1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
May 7, 1996 - Introduced by Law Revision Committee. Referred to Committee on
Senate Organization.
SB675,1,7 1An Act relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending and
2revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors,
3supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects,
4anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities and obsolete provisions, deleting,
5replacing or otherwise modifying language which discriminates on the basis of
6sex, reconciling conflicts and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's
7Correction Bill).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This revisor's correction bill is explained in the Notes provided by the revisor
of statutes bureau in the body of the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB675, s. 1 8Section 1. 13.83 (1) (f) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,1,129 13.83 (1) (f) 2. If the joint legislative council approves a project under par. (e)
101. or 2., it may contract for a consultant or project staff director having expertise in
11the subject matter of the project and it shall specify the date for the final report of
12the project to the joint legislative council.

Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1993 Wis. Act 52.
SB675, s. 2 1Section 2. 13.90 (6) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
2amended to read:
SB675,2,143 13.90 (6) The joint committee on legislative organization shall adopt, revise
4biennially and submit to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information
5policy, the governor and the secretary of administration, no later than September 15
6of each even-numbered year, a strategic plan for the utilization of information
7technology to carry out the functions of the legislature and legislative service
8agencies, as defined in section s. 16.70 (6) of the statutes. The plan shall address the
9business needs of the legislature and legislative service agencies and shall identify
10all resources relating to information technology which the legislature and legislative
11service agencies desire to acquire, contingent upon funding availability, the priority
12for such acquisitions and the justification for such acquisitions. The plan shall also
13identify any changes in the functioning of the legislature and legislative service
14agencies under the plan.
Note: Replaces superfluous language pursuant to s. 13.93 (1) (d).
SB675, s. 3 15Section 3. 15.405 (17) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB675,3,317 15.405 (17) (b) There is created a barbering and cosmetology examining board
18in the department of regulation and licensing. The barbering and cosmetology
19examining board shall consist of 9 members appointed for 4-year terms. Four
20members shall be licensed barbers or cosmetologists, 2 members shall be public
21members, one member shall be a representative of a private school of barbering or
22cosmetology, one member shall be a representative of a public school of barbering or
23cosmetology and one member shall be a licensed electrologist. Except for the 2

1members representing schools, no member may be connected with or have any
2financial interest in a barbering or cosmetologist cosmetology school. This
3paragraph applies after June 30, 1994.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1987 Wis. Act 265.
SB675, s. 4 4Section 4. 16.385 (4) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
5section 3199, is amended to read:
SB675,3,116 16.385 (4) (a) A household may apply after September 30 and before May 16
7of any year for heating assistance from the county department under s. 46.215 (1) (n)
8or 46.22 (1) (b) 4. 4m. a. to e. or from another local governmental agency or a private
9nonprofit organization with which the department contracts to administer the
10heating assistance program, and shall have the opportunity to do so on a form
11prescribed by the department for that purpose.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. There is no s. 46.22 (1) (b) 4. a. to e.
SB675, s. 5 12Section 5. 16.971 (4) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
13is amended to read:
SB675,3,1814 16.971 (4) (a) The department may license or authorize executive branch
15agencies to license computer programs developed by executive branch agencies to the
16federal government, other states, and municipalities. Any agency other than an
17executive branch agency may license a computer program developed by that agency
18to the federal government, other states and municipalities.
Note: Deletes comma consistent with current style.
SB675, s. 6 19Section 6. The amendments of 20.435 (1) (gm) of the statutes by 1995
20Wisconsin Act 27
are not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 98. All amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
SB675, s. 7 21Section 7. 20.435 (7) (kd) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
22is amended to read:
120.435 (7) (kd) Rehabilitation teaching aids. All moneys transferred from the
2appropriation under s. 20.445 (5) (hd) to provide assistance under the rehabilitation
3teaching program for blind and visually impaired persons under s. 46.293 (1) (a).
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 46.293 (1) (a).
SB675, s. 8 4Section 8. 20.835 (4) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 56,
5is amended to read:
SB675,4,106 20.835 (4) (g) County taxes. All moneys received from the taxes imposed under
7s. 77.70 for distribution to the counties that enact an ordinance imposing taxes under
8that section and for interest payments on refunds under s. 77.76 (3), except that 1.5%
9of those tax revenues collected under that section shall be credited to the
10appropriation account under s. 20.566 (1) (g).
NOTE: The underscored language was inserted by 1995 Wis. Act 56 without being
shown as underscored. The change was intended.
SB675, s. 9 11Section 9. 21.19 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,4,1412 21.19 (12) The adjutant general shall provide from the appropriation under s.
1320.465 (1) (c) a United States flag to the next of kin of each deceased member of the
14national guards guard who dies as a result of state service under s. 21.11.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1993 Wis. Act 16.
SB675, s. 10 15Section 10. 23.09 (17m) (h) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995
16Wisconsin Act 27
, is amended to read:
SB675,4,2017 23.09 (17m) (h) (intro.) If the amount of the unencumbered balance in a
18county's wildlife management fund account exceeds either of the following, the
19department may demand that the county repay to the department the excess amount
20to the department:
Note: Deletes redundant phrase inserted by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
SB675, s. 11
1Section 11. 23.196 (2) (b) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
2is amended to read:
SB675,5,73 23.196 (2) (b) For the purpose of establishing the Willow flowage project, the
4department may expend up to an amount equal to the total amount available for the
5purchase of land. For purposes of ss. 23.09 (2r) (a) 1. and 23.0915 (1), moneys
6expended under this paragraph shall be treated as moneys expended for the lower
7Wisconsin state riverway acquisition.
Note: An early version of 1995 Wis. Act 27 renumbered s. 23.09 (2r) (a) to be s. 23.09
(2r) (a) 1. As enacted, 1995 Wisconsin Act 27 did not include this renumbering, but s.
23.196 (2) (b) was not changed accordingly.
SB675, s. 12 8Section 12. 24.66 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
9is amended to read:
SB675,6,1210 24.66 (5) (a) Every application for a loan under this section by a municipality
11shall be accompanied by a certified copy under the hand of the proper clerk of a
12recorded resolution adopted by the municipality applying for or approving the loan,
13levying, except as provided in par. (b), upon all the taxable property of the
14municipality a direct annual tax for the purpose of paying and sufficient to pay the
15principal and interest on the proposed loan as they become due. In a 1st class city
16school district, the application shall be accompanied by a certified copy of a
17resolution, adopted by the board of school directors, stating that it is the intention
18of the board of school directors to include in its budget transmitted to the common
19council under s. 119.16 (8) (b) a written notice specifying the amount of money
20necessary to pay the principal and interest on the loan as they become due. Every
21application for a loan under this subsection by a cooperative educational service
22agency shall be accompanied by a copy of a recorded resolution adopted by the school
23board of each school district for which the loan is sought, certified by the school

1district clerk of that school district, levying upon all taxable property of the school
2district a direct annual tax for the purpose of paying and sufficient to pay the school
3district's share of the principal and interest on the proposed loan as they become due.
4Every application for a loan under this subsection by a cooperative educational
5service agency shall be accompanied by a copy of a recorded resolution adopted by
6the school board of each school district for which the loan is sought, certified by the
7school district clerk of that school district, levying upon all taxable property of the
8school district a direct annual tax for the purpose of paying and sufficient to pay the
9school district's share of the principal and interest on the proposed loan as they
10become due.
The levy imposed by the municipality shall be void if the board declines
11to make the loan; otherwise it shall remain valid and irrepealable until the loan and
12all interest on the loan are fully paid.
NOTE: The stricken language was inadvertently repeated by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
SB675, s. 13 13Section 13. 27.065 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,7,414 27.065 (3) Parkways and streets, improve. The county board may improve all
15or any portion of the county's system of streets and parkways by causing the same
16to be leveled, graded, paved or improved in any other manner, and sidewalks, curbs
17or gutters or either installed, cause water and sewer mains and laterals, and lighting
18mains and fixtures, fences, bridges, culverts, viaducts and flood control dams erected
19and constructed therein, and cause the parkway portions thereof to be planted,
20seeded or sodded. The county board may establish the grade of all streets and
21parkways in areas not already established and change and reestablish the same as
22it deems expedient. Whenever it shall change or alter the permanently established
23grade of any street or parkway, any person thereby sustaining damages to property
24owned on the affected street shall have a right to recover such the damages in the

1manner set forth in this section. The grade of all streets and parkways shall be
2established and described and the adoption of such grades and all alterations thereof
3shall be recorded by the county clerk. No street or parkway shall be worked until the
4grade thereof is established and recorded in the office of the county clerk.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1991 Wis. Act 316.
SB675, s. 14 5Section 14. 29.05 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
6amended to read:
SB675,8,27 29.05 (2) Additional arrest powers. In addition to the arrest powers under
8sub. (1), a conservation warden who has completed a program of law enforcement
9training approved by the law enforcement standards board, has been certified as
10qualified to be a law enforcement officer under s. 165.85 (4) (b) 1. and has complied
11with any applicable requirements under s. 165.85 (4) (bn) 1. while on duty and in
12uniform or on duty and upon display of proper credentials may assist another law
13enforcement agency as defined under s. 165.83 (1) (b) including making an arrest at
14the request of the agency, may arrest a person pursuant to an arrest warrant
15concerning the commission of a felony or may arrest a person who has committed a
16crime in the presence of the warden. If the conservation warden makes an arrest
17without the presence of another law enforcement agency, the conservation warden
18shall cause the person arrested to be delivered to the chief of police or sheriff in the
19jurisdiction where the arrest is made, along with the documents and reports
20pertaining to the arrest. The conservation warden shall be available as a witness for
21the state. A conservation warden may not conduct investigations for violations of
22state law except as authorized in sub. (3) and ss. 23.11 (4) and 41.41 (12) and 23.11
. A conservation warden acting under the authority of this subsection is
24considered an employe of the department and is subject to its direction, benefits and

1legal protection. The authority granted in this section does not apply to county
2conservation wardens or special conservation wardens.
Note: Reverses order of cross-references consistent with current style.
SB675, s. 15 3Section 15. 29.52 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,8,84 29.52 (4) (d) "Private fish hatchery, Class D" means any Class A or Class B
5licensee who transfers fish produced, reared or possessed by the licensee under such
6a Class A or Class B license to the licensee's holding or rearing ponds situated on
7lands owned or leased by the licensee but not included in the licensee's Class A or
8Class B license.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1991 Wis. Act 316.
SB675, s. 16 9Section 16. 32.05 (9) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,8,1510 32.05 (9) (a) 2. In cases where the amount of the award appealed from is
11increased on appeal, such amount shall be paid by the condemnor making tender of
12the amount to one of the appellant owners or appellant parties of interest in the same
13manner governing the tender of a basic award. In the event that a determination on
14appeal reduces the amount of the appealed award, those parties who joined in the
15appeal shall be liable, jointly and severally, to the condemning authority.
Note: Inserts missing words and a comma.
SB675, s. 17 16Section 17. 36.25 (36) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 101,
17is renumbered 36.25 (35m).
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 27 also created a s. 36.25 (36).
SB675, s. 18 18Section 18. The treatment of 40.02 (22) (g) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
19Act 88
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 89. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
SB675, s. 19 20Section 19. 46.215 (1m) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 64,
21is amended to read:
146.215 (1m) Exchange of information . Notwithstanding ss. 48.78 (2) (a),
249.45 (4), 49.53 (1m) 49.83, 51.30, 51.45 (14) (a), 55.06 (17) (c), 146.82, 252.11 (7) and
3253.07 (3) (c), any subunit of the county department of social services acting under
4this section may exchange confidential information about a client, without the
5informed consent of the client, with any other subunit of the same county department
6of social services or with any person providing services to the client under a purchase
7of services contract with the county department of social services, if necessary to
8enable an employe or service provider to perform his or her duties, or to enable the
9county department of social services to coordinate the delivery of services to the