For the convenience of the reader, a table of contents listing all section numbers of
the reorganized chapters is included in this Prefatory note. Also, a finding aid is
included at the end of this bill, which matches the current statute numbers with the new
statute numbers assigned by this bill.
The remainder of this Prefatory note consists of a table of contents for the
reorganized chapters:
Chapter 280
Pure drinking water - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 281
water and sewage
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Water resources - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Water quality and quantity;
General regulations - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Water and sewage facilities;
septage disposal - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Financial assistance - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Compensation - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Great Lakes remedial action - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII
General provisions; enforcement - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 283
Pollution discharge elimination
Subchapter I
Policy and purpose - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Standards; effluent limitations - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Permits - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
General provisions; enforcement - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 285
Air pollution
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
General powers and duties - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Air Quality standards,
Performance standards;
emission limits and nonattainment areas - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Volatile organic compounds
and mobile sources;

Emission limits and standards - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide
emission rates and goals - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Waste incinerators;
Ozone depleting substances;
Emission limits and other requirements - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Permits and fees - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII
Miscellaneous - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IX
Enforcement; penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 287
Subchapter I
General - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Solid waste reduction,
recovery and recycling - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Recycling market development - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Littering - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Enforcement and penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 289
Solid waste facilities
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Administration; solid waste
Management standards - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Facilities; siting - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Long-term care;
Financial responsibility;