Children riding within truck cargo areas: use of safety belts or child safety restraint systems required [original bill only] - AB252
Direction signal lamps on vehicles: decorative covering restricting light prohibited [A.Amdt.1: reference to ``direction" signal lamps removed; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: exception for original equipment on vehicle at time of manufacture and sale]  - AB773
Flashing amber strobe light on authorized emergency vehicles permitted -  SB442
Green light on fire department command post vehicles permitted [A.Amdt.2: flashing warning lamps re 1995 WisAct 31 revised] - AB534
Ignition interlock device and vehicle immobilization due to revoked operating privilege: time period specified (remedial legislation) -  AB821
Ignition interlock device installation re OWI convictions - AB250
Mudguards on certain vehicles with dump bodies required -  AB543
Passing vehicles on left: audible signal requirement eliminated  - AB754
Radio and sound-producing or amplification devices in motor vehicles: laws revised; vehicle impoundment and owner liability provided; local ordinances authorized; forfeitures doubled for violations [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, horn and vehicle warning device removed] -  AB438
Red and white lights on certain fire department vehicles permitted [S.Amdt.1: use of flashing warning lamps on emergency vehicles; S.Amdt.2: volunteer fire fighters or rescue squad members added] -  AB91
Safety belt use laws: maximum damage recovery reduction for failure to comply increased -  SB458
School bus regulations: white strobe light placement and age for operator's annual physical exam - AB896
School bus: seat belt or child safety restraint systems required for certain vehicles -  SB659
Side reflectors on certain trailers required -  AB447
Vehicle ID numbers altered or obliterated: seizure of vehicle or parts by law enforcement officer revised  - AB1032
Vehicle ID numbers altered or obliterated: seizure of vehicle or parts by law enforcement officer revised  - SB618
Vehicle lamp lighting requirements expanded re windshield wiper operation -  AB163
Waste tires: tire fee deposited into environmental fund; study of environmental contamination at salvage operations and scrap yards [Sec. 649-652, 1408, 1416, 4415, 6411, 9142 (2), 9242 (1); original bill only] -  AB150
White light on police vehicles permitted; use limited -  SB365
motor vehicle _ parkingMotor vehicle — Parking
Immobilization device use authorized in certain multiple nonmoving traffic violations -  AB506
Immobilization device used to enforce parking restrictions: local ordinance permitted under certain conditions [A.Amdt.1: authority expanded to include U.W. system chancellors; A.Amdt.2: parking enforcer license required]  - AB748
Immobilization of motor vehicle with certain device: owner or lessee of public or private property prohibited from use - AB310
Parking privileges for disabled persons: medical certification procedure revised -  AB186
Parking privileges for disabled persons: renewal procedure revised -  AB5
Parking spaces for disabled persons: authority to report unauthorized use expanded; photograph provision  - AB803
Reckless driving, OWI and duties of person involved in an accident: applicable premises expanded [A.Amdt.4: rules of the road exemptions for private parking areas at farms or single-family residences] -  AB283
Special license plates granting parking privileges for the physically disabled: personalization permitted  - AB756
Vehicle pamphleting restrictions: approval requirement removed for placing educational materials about handicapped parking privileges -  AB497
Abandoned stolen vehicles: owner made responsible for impoundment and disposal costs -  AB204
Adult school crossing guards: equipment to signal traffic stop revised -  AB302
Agricultural machinery operated on highway: youthful operator prohibition penalty delayed -  AB993
ATV operation on highway for access to residence, lodging establishment, campground or trail permitted  - AB1052
Bicycle operation by law enforcement officer: emergency vehicle definition expanded to include  - AB233
Bicycle operation by law enforcement officer: emergency vehicle definition expanded to include  - SB118
Bulletproof garments for traffic officers or motor vehicle inspectors: Secretary of transportation required to supply upon request - SB631
Driver improvement surcharge increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 950m, 6416c, d, 9326 (25g); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: operating privilege suspended for failure to pay, 2032m, 6412cnj-cnL, 6416e, g, 7141bg, bh] -  AB150
Emergency vehicle right-of-way: owner liability for failure to yield -  AB61
Emission limitations and inspection program for motor vehicles: weight exemption revised -  AB846
Emission reduction credit fees [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 648h, 4316g] -  AB150
EMS: additional traffic violation surcharge imposed; distribution of funds required -  AB348
Farm trucks exempted from motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program [A.Amdt.1: sunset provided]  - AB825
Farm trucks exempted from motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program -  SB507
Fire department or patrol vehicle backing into station: motorists required to stop; liability imposed on owners [A.Amdt.1: ``authorized emergency vehicle" substituted for ``fire truck" and ``fire department or fire patrol vehicle"]  - AB827
Motor vehicle inspectors classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB99
Motor vehicle inspectors classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB27
Motor vehicle, boating, ATV and snowmobiling laws revised re hit and run, repeat offender and OWI  - AB796
Motor vehicles used to enforce state or local traffic laws: Wisconsin registration plates required; exceptions provided - AB795
Passing vehicles on left: audible signal requirement eliminated  - AB754
Police vehicle traffic speed monitoring devices or video equipment exempt from restrictions re obstruction of operator's view - AB956
Radio and sound-producing or amplification devices in motor vehicles: laws revised; vehicle impoundment and owner liability provided; local ordinances authorized; forfeitures doubled for violations [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, horn and vehicle warning device removed] -  AB438
Reckless driving, OWI and duties of person involved in an accident: applicable premises expanded [A.Amdt.4: rules of the road exemptions for private parking areas at farms or single-family residences] -  AB283
Snowmobile operation on roadway for purposes of personal access -  AB133
Snowmobile operation on roadway for purposes of personal access [A.Sub.Amdt.2: access expanded re lodging establishment, campground or residential access]  - AB445
Snowplow operation: political subdivision not liable for damage; following too closely prohibited  - AB485
Taxicab used to transport prepared foods: permit exemption created -  SB327
Traffic and municipal violations: DOR authorized to offset unpaid judgements against income tax refunds  - AB342
Traffic felonies by child 16 years or older: exclusive jurisdiction granted to juvenile courts -  AB178
Traffic regulation cases requiring forfeiture: appeals limited -  AB465
Uniform traffic citation and accident records: DOT permitted to furnish on computer tape or other electronic media; contract for pilot program required [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-557] [Conf.Amdt.1: pilot program made permissive]  - AB557
Vehicle lamp lighting requirements expanded re windshield wiper operation -  AB163
Vehicle regulations revised re fraudulent or unlawful evidence of registration, altering appearance of license plate and vehicle operation with suspended, revoked or canceled registration - SB221
Vehicle regulations revised re fraudulent or unlawful evidence of registration and vehicle operation with suspended, revoked or canceled registration [A.Sub.Amdt.1: fraud offenses involving evidence of registration and operation with suspended, revoked or canceled registration] - AB312
Vehicles failing to stop at railroad crossing: forfeiture increased  - AB905
Vehicles failing to stop at railroad crossing: forfeiture increased  - SB598
Vehicles transporting bulk materials: load cover requirements; exception provided -  AB135
Vehicles transporting bulk materials: load cover requirements; exception provided -  SB41
Vehicles transporting bulk materials: load cover requirements; exception provided -  SB59
Zero emission vehicles: delivery for sale in this state required - SB139
motor vehicle _ regulation _ speedMotor vehicle — Regulation — Speed
Boating laws revised re intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety certificates, operation by minors, speed limits, corrective lenses, night operation, personal watercraft and water skiing; DNR to promulgate model ordinance for local regulation of inland lakes -  AB439
Motorboat speed prohibitions extended to certain lakes -  AB468
Photo radar speed detection equipment: use prohibited -  AB388
Photo radar speed detection equipment: use prohibited [Conf.Amdt.1] -  AB557
Police vehicle exceeding the speed limit: exemption from giving visual and audible signals expanded  - SB587
Police vehicle traffic speed monitoring devices or video equipment exempt from restrictions re obstruction of operator's view - AB956
Radar detector and detection jamming device: sale and use for motor vehicles prohibited -  AB700
Road maintenance or construction zone speeding violations: penalty enhanced -  AB98
Road maintenance or construction zone speeding violations: penalty enhanced -  SB2
Road maintenance or construction zone speeding violations: penalty enhanced -  SB48
Speed limit maximum on certain state trunk highways: effective date re 1995 WisAct 318 repealed (remedial legislation) [S.Amdt.1] -  AB821
Speed limit maximum raised on certain freeways and expressways -  AB641
Speed limit maximum revised re freeways without federal limit; provisions re no posted traffic sign and hours of darkness - AB618