Military longevity pay and disability compensation benefits: President and Congress urged to enact legislation to require concurrent receipt of -  SJR40
National Native American Vietnam veterans memorial at The Highground: Congress and President urged to confer national monument status -  SJR54
Nuclear fuel: President and Congress urged to develop federal repository and accept civilian waste  - SJR45
Project ELF transmitter: closing recommended -  AJR28
State sovereignty proclaimed - AJR4
State sovereignty proclaimed - SJR18
united states _ social security administrationUnited States — Social security administration
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components  - AB591
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components  - SB359
university of wisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin
Administrative reductions report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9157 (8g)] -  AB150
Area health education centers: U.W. system and Medical college of Wisconsin, inc. to provide grants  - AB1061
Area health education centers: U.W. system and Medical college of Wisconsin, inc. to provide grants  - SB635
COP reimbursement limitation exceptions expanded re enrollment in certain institutions of higher education  - AB977
Departmental efficiency savings report [Sec. 9104 (5), 9105 (2), 9126 (24), 9136 (2), 9145 (7), 9157 (5); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, report approval procedure modified, 9126 (24x), deletes 9126 (24)] -  AB150
Environmental education board transferred from DOE to the U.W. system; grant funding provision  - AB917
Fall semester at U.W. and technical colleges: commencement of  - AB89
Fall semester at U.W. and technical colleges: commencement of  - SB16
Law enforcement collective bargaining unit created for certain employes of DOA, DOT and U.W. system  - AB344
U.W. credit transfer between centers and institutions within U.W. system -  AB74
Veteran enrollment at U.W. system: admission ensured in certain cases; probationary status provided  - AB147
university of wisconsin _ athleticsUniversity of Wisconsin — Athletics
Complimentary tickets policy revised [Sec. 1777] -  AB150
Contact sports activities: liability standards for participants revised -  AB628
Locker room access: written policies re certain schools and professional athletic teams -  AB226
McClain indoor practice facility: appropriation eliminated [Sec. 614] -  AB150
Nonincome sports appropriation revised; funds use for debt service on any sports-related facility authorized [Sec. 613] - AB150
Segregated student fee for athletics repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 612p] -  AB150
U.W. Madison women's basketball: 1995-96 team commended -  AJR94
Cigarette and tobacco product use: U.W. Regents authorized to prohibit on property under its jurisdiction  - SB518
Dormitory: U.W. prohibited from requiring students to reside in  - AB279
university of wisconsin _ college of agricultural and life sciencesUniversity of Wisconsin — College of agricultural and life sciences
Agricultural assistance provided by U.W. and technical college system: DOD to study and make recommendations for improvement [Sec. 9116 (3); original bill only]  - AB150
Agricultural assistance provided by U.W. and technical college system: DOD to study and make recommendations for improvement -  SB172
Agricultural technology and family farm programs at U.W. Madison [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec.1775hd, hf]  - AB150
Medical school tuition based on resident student financial need: Regents to set standards and methodology; report to JCF [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1775m, p, 9157 (9g); deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.26: 1775m restored; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150]  - AB150
U.W. system reports re family practice medicine, solid waste research and integrated agriculture program  - AB205
Wisconsin institute of family medicine: summer externship program funding -  AB9
Wisconsin institute of family medicine: summer externship program funding -  SB439
university of wisconsin _ coursesUniversity of Wisconsin — Courses
Commercial equipment or technology donations to certain schools: civil immunity exemption [S.Sub.Amdt.1: ``donate" changed to ``give"; A.Amdt.1: does not apply to manufacturer] - SB50
Doctoral programs of U.W. Madison commended -  AJR63
Doctoral programs of U.W. Madison commended -  SJR42
Ethnic studies courses at U.W. system: evaluation of -  AB19
Graduate and undergraduate programs at U.W. Eau Claire commended -  AJR68
Laboratory modernization appropriations: sunset eliminated [Sec. 602, 609, 610] -  AB150
Prisoner payment of postsecondary educational fees required -  AB624
U.W. credit transfer between centers and institutions within U.W. system -  AB74
university of wisconsin _ eau claireUniversity of Wisconsin — Eau Claire
Graduate and undergraduate programs at U.W. Eau Claire commended -  AJR68
university of wisconsin _ employeUniversity of Wisconsin — Employe
State employment labor relations act covering certain employes: arbitration, dispute settlement procedure and subjects of bargaining -  AB361
U.W. system faculty and academic staff: employment relations act to cover -  AB925
U.W. system reports re surplus land, positions funded from certain revenues and plan to integrate land information  - AB435
university of wisconsin _ facultyUniversity of Wisconsin — Faculty
Doctoral programs of U.W. Madison commended -  AJR63
Doctoral programs of U.W. Madison commended -  SJR42
Graduate and undergraduate programs at U.W. Eau Claire commended -  AJR68
Remington, Frank: life and public service -  AJR85
U.W. report on use of base revenues and staff vacancies: requirement repealed [Sec. 1778] -  AB150
U.W. system faculty and academic staff: employment relations act to cover -  AB925
university of wisconsin _ financeUniversity of Wisconsin — Finance
Contingent funds provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 611g, 9457 (3g)] -  AB150
Storm water grants for U.W. system [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4300e] -  AB150
U.W. auxiliary expenses and general operations; report on expenditures [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 294g, 605g, r, 611m, 1762g] - AB150
U.W. contingent funds use for miscellaneous expenses: DOA to approve [Sec. 611; original bill only]  - AB150
U.W. report on use of base revenues and staff vacancies: requirement repealed [Sec. 1778] -  AB150
U.W. system student fees: funding for debt service on union facility permitted; noninstructional activity fee made optional, negative option billing prohibited  - AB778
university of wisconsin _ la crosseUniversity of Wisconsin — La Crosse
U.W. La Crosse: 1995 football team commended -  AJR75
university of wisconsin _ madisonUniversity of Wisconsin — Madison
Area health education center at U.W. Madison: funding provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 600m, 1775k] - AB150
Doctoral programs of U.W. Madison commended -  AJR63
Doctoral programs of U.W. Madison commended -  SJR42
Hanson, Ralph: life and public service -  AJR81
Herbarium at U.W. Madison maintained as ``Wisconsin State Herbarium" -  SB160
Information technology restructuring; optical imaging provisions; study of mainframe computer services at U.W. Madison [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 14g, 31g-j, 32m, 33g, h, 41p, 288r, 359m, 412g, r, 413e-s, 414g, 416m, 467m, 1050o, 1079b, 1755p, 1762w-y, 7095m, 9101 (21g)-(21i), 9119 (1t), 9130 (14t), 9131 (1t), 9157 (2at), 9301 (4g); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: deletes 359m] -  AB150
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification - AB1072
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification - SB651
U.W. Madison women's basketball: 1995-96 team commended -  AJR94
university of wisconsin _ milwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin — Milwaukee
U.W. Milwaukee program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification -  AB1073