beverageBeverage, see also Alcohol beverage
Bottled water for human consumption: sales and use tax exemption created -  AB195
Placing foreign objects in edibles: law expanded -  SB294
bice, raymond cBice, Raymond C.
Life and public service - AJR23
Life and public service - SJR10
bicycleBicycle, see also Moped
Bicycle operation and local regulations; moped and motor bicycle revisions -  AB96
Bicycle operation by law enforcement officer: emergency vehicle definition expanded to include  - AB233
Bicycle operation by law enforcement officer: emergency vehicle definition expanded to include  - SB118
bids and biddersBids and bidders, see Contracts
bill draftingBill drafting
Bill draft requests by legislators: number of free drafts per session limited; fee for additional drafts set; legislative office expense allowance authorized -  AB561
bill of rightsBill of rights, see Civil right
On-property signs: restrictions modified -  SB211
Outdoor advertising displacement compensation [A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
Outdoor advertising sign: lease of real property limited - AB983
bills, legislativeBills, Legislative
Criminal code or procedure: effective dates of new legislative acts modified -  SB391
Driver's license examination standards review and revision: consideration by legislative committee and implementation by joint resolution eliminated -  AB849
Driver's license examination standards review and revision: consideration by legislative committee and implementation by joint resolution eliminated -  SB509
Fiscal estimates: preparation and use in the legislative and administrative rule process -  AB278
Housing legislation and administrative rules: analysis by Division of housing required; criteria set  - AB384
Legislative proposals affecting felony crimes: prison impact assessment required -  AB508
Legislative proposals to change certain funding sources for programs: statutory provision created to regulate  - AB461
Navigable stream, flowage or river bed: DNR report required re affect of legislation on -  SB666
Northern great lakes regional visitor center: Building commission to plan and submit proposed legislation contingent on federal funding [S.Sub.Amdt.2: funding and construction authorized, bonding authority granted, DOA to approve plans]  - SB266
Salary-setting procedure for legislators: JCOER to submit in bill form -  AB436
Salary-setting procedure for legislators: JCOER to submit in bill form; provision re failure to enact; travel and per diem allowances set -  AB904
Salary-setting procedure for legislators: JCOER to submit in resolution form; two-thirds vote required  - AB300
Substitute amendment analyses by LRB (Joint rule 51) -  AJR24
Tax increase or creation of new tax: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR41
Tax increase or creation of new tax: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR35
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"]  - SB565
Bingo gross receipts tax eliminated; prize restrictions modified; promotion included as legitimate expenditure  - AB408
Gambling winnings of nonresidents: tax provision expanded -  AB768
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
Abortion laws revised re woman's informed consent, informational requirements and consent to minor's obtaining an abortion; requirements modified re birth control availability, services to minors and medical risk information; toll-free telephone service provided -  AB441
Abortion laws revised re woman's informed consent, informational requirements and consent to minor's obtaining an abortion; requirements modified re birth control availability, services to minors and medical risk information; toll-free telephone service provided -  SB274
Contraceptive articles and services: coverage by disability insurance policies required -  AB131
Education now and babies later curriculum development provisions; grants provided and matching funds required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 804m, 2335m, p, 9102 (1z), 9402 (1z)] - AB150
birth out of wedlockBirth out of wedlock, see Nonmarital child
bisonBison, see Animal
black americanBlack American, see Minority groups
Disabled hunter permit for visually handicapped: bow and arrow or crossbow hunting authorized - AB820
Summer school at the school for the visually handicapped [Sec. 3890] -  AB150
Workshop for the blind: debt service payments transferred from DILJD to DHFS [Sec. 27, 30, 9427] - AB935
Workshop for the blind: debt service payments transferred from DILJD to DHFS [Sec. 27, 30, 9427] - SB565
blood alcohol concentration _bac_Blood alcohol concentration (BAC), see Implied consent
blue bookBlue Book
Blue book distribution and legislator allotment modified; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB710
Blue book: publication in computer-readable format authorized; licensing and copyright provisions; LRB responsibilities revised -  SB637
board of healthBoard of health, see Public health
Alcohol beverages on privately owned boats: restrictions created -  AB522
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level set for certain vehicle operators; chemical tests and applicable levels for other intoxication offenses (including firearm violations) revised  - SB605
Boat repair and storage costs: lien provision created -  SB120
Boat storage: lien provisions created -  AB414
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created  - SB456
Boathouse damage repairs; certain exceptions provided [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1657zm, zq]  - AB150
Boathouses: DNR rules may not govern aesthetic features or colors of [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1657ym, zt]  - AB150
Boating laws revised re intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety certificates, operation by minors, speed limits, corrective lenses, night operation, personal watercraft and water skiing; DNR to promulgate model ordinance for local regulation of inland lakes -  AB439
Boating ordinances: enactment procedures revised; certain factors and ordinances specified; DNR authority re placement of navigational aids or markers -  SB252
Child or family support nonpayment: automatic lien on boat or vessel; DNR to provide owner list to county  - AB571
Commercial vessel regulations revised: double hull or tug escort required in certain cases, intoxicated boating law modified and open burning on prohibited -  AB495
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3496b, g, j, 3500cp, 3503g, j, 9348 (11mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3496bb-jb, 3500cpb, 3503gb, jb, 9348 (11mtb) (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  - AB402
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  - AB557
Lower St. Croix river: restrictions re zebra mussels on boats, trailers and equipment; enforcement provisions  - AB1046
Lower St. Croix river: restrictions re zebra mussels on boats, trailers and equipment; enforcement provisions  - SB590
Milwaukee lake schooner project proclaimed an official sesquicentennial project -  SJR20
Motor vehicle, boating, ATV and snowmobiling laws revised re hit and run, repeat offender and OWI  - AB796
Motorboat speed prohibitions extended to certain lakes -  AB468
Personal watercraft operation on lakes of certain size prohibited  - AB769
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: certain powers extended to town sanitary districts; state funding, ordinance authority expanded and lakes without public access provisions -  AB1050
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: certain powers extended to town sanitary districts; state funding provision -  SB585
Recreational boating project program: eligibility revisions [Sec. 1693-1695, 9342 (10); A.Sub.Amdt.1: water safety patrol funding, 706g, 737h, 9142 (11g), 9442 (8g)]  - AB150
Water rescue and recovery: DOA to reimburse counties -  AB716
Wisconsin lake schooner education association: funding provided re sesquicentennial activity; DOA and LAB duties specified -  SB671
boat _ taxation or registrationBoat — Taxation or registration
Boat registration fees increased [Sec. 1682-1687, 9342 (6), 9442 (3)] -  AB150