Rent for AFDC recipients: direct payment by DHSS to landlord required -  SB194
State child care program operations: revision re unspent or unencumbered funds [Sec. 925, 926, 930, 3091, 3092, 9426 (7)] - AB150
Welfare fraud hotline: DILJD to establish toll-free telephone number; directory provision -  SB515
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components  - AB591
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components  - SB359
Work-not-welfare benefit adjustment: learnfare sanction included as significant change in circumstances (remedial legislation) -  AB863
Work-not-welfare program revisions re benefits and additional monthly payments [Sec. 2900, 2902-2905, 2908; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 2899m]  - AB150
Acid deposition studies, evaluation and monitoring: statutory references and appropriations deleted [Sec. 1054, 4305-4307, 5246, 9459 (5)] -  AB150
Air permit program revisions [Sec. 4308-4314] -  AB150
Air pollution standards re proposed electric generating facility or transmission line: PSC authority revised  - AB1063
Air pollution standards re proposed electric generating facility or transmission line: PSC authority revised  - SB662
Air quality attainment areas redesignated by tribal governing bodies: procedures created -  AB413
Employe commute option and trip reduction program re federal Clean air act: Congress requested to eliminate requirements - AJR30
Employe trip reduction program: employer compliance date revised -  AB356
Employe trip reduction program: employer compliance date revised -  SB216
Employe trip reduction program revisions -  AB291
Employe trip reduction program revisions; DNR to set reasonable limits on employer expenses re program implementation - SB137
Environmental law revisions re industrial facility concentration and permits, laws enforcement, hazards mitigation, impact statements and patient health care records; Environmental justice board created in DOJ; DHSS study of health problems related to pollution -  SB434
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -  SB622
Reformulated gasoline sale in southeastern Wisconsin and other federal Clean air act requirements: DOJ requested to seek relief - AJR33
Technology and pollution control and abatement grants [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 508d, 514e, g, 6925t, 6930-6933jz]  - AB150
Zero emission vehicles: delivery for sale in this state required - SB139
air rightsAir rights, see Building
airportAirport, see also Aviation
Airport commission membership expanded -  AB813
Airport commission membership expanded [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, terms modified] - SB511
Airport site: extraterritorial zoning authority of local units of government revised -  AB519
Local airport development program: funding increased [A.Sub.Amdt.2: general funding increase deleted, funding for Fond du Lac county airport construction provided]  - AB557
alcohol and other drug abuseAlcohol and other drug abuse
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil suspension or expulsion authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, written policies re discipline required; A.Amdt.1: discipline provision; A.Amdt.5 (pt.2): written policies re treatments required] -  AB718
AODA group homes: revolving loan fund revision [Sec. 2351] - AB150
AODA prevention and treatment as part of JOBS program: DHSS to request federal waiver [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2879g, m] - AB150
AODA program consolidation study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9126 (28g)] -  AB150
AODA programs for minority group members: funding provision [Sec. 2305; original bill only]  - AB150
AODA services covered by MA: sunset date removed [Sec. 3021] -  AB150
AODA youth services grant for certain Milwaukee county organization repealed [Sec. 828, 2209; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 2209m, deletes 2209] -  AB150
Community AODA prevention program revised; matching funds required [Sec. 3268-3270; A.Sub.Amdt.1: matching funds requirement removed, deletes 3270; A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: matching funds requirement, 3270b; A.Amdt.34 to A.Amdt.26: matching funds removed, deletes 3270b] -  AB150
Domestic abuse grant revisions [Sec. 939, 2340-2345, 2346-2348] -  AB150
General relief services re mental health and AODA: county requirement removed; state reimbursement prohibited [Sec. 2704, 2705, 2720, 2722, 2728, 2729, 9326 (8), 9426 (11); A.Sub.Amdt.1: county requirement and state reimbursement provisions removed, 2705b, deletes 2705, 2720, 2722, 2728, 2729, 9426 (11)] -  AB150
Intensive aftercare program for youth eliminated [Sec. 824, 2550] -  AB150
Mental health services for minors: laws revised re parental consent, notification and access to treatment records  - AB755
Protective placements and mental health services: provisions of 1995 WisAct 92 modified -  AB806
Protective placements and mental health services: required funding limited; factors considered in placements expanded - AB244
Special distinguishing registration plates re certain professional athletic teams supporters; additional annual fee made a tax-deductible contribution to D.A.R.E. Wisconsin, Ltd.  - SB331
TPR grounds revised re continuing AODA, child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility [Sec. 2485-2489, 9310 (2)(c), (d); original bill only] - AB150
TPR grounds revised re continuing AODA, child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility  - SB229
Tribal AODA services: use of medical relief block grants permitted [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 46b] - SB565
alcohol beverage _ regulationAlcohol beverage — Regulation
Alcohol beverage resale: fines created for certain actions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4143b-m, 9348 (10j)]  - AB150
Alcohol beverage retailer located near a school: minimum distance increased -  AB1015
Alcohol beverage sale by agent of a corporation or limited liability company: license requirements revised  - AB422
Alcohol beverage sale by agent of a corporation or limited liability company: license requirements revised [S.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.2: provisional retail license created] - SB218
Alcohol beverage sale for consumption off premises: quota on licenses set -  AB789
Alcohol beverage samples provided by brewer, manufacturer or wholesaler to certain business meetings of certain trade associations permitted -  AB920
Alcohol beverage samples provided by brewer, manufacturer or wholesaler to certain business meetings of certain trade associations permitted -  SB551
Alcohol beverage source of supply: restriction on noncampus retailer removed -  AB260
Alcohol beverages on privately owned boats: restrictions created -  AB522
Brew-on-premises permits created; occupational tax exemption; civil immunity provision - AB1021
Brewer or alcohol beverage wholesaler: contributions to nonprofit festival or event endorsed by certain 2nd class cities permitted -  AB1010
Brewer or alcohol beverage wholesaler: contributions to nonprofit festival or event endorsed by certain 2nd class cities permitted -  SB616
Brewery employes: issuance of Class ``B" license permitted; compensation provision -  SB479
``Class B" license quota exceptions modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4123g-m] -  AB150
Fermented malt beverage kegs: identification tag requirements - AB53
Fermented malt beverage production by brewer exclusively for Class ``B" licensee permitted -  AB462
Fermented malt beverage resale by wholesaler: supply source restricted -  AB487
Liquor sale to wholesaler by primary source of supply: law revised -  AB735
Malt liquor: sale of container holding more than a quart prohibited -  AB460
Tax laws: technical changes re property, motor vehicle fuel, aviation fuel, alcohol beverage and cigarette taxes and county tax roll settlement sheets (remedial legislation)  - AB866
Temporary Class ``B" licenses to public facilities covered by a ``Class B" permit: municipality may issue  - AB928
Video amusement devices: regulation and licensing by DOR in certain cases; fees and sales tax provisions; crane game regulation and licensing provision -  AB774
Video amusement devices: regulation and licensing by Gaming commission in certain cases; fees and sales tax provisions - AB633
Wine sampling on ``Class A" licensed premises permitted -  SB157
alcohol beverage _ sale to minorsAlcohol beverage — Sale to minors, see also Identification cards
Alcohol beverage sale to underage persons: penalties and time period for counting previous violations revised  - AB274
Legal drinking age lowered to 19 -  AB197
Legal drinking age lowered to 19 -  SB142
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re adjacent outdoor volleyball court [S.Amdt.1: indoor golf simulator facilities added]  - SB311
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re indoor golf simulator facility  - AB1077
alcohol beverage _ taxationAlcohol beverage — Taxation
Brew-on-premises permits created; occupational tax exemption; civil immunity provision - AB1021
Liquor tax administration: unencumbered balance lapse to general fund [Sec. 1113, 9348 (8)] - AB150
alibiAlibi, see Evidence