Transportation economic assistance program re improvement of transportation facilities to retain or create jobs: funding increased [A.Sub.Amdt.2: funding increases deleted, DOT may not require repayment if certain conditions apply, referendum provision; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1]  - AB557
WHEDA loan programs revised and replaced with small business development loan guarantee program; fund maintenance ratio modified; certain agricultural loan program repealed; bonding authority limit raised - AB1045
WHEDA loan programs revised and replaced with small business development loan guarantee program; fund maintenance ratio modified; certain agricultural loan program repealed; bonding authority limit raised - SB628
Wisconsin trade project program created; export development loan program deleted [Sec. 508, 512, 6890, 6896, 6897]  - AB150
industrial revenue bondsIndustrial revenue bonds, see Bonds
Agency secretary technical changes [Sec. 105, 133, 188, 2210, 9116 (5), 9126 (19), 9130 (4), 9416 (3), 9426 (16), 9430 (5)] - AB150
Child care economics: laws revised re grant and loan assistance programs, prekindergarten or kindergarten programs, day care center regulations, outdoor play space, location other than first floor and safe and affordable child care for low-income parents; study provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grant and loan assistance programs deleted, affordable child care and study provisions removed, pupil transportation and school board contracts with day care centers added]  - SB540
Child support and paternity programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR [for section numbers and further revisions see entry under ``Family — Support"] - AB150
Contractor work on one- and 2-family dwellings: bond and insurance provisions revised; consumer education requirement [S.Amdt.1: consumer education requirement removed]  - SB387
DILHR renamed Department of industry, labor and job development [Sec. 9130 (4), 9430 (5)] - AB150
DILHR reorganization plan: DOA to submit to JCF for review [Sec. 9130 (7)] -  AB150
Economic support and work programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR; LIEAP transferred to DOA [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Public assistance"] - AB150
Employment and education programs re 1995 WisAct 27: substate boundaries realignment plan modified  - AB676
Employment transit assistance provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Reorganization of state government"] -  AB150
Ethanol in automotive gasoline required -  AB52
Fair employment law proceedings: revisions re costs, attorney fees, frivilous claims or defense and settlement offers  - AB643
Family and medical leave revisions - AB200
Family and medical leave: various revisions -  AB614
Fire fighter training programs: required hours revised -  SB508
Fireworks regulation: laws revised -  AB286
Fireworks regulation: laws revised -  SB76
Gasoline labeling requirement re identity of oxygenate [A.Sub.Amdt.1: reformulated gasoline labeling requirements, DILHR rule-making] -  AB166
Hospital and nursing home plan review duties transferred from DILHR to DHSS [Sec. 819, 3225, 3246, 3660, 9126 (2), 9130 (1), 9426 (2), 9430 (1)] -  AB150
Hours that children may work revised -  AB333
Indigency verification and collection of representation costs: SPD authority expanded [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Public defender"]  - AB150
Job training programs consolidated; Governor's council on workforce excellence created; youth apprenticeship program revisions [Sec. 144, 163-165, 967, 968, 970-972, 3695-3712, 3715, 3758, 4036, 7232, 9130 (5)-(8), 9430 (6); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 9130 (14g), deletes 9130 (8)]  - AB150
Labor and management conference fees: DILHR may award grants to promote positive relations [Sec. 3646, 3647, 9416 (1)] - AB150
Leaking underground storage tank program transferred from DNR and DILHR to DOD [Sec. 653, 993, 3665-3684, 3685, 4326, 4328, 4329, 9142 (6), 9442 (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: memorandum of understanding, county as agent under PECFA, maximum award amounts, 3673p, 3677b, 3680n-t, deletes 653, 3677, 3684] -  AB150
Living wage factor determination by DILHR [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3765m, p] -  AB150
Manufactured home pier installation standards set; DILHR advisory committee membership revised [A.Amdt.1: sunset provided] -  AB510
Migrant labor contractor and camp certification fees [Sec. 3763, 3764] -  AB150
Minors' employment as laboratory assistants permitted in certain cases [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3756m]  - AB150
Mobile and manufactured homes, parks and manufacturers: definitions and regulations revised; DILHR duties modified  - AB720
National and community service board transferred from DOA to DILHR [Sec. 115-117, 146-148, 280-282, 1077, 1082, 1083, 9101 (1), 9430 (2), 9445 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: board membership revision, 148m] -  AB150
Newspaper sales by minors: age revised -  AB273
Newspaper sales by minors: age revised -  SB107
Older American community service employment program transferred from DHSS to DILHR [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2330m, 9126 (27q), 9426 (26q)] - AB150
One day of rest in seven law: revision re manufacture of certain dairy products; voluntary agreement provision; DILHR duties - SB672
Outdoor light fixtures, lamp and bulb regulations created -  AB249
PECFA program revisions re awards, adjacent sites and emergency rule procedures; DNR, Department of commerce and DILHR duties set -  AB1089
Personnel commission reorganized and renamed; LIRC and WERC abolished; duties of various councils transferred [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Employment relations, Department of"; original bill only] - AB150
Petroleum inspection fee: collection authority transferred from DILHR to DOR [Sec. 978, 1114, 1185, 4474-4480, 4482-4495, 9348 (4)] -  AB150
Petroleum testing fees and DILHR authority [Sec. 974, 3648, 3649, 9430 (3)] -  AB150
Plat review duties of DATCP and DILHR transferred to DOD; international agribusiness marketing duties transferred from DATCP to DOD; legislation to be submitted re transfer of consumer protection functions from DOJ to DATCP [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Reorganization of state government"] -  AB150
Plumbing apprenticeship extended - AB921
Plumbing apprenticeship extended [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirement for licensure as journeyman plumber revised] -  SB553
Prevailing wage effective date re 1995 WisAct 215 revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 85m, p] -  SB565
Prevailing wage: method of determining for public works and state highway projects; coverage of certain truck drivers under prevailing wage and hours-of-labor law  - AB313
Prevailing wage rates and hours laws revised re state and local public works projects; coverage of certain truck drivers revised - AB632
Prevailing wage rates and hours laws revised re state and local public works projects; coverage of certain truck drivers revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rule-making and references to DILJD added] -  SB373
Private rehabilitation counseling or training costs under WC: technical change (remedial legislation)  - SB472
Private sewage systems: rules and study provisions [Sec. 9116 (3g)] -  AB150
Radon mitigation: DILHR to set qualifications and procedures for certification -  AB454
Rental unit energy efficiency program eliminated; citation procedure created for enforcing stipulations  - AB962
Rental unit energy efficiency program eliminated; citation procedure created for enforcing stipulations  - SB567
Safety and buildings laws administration and enforcement transferred from DILHR to DOD [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Public safety"]  - AB150
State fire programs interagency coordinating council created, sunset provided; SERB membership and duties revised  - AB746
State minimum wage: DILHR to establish for certain employes based on consumer price index -  AB809
State minimum wage revised; provision re overtime pay for executive, administrative and professional employes  - SB495
Storm water management plan [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4303c-m, 4380m; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: DNR to consult with DOD, 4303cm, deletes 4303c-m, 4380m; S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: duplicates S.Amdt.116 provisions (Senate recedes its position)]  - AB150
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - AB651
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - SB390
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited -  AB580
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited -  SB341
Vocational rehabilitation, Division of, transferred from DHSS to DILHR [Sec. 113, 895, 896, 898-912, 914, 915, 936, 956, 957, 1009-1014, 1758, 1813, 1947, 1950, 1997, 2014, 2023, 2025, 2031, 2270, 2271, 2317, 2350, 2408-2417, 2421, 2422, 2997, 3520, 3744, 3745, 9126 (17), (18), 9426 (15); A.Sub.Amdt.1: vocational rehabilitation report, 2023m, 9126 (17m), 9130 (15g), deletes 2023] -  AB150
WC revisions re general coverage, program administration, hearings and procedures, qualified loss management program, uninsured employers, employes of contractors and compensation amounts -  AB607
WC revisions re general coverage, program administration, hearings and procedures, qualified loss management program, uninsured employers, employes of contractors and compensation amounts -  SB366
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; revisions re enrollee health insurance and restriction on continuing education [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Reorganization of state government"]  - AB150
Background checks re kinship care and licensed and certified day care programs [A.Sub.Amdt.3] - AB591
Child support, Bureau of, and Office of child care transferred from DHFS to DILJD -  AB1067
DILHR renamed Department of industry, labor and job development [Sec. 9130 (4), 9430 (5)] - AB150
Dislocated worker assistance: funding sources modified; revisions re 1995 WisActs 27 and 119 - AB986
Earned income tax credit advance payment [A.Sub.Amdt.3] -  AB591
Electronic benefit transfer system for food stamp and other programs: DHSS to implement; county participation optional [S.Amdt.1: tribal governing bodies included, use of nontraditional retailers (farmers' markets), program not implemented if certain conditions apply; S.Amdt.2: JCF to review]  - SB445
Emergency assistance for families with needy children continued; references to AFDC deleted; DILJD report required [A.Sub.Amdt.3] -  AB591
Employment skills advancement program established; grants provided to low-income working parents; W-2 agency steering committees to seek private funding [A.Sub.Amdt.3]  - AB591
Hearings and appeals, Division of, in DOA: authority to hold administrative hearings for DHFS and DILJD; fee, asset and position transfer provisions -  SB536
Homelessness of W-2 participants: DILJD to maintain statistics [A.Sub.Amdt.3] -  AB591
Prevailing wage effective date re 1995 WisAct 215 revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 85m, p] -  SB565
Prevailing wage rates and hours laws revised re state and local public works projects; coverage of certain truck drivers revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rule-making and references to DILJD added] -  SB373
Sex offender registration requirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, lie detector test program, interagency cooperation, D.N.A. testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state] -  SB182
Welfare fraud hotline: DILJD to establish toll-free telephone number; directory provision -  SB515
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; community steering committee and children's services network required [A.Sub.Amdt.3: contract provision expanded, LAB audit, requirements re refugees or persons with linguistic barriers] - AB591
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; community steering committee and children's services network required - SB359
Wisconsin works agency contracts: notice and assistance to employes re election of county or tribal governing body not to participate [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 46hb]  - SB565