cross_country skiingCross-country skiing, see Recreation
cullen, steveCullen, Steve
Life and public service - AJR66
customized work productCustomized work product, see Public record
cystic fibrosisCystic fibrosis, see Disease
d - D -
dairy plantsDairy plants
One day of rest in seven law: revision re manufacture of certain dairy products -  AB1084
One day of rest in seven law: revision re manufacture of certain dairy products; voluntary agreement provision; DILHR duties - SB672
PECFA expanded re heating oil tanks owned by dairy cooperatives -  SB400
Synthetic BGH: DATCP labeling rules revised re dairy plant requirements and purchaser determination of milk content  - AB335
Synthetic BGH: report requirements - AB218
dairy productDairy product, see also Food
Agricultural development loan guarantee program eligibility expanded re job creation or retention and definition of raw agricultural commodity [Sec. 6306, 6307; original bill only]  - AB150
Agricultural development loan guarantee program eligibility expanded re job creation or retention and definition of raw agricultural commodity -  SB187
Milk marketing system: federal government urged to change -  AJR17
One day of rest in seven law: revision re manufacture of certain dairy products -  AB1084
One day of rest in seven law: revision re manufacture of certain dairy products; voluntary agreement provision; DILHR duties - SB672
Wisconsin morning milk program appropriation made sum sufficient -  SB65
Wisconsin's dairy industry commended -  AJR48
dairy product _ regulationDairy product — Regulation
Dairy cow auction: milk testing and certain information disclosure required; livestock market exempt  - AB450
Dairy trade practice fee revised [Sec. 3602, 9404 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 476k]  - AB150
DATCP surcharges revised re unlicensed bulk milk tankers and retail food establishments [Sec. 3598, 3599]  - AB150
Synthetic BGH: DATCP labeling rules revised re dairy plant requirements and purchaser determination of milk content  - AB335
Synthetic BGH: DATCP prohibited from requiring qualifying language on labels saying dairy product is free of  - AB122
Synthetic BGH in milk served in public schools prohibited -  AB387
Synthetic BGH: report requirements - AB218
Synthetic BGH: requirements for labeling dairy products as not containing; certification by farmers revised  - AB121
damage _personal injury_Damage (personal injury), see also Contributory negligence
Brew-on-premises permits created; occupational tax exemption; civil immunity provision - AB1021
Commercial equipment or technology donations to certain schools: civil immunity exemption [S.Sub.Amdt.1: ``donate" changed to ``give"; A.Amdt.1: does not apply to manufacturer] - SB50
Contact sports activities: liability standards for participants revised -  AB628
Dogs causing injury or damage: penalties imposed on owners increased -  AB43
Employer providing a reference for current or former employe: civil liability immunity created - AB860
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -  AB877
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -  SB478
Firearm restrictions expanded re safety devices and gunshot wound reporting requirements; civil and criminal liability exemption provided -  AB504
Insurance fraud: civil immunity created for persons who report - SB361
MA discrimination in nursing homes prohibited; admission procedures established; private cause of action created  - AB890
Medical facility access: laws revised re interference with access to and use of; civil actions authorized  - SB275
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  AB616
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  SB414
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted -  AB727
Public employe disclosure of certain information: court may grant treble damages for retaliatory action by employer  - AB963
Recreational use of property: civil liability immunity created re supervision, participation and transportation  - AB964
Recreational use of property: owner's immunity from liability expanded re death of participant - SB292
Religious organizations: liability limitation created -  AB929
Religious organizations: liability limitation created -  SB561
Safety belt use laws: maximum damage recovery reduction for failure to comply increased -  SB458
Sexual assault, exploitation or incest: plaintiff's conduct not admissible as evidence in civil action to recover damages  - AB598
Therapists civil liability: immunity re warnings about dangerous patients -  AB671
Therapists civil liability: immunity re warnings about dangerous patients -  SB504
Absconding without payment: laws expanded to cover taxicab service; civil action procedure for crime victim  - AB364
Agricultural activities alleged to be nuisances: law revised re zoning ordinances, available remedies and awards of costs - AB546
Animals running at large: statutes repealed re prohibitions for certain male animals and damage caused by a ram  - AB842
Archaeological features and natural resources: penalties modified for damage to [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, hazardous substance discharge provision] - SB376
Boathouse damage repairs; certain exceptions provided [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1657zm, zq]  - AB150
Brew-on-premises permits created; occupational tax exemption; civil immunity provision - AB1021
Coin-operated machines: intentional criminal damage made a felony; civil damages permitted [S.Sub.Amdt.1: damage to machines operated by insertion of coins, currency, debit or credit cards made a felony; damage recovery provided]  - SB130
Commercially raised deer and elk: farm license and venison retailer permit eliminated; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, DATCP authority and dog damage claims [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, bovine tuberculosis testing requirements; A.Amdt.2: fencing specifications expanded]  - SB356
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded -  AB610
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded [S.Amdt.1: deer added; S.Amdt.2: county board to set maximum amount by ordinance; S.Amdt.3: bison removed]  - SB320
Dog damages to domestic animals: claims against county dog license fund -  AB180
Dogs causing injury or damage: penalties imposed on owners increased -  AB43
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -  AB877
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -  SB478
Fence construction re owner liability for damage done by horses, sheep and goats -  AB251
Home repair fraud: contractor activities regulated; intentional property damage provision -  AB1009
Mailbox criminal damage: restitution required -  SB152
Mining on lands owned by or under the jurisdiction of DNR prohibited; liability for damages provided; NRB sale of land restricted -  AB339
Mining on lands owned by or under the jurisdiction of DNR prohibited; liability for damages provided; NRB sale of land restricted -  SB307
Property crimes: dollar threshold for felony lowered -  AB626
Property felony offenses: dollar threshold raised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7229g-r, s, t, u-y, 7257d, 9359 (3b); deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB150
Property value affected by governmental actions: duty to minimize adverse effect imposed; cause of action for damages created -  AB521
Property value affected by governmental actions: duty to minimize adverse effect imposed; cause of action for damages created -  SB298
Retail theft: civil actions against any minor or parent of a minor authorized [A.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB130
Rock art site: intentional criminal damage made a felony -  AB707
Rock art site: intentional criminal damage made a felony -  SB497
Safety belt use laws: maximum damage recovery reduction for failure to comply increased -  SB458
Snowplow operation: political subdivision not liable for damage; following too closely prohibited  - AB485