s. 14 18Section 14. 134.65 (3), (4) and (5) of the statutes are renumbered 254.914 (4),
19(6) and (7) and amended to read:
SB546,6,2320 254.914 (4) Each such A license issued under this section shall name the
21licensee and specifically describe the premises where such on which the business is
may be conducted. Such licenses shall not be The license is not transferable from
23one person to another nor and is not transferable from one premises to another.
SB546,7,4 24(6) Every licensed retailer shall keep complete and accurate records of all
25purchases and receipts of cigarettes and tobacco products. Such The records shall

1be preserved on the licensed premises for 2 years in such a manner as to insure
2ensure permanency and accessibility for inspection and shall be are subject to
3inspection at all reasonable hours by authorized state officials and local law
4enforcement and local health officials.
SB546,7,18 5(7) Any person violating this section shall be fined forfeit not more than $100
6nor less than $25 for the first offense and not more than $200 nor less than $25 for
7the 2nd or subsequent offense. If upon such the 2nd or subsequent violation, the
8person so violating this section was is found to be personally guilty of a failure to
9exercise due care to prevent the violation thereof, the person shall be fined forfeit not
10more than $300 nor less than $25 or imprisoned not exceeding 60 days or both.
11Conviction shall immediately terminate the license of the person convicted of being
12personally guilty of such failure to exercise due care and the person
, his or her license
13is immediately revoked, he or she is not
entitled to another license hereunder under
14this section
for a period of 5 years thereafter, nor shall the person and he or she may
in that period act as the servant employe or agent of a person licensed hereunder
16under this section for the performance of the acts authorized by such a license. The
175-year period shall be measured from the date of the violation that resulted in the
18revocation of the license.
SB546, s. 15 19Section 15. 134.66 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (title) and
20amended to read:
SB546,7,22 21254.92 (title) Restrictions on sale or gift or certain purchase or
of cigarettes or tobacco products.
SB546, s. 16 23Section 16. 134.66 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 254.911 (intro.)
24and amended to read:
SB546,7,25 25254.911Definitions. (intro.) In this section subchapter:
SB546, s. 17
1Section 17. 134.66 (1) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of the statutes are renumbered
2254.911 (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6).
SB546, s. 18 3Section 18. 134.66 (1) (g) of the statutes is renumbered 254.911 (7) and
4amended to read:
SB546,8,65 254.911 (7) "Retailer" means any person licensed the holder of a license issued
6under s. 134.65 (1) 254.914.
SB546, s. 19 7Section 19. 134.66 (1) (h), (hm), (i) and (j) of the statutes are renumbered
8254.911 (8), (9), (10) and (12).
SB546, s. 20 9Section 20. 134.66 (1) (k) and (L) of the statutes are repealed.
SB546, s. 21 10Section 21. 134.66 (2) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (1) (title).
SB546, s. 22 11Section 22. 134.66 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (1) (a) and
12amended to read:
SB546,8,2013 254.92 (1) (a) No retailer, manufacturer or , distributor, jobber or subjobber or
14the agent or employe of a retailer, manufacturer, distributor, jobber or subjobber
15sell or give provide for nominal or no consideration cigarettes or tobacco products to
16any person under the age of 18 a minor, except as provided in s. 48.983 (3) sub. (2)
. A tobacco vending machine operator is not liable under this paragraph for the
18purchase of cigarettes or tobacco products from his or her tobacco vending machine
19by a person under the age of 18 minor if the tobacco vending machine operator was
20unaware of the purchase.
SB546, s. 23 21Section 23. 134.66 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (1) (b) 1. and
22amended to read:
SB546,9,223 254.92 (1) (b) 1. A retailer shall post a sign in areas within his or her premises
24where cigarettes or tobacco products are sold to consumers stating that the sale to

1a minor or purchase by a minor
of any cigarette or tobacco product to a person under
2the age of 18
is unlawful under this section and s. 48.983 par. (a) and sub. (2).
SB546, s. 24 3Section 24. 134.66 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 254.92 (1) (b) 2. and
4amended to read:
SB546,9,95 254.92 (1) (b) 2. A tobacco vending machine operator shall attach a notice in
6a conspicuous place on the front of his or her tobacco vending machines stating that
7the purchase of any cigarette or tobacco product by a person under the age of 18 minor
8is unlawful under s. 48.983 sub. (2) and that the purchaser is subject to a forfeiture
9of not to exceed $25 $50.
SB546, s. 25 10Section 25. 134.66 (2) (c) 1. and 2. of the statutes are renumbered 254.92 (1)
11(c) 1. and 2. and amended to read: