Restitution ordered by municipal court: limit removed [S.Amdt.1: limit increased] -  AB67
Unclaimed money of a defendant: municipality may use for unpaid forfeitures [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4496t, 7141d, 9310 (7f)] -  AB150
Vehicle operation laws revised re suspension time period, driving record files, lists of disqualified CDL and court revocation authority (remedial legislation) - AB821
Appearance bond: use of cash deposited to pay defendant's fine or costs revised -  AB549
Appearance bond: use of cash deposited to pay defendant's fine or costs revised -  SB321
Bankruptcy: provisions re judgments discharged -  SB416
Battery in violation of harassment injunction made a felony [S.Amdt.1: domestic abuse injunctions included]  - SB588
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded -  SB460
Child abuse or neglect reporting and investigation requirements: duties of day care centers and county health departments revised; injunction procedure -  SB475
Child support revision by affidavit [Sec. 7097, 7099, 7104, 7110, 7117, 7143, 7155; original bill only]  - AB150
Child support revision by affidavit -  AB476
Child support revision by affidavit -  SB225
Child witness: testimony using closed-circuit audiovisual equipment allowed in certain cases; conditions and procedures set -  AB605
Civil action: notification to intended defendant prior to commencement required; certain exemptions provided  - AB780
Civil rights interference: prohibitions created; DA or Attorney general may request restraining or similar order  - SB592
Claims between state agencies: administrative hearing requirements created -  SB263
Consecutive sentences: court required to state reasons -  AB804
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded [A.Amdt.2: DFI substituted for Secretary of state; A.Amdt.3: ``business entity" and ``business representative" definitions created; A.Amdt.4: withdrawal from limited partnerships revised; S.Amdt.1: real estate transfer fee provision removed] -  AB923
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded - SB558
Court proceedings conducted by telephone or live audiovisual means: defendant consent requirement eliminated [Sec. 7246, 7247] -  AB150
Criminal cases: plea and verdict of guilty but mentally ill created  - AB295
Criminal discovery laws revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: alibi provision removed]  - AB721
Financial institution customer service charges: court permitted to reduce or eliminate if found unconscionable  - SB450
Fingerprint report of certain Milwaukee police identification unit at preliminary examination: procedures revised  - SB665
Firearms possession by persons under an abuse or harassment injuction prohibited -  AB293
Firearms possession by persons under an abuse or harassment injuction prohibited [S.Amdt.1: entry of information into the transaction information for management of enforcement system; S.Amdt.4: issuance of receipt re surrender of firearms; A.Amdt.1: storage by sheriff; A.Amdt.2: DOJ release of information] -  SB144
Handgun sale to persons subject to certain restraining orders or injuctions restricted -  AB294
Inmate-parents: revisions re court hearing participation, permanency planning, reasonable efforts requirements, assessment of needs, visitation and parental status after conviction  - AB507
Medical facility access: laws revised re interference with access to and use of; civil actions authorized  - SB275
Obstructing a peace officer: DA to drop charges if false information corrected within 48 hours [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7232g, r, 7246m, 9359 (1m); deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB150
OWI convictions: penalty provided for failure to comply to court-ordered education -  SB392
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted -  AB727
Plea of guilty or no contest: grounds for withdrawal re possible immigration consequences revised - AB862
Preliminary hearing transcript: provision re payment by nonindigent defendant -  AB560
Privileged communications between spouses: exception provided re certain criminal proceedings  - AB235
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: foreign protection order specified, enforcement and penalty provisions, revisions re 1995 WisAct 71] - AB793
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created  - SB488
Public employe disclosure of certain information: court may grant treble damages for retaliatory action by employer  - AB963
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - AB87
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - SB35
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - SB96
Repeater or persistent repeater allegation by DA: new standard set -  SB633
Restitution to crime victim: interest on unpaid portion permitted; court to set rate -  SB313
Revisor's correction bill - SB344
Sexual assault, exploitation or incest: plaintiff's conduct not admissible as evidence in civil action to recover damages  - AB598
Special civil actions for property damage or loss [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7147x, 7148c, 7223m]  - AB150
Victim's right to attend court proceedings defendant is required or permitted to attend -  SB468
Writ of habeas corpus: filing petition for certain cases specified  - AB831
court _ reporterCourt — Reporter
Circuit court branches: number increased -  SB232
Court reporter appointment revisions [Sec. 7068; A.Sub.Amdt.1: temporary use of court reporters permitted, 7068g, deletes 7068] -  AB150
Court reporter overtime study required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (1t)] -  AB150
Preliminary hearing transcript: provision re payment by nonindigent defendant -  AB560
Transcript fee revisions [Sec. 1109, 7077, 7084, 7181-7183; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1109, 7183]  - AB150
court _ trafficCourt — Traffic
Traffic cases: jury size limited [Sec. 7075, 7076, 9310 (8)] -  AB150
cpr _cardiopulmonary resuscitation_CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), see Medical service
cranberryCranberry, see Farm produce
crane gameCrane game, see Amusement
creditCredit, see also Agricultural credit
Consumer act and licensed lenders: loan administration fee revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB834
Consumer act revisions re open-end credit plan charges and fees [A.Amdt.1: further revisions, applicability re AG's opinion, study required] -  AB830
Consumer act revisions re open-end credit plan charges and fees  - SB505
Consumer act revisions re transactions for agricultural purposes and loan origination fees [original bill only]  - AB834
Credit card records: privacy provisions -  AB223
Credit card use to pay fees: DORL may accept and levy service charge for credit transactions; contract for services permitted [Sec. 531, 6477] -  AB150
Loan prepayment fee provision - AB787
Loan prepayment fee provision - SB481
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
credit unionCredit union
Banking laws revised re regional interstate banking, in-state banks and in-state bank holding companies, contracting with depository institutions, board and committee meetings, customer bank communication terminals  - AB554
Credit union chapter revised and reorganized -  AB569
Credit union chapter revised and reorganized -  SB351
Financial institution customer service charges: court permitted to reduce or eliminate if found unconscionable  - SB450
Financial institutions' annual statements of conditions: newspaper publication requirement removed  - AB595
Financial institutions' annual statements of conditions: newspaper publication requirement removed  - SB350
credit unions _ commissioner, office ofCredit unions — Commissioner, Office of
Commissioner's office reorganized and attached to DFI for administrative purposes [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] - AB150
Credit union chapter revised and reorganized -  AB569
Credit union chapter revised and reorganized -  SB351
credit unions, office ofCredit unions, Office of
Commissioner's office reorganized and attached to DFI for administrative purposes [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] - AB150
General program appropriations: cross reference corrections for Office of credit unions and DFI [Sec. 19, 20, 9423 (1)]  - AB935
General program appropriations: cross reference corrections for Office of credit unions and DFI [Sec. 19, 20, 9423 (1)]  - SB565