Lieutenant governor, Office of: procedure for nomination of major party candidates changed; multiple partisan nominations provision -  AB1083
Lieutenant governor's office abolished; gubernatorial line of succession amended re Speaker of the assembly: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR57
Lieutenant governor's office: full-time equivalent positions reduced -  SB539
Lobbyist service by former legislators or constitutional officers prohibited for certain period -  SB101
State councils, commissions and boards created or attached to state agencies: review procedure for possible termination [Sec. 9159 (6); A.Sub.Amdt.1: evaluation of certain state bodies for termination, transfer of functions or continuation, legislative findings cited, 77m-p, 1762z, 1775hi, 3849m, 3873m, 5239m, 6611m, 9159 (6f), 9459 (8f), deletes 9159 (6)]  - AB150
limitation of actionLimitation of action
Check tendered but not cashed: court decision codified re statute of limitations -  SB574
Crimes against children: time limit for actions revised -  AB747
Franchise investment law revisions - AB782
Franchise investment law revisions - SB580
limited liability companyLimited liability company, see Corporation
limited service health organization _lsho_Limited service health organization (LSHO), see Medical practice, Group
lincoln countyLincoln county
Circuit court branches: number increased -  SB232
liquefied petroleum gasLiquefied petroleum gas, see Fuel
Adult literacy: advocate and statewide program created [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3858m; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Family literacy advocate and statewide program created [S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: Sec. 48g, 9124 (1q)]  - AB150
Parole consideration for educational achievement eliminated -  AB851
Phonics instruction training re teacher licensure [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3951s; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Phonics instruction training re teacher licensure [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, licensure authority changed to DOE]  - AB237
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; revisions re enrollee health insurance and restriction on continuing education [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Reorganization of state government"]  - AB150
livestock and meatLivestock and meat, see also Animal — Disease; Horses; Poultry
Animals running at large: statutes repealed re prohibitions for certain male animals and damage caused by a ram  - AB842
Calf sales at livestock markets: marking requirement repealed [Sec. 3592; original bill only] - AB150
Calf sales at livestock markets: marking requirement repealed; identification of slaughter calves [A.Amdt.1: identification provision removed] -  AB124
Calf sales at livestock markets: marking requirement repealed; identification of slaughter calves  - SB8
Cattle sale or movement within state: exemption from certain prohibitions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: regulations applied to other animals designated by DATCP, brucellosis testing provisions] - AB22
Commercially raised deer and elk: farm license and venison retailer permit eliminated; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, DATCP authority and dog damage claims [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, bovine tuberculosis testing requirements; A.Amdt.2: fencing specifications expanded]  - SB356
Dairy cow auction: milk testing and certain information disclosure required; livestock market exempt  - AB450
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded -  AB610
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded [S.Amdt.1: deer added; S.Amdt.2: county board to set maximum amount by ordinance; S.Amdt.3: bison removed]  - SB320
Fence construction re owner liability for damage done by horses, sheep and goats -  AB251
Interstate marketing of state-inspected meat: Congress urged to allow (memorial to Congress) -  SJR25
Livestock dealer license: exemption for certain auctioneers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: exemption of certain persons from livestock market requirement added; A.Amdt.1: operation of youth agricultural organization added] -  AB303
Livestock owned by one party and possessed by another: contract requirements created -  AB652
Pregnancy testing of cows: registration, licensing and fee requirements created -  AB58
Semitrailer designed to transport livestock: maximum length limit increased [original bill only]  - AB930
Semitrailer designed to transport livestock: maximum length limit increased -  SB559
Spark gap isolator installation for customers who raise livestock: requirements imposed on public utilities in certain cases - AB725
Synthetic BGH: notification to purchaser re sale of dairy cows  - AB66
living willLiving will, see Death
llamaLlama, see Animal
Campaign contribution from recognized political party: loan provision modified -  AB732
Campaign contribution from recognized political party: loan provision modified -  SB566
Capital access (loan incentive) program created [Sec. 509, 513, 1388, 1740, 1741, 6895, 9126 (1); original bill only]  - AB150
Consumer act and licensed lenders: loan administration fee revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB834
Consumer act revisions re transactions for agricultural purposes and loan origination fees [original bill only]  - AB834
Energy efficiency loans: DOA may award to local units of government -  SB455
Job training loan guarantee program created [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6302j, 6305nr, 6985b; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Job training loan guarantee program created; memorandum of understanding required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: creation of Wisconsin job training reserve fund added, report required]  - AB583
Job training loan guarantee program created; memorandum of understanding required -  SB324
Loan prepayment fee provision - AB787
Loan prepayment fee provision - SB481
State trust fund loan repayment: date and prepayment of principal and accrued interest [Sec. 1375, 1376, 1380-1384, 9301 (2); original bill only] -  AB150
State trust fund loan repayment: date and prepayment of principal and accrued interest -  SB295
State trust loan payment date revised [Sec. 1380-1385; A.Sub.Amdt.1: payment date provision removed, authority transferred from Treasurer to Secretary of administration; deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB150
Wisconsin trade project program created; export development loan program deleted [Sec. 508, 512, 6890, 6896, 6897]  - AB150
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components  - AB591
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components  - SB359
Application fee at U.W. increased; higher education location program created, portion of fee to fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1757g, r, 1775j, 9357 (1g); A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: fee for noninstructional student activities if portion of fee used for lobbying, 1775q, 9353 (2m); A.Amdt.3 to A.Amdt.26: further revision; A.Amdts. 12 and 36 to A.Amdt.26: certain exception provided; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: provisions of A.Amdt.26 deleted] -  AB150
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  AB936
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  SB12
Environmental contamination remediation: restriction on solicitation of funds revised [Sec. 35, 654, 655, 1415, 4350] - AB150
Lobbying fee increases: initial applicability of 1995 WisAct 27 clarified [Sec. 83, 84] -  AB935
Lobbying fee increases: initial applicability of 1995 WisAct 27 clarified [Sec. 83, 84] -  SB565
Lobbying involvement by state public officials: employment by employer receiving revenues from lobbyists or principals prohibited -  AB257
Lobbying laws revised re principal reporting and registration requirements; Ethics board to make information available, fee authorized; DOA support provided - AB918
Lobbying prohibited practices: exemptions for reimbursements or payments revised re a published work, presentation of a talk or participation in a meeting relating to state governmental affairs -  SB259
Lobbyist campaign contribution to a partisan elective state official: application of law broadened; prohibition applied to State superintendent of public instruction  - AB541
Lobbyist service by former legislators or constitutional officers prohibited for certain period -  SB101
Lobbyist service by former legislators prohibited for certain period -  AB24
Lobbyist service by former legislators prohibited for certain period -  AB266
Lobbyist service by legislators prohibited [Assembly rule 21m] - AR3
Principal registration and authorizations and lobbyist licenses: fees adjusted [Sec. 37-41, 9422 (1)]  - AB150
State agency appropriation increase requests and positions of employes on agency policies: laws revised  - AB126
local government pooled_investment fundLocal government pooled-investment fund, see Investment, Government fund