State building program modifications [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (2), (3)-(7)] -  AB150
Statue of Forward at north entrance to the capitol -  AJR50
Surplus state property sale or lease: use of proceeds from [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 16m, 24g-m] - AB150
U.W. system instructional technology improvements: bonding authority revised -  SB408
Youth and athlete facility construction and coliseum renovation at state fair park [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (12), 9152 (1x), (1z); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: use may be restricted, 1965c, 1966j] -  AB150
Youth and athlete facility project re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority modified -  AB1004
bulletBullet, see Firearms
Children riding within truck cargo areas on highways prohibited; exceptions and forfeiture provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB252
Children riding within truck cargo areas: use of safety belts or child safety restraint systems required [original bill only] - AB252
Emission limitations and inspection program for motor vehicles: weight exemption revised -  AB846
Farm trucks exempted from motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program [A.Amdt.1: sunset provided]  - AB825
Farm trucks exempted from motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program -  SB507
School bus definition revised re passenger capacity [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4080g, m, 6409m, 6416v]  - AB150
Semitrailer designed to transport livestock: maximum length limit increased [original bill only]  - AB930
Semitrailer designed to transport livestock: maximum length limit increased -  SB559
Semitrailers operating without permit for excessive length: maximum permissive length revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB930
Side reflectors on certain trailers required -  AB447
Speed limit of 55 mph established for certain vehicle combinations on freeways; not applicable unless DOT posts signs - SB451
Vapor recovery grants for school bus companies -  SB58
Vehicle combinations that include gooseneck-type trailers: weight limit enforcement revised - AB1049
Vehicle weight and width limitations re Interstate 39 [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6416vc-vw; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 6416vib-vwb (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Vehicle weight and width limitations re Interstate 39 -  AB402
Vehicle weight and width limitations re Interstate 39 -  AB557
Vehicles transporting bulk materials: load cover requirements; exception provided -  AB135
Vehicles transporting bulk materials: load cover requirements; exception provided -  SB41
Vehicles transporting bulk materials: load cover requirements; exception provided -  SB59
Vehicles transporting Christmas trees and exceeding width limitations: regulations revised - AB128
Vehicles transporting Christmas trees and exceeding width limitations: regulations revised - SB38
Vehicles transporting potatoes: annual or consecutive monthly permits authorized; weight and length restrictions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, permit provision deleted, restrictions on certain highways and DOT rule-making]  - AB151
Vehicles transporting sand or gravel: weight limit exceptions provided; DOT report required -  AB674
Vehicles used by common or contract carriers to haul raw forest products exempt from sales and use tax  - AB1053
bus and truck _ taxation or registrationBus and truck — Taxation or registration
Farm truck registration requirement created re gross farm profits certification -  AB660
Farm truck registration requirements revised and expanded; social security number on application and gross farm profits certification required [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3437m, 6409r-v, 6410c, e, f, 9348 (11mm), 9455 (3mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3437mb, 6409rb-vb, 6410cb, fb, 9348 (11mut), 9455 (3mtb) (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Farm truck registration requirements revised and expanded; social security number on application and gross farm profits certification required [original bill only]  - AB557
School bus nonoperation notarization requirement repealed (remedial legislation) -  AB821
Trucks registered as special vehicle type: load weight limit modified -  AB481
Vehicles transporting certain oversize or overweight loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border: permit limitation removed [S.Amdt.1: motorized construction equipment operators exempt from driver licensing requirements]  - AB848
Vehicles transporting certain overweight loads: laws revised re agricultural transportation and energy emergencies, farm tractors on certain highways and permits for loads of hay bales or Christmas trees -  AB960
Vehicles transporting potatoes: annual or consecutive monthly permits authorized; weight and length restrictions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, permit provision deleted, restrictions on certain highways and DOT rule-making]  - AB151
businessBusiness, see also Minority enterprise
Alcohol beverage samples provided by brewer, manufacturer or wholesaler to certain business meetings of certain trade associations permitted -  AB920
Alcohol beverage samples provided by brewer, manufacturer or wholesaler to certain business meetings of certain trade associations permitted -  SB551
Business condemned for transportation purposes: obligation of condemnor to provide comparable replacement [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1712c, e, 1725i, j, 9359 (4mt); deleted by S.Amdts.116 and 117 to Engr.AB-150 (Senate recedes its position on S.Amdt.117)] -  AB150
Business condemned for transportation purposes: obligation of condemnor to provide comparable replacement  - AB402
Business development functions of DOD and U.W. Extension: consolidation study [Sec. 9116 (6); original bill only]  - AB150
Business development functions of DOD and U.W. Extension: consolidation study -  SB173
Business improvement loan guarantee program: use of loan procedes for snow drought emergencies  - AB601
Business improvement or start-up loan guarantee program revised; eligibility expanded [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6305i-np] -  AB150
Business organization recordkeeping and filing duties transferred from Secretary of state to DOR [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Corporation"; original bill only]  - AB150
Capital access (loan incentive) program created [Sec. 509, 513, 1388, 1740, 1741, 6895, 9126 (1); original bill only]  - AB150
Certificates of deposit: Investment board purchase requirements revised -  AB976
Certificates of deposit: Investment board purchase requirements revised -  SB581
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded [A.Amdt.2: DFI substituted for Secretary of state; A.Amdt.3: ``business entity" and ``business representative" definitions created; A.Amdt.4: withdrawal from limited partnerships revised; S.Amdt.1: real estate transfer fee provision removed] -  AB923
DORL regulation and licensing for certain occupations; ``business entity" defined -  AB892
Economic development partnership week recognized February 12-17, 1996 -  AJR79
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9116 (7gg)]  - AB150
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county -  AB201
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county -  SB92
Health care coverage loss by employes: OCI required to provide information and technical assistance  - AB799
Labor training and employment services program for employes of FDL Foods, Inc.: grant provided  - AB606
Prison industries program for employment of inmates: DOC may lease space to private business [Sec. 6384, 6385, 6393, 6395, 6400, 9412 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: JCF approval re selection of business or lease, work release room and board payment provisions, 6398p, 9312 (2h)] -  AB150
Prison industries program for employment of inmates: DOC may lease space to private business  - SB105
Registration fee for certain employers established [Sec. 3419, 3481-3484, 3497-3504, 4117-4143, 4190-4192, 4194; A.Sub.Amdt.1: business tax registration provisions, 1111mm, 3440m, 3481g-w, 3484e, rm, rr, 3485c, L, 3500b-g, 4117b, c, 4118m-4123d, 4124m-4142m, 4190c, 4190u-4191t, 4195m, 9148 (3z), 9448 (8z), deletes 3481-3483, 3499-3504, 4117-4143, 4191, 4192] -  AB150
Small business innovative research program: authority to issue grants and loans [Sec. 6926-6933; original bill only]  - AB150
Small business innovative research program: authority to issue grants and loans -  SB287
Time other than central standard displayed at a business: penalty for violation repealed -  AB842
Uniform commercial code — bulk transfers provision: law repealed -  SB110
Uniform commercial code and business organization record-keeping functions transferred from Secretary of state to DFI [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] -  AB150
WHEDA loan programs revised and replaced with small business development loan guarantee program; fund maintenance ratio modified; certain agricultural loan program repealed; bonding authority limit raised - AB1045
WHEDA loan programs revised and replaced with small business development loan guarantee program; fund maintenance ratio modified; certain agricultural loan program repealed; bonding authority limit raised - SB628
Wisconsin trade project program created; export development loan program deleted [Sec. 508, 512, 6890, 6896, 6897]  - AB150
butane or butane lightersButane or butane lighters, see Public health
c - C -
cabinet form of governmentCabinet form of government, see Governor — Cabinet
calumet countyCalumet county
Circuit court branches: number increased -  SB232
campgroundCampground, see Recreation
cancerCancer, see Disease
canning industryCanning industry, see Farm produce
cape, james, and sons companyCape, James, and Sons Company
$116,854.00 construction contract claim -  AB623
$116,854.00 construction contract claim -  SB329
capital gains taxCapital gains tax