29.599 29.599 Law enforcement aid program; spearfishing.
29.599(1)(1)Definitions. As used in this section:
29.599(1)(a) (a) "Additional law enforcement services" means an extraordinary type or level of service which is not normally provided or budgeted for by a law enforcement agency.
29.599(1)(p) (p) "Municipality" means any city, village or town.
29.599(1)(t) (t) "Spearfishing" means a method of taking fish which is authorized by an agreement negotiated between the state and the members of federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands domiciled in Wisconsin relating to the tribes' or bands' treaty-based, off-reservation rights to hunt, fish and gather.
29.599(2) (2)Participating county or municipality. In order to be eligible to receive reimbursement from the department for costs incurred on or after August 1, 1987, by law enforcement agencies in response to members of federally recognized American Indian tribes exercising or attempting to exercise their right to engage in spearfishing, a county or municipality must do all of the following:
29.599(2)(b) (b) Daily records. Maintain daily records of any costs for additional law enforcement services incurred by law enforcement agencies that are directly related to spearfishing and make the daily records available, upon request, to the department for inspection at periodic times during normal business hours.
29.599(2)(c) (c) Filing of application. File an application for aid with the department by July 1 of the calendar year in which additional law enforcement services are provided, specifying all of the following:
29.599(2)(c)1. 1. The names and salaries of the officials who provided additional law enforcement services during the spearfishing season.
29.599(2)(c)2. 2. The number of hours worked by the persons under subd. 1.
29.599(2)(c)3. 3. Any other costs, as specified by the department, incurred by the county or municipality that are directly attributable to providing additional law enforcement services during the spearfishing season.
29.599(2)(c)4. 4. Any other information requested by the department.
29.599(2)(cm) (cm) Amended claims. A county or municipality that has filed an application for aid under par. (c) by July 1 of a calendar year in which additional law enforcement services are provided may amend that application before August 1 of that calendar year.
29.599(4) (4)Aid payments.
29.599(4)(a)(a) Costs reimbursed. Except as provided under par. (c), the department may pay each participating county or municipality up to 100% of the county's or municipality's actual costs that are directly attributable to providing additional law enforcement services during the spearfishing season. The department shall make any aid payments from the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (ea) by September 30 of the calendar year in which the county or municipality files an application under sub. (2) (c). The department may not make an aid payment unless the payment is approved by the secretary of administration.
29.599(4)(c) (c) Prorated payments allowed. If the total amount of reimbursable costs under par. (a) exceeds the amount available for payments under s. 20.370 (5) (ea), the department may prorate payments to participating counties and municipalities.
29.599 History History: 1987 a. 27, 399, 418; 1989 a. 31, 56, 336; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 16; 1995 a. 27.
29.60 29.60 Use of poison and explosives; pole traps.
29.60(1)(1) Except as provided by s. 29.29 (4) it shall be unlawful to use baits containing poison of any description in any forests, fields or other places where it might destroy or cause the destruction of wild animals or birds, and the possession of any such poison or poison baits in a hunting or trapping camp or on any person while hunting or trapping shall be prima facie evidence of a violation hereof.
29.60(2) (2) Except as provided in sub. (3), no person may take, capture or kill or attempt to take, capture or kill any wild animal with the aid of any explosive or poison gas, or set any explosive near or on any beaver or muskrat houses. Possession or control of an explosive or a poison gas in places described in sub. (1) is prima facie evidence of intent to violate this subsection. Any person who violates this subsection shall be fined not more than $300 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
29.60(2m) (2m) It shall be unlawful to take, capture or kill or attempt to take, capture or kill any bird by setting or operating any trap or device designed, built or used to capture birds on a pole, post, tree stump or any other elevated perch more than 3 feet above the ground.
29.60(3) (3) Nothing in this chapter may prevent the department or a person authorized under s. 29.59 from using an explosive or having an explosive near a beaver house or a beaver dam for the purpose of removing a beaver dam or a vacated beaver house when the beavers are causing damage to property.
29.605 29.605 Giving away of predatory animals to public zoos.
29.605(1)(1) It is lawful for the department to give, present, or turn over alive, for educational purposes, to any bona fide public zoo any predatory animal.
29.605(2) (2) Any predatory animal that has been given to, presented, or turned over to any bona fide public zoo under this section shall not be sold, bartered or given away by such zoo in any manner except that such animal may be returned to the department.
29.62 29.62 Removal of injurious rough fish.
29.62(1) (1) The department may take rough fish by means of seines, nets or other devices, or cause rough fish to be taken, from any of the waters of this state.
29.62(3) (3) Whenever the department takes rough fish under this section it shall dispose of the same as the department shall direct.
29.62 History History: 1971 c. 266; 1977 c. 418.
29.623 29.623 Control of detrimental fish. When the department finds that any species of fish is detrimental to any of the waters of the state it may, by rule, designate such species of fish and specify the waters in which such fish are found to be detrimental. Thereupon the department may remove such fish from the waters specified or cause them to be removed therefrom.
29.623 History History: 1975 c. 360.
29.625 29.625 Permit to take rough fish.
29.625(1) (1) Permission may be granted to any person by the department upon such terms and conditions as it may require to take carp and other undesirable rough fish, which are detrimental to game fish in the following bays or harbors in Door county, namely: Sturgeon Bay, Little Sturgeon Bay, Riley's bay, Egg harbor, Fish creek harbor, Eagle harbor, Bailey's harbor, Mud bay, North bay, Rowley's bay, and Washington harbor, Jackson harbor and Detroit harbor in Washington Island.
29.625(2) (2) A person having a contract to take rough fish under s. 29.62 or this section may be authorized by the department to erect and maintain a temporary pond in any navigable water pending the sale of such fish, provided that such pond does not unreasonably interfere with navigation or other public rights in such water.
29.625 History History: 1981 c. 390 s. 252.
29.626 29.626 Trespass on riparian land. In an action against a person for damages sustained from trespassing on lands bordering streams stocked by the consent of owner of such lands, with fish received from a state hatchery, where such damage shall exceed $2, the trespasser shall be liable for double the amount of such damage and all the taxable costs; and where the damage sustained is $2 or less the trespasser shall be liable for the amount of such damage and the costs not to exceed the amount of the damage.
29.64 29.64 Resisting a warden. Any person who assaults or otherwise resists or obstructs any warden in the performance of duty shall be subject to the penalty specified in s. 939.51 (3) (a).
29.64 History History: 1975 c. 365, 421; 1979 c. 34; 1981 c. 20; 1993 a. 137.
29.641 29.641 False impersonation of warden. Any person who falsely represents himself or herself to be a warden or who assumes to act as a warden without having been first duly appointed shall be subject to the penalty specified in s. 939.51 (3) (a).
29.641 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1979 c. 34; 1981 c. 20; 1993 a. 137.
29.642 29.642 Incorrect information.
29.642(1) (1) Any person who provides incorrect information and thereby obtains an approval issued under this chapter to which the person is not entitled:
29.642(1)(a) (a) Shall forfeit not more than $200; and
29.642(1)(c) (c) Shall pay a natural resources restitution payment equal to the amount of the statutory fee for the approval which was required and should have been obtained.
29.642(2) (2) Any person who obtains any approval under this chapter during the period of time when that approval is revoked by any court shall be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both.
29.6425 29.6425 Prohibitions during periods of suspension or revocation.
29.6425(1)(1) Any person who was issued an approval under this chapter that has been revoked or suspended by a court and who engages in the activity authorized by the approval during the period of revocation or suspension is subject to the following penalties, in addition to any other penalty imposed for failure to have the approval:
29.6425(1)(a) (a) For the first conviction, the person shall forfeit not less than $300 nor more than $500.
29.6425(1)(b) (b) If the number of convictions in a 5-year period equals 2 or more, the person shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000.
29.6425(2) (2) The 5-year period under sub. (1) (b) shall be measured from the dates of the violations which resulted in the convictions.
29.6425 History History: 1993 a. 137.
29.643 29.643 Changing approval. Any person who changes or alters, in any manner, or enters other than the correct date of issuance on any approval:
29.643(1) (1) Shall be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both; and
29.643(3) (3) Shall pay a natural resources restitution payment equal to the statutory fee for the approval which was required and should have been obtained.
29.643 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1979 c. 34; 1981 c. 20; 1983 a. 27.
29.644 29.644 Breaking seals of department. Any person who breaks, removes or interferes with any seal or tag attached to any animal, carcass, article or other thing by the department, or who meddles or interferes with any animal, carcass, article or other thing with such seal or tag attached, or who counterfeits any such seal or tag, attached or unattached, shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both.
29.644 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1979 c. 34; 1981 c. 20.
29.645 29.645 Larceny of game. A person who, without permission of the owner, molests, disturbs or appropriates any wild animal or its carcass that has been lawfully reduced to possession by another shall forfeit not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,000. This section does not apply to farm-raised deer.
29.645 History History: 1993 a. 137; 1995 a. 79.
29.65 29.65 Civil actions for damages caused by law violations.
29.65(1)(1) The department may bring a civil action in the name of the state for the recovery of damages against any person unlawfully killing, wounding, catching, taking, trapping, or having unlawfully in possession any of the following named protected wild animals, birds, or fish, or any part of an animal, bird or fish, and the sum assessed for damages for each wild animal, bird, or fish shall be not less than the amount stated in this section:
29.65(1)(a) (a) Any endangered species protected under s. 29.415 and rules promulgated under s. 29.415, $875.
29.65(1)(b) (b) Any moose, elk, fisher, prairie chicken or sand hill crane, $262.50.
29.65(1)(c) (c) Any deer, bear, wild turkey or wild swan, $175.
29.65(1)(d) (d) Any bobcat (wildcat), fox, beaver or otter, $87.50.
29.65(1)(e) (e) Any coyote, raccoon or mink, $43.75.
29.65(1)(f) (f) Any sharp-tailed grouse, ruffed grouse, spruce hen, wild duck, coot, wild goose or brant, $26.25.
29.65(1)(g) (g) Any pheasant, Hungarian partridge, quail, rail, Wilson's snipe, woodcock or shore bird, or protected song bird or harmless bird, $17.50.
29.65(1)(h) (h) Any muskrat, rabbit or squirrel, $8.75.
29.65(1)(i) (i) Any muskellunge or rock or lake sturgeon, $43.75.
29.65(1)(j) (j) Any largemouth or smallmouth bass, $26.25.
29.65(1)(k) (k) Any brook, rainbow, brown, or steel head trout, $26.25.
29.65(1)(L) (L) Any walleye pike, northern pike, or any other game fish not mentioned in pars. (i) to (k), $8.75.
29.65(1)(m) (m) Any game or fur-bearing animal or bird not mentioned in pars. (b) to (h), $17.50.
29.65(2) (2) Any damages recovered in such action shall be paid into the state conservation fund and disbursed therefrom by the department. The costs of such action in case of a judgment in favor of the defendant shall be paid out of the conservation fund.
29.65(3) (3) A civil action brought under this section shall be a bar to a criminal prosecution for the same offense and any criminal prosecution for any offense chargeable under this section shall be a bar to a civil action brought under this section.
29.65 Annotation The civil remedy is coextensive with the criminal sanctions of the chapter, and since the chapter does not prohibit killing fish by opening a dam unlawfully, there is no civil remedy. Dept. of Natural Resources v. Clintonville, 53 W (2d) 1, 191 NW (2d) 866.
29.65 Annotation State may recover "civil redress" damages under this section as well as prosecute perpetrator for underlying violation punishable only by civil forfeiture. State v. Denk, 117 W (2d) 432, 345 NW (2d) 66 (Ct. App. 1984).
29.65 Annotation When a criminal action is brought for a violation of ch. 94, prohibiting deposit of pesticides in public waters of the state, such proceeding is not barred by a civil action to recover the statutory value of fish killed by such pesticides. 62 Atty. Gen. 130.
29.99 29.99 General penalty provisions. Any person who, for himself or herself, or by his or her agent, servant, or employe, or who, as agent, servant, or employe for another, violates this chapter shall be punished, respectively, as follows:
29.99(1) (1)
29.99(1)(a)(a) For the violation of any requirement of this chapter relating to fishing or fish dealing, or rules promulgated under this chapter relating to fishing or fish dealing, by a forfeiture of not more than $1,000 except as provided under pars. (b) and (c) and sub. (5m).
29.99(1)(b) (b) For having fish in his or her possession in violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under it and the value of the fish under par. (d) exceeds $300 but does not exceed $1,000, by a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days or both.
29.99(1)(c) (c) For having fish in his or her possession in violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under it and the value of the fish under par. (d) exceeds $1,000, by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 2 years or both.
29.99(1)(d) (d) Salmon, trout and noncommercial game fish shall be valued for the purposes of pars. (b) and (c) on a per fish basis according to the dollar amounts specified under s. 29.65 (1) (a) and (i) to (L). Other species of commercial fish shall be valued on a per fish basis according to the current average wholesale value. In this paragraph, "average wholesale value" means the average price received by producers on the date of the violation for fish in the form of the violative fish.
29.99(1)(e) (e) Any person holding an approval issued under this chapter, upon his or her 2nd conviction within a 3-year period for violations of this chapter or rules promulgated under it relating to possessing illegal fish, fishing with illegal gear, fishing in closed areas or refuges, fishing during a closed season, violation of quota fisheries or false reporting shall have all of his or her fishing and fish dealing licenses revoked and no fishing or fish dealing license may be issued to the person for at least one year after the date of conviction. During the period of revocation for 2 convictions under pars. (b) or (c) or a combination of 2 convictions under pars. (b) and (c), the person may not engage in fishing on the water or ice in any manner, operate or assist in the operation of fishing gear or engage in sale or transportation of fish. Any person holding a license under s. 29.33 (1) who has that license revoked under this paragraph, may apply for that license for that part of the license year following the period of revocation which is at least one year after the date of conviction and the department shall issue that license if all licensing criteria are met. The revoked license may not be issued to another person during the period of revocation.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?