Water resources - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Water quality and quantity;
General regulations - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Water and sewage facilities;
septage disposal - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Financial assistance - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Compensation - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Great Lakes remedial action - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII
General provisions; enforcement - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 283
Pollution discharge elimination
Subchapter I
Policy and purpose - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Standards; effluent limitations - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Permits - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
General provisions; enforcement - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 285
Air pollution
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
General powers and duties - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Air Quality standards,
Performance standards;
emission limits and nonattainment areas - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Volatile organic compounds
and mobile sources;

Emission limits and standards - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide
emission rates and goals - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Waste incinerators;
Ozone depleting substances;
Emission limits and other requirements - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Permits and fees - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII
Miscellaneous - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IX
Enforcement; penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 287
Subchapter I
General - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Solid waste reduction,
recovery and recycling - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Recycling market development - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Littering - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Enforcement and penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 289
Solid waste facilities
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Administration; solid waste
Management standards - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Facilities; siting - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Long-term care;
Financial responsibility;
operation; Waivers; exemptions; closure - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Facilities; regulation of specific
Facility or waste types - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Fees; funds - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Financial assistance - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII