State employment labor relations act: laws revised re commencement of negotiations and final automatic review proceedings -  SB149
WERC filing fee for request re compulsory, final and binding arbitration [Sec. 53] -  AB935
WERC filing fee for request re compulsory, final and binding arbitration [Sec. 53] -  SB565
WERC program revenue and mediation functions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 796m, 3786e, s, 3787g, 3803d-t, 3843e, s, 9120 (3g), (3h), 9420 (2g)] - AB150
ems or emt _emergency medical service or technician_EMS or EMT (Emergency medical service or technician), see Medical service
energy assistanceEnergy assistance, see Public assistance
energy conservationEnergy conservation
Clean energy rebate program created in DOA -  SB453
Emergency assistance for families with needy children continued; references to AFDC deleted; DILJD report required [A.Sub.Amdt.3] -  AB591
Energy efficiency loans: DOA may award to local units of government -  SB455
Energy savings performance contracting provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 397m, 3338m] - AB150
Outdoor light fixtures, lamp and bulb regulations created -  AB249
Rental unit energy efficiency program eliminated; citation procedure created for enforcing stipulations  - AB962
Rental unit energy efficiency program eliminated; citation procedure created for enforcing stipulations  - SB567
Solar and wind energy systems: property tax exemption continued -  AB108
Solar and wind energy systems: property tax exemption continued [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3348n] - AB150
Vehicles transporting certain overweight loads: laws revised re agricultural transportation and energy emergencies, farm tractors on certain highways and permits for loads of hay bales or Christmas trees -  AB960
Weatherization assistance program: administration revised (remedial legislation) -  SB482
Weatherization assistance: W-2 participant eligibility -  AB591
Weatherization assistance: W-2 participant eligibility -  SB359
Wood energy producers' income and franchise tax credit created - AB766
english languageEnglish language
English declared state's official language: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR29
English language declared state's official language; use mandated for all government written expression; release of communications in additional languages permitted  - AB688
Limited-English speaking pupils from Southeast Asian language groups: grants and terminology revised (remedial legislation) -  SB465
Personnel record: employe inspection with translator assistance permitted -  AB1081
Archaeological features and natural resources: penalties modified for damage to [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, hazardous substance discharge provision] - SB376
Commercial vessel regulations revised: double hull or tug escort required in certain cases, intoxicated boating law modified and open burning on prohibited -  AB495
County conservation aids: appropriation made continuing [Sec. 665, 674] -  AB150
Development opportunity or enterprise development opportunity zone provisions created; day care and environmental remediation credits established [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Development, Department of"]  - AB150
Development zone: program, tax and job credits revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, research credit added, provisions re day care, environmental remediation and W-2]  - AB1033
DOJ cost recovery and DNR agreement re environmental laws enforcement [Sec. 1015, 3066, 3608, 4146, 4351-4354, 4381, 9336 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: collections and cost recovery provisions, 1014h-s, 4454r] -  AB150
Emergency response teams: grants and immunity from civil liability for local sponsoring agencies [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: rule-making provision; A.Amdt.4: exemption from emergency rule procedures]  - AB145
Emergency response teams: grants and immunity from civil liability for local sponsoring agencies  - SB75
Emergency response teams: immunity from civil liability for local sponsoring agencies -  AB109
Environmental and regulatory services and International and export development, Divisions of, created in DOD; administrator appointed outside classified service [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 126m, mg, 9416 (4g)] -  AB150
Environmental audits: privilege created for voluntary compliance; civil or criminal penalty immunity for disclosure of certain violations of environmental laws  - AB1088
Environmental audits: privilege created for voluntary compliance; forfeiture immunity for disclosure of certain violations of environmental laws -  SB185
Environmental clean-up activities on DOT lands [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 772w, 3516g; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 772wb, 3516gb (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Environmental clean-up activities on DOT lands -  AB402
Environmental clean-up activities on DOT lands [original bill only] -  AB557
Environmental contamination remediation: restriction on solicitation of funds revised [Sec. 35, 654, 655, 1415, 4350] - AB150
Environmental education board and grants repealed [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3878m; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Environmental education board transferred from DOE to the U.W. system; grant funding provision  - AB917
Environmental education: DNR authorized to charge fees [Sec. 1355, 1356; A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding for MacKenzie environmental center, 737m, r] -  AB150
Environmental law revisions re industrial facility concentration and permits, laws enforcement, hazards mitigation, impact statements and patient health care records; Environmental justice board created in DOJ; DHSS study of health problems related to pollution -  SB434
Environmental remediation: income and franchise tax credits extended -  SB611
Environmental repair appropriations; moneys from cost recovery deposited in environmental fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 652w, 653w, 3320m, 4327r, s, 4331g-i, 4381g]  - AB150
Environmental science council created in DOA [Sec. 121, 236, 9101 (10); original bill only] - AB150
Environmental science council created in DOA -  AB722
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -  SB622
Hazardous material transportation registration fees: collection re administrative rule specified; estimated transportation fund revenue decreased [Conf.Amdt. 1] - AB557
Hazardous materials transportation fee revisions; lapse to transportation fund [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 774e, 9255 (2mu); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 774eb, 9255 (2mu) (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Hazardous materials transportation fee revisions; lapse to transportation fund [original bill only]  - AB557
Hazardous materials transportation registration fees modified [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3526s, 4462m; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3526sb, 4462mb (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Hazardous materials transportation registration fees modified [original bill only] -  AB557
Hazardous pollution prevention definition modified; eliminates projected shortfalls under DNR's plan for U.W. Extension - SB205
Hazardous pollution prevention program revised; DOD board deleted, council created; DNR and U.W. duties set [Sec. 127, 129, 510, 1773-1775, 4321-4325, 4337-4349, 6908-6915, 9116 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 4338, 4340-4342, 4344, 4346] -  AB150
Hazardous substance spills: DNR to provide alternative to immediate reporting and minimum quantity reporting amount [Sec. 4327, 4330, 4331, 4463; original bill only]  - AB150
Hazardous substance spills: DNR to provide alternative to immediate reporting and minimum quantity reporting amount  - SB193
Hazardous waste facility discharge: use of net worth method as proof of financial responsibility for corrective action authorized -  SB249
High-volume industrial waste use in highway improvements [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3519je-jt, 4319m, 4330m; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: definitions added, procedure re DOT as defendant in actions, 3519jpg-jpr]  - AB150
Nuclear fuel: President and Congress urged to develop federal repository and accept civilian waste  - SJR45
Spent nuclear fuel disposal facilities: construction limited; may only accept waste from power plant located at the site  - AB258
State agency rules on human health, safety or environment: report requirements revised -  AB1068
Transportation projects and environmental impacts [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3524g; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Community program grants for epilepsy services and supported employment opportunities for the severely disabled revised [Sec. 2302, 2303; original bill only]  - AB150
Epilepsy services grant funding revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2303m] -  AB150
Epileptic persons: marriage contract validity prior to certain date  - AB842
equine infectious anemiaEquine infectious anemia, see Animal — Disease
equinesEquines, see Horses
estate _ joint tenancyEstate — Joint tenancy
Surviving joint tenant: disclaim rights to property permitted -  SB489
estate of deceased personEstate of deceased person, see also Wills
DETF revisions re WRS lump sum payment, intestate or abandoned accounts notification, GIB contracting with public or private entities, life insurance to certain Milwaukee teachers and application date for long-term disability insurance benefits (remedial legislation) [S.Amdt.1: GIB contracting provision removed] -  SB483
Estate recovery for certain disease aids costs: provisions created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3044b-j, 7065b, c, 7190b, c, 7191b, c, 7193b, c, 7194b, c, 7195b, c, 7197b, c, 7198b, c, 7199b, c, y, 7200b, c, 7206b, c, 9126 (32g), 9426 (24g)]  - AB150
Estate transfer by affidavit: laws revised -  SB490
Homestead tax credit eligibility re filing by estate of deceased person -  AB323
MA benefits recovery from estates: provisions re 1993 WisAct 437 revised -  SB140
MA expense recovery by DHSS re estate property, joint banking and payable on death accounts [Sec. 3074, 7065, 7190, 7196, 7200, 7201-7205] -  AB150
Restaurant definition exception created re food stands at auctions -  AB879