Country clubs with tax-exempt status: municipalities to pay certain amounts to the overlying taxing jurisdictions in certain cases -  AB362
Crane game regulation and licensing transferred from Gaming commission to DOR -  AB774
Golf course construction: authority of county boards restricted  - AB871
Golf courses acquired under stewardship program: state prohibited from incurring public debt; existing rules suspended - AB334
Golf courses acquired under stewardship program: state prohibited from incurring public debt; existing rules suspended - SB179
Lent, Cyndy: performance in the Longest day of golf commended -  AJR78
Minors' under age 16 engaged in theatrical, musical and related events: statute repealed re accompaniment by parent or guardian -  AB842
National guard's 132nd army band commended -  AR32
Performing rights society: regulation re nondramatic musical works -  AB612
Performing rights society: regulation re nondramatic musical works -  SB379
Psychologist licensure revised; definition and continuing education requirements modified [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, fee provision; S.Amdt.1: exception for music, art and dance therapists] -  AB389
Stewardship funding: expenditure prohibitions re golf course acquisition or development and land acquired by condemnation [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1262qm, 9142 (11z), 9342 (11z)] -  AB150
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re adjacent outdoor volleyball court [S.Amdt.1: indoor golf simulator facilities added]  - SB311
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re indoor golf simulator facility  - AB1077
anatomical giftAnatomical gift, see Transplant
anderson, gerald kAnderson, Gerald K.
Life and public service - AJR72
anderson, karl lAnderson, Karl L.
Life and public service - AR30
Bounty or reward for killing certain animals: statute repealed - AB842
Cattle sale or movement within state: exemption from certain prohibitions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: regulations applied to other animals designated by DATCP, brucellosis testing provisions] - AB22
Dead animal removal from state trunk highways: DNR duties set; cost recovery provision -  AB503
Deer, elk and reindeer regulations revised; commercial deer farm license and venison retailer permit eliminated; domestic animal definition expanded -  SB159
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded -  AB610
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded [S.Amdt.1: deer added; S.Amdt.2: county board to set maximum amount by ordinance; S.Amdt.3: bison removed]  - SB320
Dog damages to domestic animals: claims against county dog license fund -  AB180
Livestock owned by one party and possessed by another: contract requirements created -  AB652
animal _ diseaseAnimal — Disease
Animal disease indemnity revisions re appraisal and payment; DATCP authority expanded; commercial deer provisions [Sec. 3575, 3577-3591, 9304 (1), 9404 (1); original bill only] - AB150
Animal disease indemnity revisions re appraisal and payment; DATCP authority expanded; commercial deer provisions; animal health law violation penalties; livestock remedies [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``commercially raised deer" changed to ``farm-raised deer"] - AB483
Animal disease indemnity revisions re appraisal and payment; DATCP authority expanded; commercial deer provisions; animal health law violation penalties; livestock remedies  - SB237
Animal health revisions re livestock remedies, penalties for violations and research for commercially raised deer [Sec. 478, 3557, 3558, 3576, 3593-3596; original bill only]  - AB150
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal of animals expanded - AB1043
Cattle sale or movement within state: exemption from certain prohibitions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: regulations applied to other animals designated by DATCP, brucellosis testing provisions] - AB22
Commercially raised deer and elk: farm license and venison retailer permit eliminated; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, DATCP authority and dog damage claims [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, bovine tuberculosis testing requirements; A.Amdt.2: fencing specifications expanded]  - SB356
Commercially raised deer: bovine tuberculosis research provisions repealed [Sec. 478, 3576] - AB150
Dogs held by humane society: exemption from waiting period re destruction for disease or injury - AB749
Equine infectious anemia testing: DATCP rule authority restricted -  AB589
Pseudorabies control program: funding repealed [Sec.477] -  AB150
Rabies vaccine: sale restricted; dog vaccination requirements revised -  AB931
Rabies vaccine: sale restricted; dog vaccination requirements revised -  SB595
animal _ treatmentAnimal — Treatment
Animal cruelty complaint investigation: procedure revised -  AB18
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal of animals expanded - AB1043
Dogs held by humane society: exemption from waiting period re destruction for disease or injury - AB749
Racing animal treatment: DATCP duties transferred to Gaming commission [Sec. 3554, 3555, 6952]  - AB150
Statutes repealed re Board of immigration, cat licenses, stray animal appraisal, urinal flushing devices and cigar manufacturing below ground floor -  AB1000
antique dealerAntique dealer, see Trade practice
apiaryApiary, see Bees
appleton, city ofAppleton, City of
Fox river: city of Appleton authorized to place fill re park development -  SB364
Job training programs consolidated; Governor's council on workforce excellence created; youth apprenticeship program revisions [Sec. 144, 163-165, 967, 968, 970-972, 3695-3712, 3715, 3758, 4036, 7232, 9130 (5)-(8), 9430 (6); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 9130 (14g), deletes 9130 (8)]  - AB150
Locksmith regulations and examining board created; reciprocity provided -  AB939
Plumbing apprenticeship extended - AB921
Plumbing apprenticeship extended [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirement for licensure as journeyman plumber revised] -  SB553
Arrangement of state agency appropriations in the statutes [Sec. 468, 9459 (4)] -  AB150
Budget stabilization fund: appropriation provided; statements re property tax relief and two-thirds vote to withdraw moneys from fund -  AB730
DOA revisions re PR restructuring, document sales, interagency mail delivery and printing services [Sec. 357, 393, 1055, 1058, 1059, 1178, 9101 (3), (4)] -  AB150
Estimated expenditures of office of the Governor, Senate and Assembly: procedure revised -  SB539
General fund balance: method of calculation revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 469b] -  AB150
General fund balance: statutory statement revised [Sec. 469, 470; original bill only] -  AB150
General fund: transfer of moneys from recycling fund [Sec. 9242 (2)] -  AB150
General purpose revenue: limitation on state appropriations and expenditures created -  AB7
Legislative proposals to change certain funding sources for programs: statutory provision created to regulate  - AB461
Out-of-state travel by state agencies: expenditures limited - AB105
State agency funding and expenditure revisions: travel expenses limited; not applicable to DOR appropriations  - SB539
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Weeds
area health education centerArea health education center
Area health education center at U.W. Madison: funding provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 600m, 1775k] - AB150
Area health education centers: U.W. system and Medical college of Wisconsin, inc. to provide grants  - AB1061
Area health education centers: U.W. system and Medical college of Wisconsin, inc. to provide grants  - SB635