ECB contracting re telecommunications facilities [Sec. 555, 556, 1845] -  AB150
Electronic benefit transfer system for food stamp and other programs: DHSS to implement; county participation optional [S.Amdt.1: tribal governing bodies included, use of nontraditional retailers (farmers' markets), program not implemented if certain conditions apply; S.Amdt.2: JCF to review]  - SB445
Energy savings performance contracting provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 397m, 3338m] - AB150
FRIT or variable retirement investment trust: delegation of management and control revised [Sec. 1398; original bill only] - AB150
Gaming security division eliminated; contracting for services permitted [Sec. 206, 391, 1056, 1216, 6250, 6259, 6941-6945, 6947-6950, 9423 (1); original bill only]  - AB150
Gas utility: individual contract provisions revised re sunset date - SB388
Group insurance plan administration: GIB authorized to contract with public or private entities - AB705
Guardian ad litem: parent or guardian liable for compensation; state payment to counties modified; contracting encouraged - AB742
Health insurance market reform and coverage provisions revised; Small employer insurance board repealed, Comprehensive health care board created to assume duties; reinsurance provisions; electronic claims access and HIRSP study and reports required; GIB contracts authorized  - SB201
Investment board contracts to exchange payments or assets prohibited until legal counsel opinion acquired  - SB326
Jail bed contracts with Wisconsin counties or other states: funding increased [Sec. 9212 (3)] -  AB933
Jail bed contracts with Wisconsin counties or other states: funding increased [Sec. 9212 (3); S.Sub.Amdt.1: funding revised, 9133 (1), 9234 (1), 9400, section renumbered to 9212 (4)] - SB563
Juvenile secure detention facility services: county contracts with Minnesota counties authorized [S.Amdt.6]  - SB624
Legal representation for indigent persons: SPD contracts with private attorneys expanded [Sec. 7284, 7289; A.Sub.Amdt.1: attorney compensation revisions, 2444m, 2635m, 7076m, 7206n, 7096t, 7212m, 7263g, i, 7284m, 7285g, m, 7290t, 9344 (4d); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: adds 7284b, g, 9144 (4zt), deletes 7284] -  AB150
Livestock owned by one party and possessed by another: contract requirements created -  AB652
Local roads improvement program: counties may bid for city, village or town highway projects - SB542
Lottery advertising: contracts with state-based business required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6981fm]  - AB150
Lottery revisions re DOA contracting for data processing auditing services [Sec. 547, 6981; original bill only]  - AB150
MA privatization: DHSS to study [Sec. 9126 (20); original bill only] -  AB150
MA privatization: DHSS to study -  SB222
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement program: DNR appropriation for contracts [Sec. 739, 4297, 4299]  - AB150
Occasional sales of motor vehicles: DOR database for auditing; contract for services permitted [Sec. 1112, 3437, 9148 (1)] - AB150
Olympic ice training center operation: lease with private nonprofit corporation permitted [Sec. 539, 1966]  - AB150
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized [Sec. 6396; original bill only] -  AB150
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised - AB719
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised - SB204
Prison operation: DOC contract authority expanded -  AB27
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized - AB1017
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized - SB602
Private interest in public contract: law revised -  AB530
Private interest in public contract: law revised -  SB28
Privatization, Commission on, created; reports required [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1067m-p, 9159 (13b), 9201 (1), 9459 (9)] -  AB150
Probation and parole supervision: DOC may contract for [Sec. 6359, 9412 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: effective date removed, deletes 9412 (3)] -  AB150
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, room tax, contracting, highway improvements, surplus state land sale and LAB audit [for further revisions, see entry under: ``Milwaukee Brewers"] -  SE5 AB1
Public construction bid notice requirements revised -  AB874
Public construction bid notice requirements revised -  SB545
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewas: social services contract with DHSS authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9126 (26j)] -  AB150
Registration and titling by motor vehicle dealers authorized [Conf.Amdt.1: ``motor vehicle dealer" changed to ``contractor"] -  AB557
RNIP and general relief programs eliminated and replaced with emergency medical relief program [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Relief program"]  - AB150
School district construction bidding requirements revised -  AB160
Special needs adoption information exchange: DHSS funding for contractual services limited [Sec. 917, 2564; original bill only] -  AB150
Special needs child adoption: DHSS to develop plan for contracting services [Sec. 9126 (22); original bill only]  - AB150
Special needs child adoption: DHSS to develop plan for contracting services; grants limited [A.Amdt.1: plan requirement deleted] -  AB471
Special needs child adoption: DHSS to develop plan for contracting services; grants limited - SB231
State printing changes re certain DOA, state agencies and contract printer requirements; legislative printing specifications; specific authority of Governor deleted; DOA authority and out of state printing provisions -  SB637
State promotions board created in DOD; provisions re use of state symbols and county logos; grants to promote international trade and economic development - AB951
State promotions board created in DOD; provisions re use of state symbols and county logos; grants to promote international trade and economic development - SB568
Television and video services by DOT [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3526fg; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Theobald, Dr. H. Rupert: public service honored by plaque to be placed in Assembly chamber [S.Amdt.1: use of private contributions (amendment adoption reconsidered, laid on table)] - AB833
Tribal prisoners confined in county jail: agreements between sheriff and county board and recognized tribe authorized - SB503
Uniform traffic citation and accident records: DOT permitted to furnish on computer tape or other electronic media; contract for pilot program required [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-557] [Conf.Amdt.1: pilot program made permissive]  - AB557
University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority created [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"] - AB150
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [Sec. 2, 9-15, 28, 55-57, 62-67, 9162] -  AB935
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"]  - SB565
WIC program administration by DHSS specified; contract provision (remedial legislation) -  AB863
Wisconsin information service council created to broadcast government proceedings; DOA and JCLO duties set  - SB397
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; community steering committee and children's services network required [A.Sub.Amdt.3: contract provision expanded, LAB audit, requirements re refugees or persons with linguistic barriers] - AB591
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; community steering committee and children's services network required - SB359
Wisconsin works agency contracts: notice and assistance to employes re election of county or tribal governing body not to participate [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 46hb]  - SB565
Wisconsin works agency contracts: provision created re county with population exceeding 500,000 [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 46d, h] - SB565
Wisconsin works agency contracts: provisions of enrolled 1995 AB-591 reconciled [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9162 (2t), 9462 (3t)] - SB565
Wisconsin works child care subsidy provision; low-income and at-risk child care program modified; transportation costs subsidy [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, two new classification levels created, contracting provision, costs subsidy removed] - AB591
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided]  - AB591
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements -  SB359
Wisconsin works re food stamp program: DILJD contracts permitted; benefit reduction based on number of hours worked - AB591
Wisconsin works re food stamp program: DILJD contracts permitted; benefit reduction based on number of hours worked - SB359
contributory negligenceContributory negligence
Comparative negligence, punitive damages and joint and several liability -  AB118
Comparative negligence, punitive damages and joint and several liability -  SB11
Construction contracts: certain provisions voided; exceptions provided -  AB981
Contact sports activities: liability standards for participants revised -  AB628
Due care defense in OWI cases repealed re vehicle operation or handling firearm or air gun -  AB288
Recreational use of property: civil liability immunity created re supervision, participation and transportation  - AB964
Recreational use of property: owner's immunity from liability expanded re death of participant - SB292
Safety inspections and advisory services: civil liability immunity expanded; negligent inspection actions revised  - SB499
Temporary help agency: third party liability of employer re WC claim -  AB1001
Volunteer fire companies organized as nonstock corporation: liability limited -  AB95
controlled substanceControlled substance, see Drugs
controlled substance boardControlled substance board
Controlled substance board transferred from DHFS to DORL; duties expanded -  AB687
Controlled substances: laws revised -  AB817
convenience storeConvenience store, see Gasoline
convention centerConvention center, see Public building
conveyancesConveyances, see Lakes
cooperative associationsCooperative associations, see also Electric utility
Hospital service corporations, cooperative sickness care associations, hospitals, medical research foundations: property tax exemptions discontinued -  AB268
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - AB651
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - SB390