Convicted felons and persons convicted of misdemeanor involving violation of public trust: eligibility to hold public office revised. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - AJR16
Ethics code applied to certain appointed offices of local government; public access to identities of final candidates provided - AB961
Judicial commission records: public access, maintenance and identity disclosure provisions - SB514
Lobbying prohibited practices: exemptions for reimbursements or payments revised re a published work, presentation of a talk or participation in a meeting relating to state governmental affairs -  SB259
Local governmental unit ethics law revised re disclosure of information by persons filing certain applications and issuance of model codes of ethics -  AB327
Local public officials' conflict of interest: laws revised -  AB326
Lottery vendor conflict of interests: exemption for certain Gaming commission employes [Sec. 9123 (8); original bill only] - AB150
Private interest in public contract: law revised -  AB530
Private interest in public contract: law revised -  SB28
State agency appropriation increase requests and positions of employes on agency policies: laws revised  - AB126
ethics boardEthics board
Lobbying fee increases: initial applicability of 1995 WisAct 27 clarified [Sec. 83, 84] -  AB935
Lobbying fee increases: initial applicability of 1995 WisAct 27 clarified [Sec. 83, 84] -  SB565
Lobbying laws revised re principal reporting and registration requirements; Ethics board to make information available, fee authorized; DOA support provided - AB918
Local governmental unit ethics law revised re disclosure of information by persons filing certain applications and issuance of model codes of ethics -  AB327
Principal registration and authorizations and lobbyist licenses: fees adjusted [Sec. 37-41, 9422 (1)]  - AB150
ethnic trailEthnic trail, see Recreation
euthanasiaEuthanasia, see Death
Criminal discovery laws revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: alibi provision removed]  - AB721
Employer's duty to furnish safe place and employment: subsequent remedial measures made inadmissible as evidence of violation -  AB973
Employer's duty to furnish safe place and employment: subsequent remedial measures made inadmissible as evidence of violation -  SB532
Obstructing a peace officer: DA to drop charges if false information corrected within 48 hours [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7232g, r, 7246m, 9359 (1m); deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB150
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted -  AB727
Privileged communications between spouses: exception provided re certain criminal proceedings  - AB235
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - AB87
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - SB35
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - SB96
Sexual assault, exploitation or incest: plaintiff's conduct not admissible as evidence in civil action to recover damages  - AB598
executors and administratorsExecutors and administrators, see Trust fund
Pupil suspension and expulsion: grounds expanded re knife, firearms or explosives [S.Amdt.1: explosives removed, firearm definition revised; A.Amdt.1: knife removed]  - SB113
exposition districtExposition district, see Public building
f - F -
facsimile machineFacsimile machine, see Trade practice
fairFair, see also State fair
County fair aids increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 481h] -  AB150
false statementFalse statement, see Evidence; Fraud
Child care economics: laws revised re grant and loan assistance programs, prekindergarten or kindergarten programs, day care center regulations, outdoor play space, location other than first floor and safe and affordable child care for low-income parents; study provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grant and loan assistance programs deleted, affordable child care and study provisions removed, pupil transportation and school board contracts with day care centers added]  - SB540
Children's code: statement of legislative purpose modified and expanded -  AB837
Children's code: statement of legislative purpose modified and expanded [A.Amdt.4: American Indian child provisions specified] -  SB501
Crimes against children and person responsible for a child: coverage expanded to stepparent -  AB188
Custody of child transferred to relative: judge authorized to give if no less drastic alternative available; adoption of child by relative [S.Amdt.1; S.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: adoption provision removed; A.Amdt.15: adoption provision restored]  - SB501
Domestic abuse arrests: no-contact period increased [A.Amdt.2: county board to set time period by ordinance; S.Amdt.1: deletes A.Amdt.2 provisions]  - AB229
Domestic abuse grant revisions [Sec. 939, 2340-2345, 2346-2348] -  AB150
Family and medical leave revision re number of weeks -  SB355
Family and medical leave revisions - AB200
Family and medical leave: various revisions -  AB614
Family involvement in education projects: State superintendent to award grants -  AB171
Family literacy advocate and statewide program created [S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: Sec. 48g, 9124 (1q)]  - AB150
Fathers initiative: DHFS to distribute grants to certain community programs -  AB943
Foster care provided by nonlegally responsible relatives: county funding revision [Sec. 848, 889] - AB150
National institute for responsible fatherhood and family revitilization — Milwaukee site: grant for community programs - AB698
Personnel commission authority revised re appointing authority appeals and family or medical leave complaints (remedial legislation) -  AB771
Wisconsin works kinship care: provision created re child care by a relative; guardianship and adoption provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, DILJD duties]  - AB591
Wisconsin works kinship care: provision created re child care by a relative; guardianship and adoption provisions  - SB359
Awards to crime victims owing child support: withholding procedures created for delinquent payments  - AB404
Child and spousal support receipt and disbursement: county board may designate duties [A.Amdt.1: DHSS duties re designation of county support designee]  - AB100
Child or family support: court authorized to grant credit in specified circumstances -  SB421
Child or family support: DETF and DHSS report re assignment of WRS benefits [Sec. 9119; original bill only]  - AB150
Child or family support: DETF and DHSS report re assignment of WRS benefits -  AB529
Child or family support: DETF and DHSS report re assignment of WRS benefits -  SB171
Child or family support nonpayment: automatic lien on boat or vessel; DNR to provide owner list to county  - AB571
Child or family support: study on limiting licenses for failure to pay [Sec. 9126 (12); original bill only]  - AB150
Child or family support: study on limiting licenses for failure to pay -  SB227
Child support and paternity programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 843m-r, 847b, 871b, 872b, 981s, 1154c, 1219w, 1758c, 1772f, 1776m, 1995m, 2000m, 2003c, 2013c, 2021m, 2027m-t, 2055e, 2128b, 2129m, 2157e, r, x, 2158b, 2160b-h, 2276c-e, 2426t, v, 2448m, p, 2467t, 2468m, 2896b, 2898b, 2915b, 3216m, 3274s, 3291c, m, 3340r, 3341r, 3419p, 3420p, v, 3424ds, 3425w, 3485f, 3778p, r, 3970m, 4300c, 4359c, 6302c, r, 6304c, p, 6305p-t, 6412c, 6981km, kp, 7096m-s, 7096u-7097m, 7098e-7099j, 7100d, f, m-t, 7101r, 7103p-7104r, 7108c, 7109f-7111e, 7113c, 7114j, 7115r, 7116m, p, 7121c-7125r, 7236c, 7243m, 7292m; A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: child support and paternity programs transferred to DOR, 1117m-mi, 2128bm-bp, 2157em-n, 3440p, 3443p, q, 7098c, 7104tm, 7121cm, d, 9126 (15g), 9130 (16gg), 9148 (2gg), 9426 (30g), deletes 2128b, 2157e, 7121c; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.26: restores 7121c, deletes 7121cm; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: program transfer to DOR removed, 843m-r, 2128m, 2134q, 9426 (30gbz), deletes 843m-r, 981s, 1117m-mi, 1219w, 1758c, 1772f, 1776m, 1995m, 2000m, 2003c, 2013c, 2021m, 2027r, t, 2055e, 2128bm-bp, 2129m, 2157em-r, 2160f, h, 2426t, v, 2448m, p, 2467t, 2468m, 3216m, 3274s, 3291c, m, 3340r, 3341r, 3419p, 3420p, v, 3424ds, 3425w, 3440p, 3443p, q, 3485f, 3778p, r, 4300c, 4359c, 6302c, r, 6304c, p, 6305p-t, 6412c, 6981km, kp, 7096m-s, 7096u-7097m, 7098m-7099j, 7100d, f, m-t, 7101r, 7103p-7104r, 7109f-7111e, 7113c, 7114j, 7115r, 7116m, p, 7121c-7125r, 7236c, 7243m, 7292m, 9126 (15g), 9130 (16gg), 9148 (2gg), 9426 (30g)] -  AB150
Child support application fee use re filing of petition [Sec. 7163, 9310 (1), 9410 (1)] -  AB150
Child support, Bureau of, and Office of child care transferred from DHFS to DILJD -  AB1067
Child support calculation revised re parents' incomes and period of physical placement -  AB916
Child support for child 16 or 17 years old and not in school: court order prohibited -  AB272
Child support nonpayment: suspension of vehicle operation privilege provided -  AB140
Child support orders determined using the percentage standard: DHSS to report -  SB422
Child support program funding and DHSS contracting for enforcement and collection [Sec. 866, 871, 2129; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 871] - AB150
Child support revision by affidavit [Sec. 7097, 7099, 7104, 7110, 7117, 7143, 7155; original bill only]  - AB150
Child support revision by affidavit -  AB476
Child support revision by affidavit -  SB225
Child support: revisions re percentage standard, deviation factors, child care expenses, trust fund, Huber prisoner wages, social security benefits and postmajority support for exceptional educational needs children; paternity judgments and blood test costs revised; DHSS studies and reports required  - SB422
Child support stipulation fee waiver [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7154r, 9310 (1g)] -  AB150
County child support agencies' staffing levels: DHSS to study - SB422