Milwaukee parental choice program revisions [Sec. 3442, 4002-4008, 4103, 9345 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DOR duty removed, LAB evaluation audit required, 4006m, 4007m, r, 4008e-s, 4040x, 4046m, 4105m, 9145 (12x), 9345 (1x), deletes 3442, 4006-4008, 4103, 9345 (1)]  - AB150
Minority undergraduate grants and minority teacher loan program revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 558m, q, r, 612m, 1772m, 1893m, 1894m, 1934g, m; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: provision re undergraduate in eligible private institution, 9127 (1et)] - AB150
PECFA expanded re heating oil tanks in buildings used for religious worship or buildings serving nonprofit private schools - AB563
PECFA expanded re heating oil tanks in buildings used for religious worship or buildings serving nonprofit private schools - SB43
Tobacco use and smoking in school zone prohibited; exemption and violator detention provisions - AB798
U.S. flag displayed and pledge of allegiance or national anthem offered in public and private schools: requirements revised - AB667
Absconding from parole: penalty provided -  AB270
Absconding from parole: penalty provided -  SB363
Community service work performed by probationers and parolees; authority extended to DOC - AB367
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for certain first-degree intentional homicide crimes; parole eligibility revised - AB298
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for certain first-degree intentional homicide crimes; parole eligibility revised - AB352
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for first-degree intentional homicide crimes; parole restriced  - AB937
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for first-degree intentional homicide of a child; parole eligibility revised - SB1
D.N.A. testing of sexual assault offenders convicted in another state and serving probation or parole in Wisconsin required - AB942
Felonies committed with firearms: mandatory minimum sentence; parole and probation restricted  - AB86
Felony offenders: life imprisonment without possibility of parole for violators with one or more previous convictions - SB57
Inmate transfer to county or tribal jail: reimbursement by DOC to county revised; cost defined - AB371
Juvenile justice code created - AB130
Juvenile justice code created - SB77
Juvenile justice code revisions - SB624
Life imprisonment without parole [Sec. 6398, 6404, 6407, 7248, 7254; original bill only] -  AB150
Life imprisonment without parole -  AB167
Life imprisonment without parole -  SB53
Life imprisonment without parole -  SB176
Parole commission: PR-S appropriation [Sec. 791] -  AB150
Parole consideration for educational achievement eliminated -  AB851
Parole eligibility revisions re first-time serious felony offenders and persons serving life sentence - AB192
Parole eligibility revisions re serious felony offenders and persons serving life sentence -  SB668
Probation and parole holds by counties: reimbursement revised [Sec. 6368, 9312 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 6367x, 6368c, deletes 6368] -  AB150
Probation and parole officers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB19
Probation and parole officers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB426
Probation and parole officers, teachers and librarians at certain facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB287
Probation and parole revocation hearing: SPD representation prohibited [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2435t, 2437r, 2442r-v, 2445g, 2448b, 7268b-y, 9344 (5g)-(5m); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: restriction re certain juvenile cases, 7268c] - AB150
Probation and parole supervision: DOC may contract for [Sec. 6359, 9412 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: effective date removed, deletes 9412 (3)] -  AB150
Probationer and parolee administrative and minimum supervision: system revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 783t, 6407x, 9112 (3x)] -  AB150
Probationer and parolee supervision and services: reimbursement fee created [Sec. 6408; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 783v, 9112 (3g); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: adds 783sg]  - AB150
Security officers at Wisconsin national guard facilities, probation and parole officers and county jailers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - SB428
Sex offender registration requirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, lie detector test program, interagency cooperation, D.N.A. testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state] -  SB182
Sexual assault of a child: mandatory sentence without possibility of parole -  AB123
Sexual assault: penalties and parole eligibility revised for certain serious crimes -  SB253
Sexual crimes against children: court may order pharmacological treatment as condition of probation or parole for serious offenders -  AB594
Shared revenue use by counties re probation or parole holds and property tax levies [Sec. 3510, 9359 (2); original bill only] - AB150
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; revisions re enrollee health insurance and restriction on continuing education [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Reorganization of state government"]  - AB150
patient_s compensation fundPatient's compensation fund, see Medical malpractice
pecfa _petroleum storage environmental cleanup program_PECFA (Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program), see Petroleum
peeping _looking_ into buildingPeeping (looking) into building, see Trespass
pepper sprayPepper spray, see Public safety
per diemPer diem, see specific subject
performing rights societyPerforming rights society, see Copyright
personal propertyPersonal property
Commercial equipment or technology donations to certain schools: civil immunity exemption [S.Sub.Amdt.1: ``donate" changed to ``give"; A.Amdt.1: does not apply to manufacturer] - SB50
Lease-purchase agreement regulations created; Division of banking to administer -  AB715
Lost money or goods: return procedure revised -  AB256
Sheriff's fees increased re inventory of seized property -  AB946
Sheriff's fees increased re inventory of seized property -  SB524
Unclaimed money of a defendant: municipality may use for unpaid forfeitures [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4496t, 7141d, 9310 (7f)] -  AB150
Used home furnishing purchases by antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created -  SB234
personal property _ taxationPersonal property — Taxation, see Property tax
personal watercraftPersonal watercraft, see Boat
personnel recordPersonnel record, see Employment
pesticidePesticide, see Pests
Atrazine distribution, sale or use prohibited -  SB305
Commercial pesticide certification and licensing fee revisions [Sec. 1417, 3572-3574, 9404 (4)] - AB150
Pesticide application to railroad right-of-way: advance notice requirement created -  AB763
Pesticide license fees: industrial category created; agricultural chemical clean-up reimbursement and management fund fees revised -  SB555
Pesticide license fees: industrial category created; certain fees deposited in agrichemical management fund reduced  - AB869
Pesticide regulation and rules approval re groundwater contamination -  SB305
peterson, elmer cPeterson, Elmer C.
Life and public service - SJR8
AB-150, executive budget bill, opposed -  SP10
AB-150 provisions which delete adult summer school program for the blind in Janesville opposed  - SP11
AB-333, hours that children may work: public hearing supported -  AP8
CIP-1A reductions in budget bill for state centers for developmentally disabled opposed -  SP9
Dental examining board rule changes re dental procedures by other than dentist or dental hygienist opposed  - SP6
DPI restructuring, vote for State superintendent and revision of local control of schools -  SP3
Firearms law re citizen permitted to carry concealed weapons supported -  SP16
Firearms law re citizen permitted to carry concealed weapons supported -  SP18