Fruit and vegetable washing facilities: exemption from certain permit, plan approval and license requirements  - AB640
Fruit and vegetable washing facilities: exemption from certain permit, plan approval and license requirements  - SB386
National garden week in Wisconsin proclaimed June 2-8, 1996 -  AJR93
National garden week in Wisconsin proclaimed June 2-8, 1996 -  SJR58
Vehicles transporting potatoes: annual or consecutive monthly permits authorized; weight and length restrictions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, permit provision deleted, restrictions on certain highways and DOT rule-making]  - AB151
HIRSP premium and deductible reduction for certain farmers: use of schedule F to determine household income required - AB822
farmland preservationFarmland preservation
Agricultural land assessment revisions; capitalization rate provision -  AB176
Agricultural land assessment revisions; capitalization rate provision -  SB104
Agricultural land use-value assessment and reimbursement provisions created; penalty for transfer of ownership in certain cases; Farmland advisory council established, duties defined [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 615r, 1803m, 3343wb, 3362b-h, 3367c, 3434g, 3439m, 3446y, 3459m, 3488m, 6611b, 7215m, 9148 (1x), 9448 (1x)] -  AB150
Agricultural land: rezoning requirements revised re farmland preservation credit -  AB669
Amended income tax return filing deadline extended, also applies to certain other taxes -  SB530
Farmland preservation agreement application form revised re mortgage holder signature -  AB489
Farmland preservation program: DATCP and Land and water conservation board rule-making requirement repealed  - SB162
Farmland preservation program revisions re lien for withdrawal; DATCP and Land and water conservation board rule-making deleted [Sec. 3534, 3536-3539, 3541-3546, 3548, 3549, 3553, 9104 (2); original bill only] -  AB150
Farmland preservation program revisions; farmland tax relief credit repealed -  SB370
Farmland preservation tax credit payback: DATCP to report on alternative administration methods [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9104 (2g)] -  AB150
Property tax relief revisions re school levy and aid distribution, renters, farmland and lottery credit  - AB800
Sewerage projects: special assessments levy for systems on certain farmland and methods of financing projects  - AB232
faulkner, shannonFaulkner, Shannon
Citadel military college: Congress requested to discontinue funding; courage and strength of Shannon Faulkner commended -  AR29
fax machineFax machine, see Trade practice
fdl foods, incFDL Foods, Inc.
Dislocated worker assistance: funding sources modified; revisions re 1995 WisActs 27 and 119 - AB986
Labor training and employment services program for employes of FDL Foods, Inc.: grant provided  - AB606
federal aidFederal aid
Child care programs: distribution of federal funds [Sec. 2354, 2357-2360] -  AB150
Child care programs funded by federal grant: procedures and criteria revised [Sec. 951, 2373-2376, 2378-2386, 2388-2396, 2400-2402] -  AB150
DOT appropriation adjustments: submission of plans to JCF re allocation of actual federal aid amounts [A.Amdt.13 to A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
Federal block grant funds: expenditure approval by JCF [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 16g, 303m] - AB150
Federal block grant funds: expenditure approval by JCF -  AB639
Federal grant application processing by DOA: state agencies assessed for costs [Sec. 308, 1060] - AB150
Federal impact aid to school districts: deductibility of -  SB78
MA services: county operating deficit program revised; local health department provision; types of services expanded re federal funds [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 46k-p]  - SB565
Major highway projects: revenue obligations re availability of federal funds [original bill only]  - AB557
Northern great lakes regional visitor center: Building commission to plan and submit proposed legislation contingent on federal funding [S.Sub.Amdt.2: funding and construction authorized, bonding authority granted, DOA to approve plans]  - SB266
Northern great lakes regional visitor center: funding, construction and bonding authority provided; federal government to construct, DOA authority restricted  - SB265
Northern great lakes regional visitor center: funding, construction and bonding authority re 1995 WisAct 60 repealed  - SB539
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision -  AB1018
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision -  SB617
federal_state relationsFederal-state relations
Conference of the states convened - SJR6
Federal law enforcement officers authorized to make arrests and render assistance [A.Amdt.1: state peace officer arrest authority outside jurisdiction revised] -  AB745
Federal mandate review council created in DOA; membership and duties set -  SB297
Federal-state relations office eliminated -  AB856
Federal-state relations office eliminated -  SB539
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: foreign protection order specified, enforcement and penalty provisions, revisions re 1995 WisAct 71] - AB793
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created  - SB488
State-federal relations, Assembly Special committee on, created -  AR11
State-federal relations, Senate Special committee on, created -  SR3
State investment rate provisions re Chap.45, Laws of 1981: rejection of federal preemption opt-out provision repealed - AB1095
State sovereignty proclaimed - AJR4
State sovereignty proclaimed - SJR18
Unfunded federal mandates: sovereignty proclaimed; Wisconsin congressional delegation invited to appear annually before the Legislature -  AJR6
fellenz, louisFellenz, Louis
Life and public service - SJR16
felons_ rightsFelons' rights, see Civil right
female circumcisionFemale circumcision, see Public health
Commercially raised deer and elk: farm license and venison retailer permit eliminated; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, DATCP authority and dog damage claims [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, bovine tuberculosis testing requirements; A.Amdt.2: fencing specifications expanded]  - SB356
Fence construction re owner liability for damage done by horses, sheep and goats -  AB251
Fences between adjoining properties re farming or grazing: revision re use of markers and high tensile wires  - AB60
Fencing, farm crossing and cattle guard costs: Railroad commissioner and PSC duties re state reimbursement plan [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9146 (1t); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 9146 (1b) (Senate recedes its position)]  - AB150
Fencing, farm crossing and cattle guard costs: Railroad commissioner and PSC duties re state reimbursement plan  - AB557
Private nuisance statute repealed re certain fences, hedges or similar structures -  AB842
Agricultural law revisions re fertilizer control law terminology, tonnage fees and weights and measures (remedial legislation) - SB470
Fertilizer and commercial feed invoices: statement of fees permitted -  AB39
Nitrogen fertilizer regulations created [Sec. 3571; original bill only] -  AB150
Pesticide license fees: industrial category created; agricultural chemical clean-up reimbursement and management fund fees revised -  SB555
Pesticide license fees: industrial category created; certain fees deposited in agrichemical management fund reduced  - AB869
feustel, bruceFeustel, Bruce
Service to the Wisconsin legislature and the LRB commended -  AJR67
Cemetery care funds: deposit and investment requirements revised; DORL approval eliminated - AB805
Trust revisions re banks and trust companies investing trust fund and foreign trust companies acting as executors or trustees in this state -  SB440
financial institutions, department ofFinancial institutions, Department of
Banking laws revised re regional interstate banking, in-state banks and in-state bank holding companies, contracting with depository institutions, board and committee meetings, customer bank communication terminals  - AB554
Consumer act administration transferred from Division of banking to DFI secretary [Sec. 69-71, 9123 (1), 9423 (4)]  - AB935
Consumer act administration transferred from Division of banking to DFI secretary [Sec. 69-71, 9123 (1), 9423 (4)]  - SB565