AB1-engrossed,27,12 12(5) "District" means a special district created under this subchapter.
AB1-engrossed,27,13 13(6) "District board" means the governing board of a district.
AB1-engrossed,27,18 14229.66 Creation and organization. (1) There is created, for each
15jurisdiction under s. 229.67, a special district that is a local governmental unit, that
16is a body corporate and politic, that is separate and distinct from, and independent
17of, the state, that has the powers under s. 229.68 and the name of which includes
18"Professional Baseball Park District".
AB1-engrossed,27,21 19(2) A district is governed by its district board. The district board may adopt
20bylaws to govern the district's activities, subject to this subchapter. Subject to sub.
21(3), the district board shall consist of the following members:
AB1-engrossed,28,322 (a) Six persons appointed by the governor, one of whom does not reside within
23the district's jurisdiction and, of the remaining appointees, at least one of whom
24resides within each of the counties that are within the jurisdiction of the district. A
25person appointed under this paragraph may take his or her seat immediately upon

1appointment, subject to confirmation or rejection by the senate. At least one person
2appointed under this paragraph shall be a minority group member, as defined in s.
3560.036 (1) (f).
AB1-engrossed,28,84 (b) Two persons appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous
5county within the jurisdiction of a district, who shall serve at the pleasure of the chief
6executive officer. A person appointed under this paragraph may take his or her seat
7immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or rejection by a majority of
8the members-elect of the county board.
AB1-engrossed,28,159 (c) One person appointed by the chief executive officer of the 2nd most populous
10county within the jurisdiction of a district, who shall serve at the pleasure of the chief
11executive officer, except that in single-county jurisdictions the person under this
12paragraph shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of that county and serve
13at the chief executive officer's pleasure. A person appointed under this paragraph
14may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or
15rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.
AB1-engrossed,28,2216 (d) One person appointed by the chief executive officer of the 3rd most populous
17county within the jurisdiction of a district, who shall serve at the pleasure of the chief
18executive officer, except that in single-county jurisdictions the person under this
19paragraph shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of that county and serve
20at the chief executive officer's pleasure. A person appointed under this paragraph
21may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or
22rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.
AB1-engrossed,29,423 (e) One person appointed by the chief executive officer of the 4th most populous
24county within the jurisdiction of a district, who shall serve at the pleasure of the chief
25executive officer, except that in single-county jurisdictions the person under this

1paragraph shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of that county and serve
2at the chief executive officer's pleasure. A person appointed under this paragraph
3may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or
4rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.
AB1-engrossed,29,115 (f) One person appointed by the chief executive officer of the 5th most populous
6county within the jurisdiction of a district, who shall serve at the pleasure of the chief
7executive officer, except that in single-county jurisdictions the person under this
8paragraph shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of that county and serve
9at the chief executive officer's pleasure. A person appointed under this paragraph
10may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or
11rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.
AB1-engrossed,29,1612 (g) One person appointed by the mayor of the most populous city within the
13jurisdiction of a district, who shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor. A person
14appointed under this paragraph may take his or her seat immediately upon
15appointment, subject to confirmation or rejection by a majority of the members-elect
16of the common council.
AB1-engrossed,30,7 17(3) Upon appointment under sub. (2), the appointing authorities shall certify
18the appointees to the secretary of administration. The terms of office of 3 of the
19persons appointed under sub. (2) (a) shall be 2 years, and the terms of office of 3 of
20the persons appointed under sub. (2) (a) shall be 4 years, except that for the initial
21appointments for a newly created district the initial terms shall expire on July 1 of
22the 2nd year beginning after creation of a district for persons appointed to 2-year
23terms, and the initial terms shall expire on July 1 of the 4th year beginning after
24creation of a district for persons appointed to 4-year terms. Persons appointed under
25sub. (2) (a) may be removed from the district board before the expiration of their

1terms by the appointing authority but only for cause, as defined in s. 17.16 (2).
2Vacancies for persons appointed under sub. (2) (a) shall be filled by the appointing
3authority who appointed the person whose office is vacant. A person appointed to
4fill a vacancy under sub. (2) (a) shall serve for the remainder of the term to which he
5or she is appointed. All of the appointing authorities shall ensure, to the greatest
6extent possible, that the membership of the board is diverse with respect to race. Of
7the persons appointed under sub. (2), not more than 4 may reside in any one county.
AB1-engrossed,30,12 8(4) The governor shall select the chairperson of the district board and the
9district board shall elect from its membership a vice chairperson, a secretary and a
10treasurer. A majority of the current membership of the district board constitutes a
11quorum to do business. The district may take action based on the affirmative vote
12of a majority of those directors who are present at a meeting of the district board.
AB1-engrossed,30,14 13(5) The members of the district board shall be reimbursed for their actual and
14necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
AB1-engrossed,30,17 15(6) Upon the appointment and qualification of a majority of the members of a
16district board, the district board may exercise the powers and duties of a district
17board under this subchapter.
AB1-engrossed,30,18 18(7) At its first meeting the district board shall name the district.
AB1-engrossed,30,25 19229.67 Jurisdiction. A district's jurisdiction is any county with a population
20of more than 500,000 and all counties that are contiguous to that county, unless any
21of the contiguous counties are already included in a district, in which case the
22district's jurisdiction shall consist solely of the county with the population of more
23than 500,000. Once a county is included in a district's jurisdiction the county
24remains in the district until the district is dissolved under s. 229.71. In this section,
25"contiguous" includes a county that touches another county only at a corner.
1229.68 Powers of a district. A district has all of the powers necessary or
2convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this subchapter. In addition
3to all other powers granted by this subchapter, a district may do all of the following:
AB1-engrossed,31,4 4(1) Adopt and alter an official seal.
AB1-engrossed,31,5 5(2) Sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded.
AB1-engrossed,31,6 6(3) Maintain an office.
AB1-engrossed,31,7 7(4) In connection with baseball park facilities:
AB1-engrossed,31,108 (a) Acquire, construct, equip, maintain, improve, operate and manage the
9baseball park facilities as a revenue-generating enterprise, or engage other persons
10to do these things.
AB1-engrossed,31,1311 (b) Acquire; lease, as lessor or lessee; use; or transfer property; except that the
12district may not enter into any lease that does not receive the affirmative vote of at
13least 8 members of the district board.
AB1-engrossed,31,1414 (c) Improve real property.
AB1-engrossed,31,1915 (d) Enter into contracts, subject to such standards as may be established by the
16district board. The district board may award any such contract for any combination
17or division of work it designates and may consider any factors in awarding a contract,
18including price, time for completion of work and qualifications and past performance
19of a contractor.
AB1-engrossed,31,2020 (e) Grant concessions.
AB1-engrossed,31,2221 (f) Make a grant of land or other property to the state, especially dedicated by
22the grant to use for a professional baseball park.
AB1-engrossed,32,2 23(5) Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and provide,
24either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.30 as a participant in a benefit

1plan of another governmental entity, any employe benefits, including an employe
2pension plan.
AB1-engrossed,32,5 3(6) Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of self-insurance or,
4subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under s. 66.30,
5participate in a governmental plan of insurance or self-insurance.
AB1-engrossed,32,6 6(7) Mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the district's property or funds.
AB1-engrossed,32,12 7(8) Issue revenue bonds under s. 66.066, subject to ss. 229.72 to 229.79, and
8enter into agreements related to the issuance of bonds, including liquidity and credit
9facilities, remarketing agreements, insurance policies, guaranty agreements, letter
10of credit or reimbursement agreements, indexing agreements, interest exchange
11agreements and currency exchange agreements, except that the district may issue
12bonds under this subsection only if all of the following conditions are met:
AB1-engrossed,32,1313 (a) At least 8 members of the district board vote in favor of issuing bonds.
AB1-engrossed,32,1614 (b) A majority of the members of the district board determines, based on the
15best available information, that the total cost of the initial construction of baseball
16park facilities does not exceed $250,000,000.
AB1-engrossed,32,2017 (c) A majority of the members of the district board determines that the district's
18lease arrangement with the professional baseball team franchise that uses baseball
19park facilities constructed under this subchapter as its home facilities incorporates
20a term of at least 30 years.
AB1-engrossed,32,22 21(9) Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the district
22board considers appropriate.
AB1-engrossed,32,24 23(11) Promote, advertise and publicize its baseball park facilities and related
1(12) Set standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, its baseball
2park facilities in order to promote public safety and convenience and to maintain
AB1-engrossed,33,6 4(13) Establish and collect fees, and establish shared revenue arrangements or
5other charges for the use of its baseball park facilities or for services rendered by the
AB1-engrossed,33,8 7(14) Enter into partnerships, joint ventures, common ownership or other
8arrangements with other persons to further the district's purposes.
AB1-engrossed,33,14 9(15) Impose, by the adoption of a resolution, the taxes under subch. V of ch. 77.
10A district may not levy any taxes that are not expressly authorized under subch. V
11of ch. 77 and that do not receive the affirmative vote of at least 8 members of the
12district board. If a district adopts a resolution which imposes taxes, it shall deliver
13a certified copy of the resolution to the secretary of revenue at least 30 days before
14its effective date.
AB1-engrossed,33,16 15(16) Accept gifts, loans and other aid, which may be used only for the following
AB1-engrossed,33,1717 (a) Retiring the bonds used to construct the baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,33,1818 (b) Maintaining the baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,33,1919 (c) Operating the baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,33,2020 (d) Making capital improvements to the baseball park facilities
AB1-engrossed,33,22 21(17) Administer the receipt of revenues, and oversee the payment of bonds
22issued by the district.
AB1-engrossed,34,2 23229.682 Special provisions. (1) Gifts and donations. The district board
24shall explore and consider ways to solicit and encourage gifts and donations for the

1construction of baseball park facilities and, to the extent feasible, implement means
2to solicit such gifts and donations.
AB1-engrossed,34,4 3(2) Prevailing wages. The construction of a baseball park facility that is
4financed in whole or in part by a district is subject to s. 66.293.
AB1-engrossed,34,9 5(3) Special debt payments. The district shall pay, over a 3-year period
6beginning on the first day of the 12th month after the effective date of this subsection
7.... [revisor inserts date], any outstanding debt on a baseball stadium that has been
8used as a home field by a major league professional baseball team, up to a maximum
9amount of $1,500,000.
AB1-engrossed,34,15 10(4) Special ticket provisions. A major league professional baseball team that
11uses as its home field baseball park facilities that are constructed under this
12subchapter shall annually designate, for each county that is in the district's
13jurisdiction, at least one of the team's home games as a discount ticket day for that
14county, for which residents of that county may purchase discounted admission
AB1-engrossed,34,18 16(5) Smoking. The district board shall include in any lease negotiated with a
17professional baseball club a prohibition on smoking in the general seating areas of
18the stadium.
AB1-engrossed,34,22 19(6) Use of stadium. The district board shall consider during the design review
20process the utilization of the facility for events in addition to baseball, which are
21consistent with the program statement and design for the stadium complex, and do
22not adversely affect the design, construction schedule or budget.
AB1-engrossed,35,2 23229.685 Special fund tax revenues. (1) The district board shall maintain
24a special fund into which it deposits only the revenue received from the department

1of revenue, that is derived from the taxes imposed under subch. V of ch. 77, and may
2use this revenue only for purposes related to baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,35,14 3(2) If the district board determines that the revenues in the special fund under
4this section exceed current operating expenses for the operation of baseball park
5facilities, the district board shall apply the excess to either fund a fund for
6maintenance costs and capital improvements or to retire bonds issued for the initial
7construction of baseball park facilities, and any bonds issued to fund or refund those
8bonds, prior to their maturity. As soon as practicable after the retirement of all bonds
9issued for the initial construction of baseball park facilities and all bonds issued to
10fund or refund those bonds and after funding a fund for maintenance costs and
11capital improvements sufficiently to meet any maintenance or capital improvement
12obligations between the district and any professional baseball team using baseball
13park facilities constructed under this subchapter as a home stadium, the district
14board shall make a certification to the department of revenue to that effect.
AB1-engrossed,35,17 15229.69 Powers granted to a city or a county in a district. In addition to
16any powers that it may otherwise have, a city or a county within a district's
17jurisdiction may do any of the following:
AB1-engrossed,35,19 18(1) Make grants or loans to a district upon terms that the city or county
19considers appropriate.
AB1-engrossed,35,20 20(2) Expend public funds to subsidize a district.
AB1-engrossed,35,22 21(3) Borrow money under ss. 67.04 and 67.12 (12) for baseball park facilities or
22to fund grants, loans or subsidies to a district.
AB1-engrossed,35,24 23(4) Grant to the state land or other property, especially dedicated by the grant
24to use for a professional baseball park.
AB1-engrossed,35,25 25229.70 Minority contracting goals. (1) In this section:
1(a) "Minority business" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e).
AB1-engrossed,36,22 (b) "Minority group member" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (f).
AB1-engrossed,36,53 (c) "Women's business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture
4or corporation that is at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by
AB1-engrossed,36,11 6(2) The district shall ensure that, for construction work and professional
7services contracts, a person who is awarded such a contract by a district shall agree,
8as a condition to receiving the contract, that his or her goal shall be to ensure that
9at least 25% of the employes hired because of the contract will be minority group
10members and at least 5% of the employes hired because of the contract will be women
11if the contract is for the construction of any part of baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,36,16 12(3) It shall be a goal of the district to ensure that at least 25% of the aggregate
13dollar value of contracts awarded by the district in the following areas shall be
14awarded to minority businesses and at least 5% of the aggregate dollar value of
15contracts awarded by the district in the following areas shall be awarded to women's
AB1-engrossed,36,1717 (a) Contracts for the construction of baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,36,1918 (b) Contracts for professional services related to the construction of baseball
19park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,36,2020 (c) Contracts for the development of baseball park facilities.
AB1-engrossed,36,24 21(4) It shall be a goal of a district, with regard to each of the contracts described
22under sub. (3) (a), (b) and (c), to award at least 25% of the dollar value of such
23contracts to minority businesses and at least 5% of the dollar value of such contracts
24to women's businesses.
1(5) (a) The district shall hire an independent person to monitor the district's
2compliance with minority contracting goals under subs. (2), (3) and (4) and the
3department of administration's compliance with minority contracting goals under s.
416.854 (2) and (3). The person hired shall have previous experience working with
5minority group members. The district shall develop a mechanism to receive regular
6reports from the person hired with respect to the results of the person's studies of
7compliance with minority contracting goals.
AB1-engrossed,37,118 (b) If the district or a contractor is unable to meet the goals under sub. (2), (3)
9or (4), the person hired under par. (a) shall assess whether the district or contractor
10made a good faith effort to reach the goals. In determining whether a good faith effort
11was made to meet the goals, the person hired shall consider all of the following:
AB1-engrossed,37,1412 1. The supply of eligible minority businesses and women's businesses that have
13the financial capacity, technical capacity and previous experience in the areas in
14which contracts were awarded.
AB1-engrossed,37,1715 2. The competing demands for the services provided by eligible minority
16businesses and women's businesses, as described in subd. 1., in areas in which
17contracts were awarded.
AB1-engrossed,37,2118 3. The extent to which the district or contractors advertised for and
19aggressively solicited bids from eligible minority businesses and women's
20businesses, as described in subd. 1., and the extent to which eligible minority
21businesses and women's businesses submitted bids.
AB1-engrossed,37,25 22(6) The district shall solicit from any major league baseball club to whom the
23district leases baseball park facilities its minority hiring goals in connection with the
24operation of a baseball stadiums and its minority contracting goals in connection
25with vending contractors at a baseball stadium.
1229.71 Dissolution of a district. Subject to providing for the payment of its
2bonds, including interest on the bonds, and the performance of its other contractual
3obligations, a district may be dissolved by the action of the district board. If the
4district is dissolved, the property of the district shall be transferred to the counties
5in the jurisdiction, based on the tax revenues derived from each county, as
6determined by the secretary of administration.
AB1-engrossed,38,9 7229.72 Issuance and negotiability of bonds. (1m) Negotiability. All
8bonds are negotiable for all purposes, notwithstanding their payment from a limited
AB1-engrossed,38,12 10(2) Employment of financial consultant. A district may retain the building
11commission or any other person as its financial consultant to assist with and
12coordinate the issuance of bonds.
AB1-engrossed,38,16 13(6) Liability. Neither the members of the district board nor any person
14executing the bonds is liable personally on the bonds or subject to any personal
15liability or accountability by reason of the issuance of the bonds, unless the personal
16liability or accountability is the result of wilful misconduct.
AB1-engrossed,38,22 17229.74 Special debt service reserve funds. (1) Designation of special
18debt service reserve funds.
A district may designate one or more accounts in funds
19created under s. 66.066 (2) (e) as special debt service reserve funds, if, prior to each
20issuance of bonds to be secured by the special debt service reserve fund, the secretary
21of administration determines that all of the following conditions are met with respect
22to the bonds:
AB1-engrossed,38,2423 (a) Purpose. The proceeds of the bonds, other than refunding bonds, will be
24used for baseball park facilities.
1(b) Feasibility. The proceeds of bonds, other than refunding bonds, will be used
2for feasible projects and there is a reasonable likelihood that the bonds will be repaid
3without the necessity of drawing on funds in the special debt service reserve fund
4that secures the bonds. The secretary of administration may make the
5determinations required under this paragraph only after considering all of the
AB1-engrossed,39,87 1. Whether a pledge of the tax revenues of the district is made under the bond
AB1-engrossed,39,99 2. How the tax revenues of the district are pledged to the payment of the bonds.
AB1-engrossed,39,1210 3. Revenue projections for the project to be financed by the bonds, including tax
11revenues, and the reasonableness of the assumptions on which these revenue
12projections are based.
AB1-engrossed,39,1413 4. The proposed interest rates of the bonds and the resulting cash-flow
AB1-engrossed,39,1615 5. The projected ratio of annual tax revenues to annual debt service of the
16district, taking into account capitalized interest.
AB1-engrossed,39,1917 6. Whether an understanding exists providing for repayment by the district to
18the state of all amounts appropriated to the special debt service reserve fund
19pursuant to sub. (7).