Fire fighter training programs: required hours revised -  SB508
Flashing amber strobe light on authorized emergency vehicles permitted -  SB442
Green light on fire department command post vehicles permitted [A.Amdt.2: flashing warning lamps re 1995 WisAct 31 revised] - AB534
Intergovernmental cooperation enhancement recommendations re municipal revenue sharing, police, libraries and CESA and technical college districts; report required [S.Amdt.1: ability of municipalities to agree to provide water utility service in incorporated areas; S.Amdt.2: CESA and technical college provisions removed, joint fire department provision added]  - SB491
Police and firefighters hall of fame established in Superior - AJR49
Police and firefighters hall of fame established in Superior - SJR28
Privately organized fire companies or departments: state trust fund loans permitted -  AB490
Public fire protection charges by municipal utilities revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5235m] -  AB150
Red and white lights on certain fire department vehicles permitted [S.Amdt.1: use of flashing warning lamps on emergency vehicles; S.Amdt.2: volunteer fire fighters or rescue squad members added] -  AB91
State fire fighters memorial and State police and fire fighters hall of fame: sites designated -  AB491
State fire fighters memorial and State police and fire fighters hall of fame: sites designated -  SB415
State fire fighters memorial: site designated -  AB284
State fire fighters memorial: site designated -  SB277
State fire programs interagency coordinating council created, sunset provided; SERB membership and duties revised  - AB746
U.W. tuition exemption for resident undergraduate who is child of slain fire fighter or law enforcement officer [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, technical college provisions added; S.Amdt.1: correctional officer added]  - AB183
U.W. tuition exemption for resident undergraduate who is child of slain fire fighter or law enforcement officer  - SB268
Volunteer fire companies organized as nonstock corporation: liability limited -  AB95
Adult court: waiver of jurisdiction for children using firearms in committing violations which would be felonies if committed by an adult -  AB113
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level set for certain vehicle operators; chemical tests and applicable levels for other intoxication offenses (including firearm violations) revised  - SB605
Dangerous weapon seizure provisions [A.Amdts.1 and 2: disposal provisions; S.Amdt.1: disposal of motor vehicle seized as dangerous weapon] -  AB88
Dangerous weapons possession by pupil: release of peace officers' records to school district administration  - AB609
DNR prohibited to release information re hunting approvals or firearms ownership -  AB350
Due care defense in OWI cases repealed re vehicle operation or handling firearm or air gun -  AB288
Felonies committed with firearms: coverage of the law narrowed; minimum terms shortened and made mandatory; probation prohibited -  SB446
Firearm carried or displayed in threatening or alarming manner: prohibition created; exceptions provided  - AB876
Firearms discharge near certain buildings: specified distance revised -  AB316
Firearms in public schools: DOJ to maintain toll-free telephone number -  AB909
Firearms laws revised re leaving or storing loaded firearm within easy reach of child and return of certain seized firearms - AB199
Gunshot wound reporting requirements expanded; civil and criminal liability exemption provided  - AB504
Handgun background check: information provided to law enforcement agencies in specific cases  - AB331
Handgun purchaser record check: moneys lased to general fund [Sec. 9236 (1)] -  AB150
Handgun sale to persons subject to certain restraining orders or injuctions restricted -  AB294
Handgun sales waiting period increased; felony charge extention eliminated -  SB476
Injunction for abuse or harassment: firearms possession by persons prohibited -  AB293
Injunction for abuse or harassment: firearms possession by persons prohibited [S.Amdt.1: entry of information into the transaction information for management of enforcement system; S.Amdt.4: issuance of receipt re surrender of firearms; A.Amdt.1: storage by sheriff; A.Amdt.2: DOJ release of information] -  SB144
Juvenile justice code created - AB130
Juvenile justice code created - SB77
Law enforcement record release to school district administrator re student possession of firearm or knife  - AB262
Local government regulations [A.Amdt.2: local regulation of firearms discharge; A.Amdt.3: ammunition and reloader components added; A.Amdt.17 and A.Amdt.1 to 17: sport shooting range provisions; S.Amdt.3: exemption for certain political subdivision which requires a 7-day waiting period]  - AB69
Local government regulations - AB75
Local government regulations - SB85
Local government regulations: 1995 WisAct 72 revision re possession on property without owner's consent  - AB994
Milwaukee county circuit court branch designated to handle firearms cases [Sec. 7069; original bill only]  - AB150
Milwaukee county circuit court branch designated to handle firearms cases -  SB175
Private detectives, security persons and alarm contractors, armored transport services and locksmiths: regulations revised; convicted felon exclusions; dangerous weapons provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, provisions expanded to cover service, agency and personnel] - SB597
Private security persons: firearms provisions -  AB115
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: foreign protection order specified, enforcement and penalty provisions, revisions re 1995 WisAct 71] - AB793
Pupil suspension and expulsion: grounds expanded re knife, firearms or explosives [S.Amdt.1: explosives removed, firearm definition revised; A.Amdt.1: knife removed]  - SB113
Refusal to comply with peace officer's attempt to take person into custody: penalty created -  AB276
Right to keep and bear arms created: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR53
Right to keep and bear arms created: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR7
Right to keep and bear arms created: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR11
Sport shooting range responsibilities set; noise and nuisance provisions; users accept associated risks  - AB527
Trigger lock and loaded chamber indicator requirements created - AB504
Trigger lock or cable lock required re transfer of firearms - SB517
Trigger lock required re transfer of firearms -  AB141
Trigger lock required re transfer of firearms -  SB217
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided  - AB146
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided  - SB100
Weapons training or techniques to cause civil disorders: new crime created -  SB629
Fireworks regulation: laws revised -  AB286
Fireworks regulation: laws revised -  SB76
first class countyFirst class county, see Milwaukee county
first responderFirst responder, see Medical service
fish and fishingFish and fishing
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemption re certain trout streams eliminated - AB1062
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemption re certain trout streams eliminated - SB664
Educational hunting, fishing and trapping activities: DNR authority expanded [Sec. 643, 1628; original bill only]  - AB150
Fish and wildlife expenditure from conservation fund: reduction plan required; JCF duties set [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9142 (10h)] - AB150
Fish rearing pond program repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 673b, 1631m] -  AB150
Fishing seasons in urban areas: DNR may establish for certain persons [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR may not designate body of water without agreement of local government] - AB168
Hunting and fishing violation judgments: revocation or suspension of vehicle operating privilege for failure to pay  - AB104
Lower St. Croix river: restrictions re zebra mussels on boats, trailers and equipment; enforcement provisions  - AB1046
Lower St. Croix river: restrictions re zebra mussels on boats, trailers and equipment; enforcement provisions  - SB590
Lutefisk exemption from toxic substance definition: statute repealed -  AB842
Natural resources laws revised re stocking or introduction of fish, spawn or wild animals permit and languages and technical changes in water systems and abandoned container provisions (remedial legislation) -  AB865
Shining rough fish while fishing with bow or crossbow permitted -  SB412
Spearfishing law enforcement unencumbered funds transfer to Wisconsin development reserve fund eliminated [Sec. 710] - AB150
fish and fishing _ commercialFish and fishing — Commercial
Commercial aquaculture: DNR must disapprove high-capacity well withdrawal if adversely affecting  - AB709
Commercial fishing catch quota: DNR to establish formula; fishing boards to make recommendations  - SB457
fish and fishing _ licenseFish and fishing — License
Conservation patron license purchase by nonresidents permitted; wildlife damage surcharge expanded [Sec. 1474, 1556, 1574, 1576, 1589, 1594, 1596-1600, 1602, 1605, 1608, 1609, 1618-1624, 1626, 1631, 9342 (13), 9442 (9); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1589m, 1595m, 1602m, deletes 1589, 1594, 1596-1600, 1602, 9342 (13)] -  AB150
Fish and game approvals requested by mail, telephone or electronic means: handling fees authorized [Sec. 644, 1538, 1603] - AB150