Fathers initiative: DHFS to distribute grants to certain community programs -  AB943
Felons prevented from obtaining license to operate foster home or treatment foster home -  SB24
Firearms laws revised re leaving or storing loaded firearm within easy reach of child and return of certain seized firearms - AB199
Fishing seasons in urban areas: DNR may establish for certain persons [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR may not designate body of water without agreement of local government] - AB168
Foster care and treatment foster care hotline established - SB93
Foster care: maximum number in long-term care [Sec. 2029] -  AB150
Foster care permanency plan reviews: annual report requirement eliminated -  SB224
Foster care permanency plan reviews: annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 2477; original bill only]  - AB150
Foster care provided by nonlegally responsible relatives: county funding revision [Sec. 848, 889] - AB150
Foster home: village foster home category created; court jurisdiction over removal of relative or village foster parent as CHIPS guardian in certain cases - SB601
Foster parents and treatment foster parents: rights expanded re change in placement proceedings; standards for reviewing and scope of request modified -  SB354
Immunization program modified; school health services plan adoption and insurance coverage required  - SB620
Immunizations for children: health insurance policy coverage required -  AB615
Medically necessary formulas and foods: health insurers required to cover -  AB620
OWI with minor passenger: new crime created -  AB144
OWI with minor passenger: penalties doubled; community work provision -  SB117
Pediatric health care: insurance coverage of preventive services required -  AB456
Permanency plan for certain children: review panel composition revised -  AB411
TPR laws revised; repeat out-of-home placement made grounds for; foster care provisions; jury trial eliminated; toll-free hotline created -  SB246
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided  - AB146
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided  - SB100
Youth aids rates and allocation revisions [Sec. 826, 2164, 2170, 2173-2176, 2178-2184, 2191-2194, 2196-2204, 2536, 2546-2548, 9126 (25), (26), 9426 (25); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 826m, deletes 2164, 2173, 2175, 2176, 2178-2184, 2192, 2198, 2202, 2203, 2536, 2547, 9126 (25), (26)]  - AB150
children _ abuse and neglectChildren — Abuse and neglect
Child abuse and neglect prevention systems and programs: JLC to study -  AB837
Child abuse and neglect prevention systems and programs: JLC to study -  SB501
Child abuse or neglect cases: providing false information to mandatory reporters prohibited - AB42
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded -  SB460
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure to voluntary reporters permitted; procedure set  - AB837
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure to voluntary reporters permitted; procedure set  - SB501
Child abuse or neglect reporting and investigation requirements: duties of day care centers and county health departments revised; injunction procedure -  SB475
Children in crisis program eliminated [Sec. 945, 2205] -  AB150
CHIPS jurisdiction: grounds revised; terminology modified; jury provisions -  AB837
CHIPS jurisdiction: grounds revised; terminology modified; jury provisions -  SB501
Community aids funds to employ private attorneys re certain children's code proceedings -  AB837
Community aids funds to employ private attorneys re certain children's code proceedings -  SB501
Crimes against children and person responsible for a child: coverage expanded to stepparent -  AB188
Crimes against children under age 13: maximum period of imprisonment raised re exposing genitals or pubic area  - SB669
Crimes against children: time limit for actions revised -  AB747
Definitions of child abuse, physical injury, reasonable discipline and emotional damage revised -  AB837
Definitions of child abuse, physical injury, reasonable discipline and emotional damage revised [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, physical injury and reasonable discipline removed, certain abuse provisions removed; A.Amdt.4: physical injury recreated, abuse provisions restored] - SB501
Domestic abuse grant revisions [Sec. 939, 2340-2345, 2346-2348] -  AB150
Domestic and child abuse victims: certain insurance practices prohibited -  AB292
Domestic and child abuse victims: certain insurance practices prohibited -  SB138
Domestic violence awareness month proclaimed in October -  SJR38
Fathers initiative: DHFS to distribute grants to certain community programs -  AB943
Firearms possession by persons under an abuse or harassment injuction prohibited -  AB293
Firearms possession by persons under an abuse or harassment injuction prohibited [S.Amdt.1: entry of information into the transaction information for management of enforcement system; S.Amdt.4: issuance of receipt re surrender of firearms; A.Amdt.1: storage by sheriff; A.Amdt.2: DOJ release of information] -  SB144
Handgun sale to persons subject to certain restraining orders or injuctions restricted -  AB294
Health care records of minors and developmentally disabled: access to by parent, guardian or protection and advocacy agency revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, abuse and neglect provisions added] -  AB418
Nude or partially nude photograph or other visual representations: taking, possessing or distributing without subject's consent prohibited; exceptions provided  - AB841
Nude or partially nude photograph or other visual representations: taking, possessing or distributing without subject's consent prohibited; exceptions provided  - SB584
Restitution to sexual assault victims and certain child victims: payment for future counseling costs permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: changed to payment for cost of necessary professional services] - AB448
Sexual assault and crimes against children: maximum prison term increased -  SB80
Sexual assault of a child: mandatory sentence without possibility of parole -  AB123
Sexual assault of a child: offenders prohibited from volunteering or working with children [A.Amdt.1: prohibition re children under 16 years; A.Amdt.2: offender definition re victim under 18 years] -  AB405
Sexual assault of a child: penalty enhancement re parent, guardian or responsible person -  SB54
Sexual assault: penalties and parole eligibility revised for certain serious crimes -  SB253
Sexual crimes against children: court may order pharmacological treatment as condition of probation or parole for serious offenders -  AB594
Sexual crimes against children: coverage broadened -  SB17
TPR grounds revised re child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility -  AB837
TPR grounds revised re child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility -  SB501
TPR grounds revised re continuing AODA, child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility [Sec. 2485-2489, 9310 (2)(c), (d); original bill only] - AB150
TPR grounds revised re continuing AODA, child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility  - SB229
TPR on grounds of abandonment: burden of proving -  SB69
TPR on grounds of abandonment revised [Sec. 2481-2484, 9310 (2)(b); original bill only] -  AB150
TPR on grounds of abandonment revised -  AB837
TPR on grounds of abandonment revised -  SB229
TPR on grounds of abandonment revised -  SB501
children _ adoptionChildren — Adoption
Adoption assistance under DHSS -  AB647
Adoption expenses: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created [original bill only] -  AB78
Adoption expenses: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB44
Adoption expenses: tax exemption created [A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB78
Adoption search program: DHSS contract authorized [Sec. 2495-2521, 9426 (23)] -  AB150
Birth parent (deceased): disclosure of identifying information permitted; waiting period removed - AB1031
Birth parent or sibling: age lowered and procedure created re disclosure of identifying information  - AB1029
Birth sibling: procedure created re disclosure of identifying information -  AB984
Birth sibling: procedure created re disclosure of identifying information -  AB1030
Child welfare services transferred from Milwaukee county to DHFS: planning required; Milwaukee child welfare partnership council created; TPR and adoption resource pool; MA coverage provided; DOA duties set [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, automated information system provisions, MA coverage specified for prenatal, postpartum and young child]  - SB615
Children's services program funding revisions [Sec. 808, 916, 918, 927-929, 937, 938, 941, 942, 948, 950, 952, 954, 959, 2298, 2310, 2318, 2337, 2339, 2355, 2356, 2387, 2397-2399, 2403, 2404, 2406, 2407, 2429, 2531, 2532, 2565, 2567, 2588-2593, 2624, 2633, 3267, 7256, 9426 (18); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 918m, 942m, 959m, 2567b, deletes 918, 942, 959, 2565, 2567]  - AB150
County adoption services re foster home conversion cases [Sec. 2576; original bill only] -  AB150
County adoption services re foster home conversion cases -  AB470
County adoption services re foster home conversion cases -  SB223
Custody of child transferred to relative: judge authorized to give if no less drastic alternative available; adoption of child by relative [S.Amdt.1; S.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: adoption provision removed; A.Amdt.15: adoption provision restored]  - SB501
Family and medical leave revision re number of weeks -  SB355
Family and medical leave revisions - AB200
Family and medical leave: various revisions -  AB614
Guardian appointment: laws revised; provision re adoption and TPR -  AB837
Guardian appointment: laws revised; provision re adoption and TPR [A.Amdt.11: further revisions re plea hearings]  - SB501